The Signal, 1928-3-1, Page 1• Our Clubbing Rate for The Signal and The London Advertiser is $6.50 You lave 50 cents and the coat of wending a gnome! order. A similar saving on other Toronto and Ltndou dailiuK. THE SIGNAL EIGIITY•FIRS'1' YEAR NO. 9. SEAFORTH GIRL TELLER SENTENCED • TO TWO-YEAR TERM Representative of Bonding Co. Says Partial Restitution Made and Company Satisfied On Tuesday, before Magi et rate iteiel, Miss Catherine Kerr, of Sea - forth, pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing $11,000 from the Dominion 'Sauk from June 1, 1923, to February 1, IO2(, and also to two chargee men- tioning specific amounts included in the alone total. Mhos Kerr was teller of the Dominion Bank branch at Sea - forth. Slir was sentences to two years lets one day in the Ontario Reformatory. Dudley Iolmea, K.C.. appeared for the Crown, and John Best, of Seaforth, for Mies Kern G. H. Mediand, appearing. for the bonding company, stated that partial restitution had been made and the bonging eowpany was satisfied. Magistrate Reid stetted that this was the brat time he had. had a.welnau be- fore him on aueh a charge and in view of the representation. that had been made to him and the fact that rest,itutlon had Isr•tl made to the sat- isfaction of the 1N.neling company be would not send the eteeuset to the penitentiary. but to the Reformatory for the term Re stated above. BIRTHDAY PARTY OF VICTORIA H. AND 8. CLUB ON THE BOWLIN The only change in t the teams in the Royal gue this week is that the the Lion Club change 'Lions moving up to fours the 'Betoken drop to six On Thursday night Dogda lou Road Machinery Cu. took tars[ straight ltuad from O.F. Carey & Son. T. Tewnaeud turned in the bighead score, 709, for the D. R. M. Co. and C. Chaplain'. with 040, was high for Carey The Legleu took two out of three from the Liana 11. McGuire, 70tt, for the. 141i012, and W. F. Saunders, 67(1. for the Lloe turning in the best scores Buren In- vestments beat the Bankerstwu games out of three. The high scores fire A. Murdock, 696, for thump Invest- ments and W. Black, 658, for the !tankers. On Monday night O. F Carey A. took two.from M.C.C. So. S• C. Harris, vete 5914, andYoung, fiLLEY8 ga•diug of wling L'a- ukera and oaten, the piste while GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MARCH 1, 1928 The News of the .Town To 1111 Vseaney is Council A meeting; to receive uominatlous for 'the vacancy iu the town council caused by the death of Mr. R. I1. Cutt will lee held at the a aCu'hall uu Wed- 'treday evening, March 7th, at 7.30 o'clock. Several mimes are meutioued fu connection with the vacacy, in- clueiug those of J. J. idoses. C. C. Lee, ('thas. 1H. Humber, S. 1). Croft, T. It. \\albs and T. cr tbanon, and prub- ably others. To Kingston for Seven Years ' On Tuesda Albert a net u o Oflieer of Good Reads. esuteiatiea At the, annual meetlus of the On- tario Guix! ]toads AKsoclatiuu, held at TOfon,tu lest we k, Mr. lubert Johu- p.ton, of tow'u, was elects! first v4•e- preeldeut. lie has beeit au active member of the Asaociad.a for several *sura and last year held the alike of se&ond vier -president. - --New Gauge Bailing Mr. F. 1t. Miller will rortly make 8 D• tlyott for Tow° l'onzNil extrusive alterations at hes garage property', corner of Elgla and Victoria Mr. 8. D. Croft has been asked by J rflI f G ei` starts. air. Miller luforas The Sig- a number of nttel+aye1'$ to allow his y name to ore eltbwltteel at the nowiup- erieh, pleaded guilty before ldagiatrate nal that the wooden stricture adjoin- flan mettlnq next \Vrdntttn night Reld'to charges of atteripttd rape and ug the -eweut portion 'C the garage for the eting seat a the town coun- attempted criminal assault. The ot- will Ire guru down and anew cement fol. a vacaoft wags a memtw of the teuces took place iu Goderich town- Ii building, atout 70 feet by 35 feet, e . Mr ( committee which did s' the ship two weeks ago. As Jardine had erected. The new builing wilt be I gest !cork loaf year, and IK• uth Inst him st•a'ernl pmyiuua euuyic- 4 uatvl fur hwkiug rolair* to cera and was a member_ 1 r 4 of coming ti k lust h eP A Social item from Detroit Mrs. Strubell, of Canton avenue, Detroit. formerly M1as Jennie Seorrl- sop of Galerlrh, recently entertained a limitbersof friend* in honor of ber sister, Mrs. Miller. The guests in- cluded a number of former elotterlch residents. A beautiful lunch was served and the table was niely dote- rattot with