The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-01, Page 18c. 'WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . -PA?* 111014711ENI • HISTORY OF . NORTH EAST ASHFIELD ti • "Frontier Ways to . Modern PAW' Now on Sala from any Trinity • •Unitod Chureh monber ' IVIcCARTH1 LUCKNOW • CORilE REID. PHONE 528.2011 • SHOE' REPAIR LAWN MOWER BLADE SHARPENING THIS MONTH, ONLY 10% OFF SNOWMOBILE OILS and CHAIN SAW OILS Buy It By The Case Or Can SER VICE STATION Beryls, Ontario, Highv OPEN, 7 DAYS A WE 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sur included FREE GIFTS W COUP LUCKNOW CYCLE & GARDEN SHOP ROSS ST. Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Bill Purdod ac- companied St. Helens W.I. on their bus trip last week to the McLaugh- lin Estate at Oshawa. Visitors during the weekend with WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer, Jeff- ery and Julie of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell of-Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gutoskie, Michelle and Michael of Kitchener visited with Mr. . and Mrs. Leonard Robinson. On; Sunday for supper Mr. and Huron - Bruce Pony Club Met The newly formed Huron-Bruce Pony Club held its second monthly, meeting, August 16,,at the home of 'Dr. Roy G. Lomas, R. 5 ,Goderich. It was announced by the district commissioner, Mts. Carolyn. Tay- lor, , that the disbanded Rideri Roost Saddle Club, from, the . Lucknow and Ripley area, donated S190.00 to the new Pony Club to be used for furthering the develop- ment of the horsemanship skills of its members. • Many of the Pony Club members and their parents attended a Western Ontario Regional Rally at Rockwood near Guelph on August 7 and 8. At this Rally all 13 Pony. Club branches • from Western Ontario sent their top riders to compete. The local club alkg sent a representation on August 21 to the. National Pony Club Rally held this year at the Mohawk Raceway, Campbellville, Ontario, to watch the top Pony Club riders from branches all across Canada com-. pete.. The Huron-Bruce • Pony, Club, with' members from Kincardine, Luclmow, Ripley, Teesvvater and Goderich, held its first local rally Sunday, August 22, at the Kincard- ' ine Fairgrounds. Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul and' family, Mr.• and. Mrs. Harry Gutoskie and family of _Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer and 'family of Water- loo, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Camp- bell of Listowel, Mr.. and Mrs. Leonard Robinson and family of Belgrave were all with Mr. and Mts.. Mack Cardiff 'of Brussels. Mary Moore and Cora . 'Blom attended the Salvation Army sum- mer camp for a weeks poliday. Mr. and Mrs. E.' W. Beecroft, Karen and Hugh Sinnamon visited on • Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Stewart Forsyth of Walkerton. Elmer McGuire of Toronto visited Monday with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIntyre and Mary Beth of Val Caron and Mr.' and Mrs. Don Clark of Sudbury, after visiting -with Mr. and. Mrs. *Carl .McClenaghan, ' Mrs. Ben 'Mctlenaghan and other relatives, left for their home on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Clarence McClen- aghan of Paisley visited on Wed- nesday with Mrs. Ben McClenag- han and with Miss Mildred McClenaghan. Born on Saturday, August 28 in Exeter Hospital a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Parker. This is a great granddaughter for Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. • Mrs. Alan Falconer began clerk- ing at the Wingham Canadian Tire Store on Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Bev Kay and Graham' spent Monday evening with her mother. Mrs. Graham of 'Brampton. On Tuesday morning they took Graham to the airport to go by plane to Vancouver Univer- sity. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw,' Janet and Kimberley were Sunday visitors with her brother. Clarence Crowston , Mrs. crow ton and 'Debbie of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharine of Goderich were Sunday visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. ElrOy Laidlaw. Mr. ,and Mr's. Walter Elliott and Karen are spending a few days this • PafillOPOWOM talk week with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw of Windsor. Mrs.' Elliott of Wingham is keeping house at the farm in their absence. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilkens were in London on Monday. where Earl had a medical check up. On. Wednesday last Carol and Debbie Rintoul returned home to Tottenham and Kimberley remain= ed for a . holiday with' her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher and Walk a block a day.— It's the first step.' family of Don Mills spent t end 'with his mother Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Fisher a) remained for a •week's vi The folks of the area quite a time enduring the heat wave and then to sud thrust into extreme cold ture, making one wonder v store in the future and to f frost. PLETCH ELECTRI WINGHAM RESIDENTIAL—FARM = INDUSTRI) AND COMMERCIAL Phone. Collect 357-1583' re. VRIDER..YOUR• WINTER WHEAT SEED BARLEY FALL FERTILIZER , For PlOughdown On Corn Ground We like to know our customers by name! Lucknow District Coo Get your entries ready for the LUCKNOW FALL FAIR SEPTEMBER 11 AND '