The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-06-02, Page 16CLEAVER tt MASONRY • BRICK - BLOCK STONE POINT CLARK 311-57111 PROCLA An NOTE THAT. ALL SHOWN ARE DAYLIGHT 'SAVING TIME N • .FORM L405 • Ontario Freeman Olson Gravel Pit Ph Miles West Of Dungannon tx===tic=oc===xx=:xx=isc=1*= CHOICE CEMENT GRAVEL CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL. SAND, % STONE, TOP FILL FINE, MEDIUM OR COARSE PIT RUN GRAVEL ALL LOADS WEIGHED pbR YOUR ACCURATE 'MEASURE 10 METRI TONS — 22046 LBS, 'OF WHICH ALL PERSONS ARE ASKED TO 'TAKE NOTICE AND 'GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY • RE:LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE 'IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF: CORPORATION 'OF TOE-VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW PUBLIC, NOTICE IS GIVEN OF THE FOLLOWING VOTE.TO SE. TAKEN: ADVANCE FOR THOSE PERSONS WHO EXPECT"TO BE UNABLE TO.VOTE IN THEIR OWN POLLING SUBDIVISION ON THE REGULAR POLLING POLLING DAY, ADVANCE POLLING WILL BE HELD Saturday, June 12, 1976 HOURS 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. DST DOWNSTAIRS TOWN HALL REGULAR POLLING • Monday; June 14, 1976 HOURS 9 A.M.To 8 P.M. DST I 'SUBJECT OF VOTING REVISION OF LIST OF 'VOTERS THE VOTE RS ADDAND ITION THE CERTIFICATION OF QUALIFIED PERSONS PRO X MISSED A CERTIFICA T 'ENUM TES ERATION, THE ADDITION .0P PROXY OF Y . NOTE FINAL DATE) • E. H. AGNEW, 528-2035 FINAL DATE JUNE 8, 1976 9 A.M.9 P.M. DST POLLING TO' BE HELD AT IREGULAR POLLING DATE) POLLING-SUBDIVISION NO. 1 — 'TOWN HALL. ALL NORTH UF•CAMPBELL — EAST OF OUTRAM — EAST OF NORTH• DELHI POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 2 — ANGLICAN PARISH HALL ALL NORTH OF CAMPBELL —• WEST OF OUTRAM WEST.OF NORTH DELHI POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 3 — NOBLE JOHNSTON CAMPBELL ST. ALL SOUTH OF CAMPBELL ST. POLLINdSUBDIVISION NO. 4 — PINECREST MANOR NURSING HOME, BOB ST. OFFICIAL COUNT THE ADDITION OF THE VOTES CAST FOR EACH SIDE TAKEN FROM THE STATEMENT OF THE POLL AS PREPARED • AT EACH POLLING PLACE, TO BE' ANNOUNCED PUBLICLY, TUESDAY, JUNE 14; 1976 - TOWN'. HALL 1 r P.M. D.S.T. VMAY, ILLAGE. OF LUCKNOW .21 1974 GOD SAVE.THE QUEEN AGNEW • RETURNING OFFICER TEE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1976 But' to• complete the task 'of installing New •T,ank3 and Pumps, it's necessary for us to CLOSE WEDNESDAY NOON, JUNE 2nd We'll be open again to serve you on Saturday morning, June 5th With UCKNOW SERVICE CENTRE Phone 528-2812 KINGSBRIDGE NAMED ON DEAN'S. LIST Ann /vUrie Dalton, 20, daughter of Mrs. Mark Dalton, • R. R. 3 Goderich and the late Mark Dalton, graduated from the Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo , on Sunday, May 30. She received her honours B.A. in Geography at the Convo- cation Exercises held in the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. Ann was named to the Dean's Honour Roll for First Class Academie standing and received the Canadian Association• of Geog- raphers' -Undergraduate Award presented for the highest standiiig, in GeOrgraphy in the graduating class. Mrs.. Dalton and members of the family', Denise, Paul, Bridget, te, Jacqueline, and Maria as well as Miss Meg. Dean of Washington and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Brien of Goderich attended the gradua- tion ceremonies. A family dinner followed at the Tien .Hoa Inn in Waterloo. • This area was shocked and saddened to learn of- the sudden passing of Gordon Black of Lucknow in the. University Hospit- al, London on Sunday evening, May 30, Sympathy is extended to members of his