The Signal, 1928-3-1, Page 7County and .District
Fared Berry, ur Remail, who had years. lie 1. survived by his wife and
hl leg amputated lu Clinton hospital a family of one sou nulh.thr dough
a few weeks ago, has retarti d --to -tete - - 1' vertu
his bottle ut lieuiiall quit is greatly red February of Louis
A klii a vert n.
improved rhaee the operation. S thtiel.
1)awag'e to the uwontt of about for a;,peud'idtlr. t)e [ped "' slob, re/tutted from tire at the Kiu- three years of age. lie ea, u
eurdlue suit works nue afternoon' last Service UVt %&ua during the r, met
week. "Phe lire sturt,eetl iu the cooper '1 never completely n. "verve. r 11fhii t
shop, which was destroyed. I wound. Uu his return to
Mire Mary filler, who wade her Ise purvfiatacd ii, billiard ronin asrtully
•huutu with her sister, Mrs. James this affirm he ,Ju it .iii. t y
l Klrs
hileley, Ito[ )' itburo , li'l't , N9u.
lire February JUth, in -her retetIt3 iliedAgntwo years ago. ightes, of t`\y. t son aur-
rlghrh year. vises, lase dexeeass d's m..t, : ed two
,+. l,rettly wedding took place at held.
the house of Mr. sud Mrs. It. Douglas, *islet's. A military funeral Veof
Delmore, u° February 13th, when ' .another well -Mtge r, -:d*at
their daughter, Pearl A., was united ica(rth pureed
r„••d �hl
in marriage 'to Richard H. Cullitoa when it her[ year. ale lltetiwin:Ie...diColl-
of )111.)way. Rev. Mr. Taylor utfici Mauve, at yea his carry life was at t pearl-
atMrl. Mr. and )afro. l'ulll[un will re- Be Med for a while in L:abo alit.
aide ut Glenannan. Miehl au before veining W s aforth to {
lobo 1L Kerr, who s, February live. fie-a.e survissiabs _him [rift and r
eth at A,bItriwt. township,
mat a having
tire of Ashfield township, having two sous: G. -F. dotes, principal eT
beeu born there sixty-four yeas.' ago,
the harshen euutivatatloa > had, and
a sun of the late James Kerr. tie W. 11. Coate'','B.A.`le., of Toronto.
tnarrjed Katharine McDonald, who I
ZURICH ,lust s ems
predeceased him ten years. Four
June and one daughter survive. Uulltusta'ual "Job
A quiet wedding was solemnized at An u1,1 resbl •ut of this ,,,mmunity,
tate house of Mr. and Mrs. Louis in the 'person .,f William l:nrret Batt- To the multiplicity of otfietals
ltlark,'lyrckersmlth, When [belt eldest ler, passed away on- 1hurs'loy, Febru- , there seems uo eud. There is M. M.
daughter. Sarah Eltvtbeth. became fry Pith, sit the :ages of se,enty-revel McBride, erstwhile Labor, then Con -
the bride of Gordon Wren. youngest years. Ilecrus.el bud Int.•. in Itay s•rvative`M.P., who is now a truffle
son of Mrs. Alice Wren. Ribbert. The township for :tlrw..t ba,f 1 .,,utury• '-ugtrvim,r on the Provincial Highd
ceremony was ! ertdrmed by Rev. T• rte im mierire••t t,s hit` wife. e..,pawgh- . nays msteut at all ut
Mutual Brawl
H. Jones, color of let. Pena'$ church, 1 ter. Mrs. John lander of Itashe.eal• etailio. His duty, as explained -•and
lien/nil.111,41 n sou. Jae„b, on the 1.-Ia.-stead. • is well that it it explslued-1a to
George i„ntgnwn, an old Tt'I4I e•nt of , Much synhIM+thy is felt ' r Mr. and ,.operate with municipal authorities-
Le1slasliet,i, paswrl itn•ay February ; )ars. Nelwm Muse, of 111.• 14th eon- cuuutcWrn with the administration
20th. at the- age of eighty years- 1115 •,,siou of Flay, in the death of their the Highway
wife, • formerly tegruh Cottle, died •.':_hteesemuutlis-old lribj. The tittle
Pleven years alto. Survlt'ijtg are one child while piny ing about pulled the
daughter. Mrs. ,ts, e- literetis, Clin- Iota; nit' -of -the wasting ira�•hlue. and.
ton. and three suns: liar"). uud part ..f the ...Welts of is.aing water
William. of Louelon. and Frank, 13th nun over him. The frlgi • and pain
I•oncew••iuu of 1lnllett. with whom .grove him into .•..uculsfou- with fatal
he had been living the Test year. 'results.
