The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-07, Page 22Narne Officers Of Ripley W.I. luncheon was held, at 12.30 in the Legion Hall for the annual meeting of Ripley Women's. Insti- tute, ' Mrs. Florence Kirkpatrick and Mrs: Annie Scott sang a duet by ,request. Mrs. Graham. Cook presented' • Mrs. Ross Cumming with a gift from the W.I. marking her recent marriage. Mrs. Lock explained about the meeting of ,Kincardine Hospital regarding cuff back in ,services. Annual• reports were presented.' , Mrs. Donalda McLean -gave her, , report on the District Director's meeting held in Holyrood. The banquet in the complex is on September 8 and Mrs. Donalda McLean 'is the appointed one from our Ripley W.I. The Bruce County Farmstead and Home Improvement Associa- tion was discussed and $10.00 was donated to their work. All members are asked for cookies for the opening of the Medical Centre on April 11, 1976. ' Mrs. Francis Gemmell . held the election of officers and Mrs. Ross Cumming 'is the. president. TION FARMERS WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FLAX AS A CASH ow IN 1976 1.' FI4x Futures for 1976 continue at an attractive level. 2. Flax Plantings in our area'have trippleci in the last two years. 3. Possibility of new flax, seed varieties with higher yields being available for 1976.. 4. Input Cost for seed fertilizer and spi-ay less than' $20.00 per. acre. 5. A, market is available immediately for all Ontario grown flax. '6. Quick unload .as compared with other cash cropS. 7. Forward selling available (Ask Manager for details) - 8. Storage available (ask Manader for details) 9. Contricts available (ask Manager for details) Don't delay becaus-e interest in this seed is high. To avoid disappointment call today. TOPNOTCH' FEEDS LIMITED M'ilverton, Ontario phone 595..4941 For seed please contact: or ANDERSON FLAX PRODUCTS Lucknow, Ontario phone 528-2026 • glasses, plates, trays and jewellery as well as ties, Glenkary Bonnets, Hasti notes and serviettes. The hostess branch served delicious hot meal at noon, then the meeting resumed with plans for the banquet for the Bruce Countyjarm and Home Beautification Society to be held at the Ripley complex September 8'. Bruce South District branches are to cater to the 'banquet. One member for 'each branch is to be on ,the committee to make .final plans'. A decision was decided upon as how to send Mrs. James Kirkpatrick and Mrs: David Ireland to the National Conyention, who will be both past Presidents by that time. Mrs. Maulden* read the account of short courses in Bruce in the coming year. Mrs. Ireland thanked the Holy- rood ladies for their hospitality and meeting. YOU'RE WHISTLING IN THE DARK... crn J trf IF YOU THINK THAT HEART ATTACK AND STROKE HIT ONLY THE OTHER FELLOW'S FAMILY. Help your Hecat... Help ;our Newt Fund WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1976 r THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO N.F.U. NEWS least that part regarding the zoning of Agricultural land should come under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. (2) That the ,Ontario Government should have an overall policy concerning land use to serve as a guideline for municipalities. • (3) that society has to take a part in preserving farm land for food production. • (4) That severances. not be permit- ted on a farm for additional houses; where an ' additional house is required the lot remain part of the farm with a lease arrangement.. The ,O.F.A. and the N.F.U. agreed that some kind •of income security was needed for farmers if land is zoned Agriculture. The C.F.F. felt they would take their chances in the marketplace. The meeting •was a learning process for the ' Planning Act Review Committee and the farmers were satisfied that they had gotten some of their points across. This was the first of many meetings which will be held across the province by, the committee. Phase One is meeting with farm organizations. Phase Two will 'be meetings 'with municipal govern- ments. NOTICE C COUNTY TH OFFICIAL PLAN . THE BRUCE COUNTY SOUTH PLANNING BOARD ',CORDIALLY INVITE INTERESTED PERSONS TO ATTEND'A PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE TO REVIEW AND PARTICIPATE 'IN A DISCUSSION QF THE DRAFT BRUCE COUNTY SOUTH OFFICIAL PLAN The Public Information. Centres will be open as follows; COUNTY. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, WALKERTON April 15 10 a.m. - 12:00 noon;,. 