flowers. An enjoyable r nlu was a ant by all present. S won't keep it green the rent of the y ADVERTISING ONCE won't make noticeable difference in your busineaa. Hit hard and hit often .T11E SIGNAL l'IIINTING Cu, 1.1a1ITEI). Publishers. ROC AGU '111e dta . I .t 1'• i,,,, .:t 1 d ..3 t u 4 ..0 4 0 • y, tirrh toad George s. t . Pe t ricks. ,t's games brought . ber of epecVatora games and It is a Muter crowd at The writer is in- , emitera of the Lions out 1u far•e on Fri - to set the games. ' I St. Andrei's N St, David's N'a St. Patrick'.. N' St. lteerge'• W To Be Play St. David's v St. Andrtew's Leat Fritlst ung a larger • than the {,re hoped there w thea wt•elt'. g„ furmt•d' tine; :t Club sue,• a ht ;Is ee R I H 'r lions on similar charges, the magic for tire vuk•aniziug. page I of the town council of Durham. He a e 11pe had the beat scores for defeatedOn r trate took a serious view of the rase this issue Mr. Miller announces a ape- has therefore a general knowledge of slxetfce teams. The Lune and eeutelwetl him to penitentiary for vial salts of paints, oils Gad hardware, M.C.C. 10. 2 three •attelgteiat. A. J municipal affairs. and since his re• afocKi(S, with 727, ftrr,tte Nuns, and. graven *encs on nue charge and our w-hirh >;rro*t be cleated tut to make mnval 't° lte11ieirirl he bus taken un -_ !novae 'to goonrret to the t' of the town, Or. Hall, with 581, for .t.CDott • 2. three years on the other, the sentences wvty for the new bundles mtiHieilnte and otherwise. of Ile wn, hada the highest Co.took Doofnton to run-maatnrrently• :' Oddfeliews Eatt'1k11a hag Read Machinery . tote two of the Tosytwblp' Huron Lodge, No. 02, LO.O.F., held expresses -rills willingness to give his three games -rote* Huron Investments. high Sees User in VluteGoderrdl more that its epuual at-home on •Fddsy evening seriees on the town council if .1e - r. man nforTownshi* ,witht ,_wD. Mae IcaMr. Robert Winter raGot sired. but hug no thought of staudiug • ai-the mem-.,_• a who may man fur Itis team, while D. iuron 1 while nve visiting Ute farm rich tow hip, tM-r) vwith their s t l e numinatsd ._. _ .--_ turned fu the best score too Iluron In- ith cad eaKluu of Galerttf this gather stL at letkeeelilies llowra Hullriead eT way of Woods took ipe Puck, niched to St. Warn. role l theoccupied the earlier pa ,rid and etch MacKay It H M CO.uw h watched the } The strand bridge first coulter Review of 1 ear's Splendid Worst 1)one by This Organization The annual meetlug of Victoria Howe and School Club was held in Victoria school ou the evening of Feb- ruary 18th, the president, Mrs. A. Tay- lor, in the chair. n - ` nominating c m r [he mw lite report pin • mittee was prertented and adopted, Mrs. Palmer being elected president for 1928, with a new exee•utive. The busincwl of the evening having - been eooetuded. there followed a retort program, at the conclusion of w kh Mrs. Taylor. the retiring president, •---w;g presented with a pair of took ends by the members of the Club. The teachers and Club members are most sensible of the energy and iutertat ]ire. Taylor put into ber duties as president. A review of the year's work pre- sented in the reports of the members of the executive showed a most inter- aatietaciory history for the mesa tesportant work done by the Club its that of the welfare committee. Many children were supplied with garments, hoes and sheen, making their attendance at school possible. in this work the Club has been grateful for donationtt"of old and new garments tool new material. Some asMstarx•e was given also to the Children's the;ttr. The "htrbbytfalr," held be the teach - day nig r should slow their I [clod in the Nuprrwr fuurt here two appreciation i*tiz. rboys ing nnit Phan the being are do- a la utiffa stand Judgment iDiu favor of the Mclean rink and mak pout ofd games ed Fel', Two good games err for j1500 and plaintiff's torts; the ontown to pay its owu costs. The assured. s 0 Judgment is recorder! as follows lin the Be.8t, Anda S --St. George's ward e,.e. out to win I ll.gu Mi Hall notes: McMichael v. 'Neu of GodertalnttQ- E. t)aucey (Goderieh) for p L. ! . Holmes (lloderit•h) for town of Goxlerieh. J. C. Makin*, K.C., and R have had tet ! have had t hgt Laude full. Bu ood n• I and W. ill NMbean. ht for- Lenon bye1hbus M. MacKay asd Woods sere g goal, b*tld uud wife to recover $5,000 dam- llowtnan 1Nt tote first Niot at ee wife as - - AAsicS. ages fur injuries suffered by JUDGMENT GIVEN FOR $1500 IN McMICHAEL DAMAGE ACTION McLean! Liable for Amount Awarded to Plaintiffs, Town Pays Own Costs Mr. Justice Raney has hauded out judgment in the damage action Of Louise 1. McMichael uud Ler husband. Garfield McMichael, against the tows of Goderich and Wilfrid T. McLean and Wesley M. McLean, which was Bt. Auu,, ht. St. (ntrg: s were t Friday k d l a absent ref a number • 3t. Mikes•', would las w of !'