The death of James Thompson Kees Iter. 11. picnic prea the , hie fare-
well se•rnpo+ ui the %ori• 1.atherin
church on Sunday eve•nb : 11e and
Mrs. ltcmbe have leen tl , recipients
of many 'farewell gifts- from the con-
Declares War
"Fruit-a-tives"-the Enemy
of Dyspepsia
ST. URSULE, QUE. -"For ten
years [ could nut digest food.
Now 1 .at like a new man.
Fruit-a-tives relieved me com-
pletely." Jos. Martin.
Our way of living lays most
of us open to recurrent attacks
ut dyspepsia and kindred ail-
ments. To remedy this, the
regular use of Frult-a-tives Is
highly recommended.
The gentle, natural stimula-
tion of the bowels and digestive
system by the fruit juice ex-
tracts and tonics in Fruit -a -thee
soon hea is bothersomeand pain-
ful digestion. Try It. Sold lay
drugaiste--25c and SOc per
The Guaranteed
Soothln hcatin8 Ointmenl
U:I ). !\rel he eomtwnded them ,to
male all sit down by ltiwtiaukw niton• i
the grove grass. And they aft d,N•It
in ranks. by.huwlreds rind by tittles. �
lir i:r,nt1, III his cotuult-It ury say's:
1 c . -. this este - to show •at a
u,. • then111,0x•1' fed, and to ell-
il. t ,.trot •s hl nu orderly ulna-
uer this gl,nuua miracle."
1!y ISA( ELHAM11,1
-- tIoderieh, Ont. .\nd (then he lord' token the five
buttes noel the two lashes. lie looked
ut, to hea_cu and blessed. Thus '
- we headily °wit , tt,.ulif the most ddrlatut, of the wt►lti•
Fronk day to da)' tilde was. what' he Wall doing. This
Tile hand that feeds ua sill; Noising xud giving thuuls for -the
Give us our bread, and tench to fest , meat. and teualie 4111 of it as the 1
Cuuletrted lu Thy will. focal for Uueivattwls, was the t•Tlslii of
the kingdom the miracle.
Fa.r Thine the power, b - Ho broke -We Mates, uud gave thew
Thlue• to his .?.s• -"pies ' to stet before • therm :
All glory's dot' to Thee:1heys`n and the two fishes divide(' he among
Thine from eternity they thou tel .\lel they did twat. and
And Thine shall °ever Huth Blair. serefile(. And they [Dolt tela taeltre
basket+ full ,,f the lragnn•utJ, 11txl of
the tishee. This gathe•rtug up "t' the
PRAYER fragments shqwed that vast as wag
Almighty God, thy claire upon our I flu• muttit thousand and
w'ors'hip is unceasing, for try useny, 1 sear._ 'the proalsluu, filo meal to
life thy majesty, euehtreth foresee. , c'acb and aL of them *us a plentiful
dost never wlthhu441 thi.ue baud i Dere. The baskets were part of the
• w Truett. Aet and to
further me adoption of traffic regula- 1 had dente and had taught. lie took I r. markable Qe'gne, rwlueel the pr ,s
't:�'us us sponsored by the Department.the Philadelphia Record. they like to
1t herein there is elt.her use or need • them easy with him h r a quiet ,.f boot a lu lost generations itilt'•^ believe that they together with ,all
ter :such un official requires mueit more time of rest and fellowship !s,l them
of .,,, r., nshv. Car •y's tint itlhl.• Britons wheresoever [owed. are de
tins crowds that a•uuld g i thew no -„Id at tt;.'u. 1Sp+ihall Bible X14' acendants of the Lost Teaser
of g
explaining. At this distance it looks leisure ta, ewer as to rat in. Itut 11.1W it, purehn-ed for a few ecus
!ik.• another of three ex{emdce frills the .psrgle Nera• twat br bauutwiltrnl w thein is uu we.•haui,t,! dtffk-14ty. Israel•
that go to keep up taxes( and maiden- Alrbou r Jesus uud In- there b. This strange theory. which b only
eu -t him way. NA_ of wing the Bible to
one of many devised to .count [or
tally ghee a lolge at an excuse to the d'isc'iples wait by boat the crowd .:yen family carder beaten. The its- e the unknown fate
occurred February l:rttl tit his home
on the Rubyloo.ige of Stanley town-
ship. lhcea,led was in bis sixty-
eighth year, was a prominent mem-
ber of the 1'nited Iformerly Mee1th-
.MLitt 1 church. and for nine years
a member Ili the t.,wattdl/ council.
