The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-08, Page 20Athtertising helps good things happen. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISQRY. BOARD' • • ER ® BRAN. CORN ALFALFA SORGHUM Bruce Raynard R,1 LUCKN0 , 529.6345 THE .1,UCKNOIN .SENTINEL=, OCKNOW, ONTAik10 'WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 194 .MA:„R.K ET QUEEN DANCE Saturday, eptember 1 IN THE LUCKNOW 'PUBLIC SCHOOL • TO THE DRUMLIN ORCHESTRA DANCING 9 - 12 ADMISSION $2.00 PER PERSON LAST YEAR'S QUEEN VICKI BEASLEY A new Miss .Lucknow will be chosen to represent Lucknow for the next year. Any girl who it interested in entering the Miss Lucknow judging and, has not been contacted by any business place, are asked to contact any businessman or call Mrs. Olen Walden 528-3205, Ross Errington 528-6693 or Frank Alton 529-7218. COTTENELLE SCHNEIDElts4 Toilet Tissue I Shortening 411 t1.09 I 2 /S1 .00 Niummium SCHNEIDER'S I NESCAFE Luncheon I Instant. Meats Coffee oz.. 2/894 1 io oz. THAT 'Despite a Monday holiday, the Sentinel deadlines remain the same and it is even more necessary that copy arrive earlier than: usual. Quite, a bit of material arriving. Tuesday was too late for this week. THAT A resident of Highway 86 west wants to caution area residents against the dangers of being kind. Alone at her farm home, she noticed a man walking in from the gate. He stated he was out of gas and Ivanted.to borrow some until he went into Lucknow to refill. He had no money and said he would be SPECIALS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 9, 10, 11 limi.,1111111111, WE DELIVER 528.3420 ****************** MISS MID-WESTERN ONTARIO BEAUTY CONTEST' 10:60 p.m. 8 TO 10 P.M. ARENA OPEN FOR VIEWING EXHIBITS ADMISSION 50c FOR EVERYONE LOCAL TALENT WILL PROVIDE ENTERTAINMENT ***** ***** *****• AT THE LUCKNOW FALL FAIR ..'..RPTEMIER:ltand.'18 Girls from area towns will compete for the title of Miss Mid Western Ontario. he winner will enter Miss Dorninion of Canada Contest M.G. BOB FINLAY A mother, father and their five children ages 12, 11, 10, 9 and 7 will pro'ride entertainment.' The most unique family musical group that ever appeared on stage in Canada, they step dance, sing and play the guitar, accordian, piano and fiddle. ************************ BY THE LEAHY FAMILY OF LAKEFIELD VARIETY CONCERT COME OUT AND ENJOY THE SATURDAY NIGHT, IN THE ARENA FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE ARENA back to pay. Upon putting the borrowed gas in his tank, he drove off to the, west, apparently with no intention of repaying the lady's kindness. Nice guy eh? Couple Mark 25th Anniversary KINGSBRIDGE NEWS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, September 4. A concele- brated High Mass, of Thanksgiving was offered,at 12 O'clock noon in. St. Joseph's Roinan Catholic Church, Kingsbridge with Reverend Father. Lloyd Ryan, Church of Our Lady Guelph, celebrant; assisted by Monsignor Phalen of St. August- ine; Reverend Father Nolan; Wing= ham; Reverend Father Moyrtahan, Goderich and Reverend Father Ed Dentinget,_ Kingsbridge. The offering was taken up by the • wedding attendants of 25 . years. ago; Leo Clare of Montreal, Mrs. Lucille (Ryan) Copperauill of De- troit, and Mrs. Mary B. (Ryan) Quesnelle, Toronto. The organist, • Mrs. Lillian Simpson, :played Praise to the Lord, Now Thank We All Our God, On This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother,' and Holy God We Praise by Name, during the Mass. .I mmediately following Mats, ,150 relatives and • friends were served a hot turkey dinner' in the Parish Hall,„ catered to by the Kingsbridge Catholic Women's League. Master of ceremonies was Fred Drestan of Kitchener. Special greetings Were received.. from Bishop Redding from the Diocese of Hamilton; •and Monsignor Dyes- tan from the Diocese of London and from friends and relatives. Open House was held'in the Parish Hall during the afternoon with music for dancing supplied by violinists Jim Fleming of Walkerton and Pat Reilly of :Thornhill and with Mrs. Lillian Simpson on the piano, and in the evening at the family residence, concession 8, Ashfield Township. Sing songs were enjoyed with Mrs. Lillian Simpson on the piano.. Mr. Walter Clare and Miss Mary Ryan were united in marriage on 'September 8, 1951 in St. Anne's. Roman Catholic Church, Chesley. They have one daughter Mary Luanne at home. Members of the immediate families and friends were present from Montreal, London, Kitchener, Leamington, Detroit, Toronto, Hamilton, Gu- elph, Walkerton, Formosa, Chesley and the immediate area. Wawanosh Native Died In Detroit MRS.• GEORGE A. LINLEY Mrs. George (Grace) 'Linley, age 68, Oak Park, Michigan, died last week; in GraCe Hospital, Northwest Unit, Detroit. She was born July 29, 1908 in West Wawanosh Township, the former Grace Cam• eron, daughter of the late Mr, and. Mrs: Kenneth Cameron. . Surviving are her husband, George A., whom she married' in' June of 1950; three daughters, Mrs. Carol Doroghazi •and Mrs. Vane' (Avis) Ayers of Dearborn, Mrs. William (Joan) Fife, Georgia; a son, Wilfred Snider, Wilmette, Illinois; •16 grandchildren; and a .great grandchild. ' Friends called at Spaulding and Curtin:Funeral Home, 500 West Nine-Mile, Southfield. Funeral service was at the Funeral Home, • with the Rev. Arthur Spafford of the First . United Methodist. Church, Ferndale, pffic• iating. Burial was in Roseland Park Cemetery, Berkley. Mrs. Linley always Maintained- a keen interest in friends in this area and was .1, a faithful reader and supPorter . of ' her home town newspaper, The/Sentinel.