• ens , ' phy(+rs. 1 glad therepra•n another but 1t vies, Sturdy' work ber YY ru-h, Phalen got t ruear ant on result of stepping into an open area hard melted* • num- lin sidewalk. but Poul Hot store. ugh fur allot on goal ;1- Judgment: Judgment . for plaintiffs for *1,500, $1,000 for wife and $509 for husband with costs. Judgment or- -der to favor of town against the Me - Imams for the damages and curls awarded to plaintiffs, but no order as to tow'n's own Colla. Other Celan Decisions Judge Lewis has delivered judgment in the case of Pickard et al. v. Ker - nick, which was tried before him la County Court in December last. This is a ease from Exeter in which plain- tiffs. representing the estate of the late Robert 1'k'kanl, sought a declara- tion from the Court that they are en- titled -to right•ot-way over a lane be- tween tbe Pickard property and that of the defendant, William Kerhlck. Ilia Honor finds that the intention of the original owners of the properties was to set aside the forty -nue feet la questionate joint laneway, and lie divided ore the orders thatproperty equally tretwt.en the parties, each having ownership at the twenty-four and a -half feet adjoining Ida own property. Osgood,. Hall notes record judgment on an appeal by plaintiff in the case of Querengesaer v. Stretton from the judgment of the Ceonty Court of Hu- ron o- ron of July 2. 1927. The appeal Is dismissed with costs. Thi. case originated at Brussels. a„r .::'..s, -- CHURCH NOTES unxo of the on \Vednesday morning u s vestments, 34. 887. W. Barlow, able erring. Euchrletind the e Hobos Old Boya! Aasaeiallien George's detaece, shut nal scored the highest he mono n due feeding with the tattle spent an -Pu joy 11 root the even- n of of through. ware her a single leelpte• game. 341• pretty litdrlanimal,shrewulked secrete 'fug• the winners petng IIh1 A.D. Mo- rhe Huron Old Boys Association of ! maned to Hrtrds, and ti netted the The StandingToronto will be held in !Ogee flail. niblrer for oke ere'ond tee. Lannon Won Lost • a tett acre tier and (ben ctrmlugtto a teem anti S1 r. M. `krr'u ulirx1e Reg. }Am Street, In that cite on Friday through aid had only .19 5 seven -wire feute topped with a barb solation prizes goingworked this way Legion 1 et)n was out TuRoni And Mr. Harry lute. Noble evening, March 'jird eon mencing at the giN r to beat, at could hot Dom. Road Mach. Co . ..20 ? she leaped the trace ae Grand Bell occupied the chair while The Saltfort sista.-. Jeer at -large is 1)t cou[sa. ad aradinga was 8 o'c4a•k. A splertdid mordent pro.. g st ►nstey. 12 unusual thing in lie Ith Lions et th ober period ended w way town tile this district. a program ofaODga a gram is promised, anti ithutble prises _ carriers out, and alar Irnch dancing awardett to thea aurr•eesfut 15 i a very u 14 a to music fur[ttlbtrl by the ll be will i e PatertAith .,.....12 1212 Two of Them Wednesday tt 6tt Javkatm orchestra nt Belgrave. WIC. F. M. ..12 'Chace was a fairly guudJattrudatlCe t[tetlt for everybody, enol a special 1n - M. C. C. No. 1 ............11 13 a t t he Menetet ung Canoe Clubs at-. Rt -undo of 4th gtpde vttatlon is extended to all Huronitet O. F. Carey & Son ...11 16 home, held ut the Masonic (fall on What will probably lot tbe biggest in thetictfay and nnbnrbc to bit present M. C. C. No. e 9 19 31rrinesday night. !tete Black and sInR1P re-uninu of an o,erw:t- gust and enjoy the gond done. M. C, C.No.3 8 19 11r. Robt. Johnston were the winners ever held In Canada wilt take Ttla'r The annual pienlc.of the Hume Old 19 int "W," the consolation prizes going Boys' Attgociatlun of Toronto will lot Railway -site I Mn. Downs and Mr. C. K. Satin- on March 24 at the C•rletrite hotel, .held .t area No. 4. Exhibition b Tea Ladies. league F Toronto. when members of the old ends, un Saturday afternoon. June nixh*d- --Toronto. orchestragatber Blue is on i Fires r :. Gro. } C.F.A.tawill la.d r e Crt ,. tda ftri s and aFourth I Ra ams Wednesday Fw 1 e theworts On W T 2nd, when g Streaks won two out of high* cores the a Rebekahc for Lodgee' the first time