The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-31, Page 23DOLLAR DRUM 1976 .c FORD HALF TON PICKUP, V8 automatic 19176 'MAVERICK, 4,dpor • 1976 FORD HALF TON PICKUP, :6 standard .T'1975 AMERICAN. MOTOR HORNET, 4 door sedan 1975 OLDS 'CUTLASS, 4 door 1975:Pp07 14.,BROUGHAM, 4 door sedan 1975 PONTIAC La MANS, 4 door 2-1975 CHEV IMPALAS, 2 doors . 2.:-1975 PONTIAC VENTURAS , 4 doors 1974 OLDS DELTA 88 ROYALE, 4 door hardtop with air ,conditiohing 2-1974 PONTIAC ASTRAS 1974 DODGE DART, 2 door hardtop 1974 PLYMOUTH SCAMP; 2 door hardtop 1974 DODGE, 2 door hardtop 1974 DODGE, 4 door sedan 1973 DODGE DART, 2 door hardtop 1973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, Custom with air conditioning 1973 BUCK LaSABRE, 2 door hardtop 1973 FORD, Custom 4 door 1973 CHEV .IMPALA, 4 door sedan 1973 CHEV BELAIR, 4 door sedans 1972 DATSUN STATIONWAGON CAR.:SAUSVD.. MYTH PHONE 523-4342. ..• We have both' new and used in stock USED 1 — 6 row narrow Cyclo Air Planter 1 -- 4 row J. D. 494 - A Plate Planter 4 row wide Cyclo Air Planter 1 — 6 row narrow A.C. No-Till Planter Don't be disappointed! BUY NOW Call 2040 1 ,-- 15 run Grain Drill di C. A. BECKER EQUIPMENT LIMITED WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1976 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE ''flNENTY'THRE E oi•••••••••••••••••••••••••••i••••••••••• • • • • • • *4 LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON 0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. MAPLE LEAF. TENDERFLAKE LARD, 1 lb. • . 55c PARAMOUNT PINK SALMON 734 oz. 89c REGAL RICE, 1 lb. cello bag 38c RIPLEY ELEMENTARY NEWS Everyone has returned to school refreshed and eager to return to'the hard work awaiting them. On Friday, March 19 .we had a French and • Drama Assembly.: Mrs., Collins' was the• M.C. intro- ducing the different groups. Everyone joined in singing 0 Canada and Dominique. We $C11001 watched a film and enjoyed the presentations at the end. Mr." Armstrong presented the awards from the Ripley Science Fair. Most , of R.D.S.'s students' are now busily getting ready for the Variety Concert on April 1 and 2. It promises to be an 'extreme success. Good luck 'is extended to all the participants.. We would also like to thank the R.D.S. staff for working Grandmothers Are Guests Of Honour The March meeting of Kairshea Women's Institute Was held on Thursday afternoOn at the home of 'Mrs. • Lloyd MacDougall. The preSiclent, Mrs. , .Roulston, presided and the meeting opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Roulston welcomed the grandmothers. and visitors. The scripture, John 16, was read by Mrs. Gordon Wall. The roll call was "An Article found in grand- mother's house". • . The "secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Mac- Amiga, read the minutes and correspondence. fi A Food Forum will be held in Hepworth April 13. A letter was read and a discussion followed on the attempt being made by many people in the Grey-Bruce area to persuade the Government of Ontario to bring. Educational T.V. to our part of the Province. This was felt to be a worthwhile objective and a sheet was passed around for signatures. The repair of the W.I. hall was discussed at some length.. There is to be a Stanley Party to be held April 1 at the Kairshea Hall. Standing committee conven- ers are to meet at the home of Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, April 12,' to make out reports for the annual meeting. (evening). Mrs. 'Roy Finlayson ,took the p chair for the followings rogam - An Irish Sing-A-Long; Readings, "Grandma's Glasses" - Mrs. Gordon Wall; "An Ode to the Back House" - Mrs., Clarence Ritchie; Current events,. Mrs. Ted, Collyer; Piano instrumental, Mrs., 'Harvey Houston.. Mrs. •Gershom Johnston won the prize for, the Grandmother with the Most grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mrs. Wilfred Farrish won'the prize for the oldest grandmother. Mrs. Fred Gilchrist won the prize' for. the oldest grandmother •and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie won the prize for being the youngest grandmother. • Courtesy .remarks were by Mrs. Gordon Wall. The meeting ' was closed • with the,. singing of 0. Canada and Grace. Mrs. Leonard Clarke 'will be hostess for the annual meeting April 22 at• 1.30"p.m: Lunch was served by, the,,hosteSs and , directors Mrs. Roy Finlayson and Mrs. Gordon Wall. CASH DOWN Money doesn't mean anything in this world, but everything in this world seems to mean money. so hard to make the v,ariety•concert a success. • The students of R.D.S. would like to wish Miss Campbell, our , music teacher, a speedy recovery from her illness. 20 YEARS AGO MARCH 1956 Jack Bannister; 'a member of the I.ucknow Branch of the Bank of Montreal, was appointed manager of the Zurich branch, • • The Village Council' at their, March meeting supported a motion ,to have' a by-law, prepared that .would require the confining of dogs within the municipality from May to September, in the interest of gardeners and horticulturists. Wallace Black, a native .of Ashfield and former resident of Lucknow,' was fatally injured in a highway accident near Stoney Creek.' He was in.,his 59th .year. There was • excitement aplenty reported at the normally peaceful hamlet of Kintail, When, as a result of a blinding blizzard, a series of highway motor mishaps occurred involving a bus and four cars. Fifteen of the travellers spent the night at Kintail, waiting' for. the .storm to abate; '4.6 YEARS AGO MARCH 1936 A new firm known as the Mahood Stewart Lumber Ltd. had recently been formed. The firm SO TRUE The only difference between a dope peddler and a. Coiled rattle snake is' that the dope peddler tells his poison. incorporated 'the lumber business conducted by W. E. Mahood , of Kincardine and A. P. Stewart, owner• of the Stewart Planing' Mill of Lucknow. A bad storm hit this area and for two days the C.N.R. train 'was cancelled, roads blocked for motor travel • and travel by horse and sleigh diffidult and slow, ,Dr. R. J. Bowen, local medical doctor report- ecl to a more comfortable means of travel and one just as speedy for such trips .at least. He snowshoed to See some of his patients and one day struck out on abOut a three-mile jaunt with 'a knapsack of instruments ' replacing the tradi- tional black: satchel: Gordon Morrison, boundary east, suffered painful injuries when he was . kicked in the face by 'a young colt. 450 YEARS AGO MARCH 1916 Lticknow Village Council - turned down two application % for a license to operate a pool room. The applications' had • come •from a • restaurant and hotel owner. . Holyrood Wonien'.s Institute members sponSored an, oyster supper followed by a local , pro- gram. Admission adults 50c, children' 25c. Proceeds were for patriotic •purposes. ° The weekly, newspaper publish- ers of, •Bruce, Huron and Perth advanced the subscription price of their papers from $1.00. to $1.50 per year. DISTRICT