The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-21, Page 10IN 4*,
WEDNESDAY, APRilt, 21, 1976
. Mrs. Ray leddy.
Ncimed p re ident •
The Aprill Meeting of St. Mary's
cathnlic WOmen'sleague•waS'held'
at PinPcrest Manor with F.
' Dentinger leading in the League
'Prayers said in .unison.
MrS. Peter ,M4Donald, presid-
ent, read the minutes of the. March
• -meeting in the absence of Mrs. J.
MacMillan. The financial report
was given by Mrs. 'Art Gilmore and
showed a very satisfactory, year.
Thank you notes were read from
Fr. Dentinger and Mrs. MacMil-
' lan. Other correspondence regard-
ing League work was read and
.- dealt with.
. Mrs. Leddy read a poem
"Moods"., The C.W.L. decided to
hold a draw this summer with the
main' prize 17eing a quilt.
The new slate of officers for
1976-77 was brought in, 'namely:
president, Mrs. Ray Leddy; 1st vice
president, Mrs. Marion Donais;
2nd vice president, Mrs. Glenn
Ferter; 3rd vice president, Mrs.
Betty O'Donnell; 'secretary, Mrs.
Peter MacDonald; treasurer, Mrs.,
Art 'Gilmore. • •
The new officers were installed
during the Mass on Easter Sunday.
The meeting. adjourned and .the
members played euchre with ,some
of the patients.
Easter Is Theme
Of Meeting
- 'The Easter Thankoffering meet-
. ing of the Evening Auxiliary and
Women's MissiOnary Society of the
Presbyterian Church of Lucknow
was held on. Wednesday evening:
South Kinloss •W.M.S. and
Whitechurch ladies from the Pres.
byterian and United Church' were
our. guests.
The meeting opened with greet-
* ingsi from the president, Mrs.
Kenneth Laidlaw. The hymn, "A
man there lived in Galilee" was
' sung. The scripture and medita-
tion were given by Mrs. Ross
Miss Maudie Fisher read a poem
titled',' The'Sea of Galilee.
Hymr 189, 'Christ .the Lord is
risen today", was sung. A piano
solo was played by Mrs. Leonard
Clarke. Mrs. Kay from White-
church was the guest speaker fo'r
the evening. Her topic was
"Liberated Women". A duet by
Mrs. Philip Steer and daughter
Ruth was much enjoyed. .
Mrs. Wm. Ross gave the
courtesy remarks. The offering
was received by Mrs. Virdin
Mowbray and Mrs. Lloyd Moffat.
Hymn 193, "The day of
resurrection" closed the meeting.
A social hour with lunch was held
folloWing the, meeting.
.'Father. Dentinger opened the St.
Augustine Catholic Women's
League April meeting with prayer.
There were 8' ladies in attendance
and. held in the parish hall. •
A scripture reading was read by
Mrs. Wm. Redmond. A letter was
read' explaining the details of the.
forthcoming diocesan convention in.
Sarnia, May '11 and, 11- DiscilS-
Mons followed on resolutions
suggested 'to' be presented at' the
conventiOn. Auditing of the
b,Ooks' for the past year will
be completed • % by Mr. and Mrs..
Wm. Kinahan.
Plans' for suitable' gifts for the
seven Grade 8 graduating class of
St. Augustine were discussed. It
was decided 'to purchase plaques,
Plans were made for a First
Communion-N breakfast in' May.
Sunday, April 25th the executive of
the St. "Augustine C.W.L. will
assist in the church service, also
they will renew their" pledges in
their respective offices in the
organization for another year.
Monsignor Louis Phalen will
celebrate his fortieth anniversary in -
the priesthood in June, Arrange-
ments are made to honour the
occasion with a mass and parish
luncheon. A collection was taken
\ up to purchase flowers for the
altars for Easter. The C.W.L. will
cater to a lunch at a wedding in the
Legion Hall in Wingliam,
Father Dentinger gave a short
talk on the enlightenment of the
Holy Spirit in our every day life,
Suggesting we stop occasionally,
momentarily and reflect on 'his
The meeting closed with prayer.
