The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-01, Page 16LOG SAWING CONTEST Get your saw sharpened and bring it to the • LUCKNOW. FALL FAIR on Saturday, September 18th THREE. DIVISIONS — MEN'S, LADIES' AND MIXED GOOD. PRIZES — $10.00, $6.00 AND $4.00 Province 'of Ontario r Ppm MUNN T0111 LUCKNOW SRNTINEI., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' .w4ON,NSOm*, VARIETY STORk. KINCARDINE STORE WILL BE CLOSING SATURDAY„ SEPTEMBER 4 LAST 3 DAYS OF 1/2 PRICE Ok.fn Ripley a week . ago Monday,' are still 'hospitalized. Just before noon,. On the weekend, a car, went out of control on the fifteenth north in Ripley past Mrs. Marion.McTavisb's place and smashed into the first maple tree on the east side north of' the driveway into Jerry Huber's. barn - the former McTavish barn. Considerable damage was done to the front end of the car and the tree was barked. After police inspec- tion, the car was,towed away about two in the afternoon. * • * * * On Monday evening of last week the committee in charge of the Ripley Medical Centre held a meeting there. John Gamble reports that there was some, discussion on when it is open and the doctors there. So a telephone answering service, has recently been installed so that when a person calls in, this information will be available. Also the meeting decided to install a stereo system so music will be , heard in the -waiting room. Present at the meeting • were secretary Mrs. Margaret Blue, Mrs. Mary (John C.) MacDonald, Mrs. Marg Rouse, Dr. Woods, Ken Hargreaves, and John Gamble. Not there were Howard Hodge and Mike Snobel- en. * • * * List'Saturday a wedding dinner was held in' St. Andreir's 'United CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 MacKinnon Clan Held Reunion The 18th annual re-union of the MacKinnon Clan was held at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Kinnon Ferguson, Terrace Beach, Trailer Park. Races were enjoyed by all under the direction of Lori Ferguson. Melanie Lanigan, the re-union's "sweetheart", won many of the prizes as well as, being youngest member of the clan. Harry. Scott, Kincardine, was.th'oldest member present. The family coming the longest distance was Beth and Jim Lanigan, Maynoofh, Ontario. For the junior girls Lori Ferguson won the" race and Catherine MacKinnon the hula hObp contest. For the ball contest Kim Ferguson, Peter Ferguson and Christopher Lanigan were the winners. Hugh Ferguson won the Olympic r; Lucky plate winners were Si attie Lanigan and Kinnon Fei on. Margaret MacKinnon woi egg race. A delicious dinner was serve ,the hostess Sandra and her s Mrs. Ken McCullough. I Scott asked the blessing. Ca ine Scott, Beth Lanigan and MacKinnon 'expressed thant the host Kinnon and the ho Sandra. Mary Ferguson %rea( 1975 minutes. All observed minute silence in honour of Murdock Morrison who ix away this last year. Next year's reunion will be at the home of Alan and Mar MacKinnon, Elm/13ower Farr the 10th of Kincardine. ATTENTION: All member the 'Clan are invited (the weekend in August) • to Alan Margaret's. BY ,AB WYLpS, Mrs-'Marjorie' Brooks and Mrs., Marion McTavish of Ripley return- • edhome. this past week from a 13. ' day guided bus tour to the East Coast of Canada, Members of the Mitchell. family, Tom, Donald and Mrs, Mitchell of Huron Township and Ivan Pollock, who were injured severely in that two car collision just west of Bervie Thursday, Friday, Saturday September 2, 3, 4 Everything at 1/2 Regular Prices (including the fixtures) .„igrogok:. :*41W.1.03.*. tarids school bus y regulations are everyone's responsibili his is what you can do to make sure 're observed. Your Ontario Government needs your help in proteCting our province's school children. So we urge you as a' motorist to drive with extra care whenever yOu see a school bus in' front of you or coming towards you. You will recognize the,schoOl bus by its chrome-yellow colour. And whenever it flashes its alternating red signal lights front and rear, you must stop. In fact, all traffic from both directions must stop. , This is true everywhere in Ontario...on highways, country roads, and city, town or village streets, and . regardless of the speed limit. The penalty for disobeying ,. this law is•a fine of up to $100 and 4 demerit points. . The only exception is for motorists going in the opposite direction from the school bus on the other side of a multi-lane highway divided by a physical barrier. There is something else you can do, as well. Instruct your children to follow the school bus safety rules learned at school.—to help the bus driver by behaving quietly and by keeping seated' until it is time to leave the bus. For more information on school bus safety and the School Bus Stopping Law, write to: Public and Safety Information Branch Ministry of Transportation and Communications 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Onter,io M3M 1J8 Ministry of Transportation and Communications James Snow, William Davis, Minister Premier