The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-10, Page 6Every Wednesday Afternoon OFFICE IN McDONAGH INSURANCE OFFICE INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY . AUTOMOBILE & • INVESTMENTS To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 ' MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL' A MEMBER OF( ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL. SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishes at your Horne, your Church, or at' our Memorial Chapel at no additional /charge. Lueknow, Phone 5284432 ' Day or' Night Rep.: Wingham Memorials WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES Rep.: MacKenzie Funeral • Home Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 BRAD'S PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs and Renovation Industrial - Commercial and Residential • FREE ESTIMATES 395.5771 WM. A. (Bud) HAMILTON AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD. Gasoline Heating Fuels , Burner Service and Furnace Installations Trucks Radio Equipped For Better Service Dial 528.3006 Res. 5284616 Wholesale and Retail iiiienntANcE ?1. HOW. WK. AMC* COMMERCIAL Co7Operators Insurance AlflocIatIons of Guelph AGENT. JEAN WHITBY LUCKNOW • PARK' R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Reid at Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Wingham 357-1522 J. A. PETERSON, C.A. KARL L E NTZ, C.A. 528.2016 Res. 357-1087 CHISHOLM FUELS HEATING OILS Tiffin of Kitchener also spent the week 'end with his parents, On Sunday Mr. and" ,Mrs. Douglas Tiffin and family of Wingham, Mrs. Ethel- Stewart of VVingham and Mr. and Mrs. Bevin Tiffin and family all gathered at the home of . Mr. " and Mrs. Dan Tiffin to celebrate Dan's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin, Stephen, Faye,„Douglas and Mich- ael of West Wawanosh were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and family. KINLOUGH The Holyrood Women's Institute euchre party was held on Wednes- day evening in the hall. High prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. •Elwood Elliott and lucky prize winners were Mrs. P.A. Murray and Mrs, Lorne° Eadie. We are sorry to report that Spence McFarlan is a patient in the 'Wingham and District Hospital. His many friend's wish hint improved health. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Allan Maclntyre (Nancy Needham) and family and other relatives in the passing of the late Allan Maclntyre after a lengthy illness. The, funeral. was held 'on 'Saturday afternoon from the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow. Shawn McEwan returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, where he underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott will return home this week after 'a most enjoyable winter holiday in Florida and a cruise on the S.S. Statendam for 10 days. Mrs. David Haldenby is the hostess for the meeting of the Anglican Church Women at her home on Thursday afternoon, Mach 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs: Art Haldenby: You only look as good as you feel. , •. Mantas. In your heart you know it's right. iNCOMUTAX'. H&R 131,0cK. 19 VICTORIA ST..N., GODERICH. ON HIGHWAY 21 PERSONAL, BUSINESS AND FARM RETURNS ALL • RETURNS GUARANTEED PHONE 524-8658 virm. R. NELSON CARPENTRY Area Representative- For TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES. ' Free Estimates — No Obligation LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2949 SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 52-7681 - BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Hoine and THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' RALPH CAMPBELL „ R. General Contracting Custom Built Homes & Additions Barns and. Renovations Steel and Asphalt Roofing RJR.. 3 BLYTH, PHONE 523-9604 IN MEMORIAM IgMORIAM. ERRINGTON -- in loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Victor Ellington, who passed away 3 years ago.. March 15. You left us quietly without goodbye; But memories of you will never die Ever remembered by wife and family. TIFFIN — in loving memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather 'Orville Tif- fin, who passed away four years ago, March 4, 1972: Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that will, last for- ever Always remembered and sadly missed by wife and family WHITECHURCH Y.P.S. MEET The Young People's Society on Saturday evening held their meet- ing at' Chalmer's Church in the, Sunday School room. Marty Young was in charge of the service. A sing song was