The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-31, Page 5 ,WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31,. 1976. COMING EVENTS • CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALE ••400 head MONDAY, MAY 3 at 1:30 p.m. LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALE 'Robert McIntosh " Phone 395-5230 528-9912 . 1) Washington 'Cherry Blossom ', Festival - 5 days, departs April 7 - includes reserved seats for FestiVal Parade guided, tours of Washington and Gettysburg • 2) Florida Senior Citizens Special - .15, days; departs. April 21. 3) Arizona-Nevada-California - .15 days; departs April 10 - fly to Phoenix. Motorcoach to Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Diego,, Hollywood. ' • - fly home from San Francisco • 4) Bicentennial special at Wheeling, West Virginia - The Myron Floren Show with stars of the Lawrence Welk TV Show on Friday evening a superspectacular' "Jam- boree USA" headlined_by Merle Haggard on Saturday evening. plus much more. - Don't miss this special .weekend of activities -- it's happening only once in 1976 in. Wheeling! - tour departs April 29 - return May 2. • For information cwitact . 364-3270 (local) KINCARDINE Travel Service • 831 Queen Street, Kincardine, Ontario 396-3477 COACH HOUSE Travel Service . 59 Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ontario. 524-8366 J. & M. 210 - 250 - 300 - 350 Bus. Gravity Boxes See the New J. & M. Auger-Mate i . 1975 Prices on Some of the Above Items MAX RIEGLING 395.5107 7 Miles West Of Lucknow On No: 86 Hwy. The Workshop WIB HARTIN and SON R.R. 1 Dungannon ANY ITEM IN WOOD NEW FURNITURE BUILT OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED PHONE 529-7205 — FARMERS NOW IN STOCK! J. & M. Fertilizer Augers Calhoun Trail Models Fertilizer Spreaders Danomex 3 pt. Hitch Fertilizer Spreaders Unverferth Dual Wheels J. &' M. Heavy Duty Wagons Up to 10 Ton • NOTICE IIILRAY FARMS LTD.' ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made. Sausage. Cus- tom killing by appointment. Phone 528-2132 • NOTICE RE HOG SHIPPING I am now shipper for. U.C.O. Hogs are shipped Monday from 7 a.m. - 12 noon. Cattle are shipp- ed Tuesday, I will be at the yards Monday morning and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. I would appreciate your patronage. William Taylor, 529-7310 home - 528-3119 - yard - NOTICE • A UNITY PRAYER 0 my God! 0 my God! Unite the hearts of Thy servants, and reveal` to them Thy great purpose. May they follow Thy commandments and abide in Thy raw. Help them, 0 God, in their endeavour, and grant them strength to serve Thee. 0 God! leave them not to themselves, but guide their steps by the light of knowledge, and Cheer their hearts by Thy love. Verily, Thou art their Helper and their Lord. Baha`u'llah SPECIALS "FOR APRIL Fairview Dairy- - - April 1 - 17 Beatrice 6 oz. Fruit Bottom Yogurt, 6 flavours — 29c April 19 - 30 Beatrice 20 oz. Sour Cream Only 83c 183 ACRE DAIRY FARM, stock and • implements, 70 ties, milk house and 20' x 80 silo. Large 2 storey cement house. Excellent dairy' setup. 100 ACRE HOBBY FARM — 60 workable, stone house, large barn, good springs. VA STOREY FRAME HOUSE with 11/2 acres on Highway, good shed and drilled Well. $4,000 WILL BUY large building ..lot with spring stream 'in Luck- now. - Robt. Campbell Bus. 528-2031 Res. 529-7417 THE MAN TO SEE IS 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM in Dun- gannon area; comfortable 5 bed- room -home with all conveniences; ,„ barn, new stabling With gutter Cleaners, milk house and, bulk. tank, new hydro and all steel im- plement shed 40 x 100. . • 284 ACRES of cash crop land loc-/ ated in Ashfield Township., FIELD STONE HOME with 4 bed- Monis; large' barn located on '77 acres of land, excellent spring fed stream crossing, the property; ap- proximately 10 acres of mixed bush.' ' EAST WAWANOSH township, '100 acres, 5 bedroom home, 2 full baths, all conveniences,, barn 56'- x 58'; 26 stanchion milk house and silo, pole barn 44'. x 110' and steel implement. shed 24' x 60', spring possession. 4 BEDROOM Country ho , with all conyeniences, situated on ap- proximately 3 acres of land, ad- ditional buildings include a far- rowing barn 24 x 64, barn 40 x 60 plus a silo and grain storage. , • , WE HAVE a family wishing to purchase a 3 or 4 bedroom home .in Lucknow this spring. 2 BEDROOM HOME in Dungan- . non, three piece bath, • modern oil furnace, close to store and church; immediate possession. " APPROX. 4 ACRE LOT located in Ashfield Twp., Northlander home 12 x 60 with addition; large L shaped barn, maple trees sur- round the buildings, overlooking spring stream, 8 miles from God- erich. WARREN ZINN• PhOne 529.7350 444.41-4 4-•-•-• ), • WANTED • WANTED TO BUY — baled straw, Mark Rohrer, phone 357- 2868. No Sunday calls. • BUS DRIVER WANTED -- Apply to Russel Chapman, phone 357- 3899. " .• PASTURE WANTED 'for 20 head 500 lb. beef cattle.' Phone 482-9886. AGENT. WANTED EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL COMPANY needs dependable per- son who can work without super- vision. Earn $14,000 per year plus bonus. Contact customers around Liicknow. We. trairi. Write C. T. