The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-08, Page 1Oil Testing In Ashfield Township KINGSBRIDGE NEWS Shell Oil drillers from Leh-. bridge, ' Alberta hive been test- drilling for oil 'on sideroaxi 6, Ashfield Township, every 60 feet and down 30 feet, putting dowh a charge• of dynamite. ' Work began on Tuesday, August 31, Today, Monday, September 6, as. this is written, even: though it is Labour Day, men are laying wires and the charges' will be let off and sound readings taken to determine If there is oil. • Receives 6. Sc. Named. Principal At Kingsbridge !qui-sing Grad • 8. 17-Year•Old Flies Cessna . Toronto To Trail In 22 Haves Ben Thompson, 17-year-old son ' of Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Thompson (Isabelle MacPherson) of Caledon, Ontario recently coMpleted a remarkable piece of aviation. Ben, accompanied by his grand- father D'Arcy Thompson of Trail, British Columbia, :flew his 120 Cessna. Aircraft from . Toronto to Trail in 22 hours. His grandfather, D'Arcy Thompson, had flown east on a regular commercial flight to >Toronto so ' Ben wood have company on the .flight to B.C.. The pair ran into some tough weather. High winds near Fort ' MacLeod forced -them down and then gale-force winds in the Crowsnest Pass reached 60-80 miles per hour. Ben, 17, is a high school, student at. Caledon and obtained .his pilot's licence on his 16th birthday. His dad, Fred Thompson; is with Air f C a a m n i a ly flyingis &natural in the 'After a , two week visit to B.C. Ben flew the plane home. Ben if a grandson- of Mr. and • Mrs. Gordon McPherson, St. Helens, his mother being,, the former Isabelle MacPherson. 1114111110110111.01~111011011.1100110 'August Swimming Results At Lucknow Pool . The following have passed in the August session of swimming lee- sons at the Lucknow Swimming Pool. PRE-BEGINNERS David Cayley, Randy Collins, Lisa Barger, John de Boer, Cindy Emmerton, ,Lori Emmerton, Danny Gilchrist, Andy Grazier, Laurie Harkness,' Denise Helm, Kim Hilverda, Kevin Irwin, Evelyn Lennips',. Juanita Little, Dorothy Martin, Ruth Martin., Audrey MacDougall, Jeff Philmore, David Reed, Vicki Rutledge, Elizabeth Smeltzer. . / BEGINNERS Jamie Alton, Suzanne Alton, Donna Damsma, Jeff Gibson, Vicky Hackett, Lynn Hilverda, Dorothy Lennips, Rocky Little, John D. MacKenzie, Janice McInnes, Dav- id Ross, Linda Searle, Jeananne CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 • RONALD FRANK SIELOFF Ronald Frank Sieloff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Sieloff of St. Clair Shores, Michigan and grandson of Mr. and Mrs; Rudy Sieloff (pee Norine Hodgins, formerly f Kin= lough) of Detroit`, 'grade •" with honours from Wayne State Univer- sity receiving a Bachelor of Science Degree, majoring in , Chemistry. The American Chemical Society elected him "The 1976 Outstand- ing Undergraduate in the Depart- ment of Chemistry - Wayne State University','`. • , He was also honoured by the Phi Lambda Upsilon • Fraternity,' a Chemistry Fraternity, He is in Atlanta, Georgia at the Georgia Institute 'of Technology (Georgia Tech) where he has been accepted to pursue the degree of Doctorate in Chemistry, his Ph.D. He is currently doing research work there .' for the summer. ;September, , he, will assume his teaching duties and begin his own classes and studies in pursuit of his Ph.D. • , New Asmnment On Baffin Itkind Wallace Houston returned froth Goiania, Brazil, early in Atigust, and visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston, Luck- now. Since that time he, has been working at Survair Limited head- quarters in Ottawa. After a vacation, Wallace was in LucknOw on Labour Day, to re-pack and report for duty at Frobisher Bay and Hall's Beach, on Baffin Island, in the North West Territor- ,ies. He expects to be in this locality three or , four weeks. Wally is an airplane mechanic 'with Survair . Ltd. - • Barn Damaged, Friends Assist Huron Tvvp. Family BY AB WYLDS On Friday, the damaged barn roof at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. G. A:. Meurs on the 4th concession west in Huron Township, was taken down. The ',work bee was made up of neighbours and . members of the Lucknow: Christian Reformed Chtirch. Starting on Monday of ;, this week, Cleason Martin Of Ashfield and his helpers started installing' a new roof. It will be recalled that a