1!e is ,urvitetd by his wife, one son,
is1ifford, on tin• homestead
r, t of
daughters. Mrs. Austin
t:oderieh township, and Mrs. JW. .1.
t her
a one
. ley.
and of
ley. rk
.Nelson. also lit Stanley. Interment
was nook. in Bayfield cemetery.
George Johnston, of $urnm.•rhi1!.
passel away February lath, in his
seventy-eighth yveer. ase is survived
by his wife and a family of six sons
am) three daughters: Frei and
James, yf London; Geetrltt•, of ltay-
field; William, of Goderlch ; Mrs.
The Fulford, ed Ciiuton ; int.. Chris.
Dale. of 'ltrckersmtth, and I leg uud wreu.?led the mid joint.--ta
Robert rind Viola at home. William tlee•e`e,nding, the toys aoornu{s,uylnR
J.lwstou of p'orter's ilial is a brother. him were steering the sled het ween
Krt. Isabelle Brigham, a native of, two slum{os. aril the liu,b stthtek •
the Clinton neighborhood and later a
resident of Hensel', died recentFy at
Toronto at the age of eighty-eight
year*. Bet -death followed
wedlann whMh
dent about ---two
bier •17 aad leg were fractured.
SShinlah, the only child •d Mr. and
Mrs. II. 4'. ithrris of Exeter, died 1n
Victoria hospital. l,oadtnc on Friday
r the l
Il 1
Lind f -h lth
d 111
w year-. •h
two 4 mut
lige I foundation of m ha,„ nt
the a fou t lett e. , come _ 1 t u
f . e u •,.tc _ 1.
last at gv o th s I
mouths. 'Phe child was ,ariekeu with (Nttlr one. in nu uninhabited part [hint• of th.• 1 I
tufiamutatiou of the brain and was other mothers administer harsh, try and they had auade 1.' proyhAon ! heard of Christ.--Jai1rs R. 'Stott.
token t.. London' for treatment, but nauseating purgatives which in real- 1 fur staying any length of time. How , _.-_..-
from the first there was practically w fly irritate and Injure the delicate then were they to satisfy their own Reading for ttport•rrrest
hate of her recovery. The funeral t fi etrd bowels and at the same hunger If the crowd remained [meet A most iustnx•ti_e artiSle on the
was held" on )fuuJay to Exeter tem- I ire hidren to dread all ( Tl y factors most
intructi to the tremendous. 1
Thou eo
from gluing good gifts ant„ thy cbtl• tuggnga oaken by Jews on a Tourney
Jam.-.-J►s.-tlwu heat nand" them in hz-t.arrv_ loth their provisions and
thine own Image and lilac's°, au hay to sleep on, that they might not '
hart world nttd within doeiree which I have In depend on Ceutites, :fist w•
the can never tBtisiy so thou run the risk of eerenseniul p•I!trtlml.
dust t{ecialby reveal thyelf unto This thoa's us the extent " of the
(sem day' by day, appeastg their maracas.
