The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-23, Page 24LUCKNOW KINSMEN SUMMERFEST FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JUNE 25 & 26 FRIDAY, JUNE 25 8 p.m. to 1 am. — MONTE CARLO NIGHT AND BINGO IN THE ARENA $1.00' per person admission to the arena SATURDAY, JUNE .26 9 a.m., until completion — TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT in the Lucknow Legion 12:80 p.m.'. 5:30 p.m. -- HORSESHOW IN THE FAIRGIOUNDS • Both Western and English Classes Admi.ssion.50c per person 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. — KINSMEN MIDWAY in the. Fairgrounds 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. — ORGANIZED Kips GAMES AND RACE$ in the Fairgrounds 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. — STEAK BARBEQUE IN 'ni ARENA $3.50 pet person 8:30 p.m. — SENIOR CITIZENS CARD PARTY ' AT LEGION HALL Pries will be awarded 10 - 1 a.m. — DANCE TO THE HARBOURIITES IN ARENA Advance tickets are now available frbm azy 5i .Smelt Admission $5.00 per couple FOOD BOOTHS WILL BE SET UP' IN THE FAIRGROUNDS AND ARENA FOR THIS WEEKEND 4P AP 4W 4P 4W 4/. 4P 4P 41P 4P 4P 4P 4P 4P Proceeds of this weekend for Community Service Work For further inert atiOn contact any Kintmen orPKinitit wolisiosamirsosool 1.0 4110" AP 4P dir 4, 4P Ar Ay Ay Ay Ar Ar APP Ar AP 400' cKAY'S FRUIT MARKE /410 NEED 70 01/11SE FOOD 13ARGNALir THEY'RE NI HERE SCHNEIDER'S Wieners • 6.0. 9 SCHNEIDER'S Mini Sizzler 1 LB. $1.19 128 OZ. Javex 99t PARAMOUNT FLAKED White Tuna 6% OZ. 69c FRESH ' Strawberries . WE DELIVER. 528-34ii 69t THAT , The Dungannon Cemetery Mem- orial Service is scheduled for this Sunday, June 27th. The event has been an annual One at Dungannon for many years. Perform a death-defying act. Give Heart Fund. Give HeartFund WRONG. DECISIONS Intellect Without judgment is . the short-coming 'of half the smart people in the world. Till LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY.,41)INE 23, AWARD WINNERS AT KENLOSS CENTRAL Award winners were presented at the final day's classes at Kinloss Central School on Friday. Pictured, left to right, are Karen Eckenswiller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant -Eckenswiller of R. 1 Holyrood, winner of the Kinlbss ; • GIVES A COMPLETE WEATHERPROOF JOB LENGTHS IN. STOCK 6 FT. TO 16 FT. COLOURED, PRE-COATED GALVANIZED STEEL ROOFING In 8 Different colours alvanize APP.ae,,,PrAoter.,aw DO IT NOW- SAVE! ALSO x 4 HEMLOCK STRAPPING , SPIRAL LEAD HEAD NAILS ARDOX NAILS 8 FT. 12IBBED PLASTIC SHEETS ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND AND MASONRY IN STOCK ALSO 'AVAILABLE Township English ProfideneY Award; Richard Day, • son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Day, Whitechurch, winner of the late Ernest Ackert Award for boy's proficiency; Lisa Husk, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Lloyd Husk, R. 4; Kincardine, winner of -the late John Nicolson Art Award; Anne Doelman, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian • Doelman, R. 3 Holyroad, winner of the late William' Eadie girl's proficiency award; Tammy Dadson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dadson, •R. 3:'Holyrood, junior girl's field day winner at the regional meet at' Kincardine. All are grade 5 students with the exception of Tammy who. is in grade 4. .A114141441,4'444~4•1414,411.44.0.11\ SEE . By The Sentinel THAT Raymond Hamilton, R. ' R. 5 Lucknow, while attempting to block the wheels of a baler, had the baler pass over his upper body and head when the tractor drove forward. He was admitted to Wingham Hospital with multiple lacerations, abrasions and a' fracture. THAT Friday and' Saturday of this week is the first Kinsmen .Summerfest with. Monte Carlo night and bingo Friday and a full , day of activity Saturday including table tennis tournament, horseshow, midway, games, races, steak barbecue, senior citizens card party and dance in the arena. Proceeds are for community service. work so be on hand to assist the Kinsmen and Kinnettes. THAT Ivan. Gail arid Leone Cranston held a family get, together at their home-with a smorgasbord dinner to celebrate their parents' 35th wed- ding with ersary on Sunday. June 13th. Those present were from Montreal, A .iner. Sarnia. Water- loo and Ashfield. cr3 JOHN .11. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. PHONE 52&-3118 LUCKNOW THAT A surprise was in store for newlyweds Alex. and Lynn Chis- hohn and their attendants Allan Drennan and Virginia Chisholm when they were met at Dungannon Agricultural Hall by Delnaar Sproul. David Caesar and Grant ' Johnston. A team of horses, owned by Mose Shetler; was hitched to a i manure spreader and they were ! driven by Grant Johnston.. A ; parade of horses and , cars then proceeded down the main street of Dungannon and ended at the hope of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chisholm. •I