The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-08-04, Page 2as driver, Bob Johnston and Bernie Twolen, and With the tanker truck: were Don Peterbaugh and Harvey Pollock. In cars were fire fighters, Chief Ivan Cook, Ted. Rouse, Jack Scott and Joe HOdgins with George McLean, Doug Liddle and Rod MacDonald and the second truck ready at the fireball. "You're qualified ....if they'il waive the 'good ameararke' thing." • WELL ADJUSTED Don't mistake your habits for eharaCtet — folks with the most • character always seem to, have' the fewest habits. District Co-operative $10,000 plant near, the .CNR. Joan Rivett, 12-year-old daugh- ter,of Mr. and Mrs. ,George Rivett of Dungannon, saved a 10-year-old Michigan girl from drowning when she into difficulty at Port Albert beach,t, where the Nine Mile river dumps into ,the' lake. Fred Anderson of Zion suffered a badly broken and crushed' heel when a wagon load of hay passed over it. Stage Door Canteen, a • highly rated show, was playing at Rexford: Ostrander's Rex Theatre in Luck- now. • 50 YEARS AGO AUGUST 1926. Results in the Entrance Class trying exams at Lucknow listed the , following pupils: Mary Wilson, Helen MacDonald, Vera Sheriff, Arabell Cameron, Edith Burt, Lillian Broom, Helen Burt; Alma . Carruthers, _Cameron Cook, Mary Graham, Roy Graham, Chatlie Hodgins, John Hodgins, Artianda MacDonald, Sheila MacLeod, John -Martyn, Clarence McClenaghan, Russell Moore, . Charles Tiffin, Elizabeth Wadel, Lorne Wade, Charlie Webster, Dorothy Wraith. 60 YEARS AGO JULY 1916 The finishing touches of "board- TO ALL DOG OWNERS Lucknow Village Council has engaged the services of an Animal- Control /Officer. Effective ,Wednesday, July 21, 1976, any dogs running at large will be considered as strays and will be dealt with under bylaw 3 - 1972. Licences are now available it the' Municipal Office. e.mr.e.ar.rAwirmr.rAinr FEES For Each Male or Spayed Female $ 4.00 For Each Additional Male or Spayed Female 6.00 For Each Female 10.0Q For Each Additional Female 15.0e DEADLINE' FOR BUYING LICENCES AUGUST 31, .1976 LUCKNOW VILLAGE COUNCIL / /711/4'0 IN A BETTER USED 1976 DODGE DARTS SPORT, 2 door. 1976 FORD HALf TON PICKUP, V8 automatic 1975 PONTIAC' La, MANS, 4 door 1.975 CHEV IMPALA 2 door 1975 DODGE,CORONET, 4 door, air conditioned 1975 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 door sedan with air conditioning "arc '1975 DODGE MONACO, 4 door stationwagon with air conditioning 1974 DODGE MONACO, 4 door stationwagon 2-1974 DODGE MONACOS, 2 door hardtops with air conditioning 1974 DODGE, 4 doOr 1974 CHEV/SPORTS VAN (Camper B equipped, 28,000 miles 1973 LaSABRE, 2 door hardtop 1971 DODGE, 4 door sedan . ,ww4:0,414.40,www.uvii,,,vuwwwwwwwwwo AMM'S CAR SALES LTD. PHONE 523-4342 MYTH V8, fully 5. , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, MB WO Harry Boyle reCeive.. secondtpacqck:award: ******40•••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••*•• 1040*******************404•••••••••••4************4h • Mike . Penich, 42, an Ashfield Township farmer, was seriously injured in a combine accident in. the AMberley area.' Eight independently owned Westein Ontario Dairies, including Fairview Dairy, Lucknow, .announ7 iced plans for a new line of products they would be distributing under. -the trade name of Seal Pure Grade -A Products. The milk continued to be purchased from ideal farms, but was processed in a large central processing plant at Barrie with the head office of the new cdmpany in . Walkerton. An Induction Service was held for Rev. Laird Stirling, the new minister at Lucknow United. Church. He 'succeeded Rev. Howard Strap') Fire completely destroyed the large• barn on the Wm: P. Hogan farm, 12th concession of Ashfield. • Lucknow Bowl and . Billiard Academy; operated since April of 1963' by Lammert and' John Van Der Veen of Lochalsh, was- sold to Gilbert' Campbell Of' Paisley. Mrs.. George 'Andrew, Lucknow, observed her 92nd, birthday.. AUGUST 1946 Levelling of the ground commen- ced at the site of the new Lucknow 30 YEARS . AGO. 10 YEARS AGO. AUGUST 1966 OHM. Shower Fur Joanne Hendrib Neighbours and relativeS gath- ered at the home of Mrs. Gordon Saunders, R. R. 7 Lucknow, on July 29 for a bridal shower in honour of Joanne Hendriks. 'The group enjoyed a program of / games organized by Mrs. Bob Humphrey and . Mrs. Allan Rjiody with a reading 'by Mrs. Tom Broome. The gifts were brought in by Diane Broome, Trina Humphrey and Matt Rhody. Joanne "was assisted.