The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-24, Page 12wE9IME5DAY4..MARcH 24, 1f .6 a ST, PATRICK. CONCERT A St. Patrick cencert was held in the fangside • hail 'on • Friday evening. A good 'crowd was in attendance. 'The hall was decorat- ed with shararecks, hats and pipes. , 'Philip -Steer was chairman .and opened the prngrani which oonsiSt: ed of readings, songs; musical seleCtions, and a sing-along. Many of thesewere Irish pieces,. A ghost story was read with the audience supplying the necessary noises causing much fun and laughter. The program ended with God Save the Queen. A bountiful, lunch. was then served to' end an enjoyable evening. - Mrs. W, Osband and her daughter Mrs. Don Robertson of London called' on friends in this community on Saturday. Sandra, Greg and Shelley Gard. net of Lncknow are spending a few days with their grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wesley Young. Cathy England of Whitechurch is holidaying for, a few days with Mr. . and Mrs. Clifford Yonng. Marty Young spent Thursday night with his grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin, John and Dan of Wingharn. The Langside.'Whitechurch young penples held their weekly meeting at Whitechurch on Satur- day evening. Students are enjoying their mid-winter break this week after writing Pears last week. 50th ANNIVERSARY A' social gathering was held in the Blyth hall on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Russell McDonald, LANGSIDE Look neighbour T ER®WORKS FOR YOUR. CHILDREN'S'EDUCATION ith young rthildren to protect, you need added insurance coverage! Sun Life's Family Security Benefit provides the coverage you need now, at low cost, Let's discuses ZION Mrs. Frances. Was had , her daughter, Sir. and Mrs. Howard C.arlaw of Paisley on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wilson of R. R.! 2 .Atiburn. Mrs. Frank Ritchie received ward that her aunt, Miss Margaret McAuley, had passed away on. Wednesday of last week in a nursing home in Detroit. Jeffrey Hunter hid a school thuns, Dean Gunby of the fah ectrazion of Ate, for the 'weekend. • Min. Douglas Rrynard and Mrs. Clanks WIleinis were mow *e ntirioad from 'Nein' y United Aar& Aslefield,"thar attended the meted:* other Pres- yttha3 at Breorfield btu Wednes- Mr. and Mtn- Frank lie were Su/3day supper ,guests at the home of ber torigas.. • Mr. and Mrs. I Cammeoe „MacAnley of Ripley. Mr. rind Mrs_ Jini flume visited their danginer Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Jam Miner of Barrie on the week end. OLIVEr Visednn on Sunday ,aith Mr. and Mrs.' Peter Vass Sicide and children were Mr. aed Mrs. Gratre Van Sickle and Brian and Mr. and Mrs: John Hofetetter and btraly all of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mauer and child= of Huron Park visited on Sunday will Mr. and Mrs. Os= White. Many from this area• enjoyed the performance of the Brute Interna- tionai . Minstrel. Show wind l was held in the Ripley Dieu crr. ; Monday evening. Marat ISth. Mr. and Mrs:. John Gf...eVESIMI and girls spent the week end visiting in Oshawa with relatives and friends. Visiting with Mr: and Mrs. Roe McGuire and Christopher ot Same- day a easing were Linda Cu3ben and Cnil Guse. SO YOU CAN FARM Rugged Butler VII silage distributor-unloader with power ring drive cuts level, feeds fast to save you time and work. AND SO DO WE .LOVVRY FARM EQUIPMENT R.R. 1 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO PHONE: 51949S-S2114 111‘.11111k11111bANION11.1111111011NROGRI‘waik 'who were married fifty years on the by. Clifford Young •and* after their 17th of March. Russell McDonald marriage Mr., and Mrs. McDOnald was raised on the farm now owned lived fora while iis this community. eeding Beef Cattle Here's the answer for starting feeders safely and sirnoothly onto full feed ' with a•minimum of problems. This is the program to ' start cattle onto full' feed silage, hay, or grain finishing ration. I Feed at 5 lb., pe head per day for 28 days. Fortified with ideal levels, of Aureomycin and Sulphamethazine /to treat respiratgr y diseases and minimize effects Of stress. Contains good balance .of essential minerals, vitamins and energy levels, 'natural protein sources 'for easy digestibility. Economical to use. This pelt eted starter will Move cattle onto full feed without the expensive set-backs of ."shipping fever" and stress-induced health problems. Available in bulk or bags. Extra high molasses level .assures excellent palatability. ANDERSON FLAX • PRODUCTS LIMITED LveKNow PHONE 528.2026 Shur- Gain Gfeedlot Starter(140)8wt.GAureo8-700 THE L.UCKNOW SENTINEL , Luckkow, ONTARIO