The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-16, Page 15JOHNSTON - On Saturday,• May .15, relatives and friends gathered to witness the lovely , spring wedding of Steven Taylor Johnston, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Johnston of Kincardine and Ruth Louise White- , head of Teeswater, daughter ' of Mrs. Pearl Whitehead and, the, late Everett Whitehead. ' Officiating at the dOuble-ring ceremony was Rev. Arnold Proud. During the ceremony Byron Bal-„ lagh, Gary Ballagh and Ken Wall, all of Teeswater, accompanied by Mrs. Kathleen Smith, provided special vocal and instrumental music "Whither ThOu Goest", WHITEHEAD "The Lord's My Shepherd": "Follow Me" and "The Homecom- ing". The bride, given in marriage by her brother. Stewart, looked lovely: in a long, flowing gown of white jersey. Her gown featured a v-neckline embroidered with , seed pearls at neck and bodice, long straight sleeves and short • train. Her tiered veil, embroidered with seed pearls, was held in place by a wide band • of crystal and pearl beads. Ruth 'carried a nosegay of pink and yellow roses, yellow daisies, stephonitis, baby's breath Notice to. residents of the Township . of Hut* 4.• Ii Ontario .461,Kfit4 WE WILL BE BACK FOR ALL YOUR AIRCRAFT SPRAYING NEEDS CALL NOW FOR COMPETITIVE PRICES CONTACT* WOMEN': S SPRAYING. SERVICE', R.R. 5 LANGTON • PHONE 875.2541 OR PARKER. HOUSE MOTEL, CLINTON PHONE 482-3469 WEDNESDAY, mom 16, 1410 Couple Residing In Port Elgin Ontario Regulation No. 334/76 which amends the original order, permits the erection• or use of a building with a floor area 'of less than ,000 square feet for commercial purposes. Other changes in siting requireMents have also been included. For detailed information on Ontario Regula- tion.No. 334/76, please contact your Munici- pal clerk. Where a propoSed commercial use exceeds the provisions of the order, the Minister of Housing may amend the order pursuant to Section 32 (6) of The Planning Act after as- sessing individual applications and in accor- dance with sound planning principles. Please be advised that the Honourable John 1=1,\Rbodet, the Minister of Housing, signed an amendment to /Ontario Regulation No. 272 /74, a commercial order which affects your municipality. Although the commercial order intends only to prohibit haphazard development Of shopping centres in your municipality, small-scale com- mercial uses serving local needs are .also• prohibited under the order. ,THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L,KKNOW,'ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN Ministry of Housing JOHN R. RHODES Minister Two Day School Trip To Falls. KIN G S B RIDGEN EW S Grades ,7 and 8 students of S . Joseph's School,' Kingsbridge, ac- companied hY their principal Clean Staffer and teachers Mrs. Maithel Wilson and Miss Joanne Hamilton and' chaperones . Deb Wilson, Charles Crawford, Joanne Doherty and Rose Mary Foran, enjoyed a two day trip to' Niagara Falli. Leaving the school on Thursday, June 10 at .6.30 a.m., they visited the Marineland and Game Farm, the Tussaud's Wax Museum, Ripley's Believe It Or Not Mus- eum, The Spanish Aero Car, the Scenic tunnels, Skylon Tower, The Floral Clock, the incline railway, the -Maid of the Mist cruise, and Fort George. / They travelled by , Kincardine Travel Service, staying overnight at the Sheraton Foxhead Inn, return- ing back to the school on Friday evening at 7 p.m. All report having an excellent time. and 'purple status. Maid of honour was the bride's sister Janet and bridesmaids were Jackie and • Julie Johnston, sisters of the' groom and Sheila 'White- head, sister of the bride. The attendants were identically 'attired in light bltie flowered satin gowns with high waists, full sleeves and wide flared skirts. Best' man was Brian' Horner, Shelburne and ushers were Bruce Scott, Brad Denison and Brock Whitehead. Dinner was served hr the Church Parlour' with toastmaster duties performed by Mr. • Don Thompson of Teeswater. 