1:00 - 5:00 pan.; 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. • 2; MUNICIPAL BUILDING TEESWATER April 20. — 10:00 a.m.: 12:00 noon; 1:00 p.m. - 5:00. p:m. .6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.. 3. TOWN HALL, KINCARDINE April 22 — 10:00 a.m, = 12:00 noon; 1:00 p.m. • 3:30, p.m. 4:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 4. 1.0.0.F. HALL, PAISLEY April 27 — 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon; 1:00 p.m. S:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 5. COMMUNITY CENTRE (ARENA); PORT ELGIN April 29 — 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon; 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.rnA 6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. The Plannhig Boatd has prepared. the Draft Official Plan which affeets all of Bruce County south of Amabel Township. The- purpose of the Plan is to provide land use planning guidelines for development and a framework within which the Councils and the Planning Board may carry out successive and more detailed steps in the planning process. It •is intended that this proposed Official Plan will be a guide to the general public and all public and private agencies concerned with development in the Planning Area. Representatives of the Bruce County South Planning Board and the consulting firm of M. M. Dillon Limited will be on hand to answer any, question's. 'Copies of the plan will be available for study at the 15 libraries in the Planning Area. Copies of a sum- mary report of the plan will also be available at the information centres.. w ' A summary of the Plan can , be obtained at the Clerk's office in your municipality. If you have any questions or suggestions concerning the planning program please contact; M. M. CAMPBELL, PLANNING DIRECTOR Bruce County South Planning Board P.O. Box 848, Walkerton, Ont. NOG 2V0 Telephone: (519)' 801-1782 110yrood Scene Of District Meeting The District Directors meeting of Bruce South WOmen's Institute. -4‘‘ was held at Holyrood Hall. 'President, Mrs. David Ireland and secretary. Mrs. Frank Maulden cOnductce the, meeting which opened'wits, e Ode and Mary Stewart Colic,. z , I rs.' MacPherson of. Holyrood branch welcomed, those present. Last year's min utes, financial report and corres- pondence was, read. Plans were made for the District Annual to be held in Whitechurch on May '18. The theme of the day will be "Faith in the'Future" and roll call will be answered by , branches with a Historical Event in Bruce COunty that has given faith for the future". Each of the branches was assigned a duty for the day. Displays will be on "Creative Stitchery", "Liquid Em- broidery" and "Afghans". The account of the subdivision meeting held at the home' of Mrs. • Francis Gentutell, Ripley, Provin- cial Board member, given on the meeting she •attended in Toronto in December, was given by' Mrs. Clarence. Hedley, DiStrict P.R.O. A .motion was moved. that Mrs. Hedley attend Officer's Conference in Waterloo May 4, '5, 6. • The group was reminded each branch is to send three d011ars• to the area convention, November '15 in Chesley and each district is to send an article valued' at three dollars to the National Convention in Charlottetown June 20 ,- 25.. It was decided to send an article of 'Bruce County Tartan. Mrs. Wm. Arnold gave a report of the Bruce County Tartan, and displayed the many articles available in the, Tartan and' prices. .These include .cups and saucers, Mugs, spoons, By G. Austin The Planning Act Review Coin= mittee established by the Ministry of lionsing met in the Town Hall in VVingh4m on Tuesday, February 25 with members of three farm , _organiiations - the National Farm- ers Union, the Ontario. Federation of Agriculture , and the Christian Farmers Federation, The twenty farmers attending represented ,ro'ughly' all of Western Ontario. Lorne Luther and John Austin of Local 335 of the N.F:U, attended as well as members° from other !counties. The, Planning Act was adopted in 1946 and municipal planning, which comes under the Act, has not undergone any comprehensive A, re- view since then. The three members of the RevieW Committee and tfteir counsel were seeking information from the farm organiz- ations on how municipal planning has been operating and what changes, if any, should be made. All three farm organizations agreed that: • (1) Part of the Planning Act, at