The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-31, Page 19** * In Kincardine and District Hosp- ital at present undergoing treat- ment is Lloyd Irwin of Ripley. For the past two to three weeks, many people in the Ripley area have been real ill at hoine with this "Cabin Fever" flu which 'is Making its rounds. Now newspapers report that next fall we are likely to have an epidemic.of swine flu .- the same kind back in" 1918-19 called, the Spanish influenza Everything has a new name nowadays. 'Having seen back then, the writer is not anxious to see it the second' time. * • * * * * Noticed home for the winter break in 'the school year - last week were Mrs. Walter Reid (the former Donna' Mead) of Stroud, visiting with her mother and sisters in the area. Also Ken MacLennan of the French Department in Parkdale Collegiate in Toronto visiting in Ripley with his' mother.. You only look as good as you feel.. Awmapatnonll Fitneis. In your heart you know right. • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, VS THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN h Week In Ripl BY 'AB WYLDS Last fall-the kip.leY•litgon Figure • Skating-Club was forrue4 with the following officers -in charge • - president; WS. Judy van KoOtett Of Ripley; vice president,, Mrs. • Barb (John ) Gamble of the sixth of HUrOn; treasurer, Mrs. Peg Seller and secretary Mrs. Dianne .(Wil", fred) Gamble.,. both of Ripley. Each, Monday afternoon, four to seven instruction classes: Were held in the Ripley:Huron Recreation COmplex. Teachers Were•Miss . Dianne. Hald-' enby of Kinloss and Miss Marilyn. • Stewart' of Ripley. • These classes were sanctioned by the Canadian . Figure Skating . AssoCiation • and each successful student received a badge. Last Friday evening ,the mem- bers of the different classes, .all decked out in colourful.. costumes, presented their first skating show. 'entitled- ,"A. Carnival. - Tribute ,to 'Walt Disney". It . ,was a ,great success .and the new complex was filled .,with 'spectators . for the, occasion. The' -program 'consisted of • two . parts, . each. with. -nine , TDisney numbers' and a ten Minute inter- Mission, between the. two parts. Many .of. the Mothers spent, a busy time • laSt, week. sewing costumes and then the Teeswater Club . graciously loaned more costumes for the' ccasion. For the indiVidual prOgratil ,sheetS listing the names of the numbers and .the students involved, the typing was done by Mrs. Carol. Fludger and: the mimeo work by Mrs. Pal Mason. . • , The following were the skaters. in., • the junior. show Tanya . 'Hawryly-. Shyn, Stephanie Bell, Susie 'Bell, Kerry, Anglia,' and Micky Paquet- te, Tammy Fludder,. Lisa Cote; Jenny. Gerinen,.. Shelly . Gamble; • Missie and Candy Clark, .Shannon- Blackwell, 'Theresa • Carnochan, Keith -Hedgins, 'Doug 'Sorbara, • Barbara Smith, Larry Reid, Laurie Farrell', Melissa Midclelkamp, Tracy' Thornicroft, Shirley Peter- I:laugh, Shelly Weatherstone, Ker- ry Lynne Hunter, Sherry Weather- stone, Christine NicholSon, Taba- the Middelkamp, Beth Thompson, Karen Hodgins,,, Janene Seller, Joanne and Dianne Levesque, Jill Denstedt, Linda Roe, Shari Clamp- itt; Steven 'Cover, Donie Shantz, Jeff Lackey, David Hodgins, David van Kooten, Dwayne Carnochan, Geoff Denstedt, Bradley Stanley, Jeff Gamble, Bobby Blackwell, Judy Thompson, Bevin Hodgins, Vicki. Rutledge, Helen Kempton, Tamrity Sorbara, Jenny Scott, Jo Anne Seller, Theressa Cote, Dana Clampitt, ShellY Hodgins, Connie van Horne, Christie Messenger, Andrea Farrell, Christine Cover, Cheryl and Carole Latton, 011ie Liddle; Cathy Boyd, Cathy Flud- der, Heather Boyd , and Heather Scott. Shari Clampitt skated a solo part to•the Music Lavender Blue. The above boys and girls were in the junior part. After intermission, the. senior part of the skating revue was presented. Here solo numbers were skated by Debbie Gamble, Mary Kernpton, teacher Marilyn Stewart, and teacher Dianne Hald- enby who deserves great Credit along with her assistant Marilyn Stewart. Among those skating in this second • part were Joanne Pollock, Dorothy Needham, Mar- lene Huston, Pat • Denstedt, Gail MacDonald, 'Bonnie van Horne, Connie Cover, Alice\ Gamble, Gail Huston, Corinne Boyle, ,Davvna Rutledge, Jenny Regier, Debbie van Kooten, Jahice Needham, Brenda 'van, Kooten, Cathy Debbie Lowry, 'Sandra Reid, Glen: da Gamble, Lisa Gamble, Susan Cook, Allison MacKay, and Lorie Peterbaugh. The door prize,, donated by the Allan Gamble Electric in Ripley, was won by Al Dickieson of Belmore: The folks of Ripley and Huron • Township received a shock last Wednesday morning as they learn- ed of the sudden 'death of Mrs. W. J. Courtney earlier that same morning. Mrs.. Clara Courtney, in her 83rd year, had passed away in Kincardine and District Hrispital as a result of a sudden heart seizure. It was just about two