since the war. The bri- be letter than ever. All ports l, we a l'xeklr tR. Pia Th, high d Miit* The rthe held a euchre and dente at the Odtlfrllow•a' Hull lust Rade Includes headquarters staff. am- wherever they are, ore trilled to were MiesPar R. Plant, 's.r, and Nita munition crrlumn, and '3e following take part. Mary Jdny s, stn right. The winners at cards were batteries: 13th of Hamtk and Brant---____ __ On Friday Vale»else won two games Mrs Wm. Leitch and Mr. H. L. Salk• - r t Inns 14th of St C Weems's Interdenominational Prayer- Cackleberries Miss 11. Zavitz. , wall from C:u•kleberrfes C •r \'nlcndas t - Meeting 1 1 hl unit ore For some years it has green the elle- Meeting Club oda 1 tl»rrn Incetittneata Night esrmrt11 u rel, trams PtltOrt+ There Set 'tankers eel After lunch dancing was enjoyed with music by the McKitmou ore ies- gra. There was a Targe attendance. athartnee. t Toronto. and lekb of Owlish. As the reterana.who verve n neattered all Oyer Canals. li1 ity names Guesser t . Fortner,membern of Mrs Wm. .forth won tee mat dowinner .the units are asked to communicate the winnerajtr**, of any r ` contest held in church- they know to J. . MacDonald, tion with the 8t. George's Church- : Is Rreaiinitran• o' woman , Guild high tea and bazaar. Quassia,.. •,. Mics McLean, 479, was high arxl for u tom, In Canada and the rutted States. best. has been e>petieneed in letting for the Woman's Missionary Societies' a. Ileslc won two nut of three A C, end nddre.ses of the Protestant (torches to meet on Raines from Streaks on Saturday. the first Friday of Lent, for prayer Mrs. , D.8. Mooney. 516. -and alis! R. nates) he airs eorete' to their address and the of Christian missions. Tobin, 418, were the high scorers. of the e,utssit R co nth, rat v On Tuesday Katzet temper Kids won two games from Nightiwwks. The League SMdinit I }veno' stun window. Toe; guesses Wm Lost 1 were necessary, as the first one re - Valencia. it . er Kido ......18 3 I stilted 7n a tie, Mrs. Wm. Murch and \'nlenclns i8 5 Mrs. H. Tlehborne each guessing 30011. Rhee Streaks 10 5 'I've actual number of beans a the jar N'sheltie ks 9 8 I ea. 3007. In the second (vtntest a fn. Lavender Girls 7 8 \Lurch's witless was 1200 and- Mra. Tich- ratkltIrerries f 10 borne's 1500, the number of beans 1n who built the garage some Dumbell. f' 70 the Jar this time being 1170. and who had gars» el to e Lucky Strokes 2 13 G. C. L" L nectlnn with a e''• • leas to Tuella The neMber of beans 1n the jar on display in Mrs. I important Moen la da An tmlortani developrern• dent M the N.erth street aux automobile business in Qoderieh is the I Those who took part to the service of Riven.: wings, M. \LnrKay, Itewisen; purchase by Mssre F. H. Woody and lirncer were: Mrs. ltolmein, Mrs. John sub. MacDonset. G. II. Moore e.f the forme Font far- ilunt,r, air.. linndnll, Mrs. Phillip.. St.. l'hara-duns. Baker; detente, age on Rt. Andrew's street. to le need \I r.. Gen. Johnston, Mrs. Honking. Smell. Lerman: centre, .lohnaOlt; he Stpdetiaker Cara for this s out and lir.. Geo. Stellonnld, win., Phalen, Neweembe. es t n 1striet. Sir. R E Kelly. Mrs. R h Farr can;[ eery Referee -N. B. FI' city. town and d war. yt r.. ( Rev. t at C. sword*. '!flding on 'l Fn[tb mud $t. Ilavid'* 2-,12 Patrick's 1 c in co Prayer." Sties Mary Clarke aor•om- I This ;;am, win• axty minutes of 1 \It v Roberfeen smoke brief- thrills from start t•• finish penalties• rd making his ueew''a goal. Second torict Sturdy tikes 4ait buts checked by Meet's. Woods makes udaslr, but is checked W eentre i by hued*. Bow- man -res the eau* ire of the goal and ahootst but la . roods makes another n•sb, nsraere. Pbe- laq k chested' by a s centre tee. Moray iwures 't and shoots s • lwa ala goes but I. unlucky. ° y straight for .'. i Andrew's have u nice c., °today by M. MacKay, Bowman Ni*ns, making the score 3-0. Y. Kat gets credit fur this c•onnter. ooda tries some loch abuts but fa stare. T ltd it. Andrew' more gosh lin tM third, sore 5-0. V. Andrew's seers 4e full sixty minutia of (1 very player for cause (\ an m he ' .wk and ga'd" play sad The anxdlfarlee of Corderlch held their were reedy t the gaate . this year, to the chine's, on ri- of . h stew[ United Cboreb, on Fri- . eleed.. +...r dry afternoon last. The' ehatr was The teams: .