The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-22, Page 10DUNGANNON
Doug .Zehr, Student Pastor
Phone 529-7751
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. "Servitg Christ?" '
St, Helens U.C.
The. St, Helens United. Church
,Women met on , September 14, at
the home of Mrs, Simon de Boer,
Lucknow, with eleven ladies and
one child present. Miss Isabel
Miller opened the meeting and
hymn 502 was sung. Mrs. de Boer
accompanied on the organ.
Mrs. 'Gordon McPherson read
the scripture and. Isobel Miller the
meditation. Mrs. Tom Todd read a
poem "Being Busy", and Miss W.
D. Rutherford read an article, "A
Canadian Summer". Mrs. Don
Cameron read, "Celebrating Mis-
sion To-day," and hymn 378 was
, sung.
Mrs. Albert Cook had the topic
"Medical Work in Canada". This
was very interesting as Dr. Donald '
Watt's work was discussed and
many knew him. This was followed
by a discussion on which is more
important "Recruitment or Mon-
ey". -
Mrs. Gordon McPherson was in
charge of the business and gave the
financial report. The Regional
meeting is to be in Calvin Church,
St. Helens on Wednesday, Septem-
ber 29th at 7.00 pail. The theme is
to be "Misson of Love". The St.
Helens ladies have received an
invitation to a meeting in St.
Augustine, on September 20th.
Plans were Inide. fOr the October
Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Worship Service
7:30 p.m. Evening Service
Midweek Prayer Service '
Wednesday at 8 o'clock
C.A. (Yourig PeOple)
Friday at 8:00 p.m.
APP .. AP 41. 40.
Presbyterian C.Isurth
**v. Glenn Noble, BA., B.D.
Phone 528-2740
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. morning Worship
St. Paul's, Ripley 9:00 a.m.
St. John's, Bervie 10:30 a.m.
The Ascension, Kinlough
12:00 noon
Show Slides On
East Coast Trip
Ashfield Women's Missionary
Society ladies were welcomed .to
the, home of Mrs. Doug Martyn for '
their September* meeting. Mrs.
Stuart MacLennan had the call to
worship followed by hymn 282..
The yy m s Purpose was re-
peated in unison. The devotional
taken from Hebrew 11, a reading
"The Undiscovered Country'', fol-
lowed by, prayer were .given by
Mrs. Earl Howes. A reading
September .Song and poem Sept-
ember were read by Mrs. Jim
MacKenzie followed by hymn 374.
Mrs. Ewan MacLean ; told the
story of. Mary Slessor a missionary
who died in 1915 in Nigeria, this
year being the 100th anniversary'of
her departure to Nigeria in 1876.
Great tribute was paid her especial-
ly by the natives; who called her
everyone's mother:
Mrs. Stuart ' MacLennan told
about Rev. Walter MacLean, who
now is minister of Knox Church,
Waterloo, Ontario. He had spent
some time in Nigeria from 1962-
1967 serving as a minister and
chaplain to' the University of
Nigeria. His wife taught English in
a girl's government secondary
school. .
Mrs. Warren Wylds conducted
the business part of the meeting.
Mrs. Donald Simpson 'read a letter
from Board of World Missions for
the Presbyterian Church of Can
regarding the university stud•
ents who were in different citiei,
also•a thank you note was received
from Mrs., Bill Ross. On. October
6th at 8 p.m. in the Wingham
Presbyterian Church the ladies are
invited to the Fall Rally.
Fourteen ladies answered the
roll call on an interesting item from
Record and Glad Tidings. Mrs.
Jim MacKenzie had closing prayer.
Slides were enjoyed by everyone,
shown by Mrs. Stuart MacLennan
on her trip to the East Coast in
June. Following hymn 148 grace
was sung. Lunch and-a social time
closed the meeting. "
Chahrier's Presbyterian Wom-
en's Missionary Society held their
September meeting on Wednes-
day, September 15th at 2 p.m. at
the home of Mit. Bill Rintoul.
Mrs. Don Ross, leader for the
meeting, gave the call to worship.
All sang Unto the hills. The
scripture, Matthew 16: 13-19 and
the meditation was given by Mrs.
In the garden of thy heart,
plant naught but the rose of
love, and from the nightin-
gale of affection and desire
loosen not thy hold. Treasure
the companionship of the
righteous and eschew all fell-
owship with the ungodly.
— Baba `11' Bah
Rev. Doug Kaufman
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 'a.m.. Morning Worship
Nursery provided
for pre-school children •
Bible Society.
