The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-21, Page 9WEDNESDAY, ApRivaif "7' NanieNew:Officers For l:iucknow • Womensiristitu* 'COME AND HEAR THE BLUEGRASS. CONCERT THE REV. HAROLD AUSTIN AND THE FIRST NATIONAL BLUE GRASS BAND .10 From Liberty, Kentucky FEATURING 40SPEL MUSIC On Saturday, May 8 at 8:30 p.m: at the RIPLEY - HURON- DISTRICT COMPLEX We have unlimited seating Admission: Adults $2.50 — Students $2.00 — Public School $1.00 Zippy Trinettes Zippy Trinettes club #1 held their sixth meeting April 13, at 7 p.m, at Mrs. Hackett's. • , Roll call and home assignments were answered by 6 members. Mrs. Hackett discussed uses for the satin and sheaf filling stitches. We then discussed plans. for Achievement Day, We decided to base our , skit .on "Let's Begin, to Embroidery". For next meeting each girl is to bring her skit ideas. We selected stitches for the "free choice" article. - • Mrs. Hackett denionstrated the French knot. All members then participated in making a French knot. The Truiti Fruities met On Monday, April 19th at 9.30 o'clock at the honie 'of Mrs. Keith. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge. The next meeting will be held' on May 1st at Mrs. Clark's. The next two meetings 6 and 7 were combined. ' Mrs. Keith demonstrated how to make a baked Alaska which was really delicious. then Mrs. Clark served a fondue. She also made banana bread and some glazed apple,cookies which were both very good. - Bonnie Clark read the minutes. Then they' chose fruits for achieve= ment day. The meeting was closed with the 4-H creed.' ova. •-•,. NI . SHOWING 7 DIG DAYS! vim., APRIL 21 to B., APRIL 22111 2 SRO WING,S OA1LT AT 71.00 Sod 1;00 P. ONCE IN YOUR LIFE MAY SOMEONE LOVE YOU LIKE THIS: • I hr trlw lit kwin.!,,t oi% inrk t,,,;, ...voi•volnig b.! • ,\ bd. k,-11..i.ilidith, • . HER SLOE :THE oant agn to h;, ' Ihrntigh the n , OT OF TELE. ,r,•,„‘i man ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MOUNTAIN'. HE IG HT 0 MITI IONESDAT,APill2R2k • A SPECIAL EVENING OF NONSTOP CHA RLIE "U "mil CH A PLIN "MO DERN TURErf "CITY LIGHTS" One Complete Show of 7:30p M. STARTS THU ISDAT, APRIL 2,1111 '6'..:14.:`• 7;00 and 9:00 P.M. ' g i.* , MO( r .ChOt i 4 . . . 1 , o 'It; '. / , • Buis RE ,:i CAME-REV, DEtIEUVE • .1144.0d '""15.114;** I. PARK 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 824-7811 . GODERICH AIR CONDITIONED .. Slow P;aylno till Sall..Apr. 14 II p.m. witkdays 7:20 61,3$ Fri„8. Sat.. recommended as Mull Entertainment. NOT SINCE . i • T. LOVE s-rcEY.... it... nor .tory ot 111161mnd Ilk. Anwrkati t.'ll% flips 4,1,trovn,lcr whose' trap, tall • lit J, i svrviliing itul fierily 71nd Kix, toilful Hie, nrast• . In II rutigh it.. km I 'I 1,111 WI % pet sal man ''THEOTHER SIDE Qr • THE MOUNTAIN • ******Or***5 **********4r KIDDIES MATINEE SAT.110 SUN. 2p.m. "ALICE IN NEW WONDERLAND" **********.****1***** • • - Sum Apr. 20 to Tues. Apr 77 a p rn. "NEXT STOP GREENWICH VILLAGE" and "AT LONG. LAST LOVE" w---,77.-4„.-1,---ag —I r**4************ Of li**71, STARTS tp.m. WED.. APFlii • till SAT. ONLY SHOW AT 8 P.M. ONLY Double , Fun Feature Gene Madeline , Marty wider,, . Kahn . Teitiman e- noz ' ' • . A 1, . ti' 4-) itakri. R. Recoinnioodad as It Adult Entotiolomoot i isic"--"s—a. .-DomD .elxise-te0Mcgem4-, ..... . plui "YOUNG. FRANKENSTEIN" is., ofik,CtIveni tit hr. Ware each Sins*. 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTO4014 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE' • NINE • LucknOW Women's Institute held their annual meeting in the • 1,.assembly'roorn in the town hall on Tuesday afternoon. ..Aftei singing the Institute • grace, 28 ladies, enjoyed a hot dinner prepared by the executive. Mrs. Armstrong 'Wilson welcomed all and the • Meeting was opened by, repeating the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. 'Bert Gammie read the minutes, correspondence .and-gave the, treasurer's. report and the - business vas dealt with. An invitation from Brucelea Haven at Walkerton to a tea on Monday, May 6th, was received and • a number plan on attending and helping with the tea. Mrs. Ray Leddy gave a good report . on the district director's meeting on Tuesday, Mardi 23rd at, Holyrood, Lucknow branch is tol . look• after. the supply' table• and a display of afghans at the district annual at Whitechurch on Tuesday, May 18th. • Arrangements were made for catering to a bowling -- banquet on Saturday, April 17. The. Cheerio report was giVen by. 