The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-09-01, Page 1FOR EVERY ROOM 6A' 'THE HOUSE Guelph Grad Lucknow Man Is Racing In The Canadian National Championship Motocross, Edmonton Next On List "Pat (Jim) Beasley of Lucknow, slot') of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Grazier, is,travelling across Canada with the Maico Canada Racing Team. He is competing in the Canadian Nation- al Championship Motocross Series. After the first race at Mission, B.C. Pat is lying in fourth place overall in the professional. expert class. The next race will be held at Speedway Park, Edmonton, Sun- day, September 5th, From there the - team will continue to Quebec and New, Brunswick and the series will finish at Tillsonburg, Ontario on Septem- ber 26. Tat, age eighteen, has been racing dirt bikes since the age of thirteen. In 1973 he was British and Welsh Schoolboy Champion. He hopes to make racing a. full tittle career. $11.00 A Year In Advance -- $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, sEirgi4OR 1, ism Single Copy 20e 24 Pages Two More School Reps Due To Population Growth ing, places, Son.. 3lidden paint ion, St ippletane chens and a and Flintcote ns -- Manville • Deck Kits and ars 100th ANNIVERSARY OF 'LONG DISTANCE MARKED IN AUGUST As the 100th' anniversary of the world's first long distance tele-• phone call, between Paris, Ontario, and Brantford, Ontario on August 10, 1876 is marked, minds turn back with curiosity to our own local telephone histOry. • The first telephone exchange in Lucknow was opened in Arthur Congram's drugstore on Campbell Street in 1889. This 1937 picture' shows Myrtle Ripley' ' ring it"' Sally Kg son of Mr, citiardine. place at 4 tuber 18 In LETTER TO THE IT R Spirit Of The Grey Ox Is Alive And Well In Virgin Islands 1163 St. Anthony Rd., London, Ontario, August 27, 1976. Mr. Donald Thompson, Editor, Lucknow Sentinel, , Lucknow, Ontario. Dear Don, During early June of this year, Fred and I showed slides of British Virgin Islands at South Kinloss Church. A special collection was taken at that time, and we invited anyone tO provide us, with books or school supplies for donation to • the Educational Department of the Islands. I wish to thank everyone, for , their generous donation that even- ing, and for, their donatiOns of CONTXNUED ON PAGE 2 Committal Service . On Tuesday, August. 17th, a short conimittal service was con- ducted by Rev. Glenn Noble of Lucknow Presbyterian Church when the ashes of 'the late David Anderson Andrew of Calgary were,. . placed in the family plot in Greenhill Cemetery.. A few immediate relatives and neighbours attended the service and later visited with Mrs. Andrew and her daughter Mrs. Jacque L1urkie at the'Gordon'Kirkland home. Retires After 45 Years In Busines Allan Pentland of North Bay has retired after 45 years in business in that community. Al, a native of Dungannon, is married to the former. Winnifred Armstrong of. Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Pentland were pictured. in the North` Bay paper recently. Al was nicknamed "Mr. Beauty Supply of Northern Ontar-, io". He founded Pentland Beauty Agencies in 1945 and for the past 16 years has managed the North Bay Branch of Beauticians' Supply, Kitchener. Mr.. and Mrs, Pentland plan to travel west and -south during their retirement.' Award Winner At lambton College Genevieve Kinahan, 20-year-old daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinahan of West VVaw'anosh Town- ship, has been awarded an Academic Proficiency Award 'at Lambton College of Applied' Arts and Technology in Sarnia. Genevieve has completed the first year in the Early Childhood Education program and 'the profic- iency award will help financially with the second year. The award is 'based on superior academic performance and the selection is made on the basis of gtade point, average or other suitable criteria., Lee, left, 'Fraser M. Paterson, Greta Campbell and Hazel 'E. Webster, foreground. DiaLservice was ,introduced 1962 and Direct Distance Dialing (DDD) in 1964. „Picture courtesy of Bell Canada Historical Department. Major Surgery For 10-Year-old Mark Webster, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Webster of , Halifax and grandson of 'Mr. and Mrs,. Harvey Webster of Lucknow, recently underwent major 'surgery on his hip for the removal of' 'a tumour. Part of Mark's, hip bone .was also removed 'in the surgery. He is now home from hospital and getting around with the aid of crutches. Mark is presently attending Victoria General Hospital in Halifax five days a week for radiation .treatment and children's hospital there once a week for drug treatment.. • Mrs. George Webster is . the former Dawn Sinnamon and Mrs. Phillip MacMillan of Lucknow spent some lime in Halifax' with • George and Dawn at the time of the surgery. July Swimming Results At Lucknow Pool Out of 248 enrolled children at the Lucknow and District Swim- ming Pool in the month of July, the following paised. PRE-BEGINNERS Judy Allan, Tanya Allan, Debbie Blewett, Sharon Blewett, Mary Brooks, Sandy Brooks, Robbie Bushell, Nancy Carmichael, JUlie Clark, Eric Cowan, Lonny Doherty, Colleen Durnin, Lori Gingrich, Robbie Johnson, Craig Kaufnian, Dean Lindsay, Luanne MacLeod, David MacDougall ; Heather Mac- Dougall, Jeff Murray, SaMmy CONTINUED ON PAGE 15. The Bruce County Board of. Education will increase its number of trustees to 16 froni 14 for 1977. One of the additional board members will be named by separate school supporters, bring-s ing their total representation to two. . The reason for the increase is that" the• county's population,/ ex- ceeds 50,000 for the ,first time since 1911. Bruce had a population high of 65,218 in the, 1881 ceriSus but shortly after' a decline set in as many people left to settle in the -Canadian west. A main' cause of the current population growth is the influx of workers to Ontario flydro's construction site at. Doug- las Point. Died At Huronview .Mrs. Harriet Breonie died at Huronvievv, Clinton i on Thursday, August 26th her186th year: A resident of Huronview for .. about 10 years, she had previously lived at Wingharn. Mrs. Bioome is survived by a daughter Mis. Clifford Young 'of . Langside; sons Bill of VVingham, Reg of Belfast, Jim:of Bluevale and one sister in England. Died In Hospital Noble Allan. Johnston of Luck- now passed away on Tuesday, August 24th at University Hospital,' London. He was 79.' The funeral service was held at MaCKenzie Meinorial Chapel, Lucknow, on Friday, August 27th. Interment was in Lochalsh Cemet- ery. ALLAN DRENNAN Allan Drennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Drennan of Ashfield. graduated from the University of Guelph, with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Human Kinetics. Thee convocation took place in War Memorial Hall, Guelph Cam- pus on May 28, with a dinner and reception following at the Cutten. Club in Guelph. Al 'will be attending 'Ontario College 4)f Education at Queen's University, Kingston this fall. He is a graduate of Goderich District Collegiate Institute. 0.-stRU 404, 4' '4 ;ION 'houiancl 'housand 'housand thousand 9 7.44 11A9 is C.M.H.C. I shop grade CrEX