The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-15, Page 23PAGE, TWENTY-THREE, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, Lucioiow. ONTARIO Married In St, Holepstb.Orch.. WIMP" SEPTEMBER 15 1976 DUNGANNON NEWS Teachers and pupils got back, to school at Brookside on' Tuesday with 379 pupils a slightly lower enrolment than last year. The first morning was / rather hectic with eight new pupils regitte ing and being assigned to rooms. h taff is as follows: principal, 9 y Jewitt, .Clinton; vice principal, music and grade 8, Don Cameron; grade 8 and History on rotary, Mrs. Madeline Anderson; grade 7,, girls physical education, Miss Hortense Happel; grade 7, science an rotary, Charles Liddle;, grade 6, Mrs. D, Graham; grade 6, Greg Hazlitt; grade 5 and .boys physical educa- tion/, Ross Errington; grade 4 and' 5, Mrs. Lois Tebbutt;' grade 3 and 4, Mrs. D..Chisholm; grade 2 and 3, Mrs. Janet Blanchette; grade 2, Miss Shelley Grange, Auburn (the only new member on staff); grade 1, Mrs. Louise Wilson; kindergart- en, Mrs. Lois Parrish; French, Miss Vianne Trezise; remedial reading, Mrs. Mary Bere; librar- ian, Mrs. Helen Blake; secretary, Howard Blake. Mit. Blake was very much missed around the school this first week as she was ill in the hospital. Teaching .Staff At. Brookside SIPS GENERAL STORE R.R. 7 Lucknow Lanes — iikone 529-7248 On Saturday, August 7th at 3 p.m. in St. Helens United Church, Debra Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mts. Ross Errington, St. Helens, and Robert Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray, Luck- now, were united in marriage. Rev-, Albert' U. Cook, Lifekriosii,- officiated at ' the double ring ceremony. WS. Anne Pritchard was, organist and Miss Nancy Errington, cousin of the bride, was soloist. She sang Sunrise Sunset after the entrance- of the bride's mother and Annie's Song and We've Only Just Begun during the singing of the register. Lighted pink candles, candel- abra, fern and mums decorated the front of the church. The guest pews had white 'bows centred with a tiny blue rose matching' the bridesmaids dresies. The bride, given in marriage by her parents, entered the church on the arm of her father, wearing a floor-length gown of white pap- ester satin 'with- a long lace. train. The bodice was covered with lace and trimmed with daisies, lace sleeves, and high lace collar. -Her Juliet cap of crushed flowers, made oflice, accented the two tier waist-: length veil of French tulle, trimmed . with daisies identical to those which trimmed the gown. The dress and veil were styled and made by the bride. She carried a bouquet of pink sweetheart roses, ivy and baby's breath. Maid of honour, Miss Valerie Photo by Bissett Errington, sister of the bride, wore, a floor-length gown of pale blue floral polyester crepe, with match- ing cape. Mrs. Lorene Conley, sister of the bride; Mrs.. Carolyn Phillips, sister of the, groom; Miss Janet MacPher- son, friend of the bride; all -wore gowns identical to 'the maid of honour. All attendants wore white wide brim floppy hats trimmed with bands, same material as their gowns. They tarried wicker baskets of shasta niums, pink carnations and baby's breath. Miss Charlene Conley, niece of the bride, wearing a' gown identical to the bridesmaids, carried the bride's train. She also wore a white floppy hat and later carried a small wicker basket of identical flowers. The little flower girl, Colleen Conley, niece of the bride, looked sweet in her long gown of white floral polyester crepe also identical to that of the bridesmaids. She also wore a white floppy hat, and carried a small wicker basket of identical flowers.' Ian .MacGillivray, nephew of the groom, was ring bearer and carried the rings on a white lace pillow with satin streamers. Kevin Murray, friend of the groom, was groomsman. ushers were. Mac Conley, brother-in-law of the bride; Glenn Phillips, brother- in-law of the groom; Don MacGil- livray, brother of the groom and Steve Errington, , brother - of the IN11011111M Herb Wilkins, custodian, had all the floors shining and rooms ready for classes • to begin. Mrs. Ruth Alton "will be giving piano lessons at the . school on certain days of the week beginning Monday. bride. Following the ceremony, dinner and reception were held at the Legion Hall, Lucknow. A three, tier wedding cake, decorated with blue roses and doves, made the centerpiece fOr the bride's table. The bride's mother chose a floor-length sleeveless gown of pink polyester with a, short pink floral jacket, tied at the waist. Her corsage was pink carnations. The groom's mother chose a floor-length gown of floral poly- ,ester. Her corsage was yellow carnations. For travelling, the bride chose a two piece white dress with blue pin stripe. Her corsage was white carnations tinted blue. After, a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other parts of Southern Ontario, the couple will reside in St. Helens. Thegroom is employed at Treleaven'S Feed Mill, Lucknow and the bride is employed at Goodall and Campbell, Lucknow. V 85th Birthday W. G. Reed was honoured on his 85th birthday on Friday, Septem- ber 3rd when family and friends gathered at his home just north of Lucknow. • Besides Mr. and Mrs. Reed others present were their, daught- ers Mrs. Archie (Birdie) Nicholson of Lucknow, Mrs. Ben (Jean) Brown of Port Albert, Mrs. Ford (Eunice) Cunningham of Lucknow ,- their son Bill and . Mrs. Reed of Goderich; also Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter and Mrs. Eva Freeman of Lutknow. Many others visited or phoned their best wishes over the week- end. --- - MAKES , START CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 in' this community, met Chuck at Wilfred Laurier. University where she graduated over a year ago. Chuck graduated this, spring. The couple' are residing in Montreal. Chuck played football while, at University. He scored a touchdown in his first game in the big time. He was the Al's first pick in the • college draft last winter, a 'third round 'choice. • So residents of this area can follow the career Of Chuck McMann 'with more than average _interest in the Weeks ahead': - MacGILLIVRAY - ERRINGTON LEALMCE FISHING SUPPLIES KLEENEX BOUTIQUE TOWELS KAM LUNCHEON MEAT, 12 oz. 95c McCORMICK'S GRAHAM DAINTIES,. 12 OZ. _ 93c $1.10 MUM MIMI =Mai MIN Ilia 11111111 ASIMININ MIIIPIN MIN MIN Ella IN MEIN 11•111 IMO IIIM 11111111•111111 RN AND 7111 VIM IMO INN MINI 1111111111111111 MN MN MAME MEM 11111100•1111 MIMI Elk IMMO 1111111.111M 11111111111, IMMO 11•11111/ 110111 Ell WINNED alvahized do rd fwer...5 Da IT.NOW! 5AVE! • GIVES A COMPLET WEATHERPROOF 'JOB ALSO 1 x 4 HEMLOCK STRAPPING SPIRAL LEAD- HEAD NAILS AgDOX NAILS 8 FT. RIBBED PLASTIC SHEETS ALSO AVAILABLE COLOURED, PRE-COATED GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING / EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. 20% .OFF. In 8 Different Colours , ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT DENIM, CRIMP, GABARDINE SIZES 7,TO 14 Matchbox. Toys 95c NEW SELECTION !WS PLACE VARIETY STORE OPEN MONDAY TH'RU SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. LUCKNOW PORTLAND AND MASONRY IN 'STOCK JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. ,PHONE 52803118 LUCKNOW