'Mrs. Susan McNaughton. A thank you note was read from Miss Lena Robinson. • ' The sectretary-treasurer's report was given for the year,, There was an 'average attendance of 24 and 6 had perfect attendance. •• The reports of the standing committees • • were given. .Mrs. Phillips Stewart took the chair for the election of officers- for the coming year' and asked for the report of the nominating committee which was given by Mrs. RosS Shiells. The officers for 1976-77 are as follows: past president, Mrs. Alex McNay; president, Mrs. Arm- strong Wilson; vice president, Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray; secretary. treasurer, Mrs.. Albert Gammie; assistant, Mrs. Howard Barger; district director, Mrs. Alex .McNay; alternate, Mrs. Ray Leddy; branch directors, Mrs. Ross Shiells, Mrs. Jack' Collinson, Miss Elizabeth Robinson; auditors, Mrs: Grace Campbell, Miss Lena Robinson; pianist, Mrs. Eric Rice; assistant, Mrs. Wesley Ritchie; cheerio, Mrs. Jim McNaughton, Mrs. GeOrge Kennedy.' . Conveners of standing commit- tees: Agriculture and Canadian Industry, Mrs. MarShall Gibson; Worlyiffairs, Mrs. toss Shiells; Citizenship, Mrs. Robt. Helm; Education and Cultural Activites, Mrs. Gordon Fisher; Family .and Consurner Affairs, Mrs. Oinar Brooks; Resolutions, Mrs. Eric Ricei Curators, Mrs. Ray Leddy, Mrs. N. J. Mackeniie; Public Relations, Mrs. Sam Gibson; Representative to Brucelea . Haven, Mrs. Alex' McNay., • After installing the officers for the new year, .Mrs. Stewart read a poem "A Cross to Bear". It was decided to have the May meeting on Monday evening, May 1 10th at 7.15. President, -Mrs. Arinstrong Wilson,' is to be a delegate to go to the officer's convention in Water- loo on May 4, 5 and/6Nwith Mrs. , Sam :Gibson as alternate. The different short courses available were, disbussed and it was decided to apply for a' course on the metric system, also needlepoint for begin- ners, and a' course on "Poultry please or your money's worth in meat":, • The roll call was paying of fees. The meeting was closed with the Royal Anthem. SOFT TOUCH The ,reason a 'Sian 'can shop • more ouickly than a woman is be- cause he's more easily flattered. Whitechurch AL Elect Officers WHITECHURCH NEWS „ Whitechurdh Women's Institute held their annual meeting April 14th in Whitechurch , CoMmunity Memorial Hall With a .pot hick luncheon. The meeting opened with •the singing of ,the Ode and repeating the Collect in unison. The president, Miss Merle Wilson, then read an Easter poem. Mrs. George Fisher gave the -financial statement. It was decided• to have a cleanup day April 28th beginning. at 10 o'clock. It was voted to give -Farmstead a $10 donation. Arrangements for the. District Annual were made. Mrs. Bill Evans gave a report of the District Director's, meeting held at Holyrood. The District Annual is May 18 and the convention is to be held in Chesley Presbyterian- Church. An invitation was received from Wingharn for May 25. Thank you hotes were received from Mrs. Inglis, Mrs. Chapman Sr., Annie Kennedy. An invitation was received to attend the Craft Sale at Brucelea Haven May 5. A contest on towns and villages. of Brtice was conducted by Mrs. Nettie. Ross. • The winners were Mrs. Tom Metcalfe and Mrs. Jim Currie'. The treasurer's report showed a yearly balance of $589.56. The auditors report, was given by Mrs. Bill Rintoul. . Mrs. Dan Tiffin conducted the election of officers as follows: past president, Miss Merle Wilson; president,. Mrs. Russel McGuire; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.. George. Fisher; assistant secretary, Mrs. Victor Emerson; ' district director, Miss Merle .Wilson; alternate director, Mrs. Victor Emerson; 'public relations; officer, Mrs. Wm. Rintoul; branch directors, Mrs. Russel Gaunt; Mrs. James Ctirrie, Mrs. Fred Tiffin; pianists, • Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Dan . Tiffin, Mrs. L. Diirnin; auditors, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Wm. Rintoul; sunshine and cheer, Mrs. Fred' Tiffin, Mrs. John Gaunt; nominat- ing •committee, Mrs. Elgin John- ston, Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs., RuSsel Gaunt; delegate to .district annual, Mrs. Russel McGnire, Mrs; George Fisher, Mrs. Wm. Evans, Miss Merle Wilson; alternate, Mrs. Tom Metcalfe; program,. committee,' Mrs. Frank Ross, Mrs. Garnet Farrier,. Mrs. L. Durnin, Mrs. Don Ross; delegate to convention, Mrs. Wm. Evans; alternate, Mrs. J. Conn. Standing committee conveners: Agriculture and Industries, Mrs.'