held. Marty opened the meeting with, prayer. Scripture reading was St. John 8: 12-47. All were divided' into groupS and, given questions to answer. Then all came together and discuised the' answers they had for the questions. The offering Was received and dedicat- ed by John de Boer. The minutes of the last meeting and, the executive meeting were read by secretary Wendy Kaye. Games were played. Grace was sung and lunch was served:. Whitechurch W.M.S. for . March will be, held on Wednesday 17th at ' 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wallace Milligan. Leader Mrs. Milligan and Mrs. S. Helesic. Helper Mrs. Alan Falconer. Roll call - name a Presbyterian Missionary.. 'Topic to be chosen. Courtesy Mrs. `Wesley Tiffin. Many in the community "will be \ pleased to learn that Mrs. Harold Johnstone of Parkhill was released a week ago from St: Joseph's Hospital, London, where she had undergone surgery. WON SPEAKING CONTEST Congratulations to Lori' Jamieson Of Brookside School, competing in the speaking contest held in the 'Legion Hall, Lucknow, on Friday evening, where she won 'first place. She won a trophy for her-self and her school. 'She now advances to the speaker's finals •at Seaforth on Saturday, March 13: Her topic was Enjoy Yourself, Mrs, Garnet Farrier and Miss .Winnifred Farrier arrived home ,on Wednesday~ last from Largo, Flor ida, where they had been visiting with Mr. and Ms. Jack Gillespie. Misses Joyce Tiffin and Janet Sleightholm of Toronto spent the .' week end with their parents. Barry WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1976 CARD OF THANKS Gordon Struthers Wishes to ex- press thanks to friend's and neigh- bours for cards and visits and to those Who helped out at home while he was Lliospitalized. All was very much'appreciated. . Many thanks to all who' visited me and sent cards and treats, while II Was in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Drs, Corrin and McKim and nurses on second floor. • Dynes Campbell I would like to express my sin- sere thanks to my, friends, neig,h- hours and relatives for their visits, card s, letters; flowers and phone `calls, while a patient in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. Mrs. Ellen Cardis I find words inadequate to, ex- press my • sincere thanks - to so many people, who have contribut- ed so much during Allan's illness and at the time of bereavement. I would like to especially mention Dr. Corrin, Dr. McKim, my' sister- in-law Mary, and my mother, not forgetting the Winghanr Hospital and staff, who were most kind. The comforting and kind- words of Rev. Noble will remain in my. memory. To the ladies of the Church, _neighbours, friends and relatives, I am most grateful and will try in the future to repay some of the kindness shown. Sincerely Nancy Maclntyre, Paul, Helen and Heather We deeply appreciate the kind- ness of our neighbours, friends and relatives during our bereave- ment. We are grateful to those who brought food and to those who cared for our children. Alex and Josee MacIntyre Donald and Marilyn Maclntyre Mary Maclntyre Lucknow Recreation Depart. merit extends sincere thanks to the organizing committee for the ex- cellent job done last week-end in making the Flea Tournament such a success. - I wish to express thanks for flowers and donations to the Can- cer and Heart Funds at the time of my husband's death. Special thanks to South Kinloss neighbours for their donation, to our wonder- ful Inglis Street neighbours and friends who helped and brought food to our home, and for lunch supplied and served at Lucknow Presbyterian Church., All 'was so deeply. appreciated. Mrs. Orley Cooper DUE TO LACK OF SPACE THIS 14EEK''S 4-H NEWS WILL APPEAR ,IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. INCORPORATED IN 1910 Prevailing Interest Rates Retirement Savings 'Plan Your Representative ' ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 -57 South Street, CcUdericii Telephone 524-7562 MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractor LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2913 OR 3924061 BRAY CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE _ • 197 JOSEPHINE ST. WING.HAM PHONE 357-1224 CULBERT'S CUSTOM CABINETS ° DEALER FOR CARD INAL 1-141E' Choice of 6 styles and finishes Special conaideration to builders PHONE 395429$ OR.,"*5-.5$16 R. W. BELL, OPTOMETRIST GODERICH - The Square (Phone 524-7661) D: HAINSCHWANG Denture Therapy Clinic J. COMPLETE DENTURE'SERVICE • . , 4 R.R. 2 rriceyale 'PHONE .369-34119' AFTER HOURS, PHONE 361421. ,