- opening her gifts by her sisters, Betty and Gerda Hendriks. Mrs. Allan Ithody and Mrs. Ed Thompson served lunch. Joanne's grandmother and aunt from Holland were present. ing up" the McGarry Hotel and stable were completed when effortd to sell or rent the property failed. Miss Frances Spence was en- gaged to teach at Lucknow Contin- uation School succeeding. Miss Cummings, • John G. Kuntz of Ashfield took the agency for the Maxwell, automobile. 70 YEARS AGO . AUGUST 1906 Mail contract tenders were called for hauling mail between Lochalsh and Ripley, six times a week each way. The Sentinel editor called for "those using smokeless tobacco to use the grey matter, in their craniums and quit spitting on 'the street, where village residents walk". ' . OVER 50 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 jug.of maple syrup, Belmore Maple Products; Barbara Wissler macra- me plant hanger, Lucknow Jr. Women's Institute; Joan Wissier wool and sock 'boy, Trinity‘U.C.yv.; Gloria Fisher jar of honey, Fear Apiaries; Nancy Murray honey comb, Fear Apiaries; Mrs. _Schnitz • purse, John, Clements; .Mildred Horn daisy pot, McComb's Hobby- craft; Pat Betterley• pillow, Suz-a- dor; Evelyn Lennips poodle bottle cover, Joan Wissler;. Eunice Smith trivet, Eunice, Cunningham and -Pearl, McKay; Wayne Ricketts pull toy, Happy. Hobby (D. Kenwell); Juanita Hopper doillies, Edith Harris; Lorna Boyle toy, Reg Gibbs; Bob McMurray' penholder, Margaret'. English;, Jean Arnold yarn snake, Janis Moyer; NancY Haldenby plant hanger, Margaret Wilkins; Mrs. Don Fraser fake fur kitten, Thelma Chess; Mrs. Toni Stewart herbs and bread, Drum- clog Farms; Tommy Gilmore table centre, Mrs. Finlayson, Brown and. Nelson; John Pye cameo colours, Isabelle, Hislop; Sandra Irwin macrame, Millie Millard; Linda MacDonald man's belt, Del Ged- des; Betty Hamilton ' fern, Rena Jouwsrna; Betty Stanley mermaid, Mrs. Bailie and Dennis; Chery Haldenby ladies belt, Del Geddes. Herb Wilkins, second vice- president, .,made a coffee table from a wagon wheel and horseshoes that were- donated to the society. Tickets were sold on a draw, and Reg Jolits of Dungannon was the lucky winner. Reg was one of the originators of the- Lucknow Craft Festival. Russel Irvin, president., introduced Vicki Beasley, Luck- now' s Queen of the Fair, who made the- major draw. Glen Walden, past president, was in charge of the guards for both nights Harry J. Boyle, *met broad- caster, author and current chair- , " Man 9f the Canadian Radio-Tele- vision and Telecommunications Commission, was signally honor- ed in Orillia at the weekend: He received second Stephen Lea- cock Award for' humor. Harry Boyle was born and' spent ins early Life at. St. Augus- tine , and 'attended the Wingham • High School. After broadcasting FIRE DESTROYS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Star., On duty at the Ripley-Huron firehall while the department was out were George McLean and Gordon Scott. As- everyone here knows, in this location, at the foot of the eighth, the cottages are packed together. Francis recalls when there were very, few at Bruce Beach. Members of one- of Mr. Sam Malhotra's science classes at the local high school made a science survey right in this area earlier this summer. Completely burned was cottage 81 at the foot of the eighth, the one described above. The owner was Robert Pugh. He had rented it to, Dr. R. H. Johnson .of London for his five week vacation and he had still one week to go. The Cause of the fire is unknown as the Johnsons were playing tennis at the time. The Ripley firemen would like at this time to thank all those volunteers who helped at the lake with the water suction hose for the pot-tabe' pumper. They, are also glad that no heavx winds were blowing, just a calm sunny Sunday morning. With the pumper truck were deputy chief John D. MacKay The LUCKNOW SENTINEL = LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The Sem "Town" On , the Huron-Bruce Boundary Second Class Mail .Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 — Published Wednesday Member of the C.C.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate,, $8.00 a year in advance $2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign Donald C. Thompson, Publisher LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON . experience at CKNX he went on to a distinguishedcareer with ,the CBC, until his appointment as vice-chairman- and 'then chair. man of the CRTC. This week's Leacock Award was for his. latest boOk, "'The, Luck of the Irish -- A Canadian Fable"; In 1964 he received the same award for an earlier tale, "HomebreW and Patches".