hunger with bread from bion. and
queuehing their thirst with water out WORLD MISSIONS
of the river of Ood. To t!tce be all
limier and glory Fhroutlt Jesus The prirrting-press has greatly Quite a distinguished company
(girls[. Atncn. Iteleslett. I ttntltiplktI the tower of the eltun•h 10 a the d . disty m London. Fa fl
dissimdnute Christian truth. At the g' ee rood Ent-
-, a on LESSON FOR A1AR. Mlleh. 1lut- h inning .of last 1enrttry printing land, at ons of the pe organisation Topir^)taur Feeds the Mut- was done eft h•thl-presae5, alai only Into of that singularrsrodani Tie
titudea. tb,,., yna p. two huminrl furlsfcssions known as the Brltt•bt. of tendon
Lesson Presage --dark 6.,[1.11. cou1.1 lir rule II in an hour, \oft host was th.. MsrOn
those arn�rresees which
print, bind derry and the assemblage included
Gulden Text -John 0:35. several oth•.r.memben „f the mobil-
t u time they tour - e
-did told _Theses -jot �' tri atrlttmr ItY• Non, those pnsent was
from thole tar with J tour and they 'new Ihoty M• and many other Pers- itY• Non ofs a Jew. but t as
talked together with Jesus of ull.they I n,rt•toeuts to tainting have. to :e rectheir "Norman blood," if any. saYs
Thursday, March 1 i9911-?
Special Prices at McEwen's
Tea and Coffee
Dry Goods
and Chinaware
Phone 46 South Side of Squlue.
1',.,,.- mired l" , poly to all parts tie tett %lthout charge
dfi7T7hlt O MIlEs•
liaileve Britons Are Dt,eemi*ata
Lost Tribes of Israel..
of :en Jewish
,:raw down a large eaters. k 1 Hie d. forth. u I t (xhristlnn
tribes that vanished in be mists o,
li1tus Their eagerness belched the govenimentc is a dwiekrl hNT to antiquity, has no scienttic support
MISTAKES MOTHERS MAKE .flue tic's ea his grant heart of tais5ions, tin no ttge could ambaa- I whatever, bat formidable Gooks have
IN CARE OF LITTLE ONES cem.ttee,i a-anct he loofah upon thou sad,trs of Christ carry oil their work been wart, bat
f tntdable it and 11
as sheep without a shephenl. Instead ,.with match safety. over one-thlnl of I has supporters who mak• in seal
j the irtlstkttinn of the .cats c1lzM I for the meagreness of ale' member.
)lacy mothers ghee their children (,,f ranching and enjoying the "ce 1 world is under the sway of -King Of Assyria.mem dls-
tn�l! foods at too surly an age and I Deny of the twelve, hom whorl •he 1 When .'argon,
Say proudly that their habit's "eat had leen parted for a gun. he begun tthristlnn rulers. )t.trurer, the rapd the. oouqu"red Inhabitants of
ole do." I to teaeh the waitingpeoPi''• rpmtestant powers Are in n 1o5itton parsedSantara e. ?oe ii.t' they inhabitants
Chetlug that grown up certain
Such a course is almost certain to As night drew on the di•.iples be- 1 to exert out inriuersr which will from history. A fanciful theory that hEng on indigestion and lay the came anxious both about the people , ninke possible tlia fro pn•nehtng of they were the A fancif M the Amer-
ea for 1 themselves. Their 'retreat was ate Gospel to til. rentninint ewe} I ican Indian was long alp exploded•
i la
plausibility There is mOrr D 7
claim of the Afghans; who call their
people Beni-Israll. The British Is-
raelites survive °ply on the "Book of
Mormon" sad the g opaganda of a
-_ -- u,au.0 •tel to 'react + finer.. a rind pride•ct war n
Hardwood Flooring;
\uric or ruest u,,"{' n, niacl,inery.