family, especially to his mother,• Mrs. Margaret Black who is known to so many from the • area.. CAR DEMOLISHED IS UNINJURED Township roads are being freshly gravelled. Bob Howard, and a loaded gravel truck collided at the corner of the- 6th concession and the Division Line, Ashfield Town- ship (Meyer's corner) 'on Thursday evening, May 27. Mr. Howard received 'a shaking up as his car ' was hit on the front, spun around and hit again on the rear. The car was, •completely demolished. Mrs. Arie VanDiepen was admit- ted to St. Joseph's Hospital in London on Thursday, May 27. Surgery was performed on the knee on Monday, ' Wishes of the community are for a speedy recovery. Thomas O'Neill is seriously ill in Victoria. Hospital, London. Special prayers are being offered for his' recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McConville and family of Scarborough spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Marie Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kuntz and family of St. Clements visited on Sunday with Brother Carl Voll. Non-Leaded, Regular and Super BP Products AM, AEI .0' Al 411111, 41111r .1% AIIII ANY Ar ro.ovarrov.e.mer.40,Anr airJ4erar Air 29 Students For Fall Kindergarten The following 29 students, with the name: Of the parent in brackets, have registered at Lucknow Central Public School for the Fall Kinder- garten class. Debra Lea Atkinson (Wayne); Michele Barger (Kenneth); Stacey Bishop (Herbert); Kent Campbell (Duncan); Meagan Clarke (Ian); Mary Colleen Conley (Mac); Lana Dianne Craig (Alex); 'Lee Dadson (John L.); David Elliott (Ellwood); Clifford Fielder (Clifford); DaVid Fleming (Debbie); Andrew Foy, (Richard); Amy. Grace Gingrich (Orrie); David M. Hallam (James); - Laura • Ann Hodgins (William); Kyle Lindsay (Josie); Sandy Macln- tyre (Donald); :Susan May Miller (Allan); Aimee L. Moulton (Wayne); Charles Murray (Char- les); Johnathon Nelson (William); Christopher P. Pollock , (Marion);, Heather M. Priestap (Gerald); - Mathew A. Rhody (Allan); Margar- et Ellen Schachow (Albert); kristi Stanley (Wayne); Shawn Thomp- son (Marjorie); Robbie Thomson (William); Stephen Tiffin (Bevin). KinloSs. • Lynn ,Nicholson, Marty Young, Wayne and Beverley Bell are members ,of the Lucknow band 'from this district who are leaving for Quebec; on Wednesday morn- ing. • Mrs. Win Osband, Mrs. Don Robertson, Liane and Heather of London called on: Mr.. and Mrs. Clifford Young on Sunday. . Congratulations to Don Wall of Culross on winning $100. in the olympic, lottery. Mary Bongertmari of Listowel, Joanne of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bongertman arid Lou-Ann of Mount Forest spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs: Albert Bongertmart and also at- tended a school reunion at kings-, bridge on Saturday evening. .Little Steve Jones of Teeswater Spent the weekend ,with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young while his parents •attended a wedding 'in Toronto. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Young, Beth and fane of Chesley; Mr. and Mrs. •Gebrge Young; Heather, Bradley and Cheryl of Wingham; Mrs. Eugene Gardner, Sandra, Greg and Shelly of Lucknow, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young on Monday. Nancy de Boer left for,Holland on Thursday. She will visit with her grandparents and other relatives there. The Holyrood Girl Guides pack toured Wingham and District Hospital and the CKNX television studio on Monday, May 24: LANGSIDE Intended for last week Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wynne spent the weekend at their farm home on the 6th concession. of