The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-15, Page 11LOWER INTEREST RATES
1st and 2nd Mortgages
Interim Financing For New Construction and Land
Heed office, 56 Weber Street, East Kitchener, (519) 744.6535
Branch Office: 705 Goderish Street, Port Elgin, (519) 832.2044
Evenings Cali Hepworth 519.935-2542
Spoke On CUSO
And Showed Slides
Unit five of the Lucknow United
Church Women met at the home of
Mrs.. Harvey Webster on Septem-
ber' 1 at 8 p.m. •
Mrs. Charles, Anderson opened
the•m,epting with a poem "A
Thanklefleart". The roll call "A
suggestion for keeping young
people in the church" was answer-
ed by 16 members and 2 visitors.
Various committee chairmen re-
for two includes:
Kinlough. A.C.W.
The Anglican Church Women
:met on Thursday evening • at the
home of Mrs. Delbert Hedley with
a good attendance.
Miss- May' Boyle presided and
tlie opening hymn was "This is my
father's world" which was followed
bytbe Members Prayer, the prayer
for prayer partners and the Lord's
prayer, alscoa prayer for the sick in
the community.
The scripture from St. Luke,
chapter 20 was read ' by Mrs.
George Garratt, also a pdeiii on
"Harvest". A report of the
Deanery meeting at Wingham was
read by Mrs. Ronald Thacker and it
was announced that the fall
meeting will be held in. Durham.
The roll call was answered with .a
"hymn sine-When each member
gave her favourite-hymn and all
joined in singing one verse of it.
Mrs. Garratt introduced a project
that the Bervie A.C.W. , had on
hand and asked for our co-opera-
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh and Mrs.
Bert Nicholson were in charge of
the program, which epened with
the hymn "Praise to God immortal
praise". •
The -theme of the meeting being
harvest Mis..Midford Wall gave a
well prepared meditation. Mrs.
Bert Nicholson gave some • Harvest
Thoughts from the Bible. Debbie
Hedley favoured with, a musical,
number. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh
read the poems "A Grain ...of
Wheat", "We See the Hand of
God" and "Fullfilinent". .A
reading "Time" was given by Mrs.
Ed Green. ,
The:hymn "We plough the fields
and scatter" 'was then sung and
Mrs. Roy Collins read "The
Farmer" and Mrs. Bert Nicholson
read "Lord of the Harvest".
The closing hymn was "The year
ikswifily waning, the summer days
are past". Prayer .cloSed the:
meeting.. Grace was sung and
delicious refreshment were served'
by the hostess and her girls.
The courtesy remarks were given
by Mrs. Roy. Collins. Mts. Gerald
Ilhody will be the October hostess.
St. Marys C.1frif.L.
On September .9th St. Mary's
Catholic WO men's League met for
their first meeting of the fall and
winter season at Fr. Dentinger's
sister's cottage at Point Clark.
Mrs. Leddy, president, opened
the meeting by all saying the
League Prayers, led by Fr.
Mrs. MacDonald read the corms-.
pondence, Mrs. Gilmore gave the
financial 'statement, which was
very gratifying with the proceeds of
a. successful draw during the
Arrangements were made for .a
representation to go to Listowel on
September 22 to the Stratford
Deanery meeting. Fr. Dentinger
told us about a few more improve-
ments to be made, to the church,
• such - as insulation and a small
entrance to be -erected before the
;winter. The ladies were reminded
to bring their used cards and
stamps to the church as they are
going to be, sent to their ,reSpective
outlets, also good used clothing is
to be sent to Combermere before
too long.
Mrs. MacDonald gave a reading
the "Symbol of Time". and Mrs.
Gilmore one on. "1 Am Me".
Fr. Dentinger gave a few
spiritual , remarkS and he then
closed the meeting with League
Prayers. Lunch was served by the
cornmittee in charge and a. social
half hour spent by the 11 members
U.C.W. Unit'I
Mrs, Chas. MacDonald welcom-
ed the members of Unit 1 of
Lucknow United Church Women to
her home for their September
meeting on Tuesday afternoon,
September 7.• There were eighteen
present and answered the roll call
with a verse from your first reader:
Mrs, Chas. ' MacDonald opened
the meeting .With a verse "The
First Day. of School" followed by
prayer, and the hymn "What a
friend we have in Jesus". Mrs.