1f you require Hardwood Floors ser ---
Phone :lusty
East Street Godericl
While-tobogganingdown the till at
the river. Brune, the little son of lir.
and Mrs. Sy'venter ('ant:. broke his
Kiss Agnes MacLean went to To-
ronto lust week to enter Wellesley ex{actell that most of the n mainln- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
hospital training tattoos for unseen. fifty per cent. will sign thi contract •
Mrs. hfargaret Jluffmati, who for- shortly. The system of ;o ...tent for e►ne of the-trtnReet thinlm
taerty keita millinery sh'q, in Wing- 1 the brlrieau, it was explained. will ire „rid .is why the sclfamaeh' man etn-
Yam, died February 14th in the Wln- 1 shutter to that need by tl:.' 1vl beet 1''' y5 college 1 e 1)tw,rm to make his
ripest neral hospital. after an illness pawls. An arbitrary .1rie• `
I'''' -Dallasdale Prete
of several weeks. tlxef for the varionc • gr: •
Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Milner. t }ilfty per cent. Af tr,ar�prt• et-fifty
ttritroPt at.-xerinerr's. t" t pa p � Amt
of their ores daughter, loris 1111- per cent. of 11w• arldtrnry ter s� of '
Bred. to ('hark•' Felward laard, I Poe the RftI' 41'ytleP pife•'lwillft": leatel to
London. Ont., son of, Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. laitrd of Wingttam. tire •marrisee the in Inter instnlan•nts, the
to take place In April I !hint payment laving made about the
' Rev. James C. McCracken. Anglican time of the foil/mime year, slanting
erergyman of Woosistnek. who died on LThp initial fee fur entrants. into . the
lktnke at the ago' of sixty-one Years. 1 pool n111 he *l for each of. 1•'
•was al native of Wborham. Two sic- i Immo raised hushe; Gs .,-a+nn of
tern. - the Mho** Harriet ane[ Bur- 1 1!r.7. The grower 'r. not ohlsret nn- .
delta McCracken, reside In this town. 1 ever the 1rse1 e.tntr•n•t'to r:r.a' nil's
-- stater[ nnetent In one a•asm : hitt it
- -�--- is ertntrat't"I thnt till tot -vee. grown '
teUcfic glow
by n memlx'i• of the ps,ol, or for him,
euunrtlter 1to1R. Mullin attended 1 most be turned over to the 1 '
the sinning meeting of the Ontario Gimlet nearer: ttdeit u,n-ef - fie` --i
(:oaf Roads Assos•iatilnt at Tontnt.1 Simnel Itenver, of the'lor..i-•t1 mot_ 1.,_
Inst wt'CL•. •north of town,. 4110,1 Febrility, 1,1.1 at
On. Yaturdey, February 1)tth, nt I the age of nineteen years. '1' ,,,s•'
Mint Westminster Presbyterian , of death was tubercular 1 -,••
church, Toledo, Margaret Mae, dangle t - --
ter of Mr. line firs. U. C. McMnrrau 1 ENSI'RE A PLE.tSAt"F1'R11'-
of hucksow, was united in marriage I TRAVEL "VANCOUVER EAPRESS"
to John D. ItacRe'c cioT Detroit, { - - .
formerly of Ito 1Ial The ceremony . 1'.111 the op enth, ,ef the m xs +"'[Nil' t
was lerfurmcd by Rev. Elwoat Roy- tpasetn, the -Vita enter F:5pre:s,
fey, and afterwards the wending din- hare the dlttl,xtiou of being the most
nee was served at the home of 14r. 1 dire•[ link between Toronto aka Vali-
and Mrs. Charles E. Foster. Mr. and 1 (sower. 1'ttii May of i!t:'v, olio' the
Mrs. MeeKendrick will make their I superb "Tntnss-('roods" resume' err-.
home In Detroit.
chs. the pth•rapnpn l a r •'Number I'ree."
