The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-31, Page 11He wants to make it—all o,r his own.
He's one of Canada's crippled
children, fighting hall to overcome'.
physical disability.
Some need wheelchairs.' Some
need crutches or long-term
therapy. But they all.want the
chance to. become everything
they tan.
That's why they need you.
Easter Seals
help" •
crippled children.
Mail your donation today to
Lucknow and District Lions Club,
Bank of Montreal, LuCknow, Ontario
'Phone Collect 35.7-1583
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N.F.U. News
By. G. Au4tin •
Charles Wilkins of Local 335
introduced Mike Rogers, area
Farm Credit , Corporition adVisoi
who- . was guest speaker at the.
National Farmers Union meetingat
Brookside School on MOnday,
March 15.
, Since 1959 when. the Farm Credit
Act Was passed, F.C.C. has mdde
some 127,00 loans for about $3.3
,billion The F.C.C. has played an
important part in the development
of familY'farms.
At, no time should 'the Farm
Credit lend money to a 'borrower
beyond the' ability to repay. This is
the underlying principle behind the
Corporation's' lending. The welfire
of the farmers is the printery
concern. 'The upper age limit Of a
borrower is 35 years.
Land values are reaching leVels
' which many farmers consider
excessive. This is partly, due to
relatively favourable prices for
farm products.. -
The pressure has also come from
the purchase of land for non
agricultural uses, and partly from
buyers who are leaving the land in
production but are buying., as ,, a
hedge against inflation. These are
both ,domestic and foreign buyers
Last spring, through amend-
ments 'passed by Parliament, the
Corporation's capital was increased
to $100 million from $66 million.
Other changes made it possible for
a young farmer to phase into
farming over a period of five years..
Thesechanges were so welcome by
the farming public* that loan •
applications had reached the limits
of funds by September. While
continuing' to take applications,
disbursements will have to be
deferred until April' '76 when next
year's funds become available.
This will greatly'reduce the number
and amount of loans which can be
made this year. •
With credit conservation ',Meas-
ures • being implemented, those
most in need' will be .helped this
year. ' . '
Anyone with a job off the farm
'Will probably •be • turned down.
Smaller farms - those with a 100
acres wanting to add 50• acres, will
probably be given top priority; a
father and son arrangement will
probably be considered. With' the
cutback on subsidy payments.
probably not too much will go to
dairy expansion this year.
These and many other points
brought up by Mike made an
interesting and informative meet-
ing. A lively discussion followed
during the question period.
Mike was thanked by Bev McNay
and presented with a gift.
helps you compare.
' On Monday, March 8th, the
Ripley Legion held its public
speaking contest in the Legion
A .report appeared in last
wIek's paper.
On Saturday, March 13th, Donna
Huber and Cheryl MeGarvey
travelled to Seaforth to. participate
in the public speaking contest held
in the Legion Hall there. These
girls were eligible for this contest
after receiving first prize at the
Ripley. Legion, contest. They
competed' against students from
SeafOrth, Gtiderich, Wingham and
Exeter. 6 '
In the first division of grades
nine and ten- students, receiving
first prize was a, girl from Exeter
and Donna Huber came home with
second prize.
In the second division of grades
eleven, twelve and thirteen the first
prize winner was a boy from Exeter
and the second prize Winner came
from Goderich.
There were a lot of interesting
speeches and it was a good''
experience for all. The winners will
compete in., a contest held in
Kincardine On march 28th, , Good
luck to all.
We would like to congratulate
David Ingard for placing 1st in the
Legion Public Speaking Contest in
Ripley. Torn Wilson placed 2nd
and Debbie Lowry plaCed 3rd.
• Congratulations go. to the prize
winners at the Science' Fair in Port
Elgin on Friday, March 12. -
We are looking forward to the.
French and Drama Assembly on
March 19 and the Winter Break on
the week of March '22 - 26. •
Pro Life Meet
An executive meeting of Alliance
for Life, Wingham:Branch was held
March 8 at the home of Ivy Smith,
The minutes of the previous
meeting were adopted as read.
"Pregnant & Distressed" is an
ad that we will be running for One
year in the Winghatri, Brussels,
Blyth, Lucknow and Teeiwater
A quantity of Pro-Life literature
has been placed in several doctor's
offices in this area, as well as F. E.
Madill Secondary Sehool and
several public libraries in the area,
and the Public Health Office.
We are quite interested in
organizing assemblies in our local
high-schools which would inelude,a
panel discussion and a speaker.
So far this year we have put On a
walk-a-thon and 2 • dances.
.Coining EventS: Pro-Life Variety.
Night to be held in the Knights of
Columbus Hall, Goderich on April
2; April 10, Southwestern Ontario
Pro-Life Conference, speaker Gwen
Sometime in the near future we
will be getting together an open
discussidn group for public partici-
pation. As well as a slide
presentation there will be a panel
.niade up of, lawyer, and
`,clergyman. • ,
A meeting was held by the 'Pro
Life members of the Goderich and
District Group on March 15 at -the
old Queen Elizabeth School, Goder-
lch. - •
Members decided to have a
booth at the Clinton Fair on June 4,
and 5.
A meeting of South Western Pro
Life groups will be held in
Kitchener on April, 10. Contact a
member' and make up a carload.
The Variety Night on April 2 at
St.. Mary's School auditorium
Promises a night of faMily fun and
entertainment with a.varied form of
Abortion is somewhat more
dangerous to the mother than
childbirth, but 'every successful
abortion is death for a child.
The most noticeable increases in
abortion have been in the wealth-
iest provinces, 26% in B.C., 18%
in Ontario and 13% in Alberta.
Doug 'Roche, M.P. of Edmonton,
Strathcona observed that it is more
dangerous 'to bd born in a wealthy
province than in a poor one.