\udmw fere, \Vestbro'k. Woods; centre, le Trade , t 'a -Goat annoy; de - up r"ruphd by Mr'. W. J. Andrew, press d taw Ilfarc up from Iondon on Totten 1 H nd School flub for the -- - stet anti time. ha. created n keen and PERSONAI, MENTION growing interest throughout the town. he exhibit!' for 1927 almost trebled Walter E Kelly, ..f 'sondes those of the prev nos year, e P was in to 7 rode for this were donated dry the•('lnl, mi.. Jrtokena tnupp!ema nttri by special awards from pe.tifion at Port ('••!florae, generous friends. The ('lul abbe do- Sir. It. It. keel. 'As V ai-sting airs do- nated prize. for the comn11•utrm,ut Verna Sallow's at Itrya, .11.10. excreltirc and 'prtmhn.erl w,m,• phty- air. Randall Merlon b:,- returned ground equipment. A vethtatdh pet of n- • y n . c en the international goals. and so fortis. itaptist (turcch,'Mar. 44th.h Eteniug subject, - fire?" Old hymns, old Gospel, after - meeting for prayer. Annver•atry w•rcler•s will be held IS North street United church on Sunday, Mnreh 11th. Rev. W. It. McIntosh. 1),I).. of London, will be the special "LIL" i h th i t1 r. \Voeotts I "1° i t rnati, nnl missimtnry eon falls disputed d f t4 pmai•h,r for the day. lin o the Collegiate load- femme to I,. held during Passion New'-1,mlo• gIt t pock trim flu W r•be. at the usual hours it Vita The meeting t has been the Stndt-bbaker preeenMta_ • era (.a•nfl 1 !u facia strut United ul church next Vic - • tine Literary Society last Friday even- tics here for tiome vessel.: and • r. h• to the tion,.; of Doors. Sir.. faeeoff but fust to , u. silo day: Fellowship meeting at to a.m.; Vic - log was to charge of Jett Abell, first I, Meer' has been aesFNinted >Zr h•a=3rr.•t•i.eet. Th, pMrprsm .tor the , her .,f years with Frank \lu•La K IwA.•it L•4 to offering ons tale!! Elliott, but y.....t,er ...hoed At .t Ism. • iebxia• xra e • 1 . , nogtt• Amin. sad •I next. Sala - bath num- (Tt,v.l.Jnc. Hamilton jw.ttounerrl the turn lust- to Stoddart, Who pa> -ed t° u hlin Elliott', shot on geld wets pub"' wor.htp nt 11 8.111. and 7 pill.; town on Y' a etenvtg loeluded a delwh• on the sub- at the well-known hon r R gY ni ' Mt -h• nsle h•e art ratter radon and has tl n. here in touch to 1* forwarded to the• tree -rarer ..f the turned aside Sarcine in Knox eMgr l Jtr•r. "Ita•n.rlatt.' that M c y, lin Ie Inter-Mmrvl oormmittrit ort \{'nmrn'. Newcombe thn•ugl II., ,•,'toneY• forth will le eoinniet it by the mia- .!'ati riehee. develops ch•ira,• 4'r... Th, more toro teas with Studebaker owu,rg illaalnnory- Coetttie- of Canada. lift los, ti.• pack. yksddart, coking' otter. W1hb' •is of ee•rntonc; 11 uta» affirmative was taken by Miss Alma in Can il. -tett) ets::L WIRMy of him. Le Purls m, the Ice. loot 1t f. Lotman. Mlle Water Club's Arritisl MacKay checked t we•a uud had a "The i,:,w of Compensation:" 7 p.m.. Howell anti air. Ilunner. representing ile has 2nd a wile rxptrlenee, not • \\' ler ,ui.I 1'rnisa•." Sn1.1 illi Bohol farm 11.. while MTs. Ethel ('ick and oily wits )tnldcrlrukrr.bnl.bjlh other At the emitted ervterx1 nn+'lin_ ..f slut oh ttltl►ntN;Ig.QHd. Grah•w trtrd Iii-xt-lu'c1 -__ '- _ :,..Por _. ... , lir ,r•:. lee but gets tct.ed Ly In NTG ft As uomtay ,;yenmaw, vet evens .,..... .aan,.r. . -..... ,o.aco,e,•' dt ttcraic e nt ]ort! street United _ t\'1 f M fife turned 'from. a t t Liu l I tam P t honks was pitrelmad Tor the school library. also soya te'II folrthe medirin chest and reronls for the a•tctrnla. - Flowers were Moto sent to those in tremble. _The ...net omelets parly._heldlln pelmet groteid. Is the one rnoney- making effnhr of the year. Thnt heed en Jelly Luh of last year proved most suct-ecufnl. The proceeds of the work. home -mode baking, candy and tea table* netters the Club serene 8100. The prises. won 'by the children for the enntm nrmngcal he lie'ten tera thl' 1) minion Day and Centennial Reek elite folded folded to the fnnde at the dis- pose, of the school: rhtring ihte- alar Ole itieettt'fgb were - Mode lnterenting and ,ijoyotub by prormms of nim le, Ilterntere and mint very tine ,o.Tr•se.•c siren by helpful friends. The meso executive hope. for R rnlreunafill ycnr And nn In- crenned membership for 1921. As this wets the annuli "birthdnv pe rlY" of the flab. n social luau' foT• owed. tient 1n Krone. ant eon t,.(F. .with n birthday enko' Anti lnneh en. _joyir' h.ven_htrYe numire_r of gneete. The trotting Antoci with the singing M the•-Nnthonni Anthem. after n vinic with triennial it, Marys. Kra, HOeo1Q Currie. of alor•'tiay. ' Nl•wCOm1N-, -Alip_.r,_. - --_ Wird f',.n-retry Clnh. held on 1\rlue•±+Jny tnodny •r fellow.: IA rias rut. her moth: r, h ,et. G.or• took fire orygs/ctte side. Ta+P-+te"'iyf"° too bio -e. .ar1110,1a; latiele, mo- 29th nit.. there wa+n very S,teKey puttee to St digit, to.td*rt Arent next PQM. ,. was in favor if the nPRntice. A piano tor cars that far several enta evening. the . Sirs. (Reel) t'. t'. Care I:ns r•- n' tee itr w»M Young he En", INrn ni .he ata[ „t.