The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-22, Page 1or
Wintario Grants
To Local Projects
The Ontario Ministry of Culture
and Recreation has, announced a
Wintario grant of $432 to Lucknow
Recreation .Association for sports
and recreation equipment.
The Kinloss Kairshea Wometi's
-Institute is eligible for a Wintario
grant of $536 for siding for the
exterior of the Institute Hall.
These were two of the Bruce
County,,grants announced this ‘i,eek
by the Ministry. .
WOO A Tim- In',AdValsoo Extra To 114A. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1.914
. , . , , •
„ .
$40010 Copy .200' •28 Pegs
Dundalk Girl, Peggy MacTaggart, Is Choen
Miss Midwestern Ontario At Lucknow Fall Fair
Fine.: Weuther. Give, The
Fcll Fair An Added Boost
Well, they s did it again. 'With
threatening weather all around,
and heavy .rain in some localities,o
I ucknow Fall Fair; known as. the
"Fair Weather Fair", came up
with their usual good weather for
fair day and were favoured with,
sun • and warm temperatures.
Good weather, coupled with an
extremely well organized program,
made the, annual event a very
successful one..
Attendance at the 111th annual
fair was estimated /as being up
slightly over last year according to
gate receipts, the only measure of
attendance which the Agricultural.
Society has to use. However, for
those who viewed the parade-on the
street and for those who observed
the -crowd in the park, one, would
have to assume that the attendance
was up considerably over last year.
The Lucknow arena was open to
the public Friday evening for
viewing the exhibits at the Luck-
now Fall Fair. • ,
Russel Irvin, president of the.
LuCknow Agricultural Society was
master of ceremonies for a program
Consisting of the following local
talent: musical numbers by the
Cameron family (Don, Barbara and
Colin) of Lucknow; Kin Huron
Douglas Point Pi•plecti.. Main
Reason Foii . Substantial
Popu lation-Increase
Brian Johnston Heads Kinsmen Club
For Upcoming Chub Year • .
Lucknow and District Kinsmen
Club opened a new Kin year
Last Wednesday night the Kins-
men had as their guest speaker,
Bob Santavy, a heavy weight
oronto Graduate
leLiddle, son of Mr. and Mrs.
. Robb ,of R. R. 1 Ripley,
boated. from Radio College 'of
ads as a Senior Engineering ttlatician.
dilation ceremonies were
September 16th at the Four
4 Rotel, Toronto.
alas accepted a position with
Univac, Mississauga.
champion weight-lifter, who repre-
sented Canada in the recent
Olympic Games. Bob lives in
The new executive for the
Kinsmen this year is composed of:
president, Brian Johnston; vice
presidents, Evans Helm' and Gary
Ritchie; treasurer, Archie DeGro-
ote; secretary, 'Ken/ Taylor; regist-
rar, Jim Morrison; directors, Tom
Andrew, Herb Barger, Barry
Hackett and Wayne Jerome; bullet-
in editor, Fred Flanagan; assistant,
Ken Taylor; 'past president, Terry
The Kinsmen have contributed a
new set of bleachers for the ball
park and are presently working on
the new screening at the. ball
A decision has been 'made to
purchase new hockey sweaters and
stockings for the ,Tyke Hockey
team. The Kinsmen will again look
after the Santa Claus parade.
Ott October 30th the Kinsmen,
will hold their annual Hallowe'en
Dance, so get your costumes ready
and join the fun. Ttiere will be'
prizes for best costumes:,
Plans are being made for a
Senior Citizens Bus Trip this Fall.
Summer Fest Weekend is again
planned for next, year. •
Peggy MacTaggart, Miss Dun,
dalk Fair, is the . new Miss.
Midwestern Ontario _having been
selected at .'the Lucknow Fall Fair
on Saturday from among 17
Peggy, 18, is pictured _ in the
centre. She is the• daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ian MacTaggart of
Dundalk and is a grade 13 student
at Grey Highlands Secondary-
School at Flesherton".'
On the left . is last year's Miss
Midwestern Ontario, Jo-Anne Pal-
mer, 20, of Clinton.
On the right is Miss Dominion of
Canada, Pamela Mercer, 20, of
Burnaby; 'British Columbia'.
The new. Miss Midwestern
Ontario, Peggy MacTaggart: is'
interested in becoming a physio-
therapist and training handicapped
,children to swim. Her hobbies
include swimming and most sports,
Junior. Farmers and Sunday SChool
Peggy was chosen by a panel of
three judge's, Miss Dominion of
Canada and, Mr. and. Mrs. Ted
Glincan of the Hamilton area. They
spent much of the day with the girls
and had dinner with them in the
Second place winner was Janina
Anne Kulhay; 17, of R. R. 1 'Terra
Cotta, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. F.
A. Kulhay. Janina was the Miss
Port Elgin has become the
largest town in Bruce County,
taking over from the county town,
Walkerton, which has been largest
for nearly a century.
Latest count .shOws a population
Of 4,910 compared to 4,591 for
Walkerton. Kincardine is also
growing much faster than .
county town and its, present 4,133
population is expected to pass that
of Walkerton within two years.
Development the area of
Ontario Hydro,'s Douglas Point
project is the main reason for
greater growth .along the Lake
Huron shore. Southainplon is .for
the first time Showing substantial
growth from the Hydro project and
its ,population is now 2,708.
All towns in the south of Bruce
showed, growth over .the, past fiVe
years. Port Elgin leads with :71 per
cent; ,Southampton, 33 per. cent; . • • Kincardine 27 per cent; Chesley,
eight per, cent: and Walkerton two
per cent.
All villages also increased popu-,
lation since 1971, and, like the
towns, those closest.' to Douglas
Point or those which coped with the
population influx best, show the
greatest growth.
,Villages with population and
percentage increase.since 1971 are:
Lucknow, 1,127, eight per cent;.
Paisley, . 1,021, 29 per cent;
Teeswater, 977, orie per cent;
Mildmay, 965, one per cent;
Tivertm.815, 43 per cent; Tara,'
648, One per cent „and Ripley, 571;
27 per cent.
Kincardine Township showed
the greatest grovirth of rural
municipalities, its population. up'
1,324 to 3,240. Other likeshore
townships also reflected, the influ-
ence of the. Hydro project.
• Huron Township 'is up 590
persons to 2,175; Saugeen grew
574 to 1,663 and Bruce Township
went up 562 'to 2,109. -The inland
township of Brant remains the most'
populous in Bruce County. growing
307 to 3,549.
Carrick Township is the only one
to experience a population drop
with 33 fewer people at 2,483.
Port Elgin, is not only the largest
town in Bruce it is the latest one to
get town status from village rating.
This municipality became a town in
Weekend Sighting
Of Strange
Light In Sky
On Saturday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Simpson of the
Lbchalsh area drove into Ripley to
report a most unusual thing.
Donald and his wife Edith were
Do you have your winter wood
in? Anne Pritchard and Grace
Hopf were two of the several ladies
who. showed their skill with the
cross cut 'saw at the log sawing
contest at the Lucknow Fair on
Saturday. „They showed up many of
their male onlookers who proved to
be.much better talkers than
sawers. Anne and Grace placed
, second in the ladies' division with :a 59 second score.