Held 'Annual
The Lucknow Branch of the
Canadian Bible Society held its
annual meeting , on Monday, Sept-
ember 20th in. the Lucknow Presby:
terian Church. •
• The present executive will bon-
tinue ,for' another year. • They are
Rev: Glenn Noble 'as chairman;
Mrs. Bob Damsma as, secretary and
Mr, Allan ?Johnson as treasurer,
,The Lucknos.v United Church was
represented "by Mrs: Leonard
Ritchie and Mrs. 'Gordon Morrison:
The Lucknow Christian Reformed.
Church was represented by Mrs.
H. Brink and Mr. P. Bilstra.
The Bible Society will hold 'its
annual canvass in Lucknow and
area during October.. The commit-
tee hopes that the community will
give generously to this worthwhile
cause of translating, publishing
and distributing the Holy Bible.
Whitechurch UCW
Whitechurch United Church,
Women held their September
meeting on September 1 at the
home of Mrs. Elwood Groskorth,
The call to worship was given by
Mrs. Milian Moore. All sang
"Come let us sing" accempanied
by Mrs. Garnet Farrier. .Mrs. Bob
Adams led in prayer. ,
Mrs. Moore gave a talk on South
Brazil mentioning the Missionar-
ies, Mr. and Mrs.Vern Hutson and
3 of a family. The military govern
i Brazil and n 1971 38% of people
controlled the wealth. Mrs. Muriel
Thompson read the scripture, Acts
3: 1-16 and Mrs. Bob Adams led in
Mrs. Lorne DUrniti sang "Morn-
ing Is Broken" accompanied by
organist Mrs., Garnet Farrier. Mrs.
Milian Moore read a poem.
'I'Variety" and led in prayer. All
sang "Work for the night is
The roll call. was answered by
telling what you like doing best and
was answered by 9 members and 4
visitors. Most liked baking best
and not one liked washing dishes
best. Mrs. Lorne Durnin gave the
courtesy remarks.
The meeting closed with prayer.
A birthday tea followed.
Preparations had 'been made for
this meeting. ,The next meeting is
the Fall Thankoffering and will be
held in the church. It was decided
to have' guests and to ask them to
bring a' number. The offering was
received, and dedicated by Mrs.
Wallace Conn.
Mrs. Bill Rintoul gave the
"Gravel in the Gall Bladder" by
William Wallace in the Record.
The closing hymn was What a
friend. All repeated the Lord's
Prayer in unison.
The Ladies Aid meeting was
held. Mrs. John de Boer gaVe the
financial statement. The collection
was received. The hostess served
refreshments. Mrs. Bill Evans
gave the courtesy remarks.
Kinlough W.M.S.
The 'September meeting of
Kinlough Presbyterian Women's
Missionary Society was held at the
home of Miss' Winnifred Percy.
Eleven ladies answered the roll call
with a Bible verse containing
harvest or. grain.
Mit. Tom :MacDonald presided
and opened the meeting with two
readings, Church Spires and Smil-
es. This was followed by a chorus
learned at camp and composed by
Mrs. Alvin Mundell. The purpose
and prayer followed.
A committee was put in charge of
a presentation op Armagh for fall
rally. Plans were made for the fall
thankoffering and an invitation to
Teeswater was accepted.
The filmstrip "Power" was seen
and a diacussion period followed.
The Missionary report was given
by Mrs. Jack Barr 'on Miss Mary
Nichol and Miss Estabrook. Mrs.
Alex Percy and Mrs. Don McEwan
were in charge of the study
"Christian , Conference in Asia".
The' hymn "Lord of life whose
love outshineth" began the pro.
gram. The scripture and medita.
tion were based on Psalm 67. Mrs
McEwan led in prayer. Mrs. Perc3
told about various programs on the
conference, Mrs. Don Robertsor
discussed "Human Rights" am
Theology .and Organization.
Readings were also given b!
Mrs. Don Bushell' on Mary Whale.
Mrs. Ruth Wilson gave a medita
tion and angels in disguise. Mrs
John' Barr gave final , session o
cenference and = Miss Winnifre(
Percy on Mary Sherrick. •
The hymn "0 safe to the rock'
and prayer by Mrs. Percy close(
the. meeting. Mrs. Percy gave the
courtesy remarks and the hostes
served delicious refreshments.
Rev. L. Van Staalduinen
Services at
10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
Message of Today
CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m.
