The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-08-25, Page 13MONUMENTS For sound counsel and WW1. price on a monument correctly designed froM 'qUaIity material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS • Pat 011agan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS • WALKERTOPk PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO White.church' Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McClenag- han of Waterloo and Mrs.' Eileen Parker of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Carl McClenaghan and Mrs. Ben Mc- Clenaghan. We are pleased to report that George Webster returned to his home here on Saturday' after surgery at University, Hospital. Mrs.. Agnes Elliott of. Winghani is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family. Any girl 12 years of age and over wishing to take. part in the 4-H project Leisure Wear, let the leader Mrs. Walter Elliott 357-1358 or Mrs. Archie Purdon 357-2877 know before September 7th when the leaders...go to training school. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott, David, Barry,. Paul and Karen PENCIL CASES Regular. $1.54 SPECIAL PRICE- 194 lit 354 LUCKNOW SENTINEL -11.1111111110.11111111111111.11 'vaned litter averages of 9.35 from 298. faifroiNihdi. • . • ith 'MOO SiOrteri. pig starter No.10 ANDERSON FLAX PRODUCTS LIMITED LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2026 BANK FINANCE RATES USED CARS A number of 75's. and 76's in Pontiad, Chev Impalas, Pontiac Le Mans, 'Buick Century, Monte Carlos and Ford Custom 500; some with Fair. conditioning 1976, HORNET 6 cylinder .automatic 1974 FORD .Galaxie, 2 door hardtop 1974 PONTIAC Parisienne Brougham,. 4 door hardtop. 1974 CHEV Impala 2 door hardtop 2 — 1974 FORD Custom, 2 door. 1974 FORD Grand Torino, 2 door hardtop 1973 OLDSMOBILE, Delta Royale, air conditioning 2 1973 PONTIAC Brougham, 4 door 1972 GREMLIN .1972 MERCURY MARQUIS 2 door hardtop, air conditioning 1971 CAMARO 1970 PONTIAC, 2 door hardtop 1974 FORD. Stationwagon 1973 FORD Grand Torino sthtionWagon; air conditioned 1974 FORD 3/4 ton pickup • • - 4 -*--• 1974 FORD LN 750 5 speed transmission, '2 speed rear axle, 10.00 tires 11973 CHEV, 50 serieswilth 12' van • 1973 CHEV 3/4 ton pickup 1973 CHEV 6500 series with 18' van, power tail gate loader 2 — 1973 CHEV 60 series, 18' stake, power tail gate loader , A number of vans from 1971 - 1974. Some V8's, some 6 • cylinder, some CHEVS, and some FORDS -••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 BRUSSELS MOTORS BP Service Station Phone 887-6173 • •, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1976'" THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1.10CKNOW, ONTARIO attended church service at Ripley United Church en Sunday where Mr.. Mark Aitcheson, student preacher; had charge of the service.. Donald Aitcheson and Mrs. Lyim Bullock, nee Aitchesop, sang. solos. All came from Harriston. After. 'the service all gathered at the .home of Mr.. and Mrs., Walter Forster and family. ReCent. visitors with their meth- Mrs. Jennie ' Inglis, who is improVed in health, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Inglis of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs, 'John' Stewart of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Inglis, Laurie, Lisa, Christine of Earlton. Mrs. Sadie of St. Helens visited with Mrs. Ben. McClenag- han Wednesday and Thursday of last week. • • Mrs. Carl McClenaghan visited Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. Mack Stewart and Mr. Stewart of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McIntyre and Mary Beth of Val Caron are holidaying with her relatives Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and his relatives, the Mclntyres. Mr. and Mrs: Angus Falconer on Saturday attended Toronto Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer Of Sarnia were visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Robert MoWbray. Visitors with Mrs. Garnet Farrier were Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Gillespie of Sarnia and Mr. and MrS. Wayne Farrier and Amy of Guelph and Kimberley, who had been holiday- ing here, returned horrie with them. Mr., and Mrs. Wallace Milligan and Clara visited on Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Elgin Crozier 'and Mr. Crozier of 'Niagara Falls. 'Miss Kathy Purdon of Blyth spent the weekend with her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. JOhn de Boer, accompanied =by' her brother and sister, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ron' Nicholson ' of Strathroy,. Mr. 'and Mrs. Bev Kay, Graham and Wendy visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Kay of Guelph and, her mother, Mrs. Graham of Brampton, met them at Guelph and all visited together. - This community extends their sympathy to Mrs. James Curran and family of West Wawanosh in the sudden passing of Mr. Curran on Monday. 90th BIRTHDAY PARTY To celebrate Mr. Amsey Wilkens 90th birthday at Listowel a party was held where 85 attenders gathered, Mr. Wilkens is Earl Wilkens' father. Mrs. John de Boer's sister and brother from Friesland, Holland, are visiting with her and. Mr. de. Boer and family. Mr. and Mrs: Bill Rintoul on Saturday attended the wedding of Donald Reid and Joyce Shelley ai Main Street United Church, Mitch- ell. Attending' the reception at the community centre were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell and Mr. and Mrs.. Dave Oberholtzer of Water- loo. On August 4 a relative shower of 30 was held at Streetsville by her . aunt Mrs. Lloyd Dyment for' bride-to-1)e Mary Lou Milligan. Tony Falconer pissed the gifts to Mary Lou to open and her cousin. Arlene Stabelmeyer read the cards. The gifts included tea pot set, cannister set, glasses; towels, cake tray, bowls, hot mats, pyrex pie' plates,: cook books, soup bowls, mugs, cookie' jar, roasting pan, clothes basket filled with kitchen gadgets, negligee gown, slippers and panty hose. The hat was made of the bows. Mary Lou thanked her aunt fOr arranging the shower and her relatives for coming and for their beautiful gifts. A dainty fruit lunch was served. Mrs. Wallace Milligan, Mrs. Alan Falconer and Tony, 'Clara and Mary Lou Milligan attended the shower from here. ...Perforrnange like this helps make hog raising profitable:' Bob Robson "Our swine nutrition tests include many formulations for starting pigs," reports Bob Robson, Assistant Manager, Shur-Gain Research Farm, "but we find our No. 10 Starter remains a winner for general use. It consistently turns out healthy, growthy litters of pigs averaging about 50 lbs. at nine weeks. "Pig Starter No. 10 is introduced as, soon as 5 lbs per' pig. of Shur-Gain Creep Feed .is consumed. Creep Feed is vital to high performance 13u of course it's tile 40-50 lbs. of No. 10 Starter that produced the 9.35 , weaned litter average." • Why don't you choose Shur-Gain Pig Starter No.10? PAGE THIRTEEN