The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-14, Page 22better 4 Settings to Clean all types of Carpeting. LOW Cleans LOW .....iaam.7.46map Carpeting • NORMAL Cleans NORMAL Nap :Carpeting 1 HIGH' Cleans HIGH Nap Carpeting 4:,/ SNAGS Cleans. =----- • 'SHAG Rugs ALL METAL CONSTRUCTION Ball Bearing Motor. PAGE TWENTY-Two THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOIN, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1976 •••- ,,,,„ ' ,:77.,7:!1117i lit.. - ,....j. A Time,, of Toy and Rebirth A. TiMe,of Refreshment -.. A Tiine of:Awakening A Time 6f Renewing iffinimiiiimimilmomminimmummmitimiminimiimminionmmunimmiiiillimmilimilimmummilimommimummmiummiimmiummumw Once Again It's Eastertime LONYM MUM •.e#. otintit•Minotes. v6st.. • .VV4w4nc:sh Township Council met for the regular April Meeting on Tuesday, April 6th at '7.30 p.m. in the Township Public Works.,Garage. All members were in attendance with Reeve Lyons presiding. • • - The minutes of the March meeting were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Hickey and Stothers. A discussion took place regard ing a proposal to have the township take over a private , lane. The matter was held in abeyance until, more information can be obtained. Neil .. Stapleton and Marintts Bakker appeared before council to- request council to have Federation of Agriculture fees 'placed on the collector's roll for the year 1976. At approximately 8.30 p.m., a motion by Counciilers Stothers. and Foran opened a Court of Revision on the assessment under The Malian Drainage Works, and appointed council members to be members of the Court. At the close of' the Court of Revision, F. F. Thompson of West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company, representing Frank Cowan Company, reviewed the municipality's insurance coverage. No change was • authorized, other than to have the new road grader included on the policy.. The Clerk opened the four tenders for crushing and hauling gravel, and read each to council. Motion by Councillors Stothers' and Ifickey: "That West" Wawanosh Township accept the tender of Jennison Construction Limited, Grand Bend, for croshing and hauling approximately 14,000 Cu, yds of A gravel at $1.20 peecu. yd. and 85c per cu.yd. for stockpiling approximately 500 -cubic yards, subject to approval by the. Ministry of Trinsportation and Cciinmunica- tionS," • By-1aw #6, 1976, was given third reading and finally passed on motion .of Councillors Foran and Craniton. This bY-law declares the Bethel Cemetery on the tenth concession abandoned, and author- izes the township 'to assume ownership. The Clerk was directed to contact ,- Maitland Engineering Services, Wingham, regarding beaver dams which are obstructing a municipal drain. . Motion ' by Councillors Hickey and Cranston: "That West Wawa- nosh Township Council authorize the road.• superintendent to adver- die for applications- for• township employee and grader operator in three local papers for one week, at a starting salary of $4.00 per hour". . The road accounts were ordered paid on motion of Councillors Foran and Hickey. The following general taccOunts. Were ordered paid on motion of Councillors Stothers and Cranston: Ontario Municipal Board, Kirk Drain approval, 25.00; Edward. McQuillin, sheep damage claim, 75.50; Robt. Aitchison, livestock inspection fee, 10.00;.. Village of. Lucknow, share fire hall renova- tion, 1346.58; Treasurer of Ontario, tile drain debenture, 801,45; James Devereaux, salary, 98.61; Receiver General of Canada, 'CPP, 1.18; Glenn Patterson, square dance instruction, 510.00; Roger Patina- ' becker, fox bounty, 2.00; F. F.' Thompson,, liability insurance; 289:48; Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority, 1976. levy, 1798.98; Dunganhon Agricultural Society, 1976 grant, 75.00; 'Lucknow Agri- cultural Society, 1976 grant, 75.00; Salvation Army, 1976 grant, 25.00; Village of Lucknow, share arena costs, 888.00; Huron County Hist- orical Society, 1976 grant, 10.00; J. Shetler Lumber, gravel for chimp, 13.65; Jack Shaw, drawing gravel to dump, 17.60. ROAD ACCOUNTS G. Humphrey, salary, 968.37; A. Cranston, salary, 660.75; T. Arm- strong,' labour, 67.48; Receiver General of Canada, CPP; UI; IT, 536.30; BF' Oil, diesel fuel, furnace -oil, 693.03; Joan Armstrong, book- keeping, 16.00; Bell Canada, telephone, 41.01; Robt. Irvin, belt, 8.67; Willits Tire, tire, 21,40; Whitechurch Sand and Gravel, gravel, 13.40;, Tom Armstrong, hauling sand, 12.00; Wm. Kemp- ton, sander rent, 2.50.00; D.R.M. Sales, parts, 43.40; F. F. Thomp- son, liability premium, 2505.08; G. Humphrey, road school registra- ticin, 96.60. Council adjourned to April 20, at . 