The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-28, Page 8. . . REPORT FROM EEN'S PARK BY MURRAY GAUNT NURON.BRUCE Sagging povVer sales and higher costs will reduce Ontario Hydro's net income for '1976 by 73 million from previous estimates, Hydro Chairman" Robert Taylor said this week in a letter to the ()kali° Legislature's Select Committee on Hydro Rates. ' The principal factors in the previous estimates which worsened considerably in the first three months of 1976 were reduced/ demands for power within Ontario, lower than expected revenue from power exports, high,er interest rates and increased operating costs. - In his letter Mr. Taylor urged against .any reduction in the Committee's interim rate recom- mendation for 1976, because an "alarming deterioration of Hydro's ' financial strength, can only be reversed by the implementation of future rates that cover costs". c, Already the Crown Corporation will spend 338 million , on interest • ,.:.4..-.1.-C.r.:4":4=1:14131Rxdg4Malkneiroaram.4 4rA•OLVIVIMIIMIAnven ,c Pia., RIGHT ••••••-••••••••-•••!rt..?... OWNERS - W. J08. AND DEAN E. AGNEW PHONE 528-3532 LUCKNOW 4440144t 44W-404VV)1^mv-i4 . SUNDAY MAY 91.10 EACH RING CUSTOM MADE May Wo4uggest A. FAMILY TREE RING D IS'JEWELLERY AND. CHINA ORDER NOW To 'be sure of delivery for Mother's. Day payments this year. Meanwhile, the Ontario Legisla- ture Committee was asked by its staff to. recommend cancellation of one of seven - major generating projects in Ontario Hydro's ten- year expansion program. The staff recommendation stop- ped short of recommending a project 'for cancellation, but sug- gested the Wesleyville and Bruce plants were "the only, two projects that could feasibly be cut". A report calling on the Ontario Government to raise the legal drinking age' to nineteen has been examined by the policy and prioritiet board of Cabinet and passed on to several ministries for comment on its feasibility. The report, prepared by Missis- sauga M.P.P. Teny Jones, con- tains thirty other recommenda- tions, including issuing photo identification cards toy those who are 19 but not yet 26. Probationary drivers' licences for 16 - 18-year-olds are also suggest- ed. , DON'T BE DISAPPOII4TED It is better to aim high and miss' than to aim' low and fail. • Faith is a simple -matter of believing what we hope is true. • THE 1.11, C.KNOW SENTINEL 41./CKNOW, ONTARIO 6:30 League Hold Dinner. & Social Evening The LadieS6.30 Bowling League -held their ,animal banquet and social evening at' the. Anglican Parish Halt at 7 p.m., Monday,. April 26. A 'delicious beef dinner was enjoyed by all the ' ladies present. The tables were, decorated with novelty place cards made by. each captain and an assortment of small gifts was placed at each setting. ' Norma McDonagh thanked 'the ladies of the church for the delicious meal. ' A short business meeting was held with president Jessie Joynt presiding. The treasurer's report was read by Pat Livingston. Nominations were held for new officers for the 1976-77 • bowling season with the 1975-76 executive returned for the following season. Officers are as follows: _president, Jessie Joynt; vice president, Bern- ice 'Kemp; treasurer, Pat Living- ston; secretary,. Donna Stauble. -1'6 presentation of trophies and gifts was' conducted by vice president Bernice Kemp with Pit Livingston and Donna 'Stauble assisting. - The Bud Hamilton trophy was presented by Bernice Kemp to the captain of 'the Jelly Beans, Thelma Brown, winners of, the regular . season's howling. She also presented trophies to the teeth members, Thelma Brown, Jessie Joynt, Pat Livingston, Ena Hender- son, Marion Donais, Belle Mole, Afiene Bradley, Gladys Moffat and Donna Statible. Thelma made 'a fitting reply. - The high single for the season was, won by Bernice Kemp with 335 and ..a trophy was presented by Ena Henderson. The ( high season average was won by Pat Livingston with 188. She also won the high triple for the,season with 735. The two trophies were presented by. Jean Phillips. The most improved -bowler Joan Robinson, 34 points above last year, was presented with a trophy and pin by Mary Cleland. We had another pin this year, with it being the Perfect Attend- ance Pin for the season. Catherine Andrew presented this to Mary Cleland. Two new trophies this, year were, the high single, with handicaps and the high-triple with handicap. Bernice Kemp had a single of 378 and a triple of 855. Joan Livingtston presented these trophies. The high team of the playoffs was . the Humbugs. The members were presented with trophies by Thelma Brown and replied to by the captain Mary Cleland. The high playoff single 279 went, to Gloria Ritchie and' was• presented by , Mildred Cameron. The high playoff triple 698 went to Jean Phillips and was presented by Donna Stauble. The high playoff single with' handicap 323 went to Gloria Ritchie and was presented by Anne Riegling. The high playoff triple with handicap 821 went to Jean Phillips and Was presented by Shirley Hawthorne._ Three door prizes were won by Joan Livingston, Norma McDonagh and Grace Elliott. Isobel Miller expressed apprec- iation to the executive for the fine work they had done over the past year and wished them the best for the next season. The evening concluded with the playing of Court Whist with Norma McDonagh winning the high prize and Mary Cleland the low. Merle Rhody Is League President On Monday, April 19th the . 