Andrew Ritchie gave the treasur-
er's report to date and the results
from the hohby sale in June. ,
Mrs. Ada Woods convener for
citizenship gave information on the
part the United. Church will have in
the ploughing match to be held at
Walkerton. 'Mrs. Eldon Henderson
gave a good report on the
RecentWedding In
Washington Temple
Congratulations to Marilyn Yates
of London and Keith Threndyle of
Hanover. Marilyn and Keith' were
married recently in the Washington
Temple, and are now' residing in
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wayne, Hackett
and their two children, Shawn and
Vicky, all of Lucknow, were sealed
in the. Washington Temple, follow-
* ing the Threndyle' wedding.
Attending the two ceremonies from
this area were Mr. and Mrs.
'Stewart Bourne and Mr. and Mrs.
- Ian Sellars of Cargill, Mr. and Mrs.
Rene Seaborn of Harriston, Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis 'Tulett and Mrs.
Louis Main of Teeswater, and Mr.‘
and Mrs. Win. Coulbeck of Ripley.
Following the Temple ceremon-
ies, several of the couples droveto
Palmyra, New York, where they
took in the Mormon Pageant. This
pageant is held annually and is an
elaborate dramatization of some of
the happenings in the scriptures.'
The, costumes and sound effects are
marvellous,• and each night of the
week long, pageant is attended by
several thousand guests. /There is
no charge for the performances.
Saturday afternoon, there was a
good turnout for the Branch picnic,
Winners of the 'nail. driving contests
were Marg Tulett of Teeswater, for
the women, and Tom Weaver of
Blyth, for the men.. The women's
race showed that Lynn Sellars,
Sylvia Fischer and 'Susan Patarek
are three ladies that can't be beat!
The kiddies loved .the shoe
scrambles, relays and races.
Following the sports events, all
enjoyed a delicious pot luck supper.
ported to the meeting on summer,
' activities and coming events. Mrs.
Anderson thanked Mrs. Webster
for being out hostess.
Mrs. Ken Cameron introduced
the program "Finding meaning in
your job". The hymn "Dear Lord
and Father of mankind" was sung.
Mrs. Anderson read the scripture
Psalm 90 followed by meditation by
Mrs. Gordon Johnstone. Mrs.
Graydon Ritchie led in prayer. The
hymn "0 Master, let me walk with
Thee" was sung.' Mrs. Cameron
read an interesting poem "My.
Work" followed by several enjoy-
able musical numbers by Mrs. Ivan
Conley and Mrs. Webster.
Mrs. Wm.. Bogues gave a talk on
"Thoughts on Labour leading our
thoughts to work as rt is discussed
in the bible, es.pecially--the Work of
Mrs. Cameron told of the CUSO
plan and the work of Brenda and
Nick Barclay. Brenda's mother,
Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, then 'show;
ed Brenda's slides of their work in
Africa and gave a most interesting
commentary, on them. Mrs.
Cameron thanked all for taking part
in the program' and closed ,with
prayer. Lunch was served by the
committee in• charge,
community friendship and visiting
for the summer' months.
Mrs. Russ Button' gave a good
reading "Your Attitude is, Show-
ing". We should try especially to
brighten the corner where we are.
The' conveners for social functions
.would like donations of tea towels
for the church kitchen' to.' be
brought to the next meeting.' The
conveners for the meeting were
Mrs. Ada Woods, Mrs, Eva
Freeman 'and Mrs. Art 13re'ckles.
Mrs: Ada Woods. opened the
devotions with a poem ."School
DayS" followed by hymn 599. Mrs.
Art Breckles read scripture* fl-om
Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, "To every
thing there is a season" -and Mrs.
Eva Freeman gave the. meditation.
Mrs. Cliff Menary gave a reading
"The' Little Red School House!
taking us all back to our school
Mrs. Glen Walden gave a
chapter on the, study book on China
dealing especially with religion
before , and since the revolution in
1949. The hymn "Breath on me
breath of_God" 'was sung and Mrs.
Ada• Woods conducted . a bible
contest. Mrs. Violet Mintz gave a
reading "A Teacher'S Prayer".
Mrs. Woods, thanked Mrs: Mac-
Donald for her borne and all who
helped with the meeting.
Mrs. Chas. MacDonald closed
the meeting with the "Evening
Hymn" taken from the first reader
followed by, all repeating the
mizpah benediction .and singing
grace, A social time and cup of'tea
was enjoyed by all.
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