The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-10, Page 14' ER INTEREST RATES NOW AVAILABLE. ON 1strand:26,c1 Mortgages • • ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO - • ON. 'RESIDENTIAL,. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES Interinki:thaneing t'oervelNoepwnicenanst truction:SadLand . FOR REPRESENTATIVES' IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY, INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED Head Office, 56 Weber Street, East, Kitchener, (519) 7444535 Branch Office: 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin, (519) 832-9510 Evenings Call Hepworth 519-935-2542 WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH When :the going gets Tough, the Clay Silo, Unloader • . • Rugged dual . 'auger. unit with front g drive cuts through the toughest silage. ets going •• Delivers high capacity of practically any type of silage in hot or .cold weather. Available in single or dual, auger models, up to. 30 ft. diameter silos. Optional automatic letdown, tool ..,;., , • • ,,,,elM.. mtl. PREFINISHED: WALL PAN:EU. SIZE 4 FT. x.8 FT. Morning Mist $7.37 Per Panel STYROFOAM : INSULATION Siie 4' x 8! . 1%" and 2" thickness JOHN...W.:HEROERUN LUMBER .01111. •PI-IONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW ... .... 1••••••5f.....*?••:::::.;•••• •••••••• •••.•00*.f ........ , . ' • Available as a built-in or portable unit: in avocado'& white: ',pushbutton 6-cycle, with Hygienic Cycle &. Rinse-'n-hold for later washing; •soft-food disposer (eliminates pre-rinsing); • • 16-place setting, capacity; • roll-out baskets &,two direct water supply spray arms; .handsome.hardwood cutting board top. Greer TV and Electric Lucknow Phone 528-3112 Ilk ,ili iMOGRAW-EOISON OF CANAO4 •LIMITED 405r1711111111111 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,. MARCH 10, 1976 Qiuuss Possibility Maitland Valley ? Authority Assuming Control Of. • 'fast WestWow..onosh Township Park West Wawanosh Township COuncil held ° its regular March meeting on Tuesday afternoon, March 2nd, at the Township Garage. All members were in ' attendance, Reeve 'Lyons presid- ing. The minutes of the February • meeting were read, and ' after Correction of a motion omitted, the minutes were adopted on motion of Councillors Hickey and Cranston. (Omitted motion - That the road superintendent submit the annual petition of subsidy to the Ministry of Transportation and .Communica- tions, in • the amount of $125,765.86.) . • Juergen Becker had been advis- ed that an appearanCe before Council would have• been a good plan to air his complaints, rather ..than letters to the editor in the local paper. He, therefore, appeared before Corincil and. spoke to the members about the contents of his letters. .After After a long discussion, Mr. Becker' left the meeting, adamant in , his opinion that Council's action in regard • to honouring a retired emploYee was not in the best interests of the township's ratepayers. 'None of the explanations Councillors offered was satisfactory to' Mr. Becker. Alvin Sherwood was in attend- ance to speak to Council about a water problem that has arisen in Dungannon in the area. where a new water supply system has been installed by him. Edward Gingefich approached Council about a severanCerwhich has' not yet been • approved. by the Huron 'County Land Division Com- mittee. Council members discussed the possibility of Maitland Valley Conservation Authority taking over the East-West Wawanosh Park. This possibility had been Mention- ed•some years ago, but at the time the Authority considered the area too small for their purposes. With the acquistion of 400 acres of land heside the' Park, the plan would now be feasible.for the Authority, if the Townships agree. Both town- ship councils and several' Authority executive members met in Bel- grave on February 12, 1976, to discuss such a proposal. This meeting was very informative, with the Authority showing slides of the area under its jurisdiction, and discussing a similar Park for which they had assumed responsibility. The Authority members assured the council members in attendance that the. Park, if taken over by them, would be operated according to an agreement, setting out the conditions which the townships wanted.. The Authority will not take over the Park and dictate how it should be operated. The townships• must be satisfied. Committee delegates for the year 1976 were set out by Council. The Recreation committee will remain as in 1975: Walter Arnold,' chair- man (1975); Janice Rutherford, `secretary (1975); John Rutherford, Ross Errington, Susan Cook, •Allan Webster, Bill MacPberson,, Cecil and Marybelle Cranston and Joe Hickey. Named to other commit- tees were: Joe Hickey, Farm Safety Council; Arnold Stothers . and Bob Lyons, Fire Protection Committee; Marybelle Cranston, Arena Board; and Bob Lyons,. Medical Centre Committee. • A motion by Councillors &others and Hickey "That West Wawanosh Township. Council 'approve two ' payments of the Huron County levy in 1976 - on June 30. and December 15." Resolutions from / the Regional Municipality of Waterloo and the Town of Chesley were tabled. By-law #5, 1976, was given third reading and finally passed on motion of Councillors Cranston and Hickey. This by-law authorizes the township to enter into an agree- ment with the Village of Lucknow for the acquisition of a fire hall to be shared by four municipalities and fire protection by the Lucknow Volunteer fire brigade. The road accounts' were passed for payment on motion of Council- lors Foran and Cranston. A motion by Councillors Foran and Hickey directed" the road superintendent •to advertise for tenders for• the application • of crushed gravel during the summer KINLOUGH ,Mr. and Mrs. Edbert. Bushell, who were both patients in 1.the Kincardine and District Hospital, returned home during the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Bushell, David and Janet of Ottawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edbert Bushell and other relatives. George Bushell spent the, past week at Vancouver and Joanne and the • children visited with her parents in. Goderich. Mrs. Evelyn Collison of Bramp- ton spent, the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. Lois - Nicholson returned' with her for a holiday. BROKEN RECORD • • Man and wife should have a eon-whorl: interest to discuss', but most married men hate to read continued stories all the time. 1.R. 1 KINCARDINE PHONE' 3954286 SIM_ IM WEI III In MI NI IN Mil Me of 1976'. The following general accounts .were ordered paid on motion of Corincillors Stothers and Hickey: Treasurer of Ontario, tile drainage debenture,. 184.95; James Dever- eaux, Salary, '98.61; Receiver General of Canada, CPP, 1.18; Drainage Commissioners accounts, course • enrolment fee (Clerk), 35.00; Jos. F. Hickey, convention expenses, "120.00. ROAD ACCOUNTS G. Humphrey, salary, 1056.14; A. Cranston, operator, 656.68; W. Todd, wingman, 314.72; T. Arm strong, wingman, 381.54; N. Mc- Donald, oprator, 119.47; W. McDonald, Witiginan, 109.77; Rec- eiver General of Canada, CPP; UI; IT, 832.05; Joan Armstrong, book- keeping, 95.49; Whitechurch Sand and Gravel, unwashed sand, 8.50; Hacketes Farm Equipment, repair r parts, 96.30; Garry's Auto, lamps, oil, 21.13; D.R.M. Sales, - parts, 13.15; Siecker's General Store, gas (sander), 63.45; BP Canada, diesel fuel, furnace fuel, etc. 1221.26; J.D. Durnin, snowblowing, 180.00; Wtn. Kempton; rent - sander, • Jan. Feb., .500.00; George Humphrey, convention expenses, 120.0Q. Council adjOurned to Amil 6, 1976 at 7.30 p.m. at the Township: Garage. JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk.