The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-04-07, Page 10LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN • REFORMED CHURCH • "Iipv: L. Van Staalduinen , Pastor , SUNDAY, APRIL 11th Services at 10 a m. "The Triumphal Entry" 2:30 p.m. "The Forgiveness Of Sin" Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today "What Happenefki" CHOK Sarnia, 8:20 a.m. Radie dial 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m. Radio dial 560 .41.1".0.6"4""•"101:04.0%0W1""0,40,1040%06.0 • LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Pastor ,APRIL 11th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning• lifership Holy Communion 8 p.m. Escape To Return This film to be shown is on church relief '" Nursery proVided for pre-school children her husband's work at Huron Men's Chapel, 'Auburn. They both were on a trip to the island of Haiti this past January. , Here • their daughter and son-in-lavv are work-,, ing as missionaries. She , showed interesting slides of their trip to Haiti. Mrs. Frank MacKenzie thanked Mrs. Rolston and present- ed her with a gift. Mrs. Ted Collyer,' Mrs.. Alvin Schmidt and 'Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre took part in the Prayer Circle. The h3itrin, "There is a green ,hill far away" was sung, followed by a reading, Legend of the Easter Lily" by Mrs. Allan MacDougall. The offertory prayer was by Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall and Mrs: Allan MacDougall gave the courtesy remarks. The, closing hymn, "Christ the Lord is risen today" was ,sung and . prayer was given by Mrs. 1Douglas Graham. Grace was sung and the ,„hostess .and directors, Mrs. Win. MacIn- tyre and Mrs. 'Lloyd MacDougall served a tasty lunch. KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor Gilbert ,Van Sligtenhorst 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship' Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Midweek Prayer Service, Wednesday at 8 o'clock C.A. (Young People) Friday at 7:30 p.m. IN THE HOME This whole problem of what is wrong with 'today's youth could he solved if parents just analyied themselveS, ti Good banking for good living after sixty. If you're sixty years old or better, you should' look into Sixty-Plus, The Royal Bank's new bundle of special banking privileges. Free. Some of these priyileges are: .—No service charge for chequing, bill payment services, or traveller's cheques. —A specially designed cheque book that gives you'd permanent copy. —A $5 annual discount on a Safe Deposit Box or Safekeeping • Service. —A special Bonus Savings: Deposit Service with interest linked to the Consumer Price Index. —Special term deposit that pays high interest monthly with flexible redemption privileges. So come on in and see one of our Managers today for all the details. Or, if you'd prefer, give them a call. Joe Hilverda Manager, Lucknow 528-282'6 ROYAL BAN K serving Ontario Bill Verlaan Manager Kincardine . 396-3481 Jene Sellers Manager- Ripley 395-2995 KINLOUGH Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. William , MacPherson Of Holyrood were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ecken- swiller and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Johnston of Holyrood and Mr. and -Mrs. Dave Ross and. Steven of Hanover. Mr: and Mrs. Michael O'Malley, Douglas, and Lori 'of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan visited with her mother Mrs. Bertha Haldenby and• other members of her family here. Mr. and -Mrs. Rex SteWart of Millarton spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. Miss. May Boyle visited on Tuesday of last week with Mrs. Edna Whytock at Teeswater, • it being the'tatter's birthday. Congratulations to Mk. and Mrs. Douglas McEwan on the birth of their little son. The Anglican Church Women will have a quilting attheir meeting on Thursday afternoon, April 8th at the church: Mr. and Mrs. George Grahain are in London this week where George is undergoing medical care. We wish him improved health. • Mr. and Mrs: Bert NicholSon and Lois attended a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Farrell on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Evelyn Collison of Bramp- ton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nit..holson and Lois. ••• • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1976 BLUEGRASS CONCERT RIPleY- Flyrrala District CoMplex SATURDAY,,APRIL 10 8 p.m. ETTER.' .1.K.K.NOW • . • •• • w .PHONE. 520481:1,. • • ORME REID, SHOE SKATE SHARENING DUNGANNON ° CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Doug Zehr, Pastor Phone 529-7751 SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME VARIETY CONCERT FRIDAY, APRIL 9 .at 8:30p,M. Lucknow Central Public School Luckno'w Presbyterian Church This month the members were pleased to welcome into their Branch Miss Lucy McCann of Hanover and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hackett of Dungannon, with their two children, Vicky and Shawn. / March 31st a. Fireside was held ,. in the Chapel, with such ' an . 'excellent turn-out that extra chairs had to be set up at the back of the room. Russ Ballard, president of : he Canada Toronto Mission, was 'guest speaker. President Ballard; from Utah, is in Toronto_ for three years to head theMission. He gets no salary from the church and must support himself and his family during this time. President Ballard tcild themembers and guests some of the church beliefs, and that the Mormon Church in Ontario is now experiencing its greatest growth in history.. Although they have some 200 Missionaries in. OntariO, young men of about 20-21 who work in pairs, Ambleside lost • their two because they were so badly needed in the Toronto area, Where so many people are interested in taking the church classes. March. also saw the loss of one of our members, little Kathy Main who died, , in a motor accident. Kathy is sadly, missed by the Ambleside Branch; March has been a busy month for • the' members of the Ambleside Branch /of the Church of Jesus Christ 'of •Latter-Day Saints. A 'conference 'Was held in London on the 14th of March, 'attended by over 700 Mormons. They learned tlif hi:April this area will become, a stake, taking• in. members- from Windsor, 'Sarnia, London and the surrounding areas. On March 17th the Relief Society, VIC n's organization,, held their min a..1 anniversary dinner in altdral hall of the church. Following a buffet meal, all were reminded of the purposeS of the society - to teach the gospel' and develop faith; to care for the poor, sick and unfortunate; to raise human life to its highest level; to giVe guidance and training in the hoinemaking arts and skills,,and to foster love of religion, education, culture and ..refinenient. Following this a most interesting film was shown, of "China, The New Shanhai". During winter, break several fam- ilies from the ,Ambleside Branch travelled to Washington D.C. to go through the Washington Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coulbeck, with their three children, Leah, Bradley and Stacy of Ripley, were sealed in the Temple on March 26th.. Those attending the sealing were Mr. and Mrs. Rene Seaborn, ,of Harriston, Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Bourne, Mr. and Mrs, Ian Sellers of Cargill, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tulett, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Main of Teeswater and Mrs. and Mrs. Ross McEachran of Sarnia. - The monthly meeting and Easter Thankoffering of South Kinloss Women's Missionary Society was held Wednesday, March 31st, at the home of Mrs. Ira Dickie. The president, Mrs. Diekie, read a shOrt paragraph from the Glad Tidings entitled "Rain", appro- priate for the time .of year. The. hymn "Jesus keep me near the cross" was -sung, followed by prayer. All were welcomed to the meeting, 17 members and 3 visitors. The parable for the day; The Hidden Treasure, Matthew 13: 44-45, was read • by Mrs. Fraser. MacKinnon and capably dealt with by Mrs. LorneSparks. A miniature chest was pas-sed around and each took' out a slip with a bible verse and a gern. As each one was read, we were .to try,and find the Hidden. Treasure, this being Wisdom, the' pearl of 'great price:. Kinds of Wisdom are God's wisdOin and Worldly, Wisdom. A discussion followed. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Harry Lavis, and business was dealt with,. The PresbYterial will. be held in Lucknow May 31st. The South Kinloss. Young. Peoples Society are having a Good Friday service in the church Good Friday, April 16th at 8 p.m. A duet by Mrs. Dave ,'Rolston and Mrs. Lorne Sparks "I'm Free'.' was much enjoyed. The, speaker, Mrs. Dave Rolston from Goderich, was intro- duced by Mrs. Sparks. Mrs. Rolston told of her lifer in becoming a Christian. and incidents in she and Membership Grows In This Area Shows Slides On Trip To Haiti !telt. Glenn Noble, B.A. B.D. Minliter "Phone 528-2740 SUNDAY, APRIL llth 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship NURSERY FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN SSOOCIMWOVIIMIIMMSCWIZC? ,Cancer, can be -beaten 100,000 volunteers in Ontario Believe It. VOCNICIMICWOCSCS:VVICIMS PAGE Ti! THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, kUCKNOIN, ONTARIO