weeks ago that she had moved into one of the new' apartments in the newly constructed Ripley Huron Senior Citizens Apartment Building. Prior to that she had resided in one of the renovated apartments in the former Ripley Public School building. For many years, while residing on their' home farm on the second conces- sion west in Huron Township, Mrs. Clara Courtney had' been a news correspondent for the local papers, always 'interested in community activities. The funeral service, conducted by Mr. Richard Sand, minister at the Knox Presbyterian Church in. Ripley was held' on Friday after- noon at the McLennan-McCreath Funeral Home' in Ripley, followed by interment in the Ripley' Cemet- ery. . Mrs. Clara Courtney, the former Clara Elizabeth Wilkie, was hewn in Ashfield Township July 18, 1893 and passed away on Wednes- day, March 24, 1976 in Kincardine and District Hospital. She is survived 'by ,her daughter Mary, Mrs. 'John C. MacDonald of Ripley and her Son Donald Courtney of Wingham, also five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. To all, the family members at this time of bereavenient, goes the sympathy of a hrist of friends. * * * * '*' On Monday of last week,' March 22, •Mrs: Oliver McCharles of the Lochalsh area Underwent 'major surgery in Victoria Hospital in `London. A while after coming through the operation, 'Marion suddenly went into severe post operative shock and spent the next two days in intensive care on the Critical list. She is on the fourth floor of Victoria Hospital in' room ' 424.. Wishes for '•her cOntinued• recovery are expressed. • '4, * * * * * was donated by Charles Hooisma's Ripley Meat Market. Ed and Dorothy Metler `of Willowdale visited with Niels and Nora FrederikSen . in Ripley this past weekend and on Saturday evening experienced a western Ontario' snow blizzard. * * * * * On Thursday of last week, visiting with Mrs: Gladys Arnold at her home in Ripley, were here daughter Mrs. Joyce ,IVIcEwan of Kinloss Corners, Mr. and Mts. Torn Walsh. of Kincardine, Mrs. Audrey Schandlen of Port Credit and Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh of: 'Ripley. After a week's treatment in Kincardine and District Hospital, Mrs. Mary Rudder was able to return to 'her home on. Malcolm Street in Ripley last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Nicholson of Amherstburg motored back home in the nice sunny weather last Wedneiday after a weekend spent , visiting with their family' here - the firs`t time since last' fall. They visited with their son Francis, his. wife Margaret and their son Kirk' on the twelfth of , Huron. Township,, then they -visited with their grenddatighter, the 'former Margo Nicholson - Mr. and Mrs. Jake Middelkamp and children Nicky. and Ryan .at Clarks - two corners farther west on the same conces- sion. While they reported a severe winter in the Windsor area, it was not in the same class as ours. ctapartses. Yellow oottcrOe. Foxtails? Don'. and Anne McCosh Were Sunday guestS of ,their cousins. Frances and. Bill Walsh of Kincard- , *„ * * * Mrs. Mary (Donnie) MacDonald returned home to 'Ripley, from an enjoyable vacation with her brother and his wife John and Eleanor Finlayson who live in Mexico City in 'Mexico'. . Mary , also flew to ,: Fullerton, California, to visit her aunt Mary Miner who at the age of 95, still capably runs her . own home. * * * * • * Mr. and Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller of Kinlough visited her sister. Mrs. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 For broad spectrum weed control in corn, with less chance of Carryover, apply a labeled Lasso pluS.atrazine tank mix. Lasso® Herbicide by Monsanto Always read and follow Lasso label directions. MONSANTO CANADA LTD., Montreal, Quebec Toronto • Edmonton • Vancouver Thanks to the editor of the. Sentinel and .to Harvey Wightman of Waterloo and Lucknow for further increasing our knowledge of the osage orange tree: There is at least one such tree in the Hohnesville area' where Mrs. Ross Cayley •found its fruit last fall. * * * *, * Last Saturday marked the end of the Saturday morning RipleyHuron, and. District Saturday morning minor hockey i league. One of the prize offered in the Jucky draw was a. .half pig 'carcass cut , and Wrapped, ready for the freezer. It $2000 GRANT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 New Horizons program was intro- duced, the Federal Government has funded 5,492 similar projects for a total of $31,928,485. New Horizons enables retired people to create projects of their own choosing. It offers grants .to group§ of retired people 'who' Will undertake activities for the benefit of themselves and others in their cornmunity. The' Lucknow District Historical Society, will use the grant to research, edit and publish a booklet on the history of Lucknow and area. dm.