Radio dial 1070
CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 pan.
Radio dial 560
St. Joseph's Catholic Women's
League, Kingsbridge, theld their
September meeting on Monday
evening in the' Parish Hall with
Mrs. Wilfrid Austin presiding. It
was decided, to send Mrs. Dennis
Dalton a small. gift as a token of
appreciation for her work she did:
Making the quilt and afghan for the
recent draw.
The treasurer's report was given
by Mrs. Joe O'Keefe. It was
decided to buy another dehumidif-
ier to be used at the front of the
Parish Hall and large cooking pots
for the .kitchen.' Correspondence
was read by Mrs. Antone Van
•Osch. An invitation from St,
Mary's C.W.L. Listowel, was read
regarding the Stratford Deanery
meeting 'to be held there . Septem-
ber 22nd. An invitation was
received from St. Augustine
C.W.L. to attend the, Clinton
Historical Society meeting to be
held in their: hill on September
20th with. George Brophy, Lucknow
lawyer, as guest speaker. It was
agreed to send donations to Church
Today (a television program) and to
Mission Hope, which' assists needy
children in 75 'countries.
Reporting on ,Community •Life,
• convener Mrs. Carl Riegling stated
that the recent ticket draw was
successful and that Septemben\ waa
canvassing month for C.N.I.B.
Leaders for Girl Guides , are
urgently needed.
Cultural Life Convener, Mrs. Mrs. Gordon closed
John Howard, 'reported on the with praYer, grace was sung and
success of the August Birthday lunch served by • Mrs. John
Party at. HuronView and a birthday Cameron and Mrs. Don Cameron.
Party for Father Dentinger and Mr. Mrs. Tom Todd made the courtesy
and Mrs. Jack Van Osch, who have li remarks.
had birthdays recently or will have •
in the near future, will be held this
Thursday in the Hall.
Mrs. Mark Dalton and Mrs.
Antone VanOsch volunteered to
visit the sick in the two local
hospitals for the next month. The
meeting was adjourned by Mrs.
John Berry and• lunch was served.
The Young Peoples Society hel
their September meeting Sunda
evening in Chalmer's Presbyteria
Church. The meeting opened wit
a sing song.
The election of. officers wen
president, Wendy 'Kay; 1st yit
president, Marty Yotmg; secretar:
David Elliott; treasurer', Ban
Elliott,. social conveners, Jam
Young and Colleen Adams; wo
ship convener, Linda Moore.
Donald Ross. Mrs. Bill Evans led In the business Wendy Kay rea
in prayer. • the minutes and 'a letter from ti
Mrs. Gordon Rintoul gave a Foster Child.. A. social was planne
' reading, Where TO GO? followed by 16r September 25. The mectiul
the hymn Jesus calls us., Mrs. Don, are to be held every second, Sundg
Ross held a Biblical vizi, evening.
guessing who • the, famous Biblical More sing song was enjoyed,
person described was. The offering was , received at
Mrs. John de Boer, president, dedicated by Linda 'Moore. Gra(
welcomed all and presided for the was sung and lunch served.
business. The roll call was
answered by ten . with a verse with 'Olivet U C word reap. U. C . air •
It was announced that the. The Olivet Unit of St. Andrew '
Presbyterial executive meeting United Church, Ripley, held the
would be held at Ashfield Church, September meeting at the home (
Monday, September 20 at 2 p.m. A 1 Mrs. Walter Black •on Tuesda
letter was received listing all the evening, September 14th.
offices vacant on the Board of Hymn 480 "I am so glad that m
Maitland Presbyterial. We were Father in Heaven" was sung. Mn
also told of the' meeting in j Katherine Coiling led in prayet
Wingham October 6 at 8 o'clock: ' followed' by the Lord's Praye
repeated in unison. Mrs. Osca
White gave some points on how
understand the bible' bete)
Readings were given by Mrs. Joh
Shepherd and Mrs. Harry Coiling
Mrs. Melvin Coiling gave • a bibl
quiz. The roll call was answere
with a verse from the bible on love
There were 11 members and
visitors present.
The Christmas bazaar is to b
held at the church in October. Mrs
Melvin Colling gave the frielyishi
report. Mrs. Ray Hamilton read
letters from our adopted children ,
Mrs. Jack McGuire reported th'a
$471.30 had been made .at thi
Rummage Sale. The offering wa
dedicated followed by the U.C.W
benediction. Lunch was 'served