• Mr. l a uu : the i.e and hull ■ yl:,tt ,•u oal. 1, Ig•rshi ' -r441 \ 7 .valor girds. The ..Journal" wit. read Weed. and beet/min, a dtdaen oflia inteh•sti. stent acs. the announce- but K au' turner r z 1 t sus ru ores given rending 1y )flint. Elsie Rioter, and,a entering Inter it,•ho,! 1A$tt tt. I matter. arresting the weifore of the therail St ttft aorkeel lois JPn,unstratinn of club aw'ii(gtng by four entering onto • •{iaruNraalp with1 t'tith were djs.'uswlI. Otte partlenlerly 1p 4 It nk. f 1 T tLe r presentative eittendanee and many passed to Elliott. wt..) fest the Vick lin two -week.: oust 1n I 11.r M,11'.• l',111• a.m.. Slaws Club, Hi•si,•n Hand and classes. '1'I r• sits Ji t In 1.' 11.eu.sest 1. ' ,•t a ie i'. i.1 .- Iutre 1 1 itev. J. E Ford wilt' fend the .1 41.141A Mr. itolm'rt Meant Iy Is 1i,ni, tram \L •• Fort ihlrweti!, whore he a.:- enraged by "Itnd"•9tunly and the anierit.' Irish, he is realize,: an unbitten he memo by the retlrin¢•president. Capt re uci„ tip th L,, rot cion. Piddle* w°rshly tit 11 n.m. nn duringthe winter. orchestra dispensed music. A play, has long cherished t„ get away trent 11111. that the deed for 118 nrrrs of , I'w ked by 5:'•dd,trt. ]1f t 11 mode 7 { .m. rte snbjer•t „f the mornhuR , but failed to ' I 1 1t the "it I•nrs to Advertise" was interesting the site and conned a'beMGmetw In golf :settle raid green rnirosr!1 hr tl•a a s;dtadld u1!: un:l s armors will be "'fhut---1 May \Y1>! Sirs. 1.. 1 1jolt' it BT I I ' t tv w iy last frac m to her home on Tne may. nerd Flsle Winter ano[Erlc Gardner. (n ninke ""Igive a!:'entiems and tIn ership. This covers conelderable of Ili IItaset, aMd ii,st r r,rt n randy L•terotNd for Tweedie t1 r, op the i K. felts ,n, .w Ii +1" t _. . . menthol at .\Imont•, rt•nurnav{ ;and amusuq, The role. were hrkrn good town like 1 . 1 inti and Marr, PV'toi menu. and was now itt ti to )' rn•u,tr a e t'hriel." Snid,iy school o1 a p.m. he ilia Marjorie- Hethellngtnn, Mics 'Intention of Sit r able to the 1'Inl for {g•rnuinrnt ,awn. U:r°u{fb. the t.•:nn and sir : a Cast one we .MT! C. le 2Visit W hn: mrnr i procetu••nts to the pr,'leert thi•c hove after a week's visit with i,er anugh• I iter- ul.lu. , . ..tet eeIt ', K II • • ' o. bolt stole • Popular Than Ever Pur'.u: , 't r In of zolf {mrlr,st tend extends tie. arra for j •1 -'I.eT Try lett:in. 1.tniti:lt -WI leg ter, Mac. P. ii. to luweyer, at Nettles More aft rounding out the finest fo;:rnres of a away fast {oohed like a encs counter, (•menses. 'That perennial favorite, the high the showroom, and .\pr11 11. -,et 1c w•t ac Mae - Miss stn rot Wilson has laid ten given annually by the ladles ot''the date of the ,pen!rg ote Stud,- need modern snit rnrtr+• r.• .lealrtwd !'tut was cl,•..., I by Mot Ray. SGIc- M t 1 : ttglt the emirs teuru up this week will:-11severe a_.-r'torrh. *Mesas no flew -tine -in bake -ga-f Ile he one of t"!tie n'e fon-mos ante, hny ruche,, fi "tin." itrs. ltrtli•t it ufcine her popularity. In feet. the attendance ---- - 'Innalt. The directorate pnr{e•+rs eti• ++foot only 11. : l ,• to k••,t.i•ttt faihd iGaeHo IntPrfrrsasa work tin the C,utr:al school s;aR. °n Thursday evening last a{seemed to tiering to these original pitons in ale- t.. do so. It:,ru a seat down the Ice,, R veloptng the renew• to n tit,It satisfactory the lost ihi•"...I: iltl•1„ uy 'Phis re St r. Airs. SIarN;r,gar w:.• :it' Pot;ore larger titan that of Inst year. One At the mmtin ..f the water An'i I stilt.d ton , :'.:il,:ei D° trent of ih, Is.ion on 'I` uredny Inst, the Perry yesterday attrnd,nR t'.• funeral George 11•wirmaa.. following letter t r a: s neelved teem F. of his son-in-law. Re whose death oxrirrAll 011 M'ndny. Friends of iii'- Aileen iiae ansae will. be pleased t,• kinw et ['ruglr, 1. pastel the examination of Tor»ntn ye°r hilt for Ida absence in 'Toronto, the •:11111' IN. .int • 'Ile Mal R.atTio ;fill. A..1. Medssi .1. e t'omaervafory of Musk, h. irrimnry where. ec.ryhody is pleased to know• At ..tn't011: f l''1'nrsons. 1►r .