The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-30, Page 9. ADULT ENTUITAINMENT STAIRS MURAT, Au SA Da, me.' Super Disney Family Punt WALT DISNEY NO DEPOSIT A.NO 111711* It\ .61 00 oultOmt to 00% OFFICE OPENS AT m P THURS. JULY 1 4 IFEATUNE$ GATOR. Coq.. lamps*" • 001( M ATTOPThyt TA' TAMA PORIA, Arenth - OaNrM ;OW - • 'end int Mk' ReconuroovhAl Mull Eniertuorrus!!, *011 os 061 S iNit" • MEIROCOLOR• mc.44 CO Just another • night QC.. TERROR JULY 2 -3 FRI, • SAT. • , CHILDREN 6 to It YRS. 50c It's the most - WitigraSNEK mpeemsee , hilarious HAUNTING In history! 0/0•Onls and sokiiasi'ytv WINNIE the POOH and TIGGER TOo.! • Techilitolor' amo. 1I 'MOM/. CO ON. OW, cHILITREN 6 12 YRS,. 50c 0! :op ti. orr • WED. SAT JUNE 30 JULY '3 WHEN MOVIES WERE SILENT HIS WAS THE BARK HEARD ROUND THE WORLD. , tioioluto16401..mo MOIR lATAILIallS AMORE rinds plilittim LiPStidi '044,1re. , :a • Urarg38.4WW. 4,4 e. WEDNESDAY Starts • ..• • • • / .mverg. 1 grow" ••,-..gmet • • ' •;..'$:•A4 . • • •••• • • • " e ONE WEEK DON'T MISS IT Advertising serves by informing. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1976 Iniured In Pit Accident • :WHITECHURCH NEWS This community was sorry on Monday forenoon to learn that Alex Craig had •,an accident.' at 'the • Whitechurch Sand, and Gravel Pit, R. R. 1 Lucknow. He was taken to Wingham Hospital by ambulance and from there to Victoria Hospital, London from where it was learned he had coinpotind fracture of leg and arm and lung injury. The community wishes him a most speedy recovery. • David Adams• of Windsor spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams. Miss Mildred Mcgenaghan and Mrs. Garnet Farrier on Monday visited with Miss McClenaghan's mother, a patient at Goderich Hospital, Congratulations to the Grade 8s of the community on passing their exams. Congratulations • from the com- munity to 'Jack Whytock on receiving the Nicolson Memorial Music Award. Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire and Brian visited on Sunday with their son Lee McGuire, Mrs. McGuire and family of Missis- sauga.. Mrs.. Jean Gardner (formerly Hamilton) of Edmonton spent a few days with Mrs. Garnet Farrier and on Thursday evening Mrs. Farrier held' a gathering of all the cousins in the community. Mrs. Agnes Elliott of \gingham spent the weekend with Mr. and • Mrs. Walter Elliott. Mr. , and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw ,of Windsor spent the weekend at their homes here and on Saturday Mrs. Paid Elliott was matron of honour at Miss Karen Rivett's wedding at Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Elliott on Saturday • evening attended the Snow-Rivett wedding • held at Dungannon. Mr.„, and Mrs. W. Buswick and family of Bluevale were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bev, Kay and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rintouil, Carol, Kimberley and Debbie of Tottenham spent the weekend here after attending the wedding recep- tion in the hall for Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul. Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, visited for over a week with her daughter, Mrs. Eileen Parker of Exeter and while there she and Eileen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McClen- aghan and family, of St. Thomas. Miss Mary Lou Milligan spent the weekend in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer and family. Family Dinner On 45th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray and family held a family dinner at their home, Holyrood, on Sunday, June 27 in honour of the 45th wedding anniversary of Donald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Murray of Lucknow.• Others present were: their daughter Mrs: Bruce (Norma) Raynard, Mr. Raynard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hackett and Mr. Murray's sister, Miss Mary Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Murray were former residents of the St. Helens area, where they farmed on the 9th concession. Mrs. Murray is the former Frances Reid of Ashfield. Three' and a half years ago they sold their farm and retired to. Lucknow, where they reside 'on Havelock Street, North. LT Annual Meeting At Walkerton Bruce County section of Unit 10, the Superannuated', Teacheri of Ontario, held its annual dinner meeting in the Hartley Hotel, Walkerton on June 2, with seventy- eight• members present. • At the head table were• Mrs. Henry Hossfeld, - president; Clare Perry, secretary-treasurer 'of S.T.- 0., Toronto; J. Stevenson, secret- ary-treasurer of Unit 10, Owen Sound; vice president, T. C. Hewitt; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. L. Ernewein; councillors, Mrs. J. Fleming, Mrs. G. Pinkney, Mrs. W. Dippel, (absent)' Miss Lela Nelson; past vice president of Bruce County section, Mrs. L. Taylor,', Mrs. 