The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-08-04, Page 14COWAN'S GROCERY :STOW LUCKNOW PHONE' 5284903 FREE DELIVERIES et to know us... J WE CAN HELP YOU SAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL! ..• Amemoimemiialw • L.B. DETERGENT TIDE ImsamemsammmagiNNIN, $2.16 3 LB. BLUE BONNET' MARGARINE $1 .4! 10' KG MASTER PREMIUM DINNER • DOG FOOD BARBEQUE — SWEET C f)C HAMBURG --HOT 'DOG oz. a HEINZ RELISHES 48 OZ. ALLEN'S FRUIT DRINKS 43 C 10 KG PURINA • v DOG CHOW $6.3( •pen Line By Henry prenth,.Engineering.Manager, Owen Sound.Area .• • Phasing .out the wire pole telePhone w __lineherever possible ariongoing• process .with Bell Canada ever since the introduction of telephone cable in.1902. This year is no. exception. • • • • The cable allowed the gradual replc- ing of the masses of wireon city streets that sprung up-after a pair of wires mounted on poles provided the circuit for the world's first long distance telephone call between Paris, Ontario and Brantford, Ontario on August10, 1876 and ushered in the telephone era. But open wire pole•lines are still very much.with 'us,- mainly in the countryside., Bell Canada's •Owen Sound area .has • 1,008 miles of this wire in service. This year our, wire removal program is impressive-210 miles at a cost of $26,000. • • Localities in the Owen Sound area . that are getting this type of 'improvement in 1976' include Owen Sound, ChatSwOrth, Wiarton, Hepworth, Chesley,Tara, Wingham,. Lucknow, Walkerton, Coghill, Hanover, Durham and Meaford. Putting facilities underground almost eliminates the chanCe of phone service interruptions during storms and saves the cost of winter Maintenance during bad weather conditions. But wire and cablecan't always be. • • buried-sometimes beCause,of the pres- ende of rock or other obstructions:An underground conduit structure is usually installed along routes that require an additional cable every few yeais. The relief cable is then easily pulled through the conduit rather than another trench haVing' • to be dug. Bell anada If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK Opening new doors to serial! business Financial assistance Management counselling Management training Information on governme6 programs for business Norris Peever one of our representatives will be at The Bedford Hotel, GOpERICH on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month August 10th and August 24th • For prior information call 2714650 or ' write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESOAY AUGUST '4, PAGE FOURTEEN WI'IITECHURCH. On Monday Joe Tiffin, and. Joey went to Exeter where the Wingham • Brophy Pee Wee "hard ball team Were attending a ball tournament. Mr.•Kand Mrs, Hey* Kay returned home with their trailer which they had at Benmiller for 'a week at the completion of their holidays. , • Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan,. Mary Lou ,and *Clara and Brian Falconer Spent the weekend camp- ing at Forest,• Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwich- tenberg, Kerry and Lori and Mrs. • Schwichtenberg's father, Albert. Coultes, were on a tour last week to Wawa, which is north of Sault Ste. Marie and arrived ' home on Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Schultz were in London 'on Tuesday where Dalton had a check up at -the hospital. He will be returning this week for another day check up. Quite a few attended the sale on Saturday 'of Bruce Will east of St. Helens and •report good prices were. ,received. To celebrate the holiday and ,have a family . get together. on Monday Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gutoside, Michelle and Michael of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Campbell of ListOwel, Mr. and. Mrs'. David Oberholtzer, Jeffery" and Julie of Waterloo, Mr. 'and MrS. Neil Rintoul, Steven and Scott of .East Wawanosh and Mr. and Mrs. Leotard Robinson and family were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rinto.ul. , Miss Jean Simpson, now em- ployed at London, spent the' weelknd with her parents, Mr.. and. Mrs. Hugh Simpson. Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Joey spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden, Lucknow, baby sitting Bill Jr.' while, the parents attended a reception held at Saltford. Hall. On Sunday Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Joey, accom- panied Joe Tiffin and Joan to Port Elgin, where the Tiffin Band was entertaining on, the band stand at the beach. Sr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden and Bill Jr. were also-in attendance. • Mrs. Ed Wadel of Teeswater and her sister Mrs. Tereasa O'Reilly of London were Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson •and visitors with their niece Mrs. Bill Purdon, Mr. Purdon and family of the River. Sideroad. ; - Mrs..Hugh McMillan of Watford and Mrs. George Tiffin of Lucknow were Saturday . evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. • Mr. • and Mrs. Batiershal of. Brampton brought Mrs. Lucy Harkness to visit .with Mi.• and Mrs. Robert Mowbray. Mr: and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw of Windsor spent the weekend with their relatives here: • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mowbray and family of Standish, Michigan, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray. ' •Mrs. Leroy. Rintoul, Kimberley LANGSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cohlentz, Noah, Amos, Vernon Jr., Leah and Marjorie of Greensburg, Indiana were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young on Tuesday ' and Wednesday of last • week. The Coblentz faMily fanned for two years 'on the farm ' now owned • by Mr. •and Mrs. Albert Bongertman. Ken Young and Jamie Young are spending a few days motoring up north over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, Beth and Jane of Chesley and Mr.. and Mrs. •George Young, Heather, Bradley and Cheryl of Wingham visited •on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young. Mrs. Mary Miller. of ,Luck'now returned to her home after spending some time with her son„ Mr. and • Mrs. Allan Miller and family. " • Mr. Bev Kay, our Student minister, returned from his holi- days to take charge of the services in the. Langside, and Whitechuich Presbyterian Churches on. Sunday. Die Young picnic was held on Sunday at Carrick: Park near' Hanover with fifty members pres- ent.'Games and contests were supervised by Betty Richardson and Jean Young. A bounteous supper was served and a short business meeting was held. Next year 'Ethel Holmes and Edna Young will be in • charge. The pleasant afternoon was enjoyed" by all. If some ers could take their money' with them' it would melt. and Debbie, .of Tottenham were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Black of Belgrave and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. Miss Jane Laidlaw RN. of. Brandon, Manitoba, is on holidays with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy -Laidlaw till August 10: • Attending the Schultz picnic on. Sunday from here were Mr. and, Mrs. Lorne Durnin, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Schultz, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer. Schultz and , family. On' Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson called on Mrs. Jas. E. Rowe and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Verbeek, Jamie, Michel- le •and Julie of Kincardine. Mr. and • Mrs. Bill Gibson, Rhonda, Bill and Gregory visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Da and Cindy at Camphellford with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fishes family at their summer cotta Oak Lake from Tuesday to Sui DEDICATED- HYMN. BOOKS The United Service was he the Presbyterian Church on Su With M'r. l3ev Kay in char Grahain Kay sang a Solo. Mr. dedicated the new hymn t presented by Mrs. Donald R Mr. •and Mrs. Wallace were Sunday visitors with Mr Mrs. Gordon Scot't of Ripley. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Caslick were Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Palmerston and Darlene. Coultes and friend of Wawanosh. .