William' Ulan. for many sears a ! Hs Silt. Is more familiarly 'gi,own.
rte ddest of the Kiutough Ineality, 1 (5)rrlet 1u A1nnp. , .t,,,l On
haus} at bis hunt• Cheers. un February i 19te ,.tmfort and ,enke :rain
2)t'h. Hie wins In his sixty-fourth thio exee!Mnt Iran -'e ntnn n')l
hate• earned for It net ereeftT'eto,11a-
tion with ex•perteiho•d tratef,r5 In
fait, titans or her patron. eta' her ser
vier s the -err routed. ala•Ay- �o,'ni'vIng '
the rani:• Aeentiltr+orinttnn. - 1hey
would In it favorite'\1'.tel. TI"' .- me
to know the waiter: and p 4 i e Ind
look for them 'w'he'n they g
There are -more than a kundred men
who do this, and It steaks mel for the
"Vancouver Express "
The Vanerntter EN Lures ise•anadian
After a long' i"Iae•sW Charles Ralph 1'at ifie. ton( she lel, Tor,.l'•'' t'srlo°
'lied Wwineedny. February 22nd, nt Station
venk.e+arta t. ill Imre'
illi home i+ of •nI hail
I wean forts- , litturmithtn frmn N. Il. F'hrrhy'.'Fown
urns years of age end hid (tern R rest 1
'dent of lienforth for twenty-five 1 1'n+si'naer Agent. •I
_ %/ea litlietnal
pro)e•nug ' .--
F:xeter Ilit;h School ,till bred Its ' made f -r little ones. They s.� i
eonunenee:np•nt ou Fri'..'y creel lug. .,,ant t.. take and can be given with - he. it would not be sufficient to sat-
Mamh nth. - nbtw+lel safety to even the new-born 1 iefy much a_muftitnde. It was implied
A well arla,k+�latI tnthu<ttetic i babe. They quickly banish eonttttw- in this, that In his view -They Mild
k colds I nut pnevdde for them If they .wished
s Omar tenger? te. • mentioned the ua•
time cause t c '' "'us' few British snthu.+itamtt•
mail• ire. titin to Jesus and suglrn ad he send
A:.�pIutelY no meat should be Raven � the lenlgde away. (marine their I loss of tout fry after their being , Linked with it is an ,epually sur -
5lrrprire and dtsma, when he sari,: planted (rem the hatcheries 1. one of tons ductrtne. Al the recent meeting
el u child ortunt, and
the the age of 1 1 the outstanding feature- of the erre- ' the principal -speaker predicted that
iirppr.,•n mynahs. and doctor. ooh 1f "Give ee them s emu." Phil whir ft tents of and Curs and ('atutdtxa a kr.•at world war,.teeompanled by
=turpscrd hr tete saee o teedd was he who asked if order
to reel , earthquakes viae. al strong. disagreeable Dila and them t0 go and buy In old r to feed r}'"xgrh` �1t au- less anA floods, will begin
loS0:, r+ should to abandoned and the people, was amaze,[ at the , thor, Prof. A. 1'. Ktritht, a well-known May .8 next and terminate with the
authority, given a splendid review of Battle of Armareddon on September
1p Ba •• own TabletsnTal given instead. thought of puree oil Inti had {° the experimental work which has 16. 1938. This fnrecent,with its re-
}ipbc'. (own Tablets are especially the commute et -u -n to enl.l it on one ISihuan hyo strati a men -
Percentage of fry workable exactitude, he based upon'..
let• 'meal. And creta if we sl .+tLJ, said survives and the -let '-n- wily. Man, certain periods of future Limo men -
other epleuclld outdoor articiet and tinned by. -the~ -Prophet Daniel, which
�Reorkes also, appear in this issue.. ; numerically coincides with c. rtatn
A notable addition to the magazine mussurementa of the Great Pyramid ,
meatier,; of 1°1'e° gr°w''r* in l ur.n - Don and indigestion, bras up Is made this month in the pteblfcapeto j at Cizeh.
county was held In Exeter YttrrMry land simple fevers acrd mike the cut- 1 nr do 1L uud it would Tho better to ; of a French snlgdement 10. the cane- . This, too, is a lung familiar method
21st. About half the growers of the-- rank t,f teeth pass. 'They ere ,wikp-hs send them away than to attetnptIt.ti� ,liars Sliver Fox- News welkin. It is of prophetic lntr•rpretation, althnuod
eouoty have :t,ireeel to enter the (►n- ,,,,,,Irvine dealers or by mail at 25 When ,(esus inquired what t announced that - added kin.»m will from time to time new date, arc thee[
tarts tolrxeso-growrrri I wd, and It is ,,,its a box from The Dr. t\'talism<' Andreas at hand e�e of the his•fples,aith Is stent each month to the (plebe.. because former calculations have
Andrew. Simon Peter's hrotluer, salth been proved wrong. T.