A daintly lunch was• served by the
hostess. •
Whitechurch WMS
"On April 15 ,at 1.4S the
Whitechurch Women's Missionary
Society met for their regular
meeting at Brookhaven Nursing
Home, VVingham. •
Mrs. Dawson Craig opened the
Meeting with a welcome to' the
patients to worship with them and
gave an, Easter thought. Mrs:
William Evans read Easter mes-
sages from parts of several
scriptures. Mrs. Gordon, Rintoul
led in' prayer. Mrs. Wm. Rintoul
read a .poem "Could *e Forget"
and Mrs. Craig read "All in an
April Evening". Mrs. Earl daslick
read an Easter poem. Mrs. Wesley
'Tiffin gave "Seeds of Gladness".
Hymn, The day of resurrection,
was sung with Mrs. Donald Ross
pianist. The collection was
received with Mrs. John de Boer
giving the offertory prayer. Mrs.
de Boer played several hymns on
' A. '
tuoknow UCW
Lucknow United Church Wom-
en's Easter Thankoffering meeting
was held in the Lucknow United.
Church on Tuesday evening, April
13' at 8.00 .p.m. '
65smembers and 'guests gathered
in the beautifully appointed . and.
decorated• Fellowship Room. The
ladies were seated around tables in
a cross detign, set with, white and
yelloW candelabra, Daffodils,
lilies, pussy willows; and forsythia
added a springlike floral touch.
The president, Mrs. Jack Tre
leaven, welcomed the ladies and
opened the meeting: A lively sing
song 'was conducted by Mrs. Allan
'Johnson with Mrs. Harvey Houston
accompanying on the piano.
Unit 5 was in charge of the
devotionals. Mrs ' Armstrong
Wilson opened• this. part of the
service with an Easter thought
followed with scripture reading by
Mrs. Charles Anderson. A prayer
for peace was given by Mrs. Jack
McDonigh and Mrs. Wm. Bogues
read "Where Seek Ye the Christ?"
A number of familiar Easter carols
were. sung with Mrs. Peter Cook at
the piano.
Mrs. Bert Alton introduced a skit
"The Kingdom of Heaven" which
she. had written and directed.
Ladies taking part were Mrs.
Walter Dexter, Mrs. Sam Gibson
and Mrs. Allan Johnson.
Miss Nancy Walden entertained
with 'Easter Parade and "Let Us
Break Bread
' '
Tegether" on the
accordian. Mrs. Robert Finlay read
"My Master's HandS" followed by
the offering and dedication by Mrs.
Harold Treleaven and Mrs. Tom
Mrs. Eldon Bradley explained
the symbblism of Hot Crois 'Buns
served at Easter and introduced the
impressive Candlelighting Service.,
Mrs. Robert Campbell sang "The
Old Rugged Cross': and Mrs.
Vernon Hunter read , the familiar
"Orie Solitary Life".
During a time of darkness with
lighted candles 'the Voice- of the
Cross was solitiquized by. Pastor
Doug Kaufman.
The president closed the meeting
with prayer and the ladies enjoyed
a light, lunch.
her organ.
The roll call was answered by 12
ladies with a ,scripture verse
containing word Cross. The
minutes Were read by secretary
Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. Mrs. de
Boer reminded them of Rev. Stairs'
-talk on Leprosy April, 20 at 8.30 in
Wingham Church.' Anyone wish-
ing to go on bus trip to Knox
College let. Mrs. Joe English know
before the 'end of April.
An invitation has been received
from the 1U.C.W. to attend their
Thankoffering Meeting May 5', at
8.15 to hear Colleen Farrier speak'
and show slides of her, ,trip to
Kenya. Maitland Presbyterial will
be held in Lucknow May 31.
Mrs. Wes Tiffin gave the topic,
Only One Itife to. Live. Mrs. de
Boer thanked Mrs, Ross ..for the
music and Mrs. Craig for' the
program. Next 'meeting May' 19 at
2 p.m. will lie at the home of Mrs.
Gordon Rintoul. Mrs. Don Ross
conducted a sing Song of several
hymns requested. by the patient's.
Mrs. Wallace Conn gave a reading.