'A reception: followed at Hillcrest School, •Teeswater.. For receiving the guests, 'the mother of the bride chose a matching dress and . coat of pink crepe with beaded trim. The groom's mother assisted wearing a two piece full length eggshell suit with accordian pleated skirt. Both mothers ware orchid,corsages. For travelling to. Kentucky the, bride changed to a powder blye tailored double knit wool suit with, brown accessories and a corsage of pink carnations: On their return the yourig couple will reside in Port Elgin. The groom is employed ' by Lummus Construction, and the bride, prior to, her marriage, was employed by G. H. Ward and Partners of Hanever. Mns. Wm. Arnold Was WI Speaker .Lucknow Women's Institute held their regular meeting on Monday evening, June 7, in the Assembly Room. As the hostess, Mrs. Myrtle Helm, was unable to be present, owing to an unfortunate' accident, Mrs. Grace Campbell . and Miss Elizabeth Robinson prepared . a delicious lunch which they served following the singing of the Institute Grace. " There were 20 members and 5 visitors present. Mrs. Armstrong Wilson, the president, welcomed the visitors and members and opened the meeting with the Ode and Mary Stewart , Collect. Mrs. Bert Ganimie read the correspondence and gave a financial report. Mrs. George Xennedy gave 'the cheerio report. A donation has been asked for and voted on to help with piizes for the best looking home in Bruce in connection with the plowing match. A cash donation was sent to the museum in Southampton in place of workers going for cleanup purposes. Lucknow Institute was Nimilam ,Naomposevaukl is r Look neighbour ... you can get invited • to a Tartan Tea in Ripley Legion Hall. It was in aid of Kincardine Hospital. A bus trip was discussed ancL held over until picnic day, which is June 29' in Kincardine.. A donation is to be sent to the school for retarded children in Wingham.' The program on. Citizenship was opened with a poem, Magic of a Friend. A sing "song followed with Mrs. Mary McGillivray at the piano. Mrs. Myrtle Helm had prepared the motto "Good Citizenship, is Earned, note Inherited" and Mrs: Sam Gibson read it. A lovely duet was sung and acted by Anne and Kathy Hamilton with their mother, Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, at the piano. This was enjoyed very much. The guest , speaker for the evening, Mrs. Wm. Arnold from Ripley, , was introduced by Mrs. Alex McNay. She spoke on the Bruce County Tartan. Bruce is the only county in North America to have a tartan registered in Scot-. land. She also spoke on the selling of jewellery, spoons and dishes, so many ways the tartan has' been used in souveneirs, etc. There is to be a South Bruce day at the plowing match where clothing made from the tartan 'are to be modelled. She also spoke of ,the LOWRY FARM EQUIPMENT But don't take our word 'for it. Ask a neighbour who owns Butler. Power DistribUtOr (optional) for Butler®VII silage distributor-unloader spreads yoUr silage evenly to reduce spoilage, save quality. R.R. 1 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO PHONE: 519-395.5286 111111k 111111 nice -people she has met thro": the selling of the souveneirs. She is .a very busy woman and we all 'appreciated her taking time to come.• and speak to'. us. Mrs. Armstrong Wilson thanked Mrs. Arnold and presented her With a gift. , Miss Elizabeth Robinson gave .a reading entitled "Life's Road". We had 'reports on the 'District Annual held at Wh i tech u reit , -May 18.'Mrs. George Kennedy reported on the A.M. There was 122 present. Mrs. Grace CaMpbell gave the report for the P.M. Theme of the meeting was "Faith for the future". Mrs. Alex McNay gave the paper •she gave, as roll call on the "Origin of Lucknow". Mrs. Grace Campbell led in a flower contest, which •was much enjoyed, After the courtesy remarks the meeting closed with the Royal Anthem.' Help your Heart... Help your Hecut Fund