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petrol- eum, Brampton, Ontario,' 46T 2J6. HELP WANTED — experienced help'vanted in welding, shop. Call 529-7922. Residence 529-'77.24. WANTED — pasture for 5 horses, close to Lucknow. Mrs. Ross Kenyen, .phone 529-7254, HELP WANTED Labourer, young man over 18 years old, some experience in house and cottage building pre- ferred. Employment year round. Phone .395-5454, Clarke. Ferguson Building' Contractor, Point Clark. WANTED — approximately 15 stocker beef cattle between 500 and 700 pounds. Call 529-7320. WANTED — used , bicyCle, boy's or girl's. Phone 528-2440. Peter S. MacEwan Real Estate 38 ST. DAVID ST. i GODERICH — 524.9531 ' WINGHAM 14 REPRESENTATIVES ROSS and PHYLLIS HOGGART 357.3692 APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS • WANTED A part-tithe janitor for auditor- ium for Ripley-Huron Complex, to be paid by the hour. Applications to be in by 6 p.m. Monday, April 12th to MRS. MARLENE COLLING' Ripley, Ontario Township Clerk TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH . GRAVEL TENDERS Sealed tenders will be, received by either the ROad Superintendent or the Clerk, until 6:00 p.m., Mon- day, April 5, 1976, for approxi- mately 14,000 cu. yds. %" granur, lar 'material on • township roads and 500 cu. yds. stockpiled, by September 30. Tenders must be submitted • on Township Tender Forms, available at Clerk's Office, and accompanied by certified , cheque for $750.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders subject to approval by Ministry of, Transportation 'and Communications. Mrs. Joan Armstrong, Clerk, ,R.R. 2, Lucknow, 'Ontario Mr. George Humphrey, - Road-Superintendent, R.R. 2, Lucknow, Ontario Notice To Creditors, NOTICE TO: CREDITORS , In the Estate of JOHN ROY MacKAY ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County. of Bruce,, Retired Farmer, who died on Feb- ruary 14th, 1976, are required to file proof of same with the .under- signed on or before the 3rd day of April, 1976. After that date the Executors . will proceed to. distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of 'which they shall then have had notice.. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 11th day of March, A.D. 1976. CRAWFORD, MILL &' DAVIES Winghani, Ontario '• 'Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In the Matter 'Of, the Estate Of ALEXANDER• (SANDY) HACK ETT s Late of the Town of Walkerton, in the County of Bruce, retired, de- ceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Alexander (Sandy) Hackett, late of the Town \ of Walkerton, in the County of Bruce, retired, •who died on, or abopt the 5th day of February 1976 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executors of the Estate on or' before the 30th day of April 1976, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the date last mentioned' the executors will' dis- tribute the assets of the estate having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Lucknoir this 8th day of March 1976. Melvin Hackett and Clifford Hackett Executors for above estate. P.O. Box 1123 • Port Elgin, Ontario NOH 2C0 SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK .HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 5294403 FOR ESTIMATES IN MEMORIAM•... BEATON .— 'in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. James Beaton, a , dear Mother who .passed away' March 30th, 1966 and a dear father„October, 8th, 1974;' and a dear brother Jimmy, January 27th, 1967. ' , Lovingly remembered by Becky and Harvey Culbert and family. CULBERT — in loving 'memory of a beloved daughter, sister and aunt, Arlene Heather, who passed away suddenly March 30th, 1970. No matter what we' are doing Your memory is on our mind ' And all the precious thoughts 'of you Arlene Are never far behind. The flowers we place upon your, grave Wither and decay, But our love for you who sleeps beneath Will never fade away. Still loved, still missed and still very dear. Mom, Dad, Lynn Bev, Ken, Heather and Trisha . JOHNSTON — in loving memory of .a dear father, Allan Johnston; who passed. away 2 years ago April 3rd.. • God looked around His garden, And he found an empty space, He then looked down upon this . earth, , - And saw your tired face. He put His arms around you, He lifted you to rest, God's garden must be beautiful, For He only takes the best. " God knew that you were suffering, He knew- you Were in pain, He knew that you would never get well, In this' world again., He saw the world was getting rough, ' The hills were bard to . climb, So He closed your weary eye lidso And whispered, Peacebe Thine It broke our hearts to .lose you, But' you did not go alone, For part of us went with you,, The day God called you home. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Donna, Douglas and Deborah. • FOR RENT FOR RENT — small furnished up- stairs apartment on Main St. in Lucknow, available immediately. Phone 528-3134. MORTGAGE MONEY RURAL RESIDENTIAL COTTAGES FARMS If you can afford the following payments, you may borrow the corresponding amounts (if approved) $ 52.74 — $ 4,000 105.48 — 8,000 158.21 12,000 329.61 -- 25,000 Based on second mortgage rate of 151/2%, 5 year term, 20 year amortization. First mortgages arranged Existing mortgages bought . ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD BOX 4 ARTHUR, 848-2510 BOX 309 NEW HAMBURG 6624110 EVENINGS 744.7507 743.1687 OPEN HOUSE: at Lucknow Central. Public SchOol and Ripley Heron Central School Wednesday,, April 7th • LES. PETTER, SHOES LUCKNOW, . PHONE -5284011 OM HEED - SHOE REPAIR 'SKATE SHAPIIMIG'. • VARIETY CONCERT RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL April 1st and 2nd . 8 p.m. • • tiN4r7N,-4 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1.4./CKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE.' HTONAGH REAL ESTATE INSURANCE • LTO. . , , • 125 ACRES — level hog 'and beef farm Ripley area.' 4 bedroom house, large barn and bunker silo.