7.00 p.m. on motion of Councilor Cranston. , JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk. SOUTH KINLOSS Mr. and MrS. Ford Cunningham arrived home from Florida last week where they,had spent the past couple of 'months. Their boy Ken and Ray and . friend Jeff Taylor, flew down during the winter break - and iiey all came home together by car. Congratulations to the •Holyrood Butchers of the Industrial Hockey League who won the championship and the trophy on Thursday 'night. They played the Kintail boys. By Paddy Ann ten Pas March has been an excellent month at Pinecrest Manor in terms of health and the residents . anticipation of the coming of Spring. . Fun and Fitness has moved to larger quarters this month due' to more residents becoming interest- ed in keeping fit. Keep up the good effort!, The social highlight of the month, of course, was the 100th birthday party of Mrs. Annie MacKenzie. Pinectest Manor indeed is honoured to have such a delightful person as Mrs. MacK.en- zie residing in our home. Although unable to speak at present, she has the beautiful ability 'to shower love and happiness on all -who come in contact with her. Mrs. MacKenzie, we all Jove you! Your birthday party, complete with "the pipers", will long remain as a tremendously. happy occasion in the, memories of many. Dear old St. Patrick also made the rafters of the Home rini\in the person 'of Clarke Johnston, Bel- Keith and Murray. Martha Graham was at the W.O.S.S.A. competitions at Lon; don on Saturday.. ' Mrs. Evan Keith was a delegate for the Presbyterian Synodical in Niagara Falls on Tuesday and Wednesday., The junior choir favoured us with some beautiful music during church service on Sunday. Mr. and Mrt. • Ken Houston visited with friends at St. Cathar- ines on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clerc and Mrs. Shirley Tulett, all of London, were visitors last Saturday with Mr.• and Mrs. Scott Tulett. Mrs. Titled remained for tilt Aveek. grave, at our March 17th birthday party. Clark is an old friend of 'all who has kissed the "blarney stone" I'm sure. His' time of Singing and reminiscing was much enjoyed by all. As usual our cooks outdid themselves with a very fancy cake in honour of our March birthdays: Along with Mrs. MacKenzie, that included Mrs. Mary, Higgins, Miss Abigail Clif- ford, Mrs. Alberta Nicholson, Miss Annie Anna McLeod and Charles Walmsley. Spring break brought • .many children to the Nursing Home. This is always a Welcome sight, for the residents as the little ones perform, or' just be. themselves. We have hadsO many real treats this' month. in the form of talent and otherwise, but I feel I must give special mention to the outstanding group "Homeward Bound", spon- sored by the •Lucknow Presbyterian Church, that spent a Sunday afternoon with us. It was a real pleasure to listen and to visit with such outstanding Christian Young People. This occasion brought joy to each resident as 'the. beautiful music resounded through oar HoMe. -•• ' g The .gfoups that have contributed to the pleasure and entertainment 'this month are as follows, Christian Reformed Church and W.M.S. Group, Kingsbridge Luck- now United Church Unit Two, Kinlough United Church U.C.W. and St. d'eter's Anglican. The time and effort by Such groups 'is very much appreciated by management and staff alike, as we see the joy these little programs bring •to our residents, We welcome to our Home this month the other half of a lovely two-some,' Aubrey Higgins of Dungannon. Mrs. Higgins came to our Home a few months ago 'and indeed there was great happiness when Mr. Higgins joined her. Mr. Higgins was an automobile mech- anic in, Detroit, Michigan for 50 years. Upon retiring he returned to Dungannon and resided in the country. Mr. Higgins has one son John who resides in Mount Clements, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs.'Higgins have both been active in the community until recently. Lucknow Greer TY and Electric.: Phone 528-3112. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Linner of Saltford were dinner gueSts on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Evan .Pinecrest Hns Mariy.Activitie During March: 1 I P 11001(4(