{. C. Ifnu'er. R. I FI' ra • 1 he is making et satdsfneters recovery1 5 BRIEFS 'Mange noticed with regret was' that light rouun deeofrtpl +hemnt. Mr. C. A. Nairn was not at the door me ow ng e ( A titrMq dtrett,rnt, of cr){nhle P1 Para IM Iro•k Wad" it seusrt- a{N•rinteud,nt'8 Dips,. A. (shy, rl:ief engin•r, of the Iiydro bnair..•s. men and n.'tIn co frog her ' :1 lave. ..,',. rtmoo,,:ling 41 riffle- ltesr't'ce Feeley --eavtting. March untie] to wall ticket.. This wits Sir. ;!,t a . - ngitt Ir...,k on his 10th. for a "'aNe' and inner• to Ire Noires a nh" for mons year,. gnu( mn iat•d•trle fuser Cou ntafon, Aid the been .,k•rt,ot in the following: Nin,,,,. tot. Patrick's"anward branch 1 l mei that a copy of LAi, .1." ie a ru-h on the given by the . donht avnnid hnyr green via nttaln thin eorawlstitrtt i• -s SI:r,F:wnn. Ur 1 LL \I,cL!,n. E. iI -sett \lacKn.y, lin . Fridnt last Ma gist rele Reid .lust r•len4tl •new Mare,' rt'Snnls. Ali ltrtttt'Wii•k reword. nt popular prieew, ('nnt J"ll'N Dn'q Scorn. The Mandl int- tint of the Children's \its Sa•I,ty will he held not Tuegrtn; neer. Slnrch 6111. 111 4.15 p.m., In the SHEPPARI)TON mirmi.l'.titlYI )X. Feb. 29.- Mrs. 11p - shall, who hod sheen , visiting in 1111e nedghI.orhnal fir the east threw months left on Rntnriay for her home in the Weer - Quite n number from around here e attended the dRnee•at rimer Moore's 'mat F'ridny eight. All report a good time. Vies Mae PMennry !eft nn Tnewhuy to attend it ontient In the Clinton hospital. We are Rind to rep(rrt that Wee Etta Quaid. who hart been confined to her hemp with "fin" for the past two week.. is very much improved in health. Mr. rind Mrs. Tom Rosie are visit- ing nt forearmrt nt the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Sire. altillrtnald, of Kfn- talt. Mr. one' Mrs . William poster have returned home fitter reciting A flew days with him brother in Montreal. . Was Lentil etrnhnm. of Sheppar,F ton, who anti ,foiling a few dews late week at the home of her Mater, Mrs. Andrew Bogie, has returned home. • \\', re in re'rip f your otter a Ltuyd, K. i'. . firs, 1111•! .\. Rel.' ant (1 f a. Tr 1 alliin. -- e -torn•-- . Mrs. Warms* las refnrw uaxlittu,uta wish {1r,LTaaa_''tM Fele 4;44 attar. Iwte that shut u „• 10 tnl 1 term I tiff, u' ora n n{rr ` tr7 i -A.-a`.' twrri+ lmrlr•:ni, where •tie spa 'omni The' weever «•redo! on Thnrs.lny-lseh'r wits of the d4uion that the nd fr,m fir n 1 1 IN••n ,'e ted tl . .I was ' o t c we her ton-11,:Iw and 1 night a•n! an improvement. If pnsnible, trouble i perIi ttee'I +. 1. dile to.tlunh- foi'nw•hrg ntftrrs: Pr•sirlent, lir. A. 1 ' x was m n h spirting. on those of former year., and After Ing on onr hash '•' •font Msulnturn ti 'nooke r: vier-ittusi.b•it. .\ .1. Mae. • ' 1• singly y Mrs. wi Sni- and Mr(.. 0, . • 1' n•nrol, flour runts Sirs. )tlNurlintt find children ..,, coming enjoying if thnrnngh't those present Fay: trasmrer. (1.L. Thee -n., nisi I • r :cru. the newt still fnt'tt er eetertitttt r! by nn "We hove nicer, ., ' its letter to the „s•r Mac. It.,. ^I T.. 1,1..„I. • u.:. we•11 eh• ..•I tlj/t `„ ....__. .... this week to c{Nasi ,.ono time in 1 operation .le• tirtn„o . why wlil, no ii. -I ty. T':Ird rertrrd Gielerleli, eseellent program rendered- In the I I FI• ns for the o.4- ratan and On, Stneidnrt in No id' way throngh Pt. ogle rti r air. way tiay- main andienrinm of the ehr'r h T' Is doubt. sok Into the IDatl'Pei.f In., oc, prnretne11t of the eeterte--trill le der!t . Sc. ,•mi Ptrlo.l _ . s• eh„u,P to -s•oer. bot London \ I t I'I:r etnrte r fees n,j rfiet•k,Ig Int'. for n den of id oil Heli has ',Sew New MF,belittled vocal riots by ea .-•d by the aging •1•I n do,rM t- win. heavy. , .•! fsAd ..:..1 the (drat York. Hort will go on In i" o p n e , ,undoubtedly.. r de, w'hirh I. u•+ 1 lin prneti, ttlly hl lttirt, nl- 1"•oat* fut.tfipl ice Aehny. . !alt, , tv it tbp-r ttt• puck to 1 of the W.,rtlwn`s Ilosidtul Anxilttr}'. 1,e err tenni, but 1 foto 1 1-ree1 • S1a-Ie1' tt of t..,•!erieh. I nc •luring thin scally of keepers liquor for sale ti T fa.t, but no ; ,etiletre,rd 111m toTWA--month in inlayed nn - ,:1aa n,. 'h.- definte• nM fat irrnuf it. lenchq the score 11 king .,r t. rat'.. ni the tdtd of 1',• arond lm•riod, .Ont nn , s. ,- net to '3118* Panting curs 'o i.. bowels' - with tv the IH•w ep.taIlew at Is Meet- ' del hi \I Fwtn 311 Naomi N •D^rmid Mee , ane In¢ n• v1 w11 k ,Ind w nthe shot wa. 