9 , o'CloCk ladies bowling league held their banqtiet at the Parish Ha,11 to mark the end of another season of bowling.. The evening began with a. bountiful and most delicious sup- per served 'by, the ladies of the Anglican Church. Following the meal, trophies were given out by Marie' Hoffman, past; president for, 1975-1976 seas- on, Ernie Webb and Merle Rhody, with Lorna Guay's Strawberries as the season champs and Merle Rhody's, Grapes as the playoff champs. A draw followed with the prize coming from a donation by Mrs, Margaret MacDonald and it was won by Miss Joanne Hamilton. A sec anddraw was held with everyone getting a Om. In the business part of the evening Merle Rhody was voted in as' the new president and Kay Crawford as .her vice president. Lynn Wall and Alene Clark were nominated to remain as secretary and treasurer for another year and , they accepted. The evening ended with the ladies playing. cards with more prizes for the winners. As your president for the past year I hope you enjoyed the season of bowling and we'll see you again in the fall. Marie Hoffman Mon's 7 p.m) ., Wayne Carter had high single score of 225. RonnStanley had high triple score of 2. Team points, awls 5, Cardinals 7, Vultures 0, Hawks 2. • Standings, Owls 27, Cardinals 23, Hawks 18, Vultures . 2. Greta/ awmps "PhYOff SeljeS Town and Country Bowling In the final bowling of the season, , Elleda Wightman and Anna Deiter were tied for the ladies' high single with 175. Dougle went to Anna Dexter with 307. . • For the' men it was Jim McNaughton, with high single of 209. Walter Dexter had high double of 387. Games over 200, Jim McNaught- on 209, Harry Lavis 205, Walter Deiter 202. Team'scores, Reds 0, Oranges 5, Yellows 2, 'Greens 5, Blues 0, 'Violets 5. Team standings, Greens 18, `Yellows 15, Ganges 13, Violets 13,. Blues 11, Reds, 5. - * The Greens,- with captain Vera Purvis, were the champions in the playoff series. Congratulations! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 280976 Oldsrnobiles Take 9 p.m. Bowling MEN'S 9 P.M. • George Newbold had high single. of 317. Harold Errington had high triple of -764. Gaines over: 225, George - New- bold 317, Harold Errington '286, 253; 225, Wayne Rhody 278„226, Russ Button 271, 227, Lloyd Hall 244, Bill Bogties 238, Don MacKin- non 236, 227, Bill Hunter 229, Rick Jardine 228, Gerald Rhody 228, Ron. Stanley 225. Team points, Oldsmobiles 7, Fords 2, Mustangs 0, Dodges 7, . Pontiacs 5, Buicks 0. Final standings,. Oldsmobiles 25, 'Dodges 24, Pontiacs 22, Buicks 15, , Mustangs' 12, Fords 7. Kinlois Bowling April 19 High man was Evan Keith with a single of 252 and a triple of 590. Men 200 and over: Evan Keith 252, Walter Dexter 225, 208,• Mike Dalton 223, Ken Barger 220, 213, Gerald Rhody 220, Lloyd . Mac- Dougall 213, 203, Fraser MacKin- non 206, Ronnie MacQuillin 205, Don Farrish 204. Ladies' high single, Merle Rhody 295; high triple, Janet Barger 652. Ladies 200 and over:. Merle Rhody 295, Janet Barger 241, 208, 203,' Anna Dexter 241, 235,' Dorothy Famish 233, 205. Team points: Kings 3, Snows 5, Wealthys 0, Spys 4, Macs 7, Pippins 2. Team standings; Macs 23, Pip- pins 14, 'Wealthys 13, Snows 12, Spys 12, Kings 10. Macs Are Playoff Champs Kmloss Bowling' High , man was Jim Lavis with a single of 307 and a triple''of 656. Men 200 and over: Jim Lavis 307, 208, Russel SWan 258, Gerald Rhody 242, 242, Harry Lavis 233, Ralph> Cameron 221, Jake Conley 216, 203, Jack Henderson 200. Ladies' high single was Merle Rhody with 260 and high triple, Janet .Barger with' 713. Ladies 200 and over: Merle Rhody 260, 225, Janet Barger 243, 243, 227, Grace Hopf' 223,' Cecilia Lakllaw 219, Nancy Swan 212, Gerda de Jong 212. Team points: Kings 0,' Snows 0, Wealthys 4, Spys 7, Macs 7, Pippins 3. Team standings: 'Macs '30, Spys 19, Pippins 17, Wealthys 17, Snows 12, Kings 10. NEW TRACTORS (In stock) nothing 'runs 1 4430, 125 H.P. 1 4230 100 H.P. "IN DEINE) like a 4 2130 66 H.P. Deere 2 1030 60 H.P. 3 1630 50 H.P. 1 1030 40 H.P. USED EQUIPMENT 1 1020 JOHN DEERE GAS, WITH LOADER 1 420 JOHN DEERE GAS, WITH LOADER• 1 4 ROW COCKSHUTT CORN PLANTER • 4 PULLTYPE CULTIVATORS . . 2 HYDRAULIC CULTIVATORS 1 40 PLATE DISC CASSIDY S GARAGE TEESWA TER • PHONE 302-6402: We hive 'unlimited seating _ Admission: Adults $2.50 - Students $2.00 - Public School $1.00 THE REV. HAROLD AUSTIN AND THE FIRST NATIONAL BLUE GRASS BAND From' Liberty, Kentucky FEATURING GOSPEL MUSIC • at 8:30 p.m. at the RIPLEY • HURON DISTRICT COMPLEX COME AND HEAR THE BLUEGRASS CONCERT On Saturday, May` • • 99