'J. T. Kennedy, J. Tait. After the singing of Grace, a toast to the' Queen and the singing of 0 Canada, Mrs. Hossfeld welcomed • the guests. At the conclusion of 'dinner Miss Debbie Lou Creighton' entertained the group with songs.' She,was presented with a gift by rs. Pinkney. Mr. Stevenson gave a brief message from District 10. The speaker, Mr. Perry, was introduced by Mr. J. Tait. Mr. Perry spoke on, S.T.O. and retire- ment, particularly on benefits of S.T.O., increase in membership, improvements in pensions, and the constitution of S.T.O. Mr. Perry was thanked by Mr. Hevvitt. A short business meeting con- •6uded the dinner. • , In 1977 the Bruce County section of Unit 10 of S.T.O. will be hotted again by Walkerton, Clem Steffler Leaves Kingsbridge For Alberta KINGSBRIDGE NEWS . The Graduation Mass for the • Kindergarten to Grade 8 students of St.'Joseph's School , at Kings- bridge was celebrated by • the Reverend Ed \ Dentinger, C.R. Friday, June* 2.5 at 10 a.m. •in St. Joseph's Church. , As this was the last day of school for this year, each teacher present- ed her pupils with certificates and report cards. Following, parents were invited to 'the school gym to see the children receive academic and sports awards. • , Clem Steffler, principal of the school for the last time, acted as 'chairman. 16 perfect attendance awards were presented; public -speaking trophies were given to John Lalonde, Grade 4; Heather Ann Stapleton, Grade •5; Dana and Dean Doherty, Grades 6 and 7 and Mary Luanne Clare, Grade 8. Field Day tropies were presented to Lisa Frayne, junior girl; Peter Hendriks, senior boy and Donna Drennan, senior girl, winners at the' Track and field Zone . 1 Separate Schools Track and. Field competitions 'held in Wingham on Tuesday, June 15, and ,to Denise . Connelly, the junior girl charripion at the Huron-Perth Separate School Track and Field held in Mitchell on Tuesday, June 22. , Field' Day certificates were given to all those who attended the field days. Team awards, were presented by Miss Joanne Hamilton. Another first for' the school was the presentation of Academic awards. Mr. Stater congratulated all those who passed and wished them a successful summer. The students sang their school song and gave the school yell to end another successful school term. Mr. Steffler will be moving to White- law, Alberta on. July 12 with his wife and family. Wishes of the -community are for good luck and haiSpiness to Clem and Phyllis and family. .• Congratulations to Tommy Gil- more, 'a 'grade 3 student at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge, who ' won the Canadian Baton Twirling Championship for boys age 7.- 10 years held in• Thornhill Community Centre in Thornhill on Sunday, June 27. 'Tommy was. presented with the trophy -at the Miss Majorette of Canada pageant that same' evening in Thornhill, . • LANGSIDE Congratulations to-Kinlots Cent- ral School award winners Karen Eckenswiller, Ann Doelman, Rich- ard Day, Lisa Husk and Tammy Dadson. Congratulations Also. to Kirsten Petereit and Mark Ackert for highest marks in Grade 4 and to Liane Young and Michael Murray for high marks in grade 3. The Holyrood Girl Guides held a baseball• game at Holyrood follow- ed by a barbeque in Dan Webster's front field last Tuesday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young visited on Friday evening with Mr. and. Mrs., George Young and family in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webster and family moved to their new home on the 2nd of Culross last week. They will be missed" in this community. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, Beth and Jane of Chesley; Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Heather, Bradley and Cheryl of 'Wingham; Mrs. Eugene Gardner, Sandra, Preg and Shelley of Lucknow. They also BURT REYNOLDS ac` GATOR" COMING SUPER .VIXEN . • CHEER LEADERS: celebrated the birthdays of Cheryl Young and Greg and Shelley Gardner., • Marty, and Karen Young 'were two of the Lucknow band members who played 'at a 'band concert in Goderich Sunday evening. . A memorial service was held at Langside Cemetery on Sunday afternoon: with fine weather and . a good attendance. The service was conducted' by. J. B. Kay, student minister at Whitechurch and Lang- Side. Two duets were sung by ,Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer. Karen and Liane1 Young spent , Saturday night virith their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin of Wingham. Bev Kay, our student minister, will be on holidays in July. Services . at Langside will be conducted by various meinbers and adherents. V.-UM 'MEATH 14' GODERICH 524-781 1 THURS. JULY LOWLY solownue I P.M. REDFORD/HOFFMAN "ALL THE PRESIDENTs Mer Recornmehdeel • ' '11111•01111111111.0111MITRITIC , Eniertainment 9/I ' 41 ^ •Adulf • ' A * Al.. . ' MAI*117,./. hAiis 1141T. I *.K.s. ".1,4q AW.F.N PHII. MA% TEJO " 1..E.111MAN „ .oftli,erix16.1100.14.11e,ri..iNta +TAM .40.1•10 •••..---;oo. JULY-4 -7 1.1111 SUN., MON., TUES , WED. ommtl. SHOWTIME $ P.M. Noir Yaw tim to rArlilva:,=10tre 'THE LIANKNOVI SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE HMI