onto him Then. avhicll � mrneter5 of the Canadian Silver sox The Great Pyre-
inltr.eders' Atakte aNnn. 'fairer mid, the oldest and lute only survivor
this hath fisc ..r
Rod and (:un and t'nunddnn of the Seven Wonders of the ancient
1"ox News Is published monthly by W. world, has fascinated several 4ener-
1 Tayktr Limited. W.tod•ttock, Out. atlona of students. Thirteen acnes la
- extent at Its (rase, and.towering 5S
' feet higher than St. Peter's at Rome,
the prodigious pile was erected with
an aeceurkey that has astontiill
p ,,h.n,•.u. ll18 and astrennmprs
Not only do the. eOtt ' : mark czar
the cardinal pointe '.i the....Input,
hut the I11,1111 variation in tin• four
aides is only a fra, lion of an Ines
and the anrles of 1h, base slum- an
error of only 'wets, 'eased, from
firming a iw'rfact sapless -
burley I"nava: •,nd two stnall
fishes. hist what are i.:ry among .
(John 91. Jesus sald:
thears atilt t.
(len. Anderson, of Lncknow, has
n•.'-tv,'l .1 contract from an OW
4•olinlry firm to take hie entire out-
put of flan for .three years. This
summer he will have 40(14) acres under
enit!ention. Mr. ,indertxrt 1a the
"IIsi Ring" of Ontni'jo, controlling
in :tett gas mills in tie 'Province.
+ r $EAFORTi1
It is the selection of rich, western wheats - the lineet
grown on the prairies - that gives extra flavour to bread and
buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from
•aouRuRiTPSend 30r a traini1 for aur 700-fWlfr Purify Flour Cook Bonk. ,µ
Illassara Casada Pkwy M i11• Co. braked. Tenors. Measrsat. Ottawa, adR Jsr'
Through -Ea'; Inland Ocean
"...I W r _
1. The Great Lake Steamer S.S. Atalnlh"is, of the C.P. Fleet which rarides In:•a d alteewpll ,h hegh the t'e'd . '.1 charm.
1. semina • little b.vr II duriea the trip. A. The pa.s' ❑tte'n t..'mpa
The Great Lakes for a summer After dinner a promenade of the
holiday have no equal. Contrary broad white decks, a mo Othh
o what as
to the generally pprevailirn opinion the cit streets, but
that the automobile and touting and difference! The fre-h clean breeze
camping are a greater attraction, stiffens, the sun strit.csthe 1 odour
these large bodies of fre-h water, and sinks in blazing
of space and
really inland seas, are holding their leaving i.ehind a sen n host of paras (1
own, Indeed, by tt n: a who know it well-being. Host up
is said that they are doing more. fill white-sprethe poignant overai
Frpm Port McNieo!t to ti e (lead the stern, cryinguh) cn still they are
of the LekP+, is practically an o ears of the epee t motiorless, a floating
voyage. The great white steamers as to app a chance
of the Canadian Pacif.c Railway are bit of el
ite the cooks feather: but port hole
operated the same as tl'e hur, oeean opening, to clown, ort hole
linen. At PortM:Nm ollthevisitor brings. them swoopi•'!,
am -
sees a man made roe or, surrounded 4ng v ith the w ib.ness of the
by a village which has been Bevel- halo^.ard, vith a strength and speed
n1 -ed from the original within the that 1s amazing.
last twenty year;. About an hour Land .lowly diaarfer and the
and a half after leaving port, *bugle
rounds the dining call, and going island., are lost in the soft enfolding
darhners. Stan tore out, and a
below the traveller finds the dinin``- 'mite r. Don floods the• lake v ith an
soon spacious and comfortablye ethereal 1 eauty• All 18 quiet a
which greatly, veleta the already friendly intimate r.uiet - broken
bore apltet.te.
passingdfootstep, the throileaof the
great engine and the spark on the
viceless up above. A little later we
pass the protruding Bruce peeninsula.
then the the
home of the GreatoSpirit. in tolin he dis-
tance can be seen the plinking light
of the mariners' guides, the light-
houses at Cabot's Head, Lonely
island, the Flower Pots and in the
f urthe istanee ahead, Cove Island,
the marking point of the entrance
to Lake Huron.
