The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-23, Page 10KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL . CHURCH Pastor Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst . 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. 'Worship Service prEveningayer Service Service Midweek Wednesday P'ln. at 8 o'clock • C.A. (Young People) Friday- at '8:00 p.m. i Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 SUNDAY, JUNE 27th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship DUNGANNON • CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Doug Zehr, Pastor Phone 529-7751 SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME +++4++444+44++447.444-444-++ The testimony of your 'good conscience is worth more than a . dozen character witnesses. 128th, ANNIVERSARY OF ASHFIELD PRESBYTERIAN CHURC Sunday, June 27th 11 A.M. AND 8 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER Rev. John Calvin RhOad St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Kitchener 111111111.11111111k. Would You Believe by RINA CONSIDERED POISONOUS TOMATO' WAS UNTIL THE. END OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ... Yes; the "Love ,Apple" is still considered by'some for be indigestible. . . . that we've got some of the best deals of the twentieth century. Come and see tls at the friendly shop where quality and satisfaction are daily facts of life. HAND/4r AFT .1.\'l) FLO tr SIIOPPE .106 Josephine Street Ringbolt' LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staalduinen Pastor • SUNDAY, JUNE 27th Services at 10 a.m. — "Of Hoboes and • 13aptism" p.m. "Storms and Peace" • Listen to the Back, to. God Hour MesSage of Today • CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m. Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen 'Sound, 1;30 p.m Radio dial 560 1 •20%e' astir Imo 4** i't‘e PAGE TEN THE INCKNOW SENTINEL, ‘tmolow,..o.NTARlo WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1976 v. Wm Henderson Was Guest Speaker . LANGSIDE NEWS ,• An4iversary services were held SiMday. at •Langside Presbyterian ChUrch 'with a.good 'attendance at morning and -.evening services; Reverend Wm. Henderson of WOodstoCk was guest speaker. . assisted by . Mr. Bev Kay. • Rev. Henderson's- two . sermons were: 7 entitled "BuSinesS - like Christianr• ity" and • "Let's Have a Revolu-, Special music was provided by 'the choir •Finging two. numbers in the morning and one :in the .evening. and two . solo's by Mrg. Ruth Bell, : • • Mr. • and Mrs. Wesley Young held a. sticcessful auction sale . on Saturday despite the - rain, which cleared'lMer in the •afternoon, The .Holyrood Girl Guides and leaders operated a booth at the sale which • was also successful. - •- Mr. and • LW's. DaVe Moffat accompanied by Bert Moffat of -Teeswater left on a motor, trip . out west on Monday. . Some 'of the places. they plan to visit, • are . 'Saskatoon, 'Westminster and Port- age . Prairie. and expect. to "be . • 'away -about two., weeks SCHOOL. .BUS TRIP Teachers and pupils of Holyrood schOol. enjoyed a bus trip to Southampton museum last Tuies • day.. They .ate their dinner-. at Port • Elgin and, enjoyed -a walk' on the . beaCh: while • there. They . all enfoYed the trip. Mr. and .Mrs. • Jim Young :attended...theigrade,.8 graditationat Lucknow - Public School. Their son . Jamie was one of..:the'• graduates.: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 'Young. . - ""received word last' week' that 'her . Mother . ,Mrs: .BrOorne- , of Huronview,„ Clinton had fallen and broken her hip. She was taken to .•Clintori Hospital for:treatment. and is doing as well as can be expected: , Marilyn Moffat visited last week with • her, sister, Mr, and Mrs. 'Mervin Conley, and family of •Gtielph. . • Sandra Gardner. of • Lucknow• spent last week with her grandpar:. ents; Mr. 'and. Mrs. Wesley Young. Mr.' and Mrs.. Elmer Scott visited Friday evening' with Mi. and Mrs. Dave Moffat and Mis. .Robt, Stewart of Teeswater spent Sunday: at the same home. . Forther Wawanosh Farmer 'Passes ROY IRWIN Roy Irwin .of Victoria Street, Lucknow, a former West Wawa- nosh Township farmer, died sud- denly . at his home on Saturday, June 5'. He, was 82. He was born in Ashfield Town- ' ship on. May 10, 1894 a son of William John Irwin and Amelia • Henry. / ' On •December 24; • 1924 he married Viola Jamieson , of East Wavvanosh. They retired to LlicknoW in Novmber 1968. / • The late Mr. Irwin is survived by his wife;' one son Orland of West Wawanosh; four daughters, Mrs.. Bert (Ruth) Hastings *of Morris Township, Mrs. Harold (Dorene) Finlay of Belmore, Mrs. Juanita Hopper of Wingharn and Mrs. Ron (Louise) Conley of Trenton; thirte- en gra,ndchildren and two great grandchildren; two brothers and two sisters, Frank of West Wawa- nosh, Jack of Goderich, Lila Irwin of Pinecrest . Manor, Lucknow and Mrs. Glen (Winnifred) Campbelluf, Ashfield Township. He was