'limed ashes by . Donk.. ei nr rl,r+. Sols. ilnigt and woe mn IY Fl I Lannon of ' is time goo a penalty, M note v i exhibit le pSit -y• de- \\' F. ' n i nnrrnnn.ed to the public of I' 11 tl making thin",had f.,r St pat's, s. al IMP reverting, to !owlets- Sit ltayden 1 1 let •t!t{rarat•ts whtrh w•1t1Ph ► writer's favoHt or the J,:nior 0:11A. will enjoy a fostnlght•e ' i.:itinn at If Render wr 1)nytonn Beach. Florida. ail t n year IJP Mr. Everett F, Tremblay left lent week to take n trnetwbrtf' alrlitkrrt 011 the terse purebred somas farm of his uncle. Kr. Chas, A. fnl!ingtfn. tf°r1. Tits mev friends \largarest,Wile.n. a 'ado solo by Mr. F. R. Miller. n piano and ocean duet by Wee Gladys Murray and Mr. P. D. Major. nn orwin nntnter by Mr. Ma- jor. and n rending by airs. Major. The ehnreh ,emir wing some Reotttah etrn. Rnd spleetione here given by two gnat - tetter -Tote of ladles (Meese Pantble McEwen. Margaret WIleon. Aileen Stowe and Naomi 3feDermldls-and the other a male quartette (Mayers. .1. F. Thomson. C. R. fintinderi. A. F. Sturdy and 11. H. Retd1. Rev. R. C. McT)et-mkt weed se chairman. Mine T?Pliwht Kutch, wbo 1s the .hnmpon for Ifnrom tonnty in th* oro - all tbnn• stills noel • ,ngtac cif n very twitch one {wrist ung particularly 14;o Jot range, I.J la=t:• 1. le - r. Nt. T1s, hl'- were, - -- -- to coarses. Ia ole o 'revel ray .. proved Aladin). get a penalty which seemed .freg•rol hist Prr•rrirrq,-w'n=tigt ' kt one of the worst radio n the Clot, won id 1te nperniOd .;►rigors y centre fillers,. i roveNd • t„ ,lo him ;i lot of l Kraal. an a bald knew• nf. "Thorn ore e.An n h the * for the enjoyment of It* re.Idgnt 1 his nbiltty b w rag the first gnAl of raters iln (I mnehhpa 's g tai, or• memlernhlp. this game. .4..4 'o ainut,s after Elliott minute after retorting to the ice he (iter. for the cotnlnny'. generators hod w•ir•.1. Ionian dohs_ ...me pretty , -t °red the winning goat. St. Pmt's and for electrical ooTtaratus in the --- titickhnndling, metol the score. fan- '.'Ling acre* upportunlfv to cern the flour mill which ino‘ emote consider- . ei1'!('DAL OI'Tit`AI. OFF4tR I Oen 16;:i al get de'a'th the dofenee. but •. ore, 'shoed three rind four mea n-••lin to tarn- nbr•anl hot St. David's playing a de - neer Bran (f 1 and Agga•lates will miss h+ eneerfnl smile and genial ,fu•tsnneit, hut we feel sure be will he both "appy and prosperous with how sentinel iThele. Mr. Wallington is envoy herrnving ton rmderwent after A serious opera n h ,rc4ntTt, for Which he referited' thirty dnye In Rrantford beetita! • A entente* of trardlltr `nm d. 1. terleel eontelt eond»rtrd tinder T'nited the theme of the 4barmnn*t• store rhumb als{ttce.. will meet Mn. Fd - ad. on lege 5 this "eek i8 to a wards of Samoa, she champion Ire great opportunity for any n want- Tensbton mnnty, in St. Jnhn'agbereh. lag anything in this Ione. Stretford, on Monday evening/feet. Rile tmitrie. "Re would snggsl that you notify he Inspector or the Ooderleh RniHO AMo(lntion of the contents of thisletq ter In nrder that they IDay nta the equipment In the near moil." At thle meeting the 'ommigsinn had be'fois, ft maty: minor stdomittPd be the Turbine Ifktnlpment f o. of the layout o new pumping Pgntpment. Thee* re etree to the engineer, to or- der tha gigot prehmlhnty work of in- stalling the/ new egnipaNat may he eomtnen 111th -¢rod, henry -weight 1pr omelet' and iyeelan en flat spherical lenses for only other !tyle of frames and lowest prices. Eyes vanmin well known and pninstnklntr Sfr. MISS eon, with twenty.scvtn tears' erp.tience. eighteen yearn coming to (Toderielt You err assitrid of the heat optttle work to be obtained , and of carr moderate mot. Thursday, Friday. Saab 15, 16. Smith's Art *torr, Goderteh. gold titiPtl Ina Itt late tt'. p K with hnm, who was uncovered. MarKny frnglt'P Ram, effector! thin effort and 1(4(10. A11 ' took the posh. ,s,-nt through the de- pinv ended .u1ih the Fore to favor of tegt,es at fence, but was tripled by Barrow, who `t Darid'c. e.1 1)V onr got a penalty. \h•'ffay got pos8esslo,t The tenmti: gfr*,Iallsd. of the putt and by some nlep stick St. David's --[foal. Bluest ; defence R 1. Thl. \fir11by eine Tweedie: r'.'ntre. Tl1lott; S flet f ante hand ng scores t another goal. venal west ellapnsd Mekong the gime- she; g. Mai Kny And tar r tatara as being „rads The writer be- Mnllough. . tog ei mer' to tar play nt the time St Pntrlek's- 41n411. Doak ; defence. than the tipieiui + could not wy It afore and Ttirtomt}eh♦l entre, M. LAn- wN offside. nor ^ietd MacKay. who non; wings, N*wcoml1p And Borrow. gent the puck, bol the referee decided Referee -N. B. Fleetly. N