There steamships, the "Keewa-
tin", "Alanitoha," and "Aesiniboia"
lof the Canadian Pa:ifl" service
first-class in every way, and ply
these inland waters from May 21st.
to September 28th. The journey
occupies the better part of three
days, with every wave bringing
further charm and amazement
the unfolding beauty of the trip.
MAiIN9 or1'It i.11111 FASIFalt.
Chemical Engineer Ihw Ch:in_ed the
F.ntJr'e lace of
"p'nprecedw,l•d Ct ides at - being
made in Canadian els Mirat rn .iner-
Mre. -was 111 stat• ' 11. p1 ' by
Arthur B. 1'''it, l'1'tdd'nt tuif the
C:tIadiaa ludo teles l i .e1 Mr.
Purvis pointer 14, the many rl•;enee•s
In man's li *Inch lay. r' r:ulted
frim the ii, iii.iT set )•
mill" by
eh,'tniral M rt ..rink Lbs waw Id oyer.
N. -w rotten .. , n w Dred .cls. and
new• proves: matin. , xistine
_ prnanrta. t. , t„eueed -a ot_ only
man's waz . Int in'c, net! 1,1- method ,
of thought;- tea t, tt„ tap,•, d to less
waste and greater , conenn
in the last f, w years, Mr. Purvis
painted out, the ebomleal engineer
has change the entire face of Induw-
try, and tt to to Itim that the world's
industries look Ili the-f1lhure.
To inform th.•`enhllc as 1" the part
chemistry le elayitrr to Canadian de
telopment, Mr, 1 nrvr .invitoineed
that an extensi)- unpf_o -wall be
lanne'hed Immediately ID 'wish the
Canadian press. That will define
more clearly the r. -lanes tot the pro
mens made, and the retlrnntir back
,round of the tsauntry.
Already Chemists In C:.milt have
produced such s'!d^Iy d1e. 't1 pro-
spects as explodes, palie pyraltn,
and tabrikold - .311 from the name
basic material. ',nada has led the
world In- many pt.,., of activity, and
In the opinion of :- exp rt Is rapid-
ly forging to tie r'• In this scien-
tific and 'Import an. fluid_
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
All calls promptly nueu4,d to ,
+- -- y or -night
*tore 335 Residence 3511w
Hamilton Street. Goderdcb
Brophey Bros.
rrders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
Prince =dserrel Mand.
Princo Edward '.land is the small-
aat province, havhi an area of only
2,184 equate mils, hut it has the
der.iAlt pnp>alatlos the average be-
ing 40 1N to the attar, mile, while
the average fol; al'Oanada. Including
the Yukntr and • Par North. la
tspsetatln of L1te.
A rawly hero ^v behy ham new
an eepeetattna of It^ of about 51%
yearn, e.ompare(1 •Its 4114 twisty -
Ilia years ago.
We gnaranoe o»r llydro tempo
for I -A111 hours us,•.
North aide of Square Goderich
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal 1,
Chestnut Coal
Coke -
Pocohontas 1 2 by 4 egg)
Quantity of�Hardwired
i can supply your wants in
any of the above fuel - Prompt
ecrvire oriel reasonable prices.
Ti'tel,ltnoe t7- -j i;,)desich..l
W. C. -\ %%F:1,
Haberdasher ,tad Ivry (le•Amer
Stento Laundry in Connee•Ilon
West Street Telephone 339
Singer Sewing Machines
Liberal 'Iist''•tntt' for cash
t ted machine. t ale en .[ part payment
Free demonstration M any time
South Side of Square I i'skrich
W. GLEN COOK, General Aral