Mrs. de"' Hoer gaVe. 'the closing
prayer. •
( Mrs. Wm. Rintoul gave courtesy
remarks and the ladies had a social
visit with the residents:
Kngil)lidge CINL
Elect New
Officers For Year.
The April annual meeting
'was well attended by twenty-
two •members of Kingsbridge
.Catholic Worneni s • League
held in the school.
Mrs. Eugene 'Frayne
opened the meeting , with '
Fr.Dentinger leading with
league prayer following with
the /scripture, reading: Mrs.
Frayne informed the
members of upcoming
Communion Day, May 16 and'
Confirmation, April 26th.
The treasurer's and
secretary's' repOrt'S were
given and adopted as read by
,Mrs.. Pat Martin and 'Rita
Correspondence was given
by Mrs. Pat. Martin as
follows: Mrs. Olive Chisholm
for Mrs. Aubrey Higgins;
Mr,s. Paddy TenPas -
Pinecrest Nursing Home;
'Mrs. Jack' Van Osch; Mrs.
Frank Stone re Christianity in
the media; Madonna House;
Help Honouras Foundation;
Mrs. Rita Ouellette from
CALL. of Canada re proposed
ablutions - '76.
Mrs. Rochelle Champagne
called the roll. Mrs. Joe
Courtney gave the pro-life
reporting the , monthly
meeting April 20 and the 2nd
Annual Pro-Life Ontario',
tonference April llth.
Mrs. Loretta Doherty gave
a description of Mr. and Mrs..
Tony Miltenburg's citizenship
attainments. Congratulations
to them.
Mrs.' Pat Martin sum:,
Triarized •.the thaririagei
courses in Clinton.
• Canvassing for cancer is
underway and needs
Mrs. Rita Howard reported
on Mrs. Aubrey Higgins
birthday party at. Pinetrest
Horne. Education Week was
detailed and , credit was given
to Mary Luanne Clare for
Public Speaking.
The Diocesan convention
May 11 and • 12 and the
provincial convention
in July. "
Mrs. Frayne presented
Past-President Mrs. Rita
Howard a Certificate of
Mrs. Helen Riegling gave
the 4H report.
Fr. Dentinger spoke torthe
ladies, thanking for ' par-
ticipation throughout the year
and outlined the importance
of happiness with others.
To conclude the meeting
Mrs. Frayne thanked Fr.
Dentinger, her executive, and
the members for help and
guidance in the past year.
Mrs. Frayne then turned the
meeting to Mrs. Loretta -
Doherty, chairman fOr
The results were:
President, Mrs. Wilfred
Austin; first vice-president,
Mrs. Tom Hogan; second
vice-president, Mrs. Bob
Hackett; ' third vice-
president, . Mrs. Denis
Champagne; recording.
secretary, ' Mrs-. Max
Riegling';' corresponding
secreary, Mrs. Antone Van
Osch ;' treasurer, Mrs.. Joe
Mrs. Frayne passed the
presidency, over , to Mrs.
Austin and the meeting was
adjourned. Fr. Dentinger
closed with prayers. .
Ael!, L. 'Van StaaltitOen -•
pastor. -
Services at
10, "Reach Another .
Person" • •
,1:30 P.m..
"What Was Easter to You"
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
Message of Today '
CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m.
Radio dial. 1070
CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m.
Radio dial 560
Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst
10 a.m. Sunday. School
'11. a.m. Worship Service
7:30 p.m. Evening Service
Midweek Prayer Service
Wednesday at 8 o'clock
C.4 (Young People)
Friday at 7:30 p.m.
ICKNOW :rPs. ;;:t
- Rev. Doug-Kaufman
APRIL 25th
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Nursery provided
for-pre-school children
"'•"le."0".•9104k00040 .1.04.."'""'"''
Presbyterian Church .
Rev. Glenn Noble, BA., B.D.
Phone 528-2740
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Doug Zehr, Pastor
Phone 529-7751
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.' Morning Worship
Anniversary Services
Sunday, May 2
SERVICES AT 11 A.M. AND 7:30 .13.tA.
•• .
Guest Minister