. John Currie; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Tom Metcalfe; Edu- cation and Culture,' Mrs. Dan Tiffin; Family and Consumer, Mrs. G. Farrier; Resolutions, Mrs. Elgin Johnston; Curators son, .Mrs. Evans, Mrs. R. Ross, Mrs. E. Casliek. The newly elected • president Mrs. McGuire gave a few words of appreciation and Miss Wilson closed the meeting with a poem. MALL CRAFT SAFETY • Local Delegates At Conference Eleven delegates from the Wing- ham and area Pro-Life Group, Voice of the Unborn, met with . over 200 pro-liferS 'at the South Western Ontario Pro-Life Conference in Kitchener• on Saturday, April 10. Those attending, were: Mrs. Robert Chettleburg, Mrs. • John Brent, • Mrs.' Gerald 'Smith, Mrs. Herman De Bruyn, Miss Rosemary Curtis, Mr. and Mrs„ Adrian Keet, Mr. and Mrs.' Richard Campeau, Miss Annette Keet, and Joe ' Austin (Goderich Pro-Life). smith Western Ontario Pro-Life encompasses 27 pro-life groups. frOm • Toronto to -given Sound to Wfirdsof.-----Its"- .purpose is to consolidate "pro-life efforts in this part of the province, to exchangt ideas and information, and to help one another. During the morning session, all the delegates were divided into committees of their own choice. The committee included Youth, Nurses for Life, Media, Newsletter, Group Dynamics, Euthanasia Re- search, Hospital, Lyrics for Life,, Political Action, and Ontario Ac- tion. Very active discussion took place at all committee sessions arid much information and helpful ideas were interchanged. ..Guest speaker, • Mrs. Gwen Landolt,. president of the Alliance for Life of Canada, spoke during the aft ernobn'sesSion. She pointed out that the pro-abortion members of the . Federal Cabinet will be trying hard 'to push for a widening of the abortion laW in Canada , next Fall. Pro-life people across Canada will not tolerate this • denial of the bask human right, the right to live. Zippy Trinettes Zippy Trinettes• No. 2 held meeting five at the home of Mrs. Dona Campbell. Barbara Hackett, president, opened the meeting by repeating.the441 pledge: Weiook.. up our home 'assignments and the roll call "Wh jat have you decided to make for your Free Choice article, Barbari Hackett read the minutes. The next meeting will be at Mrs. DOna' Campbell's Friday afternoon, ' April 16th at 1.00• p.m. Mrs. Campbell discussed the Historical Outline 'of Embroidery and "Colour and Designs". Miss Elva Ritchie demonstrated the "Satin Stitch" .and the "Sheaf Filler Stitch". For group work, all 'the members participate'd in learning how to do the satin stitch and the sheaf filler stitch. gr11111111.1 111.— 11111111111111 II II GOOD THINGS 1111 . HAPPEN I WHEN YOU HELP' II RED CROSS I ••••......0 Kairshea • Fruit Fans . A • • ' The sixth meeting tot* place Monday, April 12th at 4.15 at the honie 'of M1s. ,Ritchie. We opened with the 4-H rhotto. Marilynne MatIntyre read the minutes of meeting five. Roll call was taken, "Show a sample of your pie .or tarts.. , Note any problems and their remedies". , Margaret MacIntyre and Dianne McBride made apple glazed cook- ies. Mary Ann Ritchie 'and Naney •Haldenby made banana 'bread. Sorne girls did'their fruit projects. Mrs. Ritchie talked about baking with fruit. Teresa Murray made pears Helene. Mrs. Ritchie made baked Alaska. We ate a delicious ' lunch. We closed with the 4-H pledge. • The next meeting will be held Friday, April 23rd at 4.15 at the home of Mrs. Maelntyre. Fruity Five WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch Fruity . Five 4-H' club held their 7th meeting on. April 14. The president, Miss Lori Ann' Jamieson, opened the.meeting with the 4-H pledge. The minutes were read by Wendy Kay. On April 27 at 7 o'clock a work meeting vvill be held to, practise the achievement day program. The roll -call was answered by' naming a fruit dessert our family enjoys. For demonstration Clara Milligan and Wendy Kay demonstrated a butter scotch fondue. there was a fruit display of grapes, apples, pears, fancy crackers and garnish accomp- animents.. Mrs.' Purdon demonstrated fruit specialties, and cheese tray. Mrs. Elliott demonstrated dessert fon- due and fruit arrangements. Group work consisted of 'saying our speech for achievement day •and closed with 4-H creed.