The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-17, Page 20DECORATINGSak All Regular Sunworthy Stock Wallpapers Ready Pasted, Washable 1 Some Drystrippable Vinyls 207 OFF' 0 Avfr wor v„oss-vou-eiivi.4, Ram" 4COVinitie SAVINGS FROM 60e to $1.70 "R:::117:"` . . '40,040-831.042,41%,sofo c9,00.031.04001tatocara SALE ENDS "/ SATURDAY, MARCH 20 , P42,4t4c40444thicriN0404°404404° intE0'43;W:acht 10 -INCPC*;:6404*.5404`311240 Can of C-I-L Paint DISCOUNTED i040404a03.404040.-Eap.oiq, YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING • CENTRE ' Open. Every Monday —Closed Thursday CAR> '17110 ' =t1C:==:4iC=ZOC:t0==:06===4)441.=:11.=XiC=NiC=4 dISDIONFLON AND LINOLEUM ritAiliOus$ FINLAY M Loam*, ortrAmo WALLPAPER AiA C-114.140113 mik Pao" TiVISNTIr • John'11,,'flitoittls.tiew.comisiissiOner.. fOi.:110ro*fintilinloss,TOlephoneco,. . " THE ,I.MCKN.QW SENTINEL,. WOK.N0..... ONTARIO KRAFT SKIM MILK MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE Cheese Red Salmon - 'WEDNESDAY ,MAR; 1, 1976 scHttopmes Bickel of ,Chicken 31-9 . ; „ BY AB VirYLDS On Wednesday afternoon of last week, March 10, '• the annual meeting of the Huron and Kinloss • Telephone System wasi held in the Huron• Township hall in Ripley. The purpole to' present the financial reports for' 1975, review the work accomplished during the year, receive the auditor's report, and elect a new commissioner. For those. not so familiar with the organization 'there are three com- missioners or directors in charge of the telephone system. In 1975 they were J. S. Robb of the 2nd concession, west of Smoky Hollow, James MacDonald of Clarks, concession 12 west and Stewart Needham of Ripley. Commissioner J. S. Robb, who 'was to be chairman for the afternoon, was unable to attend due to illness and Jim MacDonald took the chair' and called the meeting to order. Secretary treasurer Mrs. Irene Liddle read the minutes of the previous Meeting and also presented the auditor's statement. In his report, as chairman and commissioner* Jim welcotned those in attendance and gave a short • explanation of the year's business. Following Jim, cominissioner. Stewart • Needham dealt with the financial picture of the year, stating• that. 1975 had been a successful year with a considerable increase in busMess and a readonable surplus. He also explained that a small increase in rates, may be approved in:the near. future.. Clayton Nicholson, manager and superintendent of the Huron and Kinloss System, stated that a new toll contract has been signed with Bell Canada which will increase 'our local commission about six, cents per call. He also fielded questions about the large size of party lined, the constant use of such party lines and the demand for lines and two party lines in the rural 'areas.' As these are in the field of the commissioner's jurisdiction he was ' unable to answer except that such matters will receive consideration at their regular meeting. Huron Township clerk treasurer, Mrs. Marie& Coiling, was chair- lady for the' election of a commis- sioner for a three year term. Commissioner Stewart Needham, who has served the system and its ' people for 38 years thanked all for their support over these past years. John H. Elliott of Pine River was elected the 'new commissioner • succeeding Stewart. In accepting the position Mr. Elliott thanked the people for their confidence and . declared that he would endeavour .to' do his best. The meeting then djourned. - THAT' , Lorne Humphrey of Cambridge, a native of St. Helens, is converting the Gurney Glove building in Wingham into apartments. He recently purchased the property. The 'carpentry work is being done by his brother Lloyd of St. Helens and George Whitby of Lucknow. THAT An unusual occurrence for March was the appearance of a small green and white butterfly with black spots on the upper part of each wing. Mrs. Joan Robinson ' of Kinloss caught the butterfly on her inside-window qn March 9th. • Town life proved too fast for it as,it died after 'an overnight visit at The Sentinel.' THAT Mrs, Alice MacKenzie of Luck- now recently observed her 90th birthday. THAT Rod MacLennan of Detroit, a native of Lochalsh, renewed his Sentinel subscription last week for' the 48th year.. Rod made reference to the ice and sleet storm which hit the Detroit area recently. 200,000 homes were without heat or gas for almost a week,. ,COUNCIL BRIEFS ,CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1, Society, the same as last' year. Councillor Ritchie opposed the donation. t j t The secondary school teacher's federation asked the support of council in bringing the educational channel, TV Ontario; to the viewing audience in Grey-Bruce. • t t A tender of Gerry's Auto Body, Lucknovv, of $569, was accepted for body and fender work to the Lucknow works department truck. t 1 'Council decided to advertise for an animal control officer. , • i. KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shaw and Wendy returned home from Hunts- ville where they spent the past weekend with relatives. Several from here attended the Farm Show at London last week. Mi. and Mrs. Chris Shelton moved this week to •their apartment in Ripley. Friends from here were sorry to know that Jim Schneller of VVingliam and formerly of here, underwent surgery. We wish him a good recovery. ' . Mr. and Mrs. George Graham received word 'that her brother, Wallace Hewitt of Waterford, is a patient in the Simcoe Hospital, and her sister-in-law Mrs. Russell (Mabel) Hewitt of Kincardine, and formerly of here, is a patient in St. Joieph's Hospital, London. • Chocolate ekll LB. 99t 528-3420 THAT Members • of Ernie Ackert's Sunday School class 'at Lucknow United Church, all of • them secondary school students, were guests of their teache% at the O'Keefe Centre presentation, Man of LaMancha on Saturday after- noon in ,Torontia. Attending were Ernie and 'Bonnie Ackert, Doug and. Jean Kaufman, Barbara Hender- son, Mary Lynn Cayley, ,Susan Thompson, Nancy, Ruth and Grace Alton; Joanne Ritchie, Sandra. Henderson; Ralph and Roger Morrison; .David Atkinson, DOnald Ritchie, Kathy Brooks. 'A supper at MacDonald's- at Brampton was enjoyed on the way hoMe. $1.39 • 1 LB. 73/4 OZ. WE DELIVER THAT , Russel Treleaven, 10-year;old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Treleaven of Lucknovv, who fractured his leg in a skiing mishap at Beaver Valley on January 10th, was five weeks in traction in Owen Sound Hospital before coming home on February 15th where he, has been in a body cast. Russ was scheduled to have the cast removed Tuesday with the future still a bit uncertain. THAT Pearl Carter, who 'resides juS north of. Lucknow, won $135 on the. Legion bingo jackpot in Lucknow last week. t„ • ELECTROHOME 20" DOVER COLOR TV Here's a great performer for any room irr your home. Enjoy these ;natures: • 100% Solid State Chassis for long life • Precision-In-Line Picture Tube • Automatic Color, Tint, Fine Tuning 26,500 Volts Picture Power • 4" Front Speaker • Power Saver Switch •, Dipole Antenna • Walmit Vinyl Cabinet • DimenSions: 2514" W X 163/4 " H x 171/2 " D • One year free parts and labour warranty and extended picture tube warranty plan. Spring Break Value model Dover C20-427 Greer TV and Electric • tucknow Phone 528-3112 BORDEN'S Hot