freak twister windstorm did considerable damage at the farm, earlier this summer. Mi. and Mts. Meurs are thankful Ito all those who have' helped them. KINGSBRIDGE NEWS A. very special welcome is given to David Zyluk, the new principal. of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic. School at Kidgsbridge. Mr.' Zyliik replaces Clem Steffler, principal of the .school for the past nine years; who recently moved to Whitelaw, Alberta. Mr. Syluk was born in Dublin, Ireland, receives his *early educa- tion in England, completed grade 13 at the Listowel High School and graduated' from the University of Western Ontario, London. While attending London Teacher's Col- lege, he taught at the fanshawe College. For the past four years, Mr. Zyluk taught Grades 7 and :8 at the Precious "Blood Separate School in Exeter and was the Physical' Education co-ordinator of the school for both boys and girls. He' founded the Soccer Club in. Exeter 4 years ago., At present, Mr. Zyluk is working CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Former Resident Pea In l'OOth'Year Miss Lottie Armstrong died at Parkwood Hospital in 'London on . Friday, September 3rd. She was in .11q1'..,,WPA Year. Miss Armstrong, was raised here, the family home being the present residence of Stuart. Collyer. While she left here as a young woman, Miss Arm4iong was a .frequent visitor here with' friends over the years. She is 'survived .by nieces and nephews. 'The funeral was in London on Tuesday with burial in Woodland Cemetery. • An Ontario grant of $150,000 will 'be awarded to the Maitland Valley 'ConServation, Authority over the next four years for land- acquisition in the Saratoga Swamp, Natural Resources Minister • Leo Bernier' announced recently. Located along Sharps Creek in the Township of WestWawanosh, the swamp coinprises 4,000 acres, mark their 57th wedding anniver- sary in October. Mr. WcDonald is • 89 and Mrs. MacDonald, the former, May Graham, is 81. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Graham. of Lucknow observed their 52nd anniversary in July. Mr. Graham is 78 and Mrs. Graham, the former Sadie Gee, is 74. Win New Car In CNE Lottery Edward and Nancy Brown of Lucknow are the winners of a brand new 1976 Monte Carlo automobile, haying been advised by letter by. the Canadian' National TExhibition of their good fortune on Saturday. The Browns were at the Ex on September 1st and purchased five. tickets in the C.N.E. Lottery. The grand prize at the end of the Exhibition is anew home while the daily prize, pulled each evening during the exhibition, is an automobile and other major prizes. Edward is a teacher at Ripley District School • and Nancy is employed as a lab technician at VVingharn and District Hospital. Died At Huronview John Mills Aitchison, a ' former resident of West Wawa- nosh Township and White- church, passed away at Huronview, Clinton on Wednesday, 'September 1 1st. He was 88: • • The funeral service was' held at MacKenzie Memorial' Chapel, Lucknow on Friday, September 3. Interment was in Greenhill Ceinetery. i • i of' which 460 acres have been previously' acquired. Flood control will be maintained in the area, Which has been, experiencing residential dePelop,, ment pressUres. ° , Acquisition of the land will also protect the biological community in both the swamp and Sharps Creek, which supports brook and rainbow ' trout. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Sangster of Toronto were 50 years married August 18. Mr. Sangster is 89 years of age and Mrs, Sangster, the former Bessie Graham, 'is 85. • Douglas Graham, Mrs. MacDon- ald and Mrs. Sangster are brother and sisters. • All reside in their own homes. .THREE COUPLES FROM ONE FAIVIILYMARK 159 ANNIVERSARIES Three couples, all from the same family, were recently pictured. Among them, they have marked' 159 wedding anniversaries. Left to right are Mr. and. Mrs. W. F. MacDonald of Lucknow who will SUSAN HOGEBOOM Susan Hogeboorn,. daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hogeboom of Napanee, recently, graduated from St. Lawrence College, Kingston, with her nursing . diploma. Susan has accepted a:position on the .staff of Memorial Medical Centre, Corpus Christi, TexaS. Mrs. Hogeboom the former anie Alton of Lucknow. Ontario Grant Of $150,000 For Land Access In Saratoga Swamp Region Of West Wawanosh Township