predeceased by . his parents and two infant' brothers. The funeral service was held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow 'on Monday, 'June 7. Grant Gollan of Luclinow conducted the service. Pallbearers were six nephews, Irwin Campbell, Jack Irwin, Bern- ard Campbell; Lansley Magoffln, Earl Jamieson. Ron Jamieson. Six, grandsons acted as flower bearers, Charles Hopper, Kenneth Hopper,Finlay. Murray Hastings, Steven Irwin, Donald Irwin and Bevan Interinent was in Greenhill Cemetery. St. Helens U.C.V11. , 'The 'St. Helens" United church 'Women met, on June 8th, at, Mrs.,A. J, Cook's home. Nine ladies ' attended. The theme of the meeting was "Father". Hymn 589 was followed by the' scripture/ John 5: 17' - 27, read by Miss Isobel Miller, - The roll call was a verse with the word "Father". Mrs. Frank McQuillin, in charge . of the meeting, read the meditation 'God Gave. Us Men". Mrs. Tom Todd gave a reading "Summer Days are Here Again" and Mrs. Frank McQuillin bad a reading. Miss Isobel Miller, assisted by. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Tom 'Todd, had the topic. Mrs. John Cameron had a short : article on missions. Hymn 596 was followed by the Lard's Prayer' in unison. Mrs. Tom Todd was in charge, of the business. There will be no meeting in July. Mrs. Tom Todd and Mrs. Lorne Woods served a lovely lunch and Mrs. Frank McQuillin gave the courtesy remarks. Kingsbridge C.W L. 'Twenty-five members attended the June meeting of the Kings- bridge Catholic Women's League held in the St. Augustine Church Hall. Mrs. Tom Hogan chaired the meeting in the absence of Mrs. Marion Austin. Mrs. Hogan led with the league prayer. Mrs. 'Carl Riegling gave the scripture read- ing., The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given. , The corres- pondence was from Mr. and Mrs. Ormand, Heffernan; the grade two 1st coMmunion class; Mary Craw- ford; C.W.L. of the Holy Name of Mary Parish, St. Mary's, Ontario, re ,pilgrimage July 13th;' Rev. A. P. Spencer from 'London Diocesan Council. Mrs. Tom Hogan -noted Monsig- nor -Phelan's 40th anniversary of ordination: . Mrs. Rochelle Champagne called the roll. Mrs. Joe Courtney outlined the upcoming Pro Life LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister JUNE 27th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery provided for pre-school children- USC:Spring. Rally . Hold At Lucknow The Spring Rally of Southern Z"one (33) Lake Huron 'District ,of • United Senior citizens, of Ontario , was held' in the Legion Hall, Lucknow, on Wednesday, June 16. • There were 'Senior Citizens "from Arthur, Harriston, Clifford, Ford- wich, Wroxeter, Gorrie, Wingham, Teeswater, 'Formosa, tucknow. The ' opening dedication was given by Rev. Doug Kaufman of Lucknow and a civic welcome by Oliver• Glenn for Reeve George Joynt. Reports were then read. There were crafts and activity ideas , on display made by some of the Senior Citizens. Lunch was served at 12.00 noon followed by the election of officers. An addresi was given by Mr. J. R. Lerette, president of the U.S.C. Of Ontoap lrio4orMrMaWtimon on G Wm. Kriesreaintths.en spoke He- is Consultant . Minister of . Culture and Recreation, Hamilton. A report on presidents: meeting was given by Mrs. Ruth Johnstone and adjournment Came at 3 p.m. A very interesting day was enjoyed by' all in attendance. activities, June' 8th Barbecue 'at Mr. and Mrs. Pat 'Osborne's, June 25, 26, 27 Toronto Conference, July 9, 10, '11 Campout at Mr. Adrian Keets. A. motion was made to donate to Pro Life. Mrs. Reta H oward talked of the birthday party held in her, home for Mrs. Marie Austin, Mrs. Genev- ieve Kinahan, Mr. Frank Austin and Brother Carl. Also mention was made of the upcoming graduation banquet June: 24th. A committee was formed to look after sendirik clothing to Combermere. Sunday eVening,. August 1st was set as a date for a talent show and a draw for a quilt and afghan. A garage sale will be held and some of the ladies . volunteered to . organize this event. Mrs. Carl Riegling adjourned' the meeting and Father led in prayer. , Following, the meeting Si. August- , ine and'St. Mary's Leagues joined. Us in the hall for information on pro life given- by Mrs. Clarice Dalton urging the necessity for everyone of voting age, to write letters to their MPs on their feelings of abortion. Mrs. Bernardine Kinney also gave an interesting resume of the Diocesan Convention held in Sarnia. Mrs. Margaret MacDonald and Mrs. Karla Hogan thanked the St. Augustine ladies for providing the hall and lunch. Fr. Dentinger spoke to the ladies re community involvement and the formal part of the evening was adjourned with prayers. A plant sale and a delicious luncheon was served by St. Augustine ladies. e44 'tom 14,•cits,„c,, eNge 4e\2 ,0 ep <• •c\\' s. o e ."‘ ,cy(„ \fie awe ok c,‘„,,oeet‘ ' c)\. te e NNear toQ ea4c\` e \` 2Ne o NoN1 • • \ °1/4 •,!.2 rc'\ 1/41e-