The Signal, 1928-2-16, Page 8stat .:► - -`•
A, '
e'er • '•"
e- Tbarsday, FeGreasy la 3998.
New Spring
Wall Papers
Have arrived with wpnderf u1
designs and colorings
Come in and see
our samples
Cole's Book Store
Atter much persuasion, 1 have
decided to enter the field for radio
Fifteen years' c1periem4c on ail
type„ of receiving stem. F:edorseci
by the National Rydio institute,
Washington, O.('. Expert service
ata ¢%. moble price. -
Newente Street (ioderirh
Teligphone 51S
Highest Prices Paid
Furs, Beef Hides and
Goose Feathers
11,n,. -u lioelerich
The Week at Ottawa
By R. J. l)cuchntun
Judges of Good Bread
Agree on
Smith's Better
Baked Bread
• The quality is uniform.
it never fails.
Tyr our Chop Suey, Whole
Wheat, Brown or Hovis Loaf
E. G. Smith
Ea•,St. Bakery Telephone 184
Car Drivers must have
permits and 1928
plates, and must stop at
all Stop Sias
No Further Warning
even etlmulatetl the patient. In FOR 11OCKEl
In tact. • A - ,
the record of hank failure eh tate °that ;t apprurr to the
else of the lane indicatedaras that part- writer tbaLNtotos tart in hockey U
butrhappiness, As 1 not appeeretele but the iuter'eeted
matter f feet,
is interested
fitter of ftct, a disinterested et4drut hockey .,K I,l N thiac It•ra for the
of politics, atter reading the debate$ our ut•1 a t" nt ) yluring the
. In, the House of Commons in Canada I Ontario c,upienehip
and the'Senate of the fatted States, last few wyrks the writer her seen
Ottawa, Feb. 11 -The etrdi•ge thing ,,.might reassembly come to the con- four interesting hockey games at We
If h believed a8 total arena. iyp p,:ayers iu this league tt
able remarks of ypur lordship with
reference to our dear departed friend.
"We sincerely regret his passing•
and we feel that the bar has lest a
real friend and one who was destined
to make his mark in the profehdon.
We all join your lordship in extending
our sympathy to his family and rela-
Mr. Caaitelon's Illness
Mr. Cautelon bad been 111 for nearly
'ting from commie
about Ottawa 1s that it Ilatrne to wore 41051044 -that 1s. e
tall than any other city in the world. words uttered by
mato¢ --that high
the 1are ' has ud rmer,tta' to the age autltat I cationsfollowingan al MO.: ...f ton_
yet still it is ldt gs sitting
With the 4'njte were the main ub .t, is to pick a winning sllltls. Seve4ul weeks ago he was
Ca adian tea tart O.H.A. Junkie ' tear for next winter. operated on for mastoid. and menet-
1'arllnrtrent buildings sitting l.n•tty uu t'nited States, while low tariffs were Jr
{ 1 think for a Otis developed. •
'toeing itr a killing
the Hlll and oratory
the n Now, fulls, just stop to
stream, the deuiz' I1 of Ottawa amble
• • • • minute: Tee., glue.. .. two teams to a The administering of a serum, which
full freely to thetusrlces'rt+they amble Mr. Fbrke discussed Immigratloa. game, four 4•atlfs, six men on the lee was brought from Seattle last week,
abwg the streets: It's a dual day In- Fort) minutes nue bra short for the I, and two suns. %Inch makes tt total of gave Mr. Cantelon new energy for a
deed when nue eauuot hear. u Pawn, 't• bask, ale set sow❑ with his speechthirty-two placers. If 'any pt•tvu11 men- I few• days. hut on Saturday his eondf-
by dilate upon the que•stious of the day 111,tinbrheat. There will 1* lots of tins Hotted to the %titer that a winning I tion again became critical. As death
or {os ably-iiion sonic matter-ef mere to finish It when the whole aah.iPCt_il.-OftA. juator-traa!-'+dald-nt+Lho %nth- approached. he cid not regain cun-
r.ouul y.,su t•n1. , being Investigatedb, parliamentary f t y two players the W iall*tlees.
hl of IAC be mud 79te Born at
utltuatt ie Uuly last
v end from 'hart Goderlch, Ont., 1n 188R, he
eight, a lone 1uIlecutau at the corner, esommittee But one of the troubles %raters Hanle souI was the tau of Mr. sad Mrt. David
,d the busiest street he d an animate' title Parliament. ami of all Paella- material is here WIR the of this Ile r rp.cD vld
meat+. is tltyt no one seems lotrticultls These soda:. peyers at the present
. onvereetiuu with hituse•lf, and a 4111411 education In the itbllc seh iia of C.od-
at a cnudecillc slow bastes he munched ly anxious 4.. sanity th•questtons which age are hark; a barns of fun froze Mich and at he public Institute. nt He
nut. bt4amse he wanted to talk n• him ariee. it 1+ 50 simple to toast every- thc•st• games nod dulug best at all 1 was, a gradnttte of Toronto University.
self while the xrtlet wuute4l to sheer thing to a committee. A Ionrlte 'times make the grade for that I (umblg to British Columbia In 1906,
to the audience.
military cnaunitte4• is likely to start junior team nest year. I he studied law in the °Mee of A. D.
out AA a fiteinR exf1edltion, looking for 1 7`htse Suuug nen eau do just what is 'ritylor. tC.l'. He wAsealled t0 the bar
the address is ever. It . trouble ineteed of fish. Fewmen
p ome ate ld in Gsrrieh, mule a g• 1 I to 1911. and a was called
tufo the
FLOORE.-At Godertcb hoepltal, on
January 29th. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. ,
Wm. M. Moore, Jr., a son, James
The !casae ou
never was eery hell of lite. There wad there with previous c0t,a e r hod,
team tl.:U win
go ever Rime. He entered into partner -
e d or on uhs•rvatIius or on study. Those dun:( and brine hove the honors for I Ably with M1r. ieon Tetchier. member
a burst of reality in tax first day or
who do will carr,' their point or of
their home teen the writer will not of Parliament for Vancouver South, hi
NOItR18.-Tu Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Nurrls (Elda Jean Stoddart I. at
Detroit, Michigan, February 11411,,a
sou (still -bora).
OM'I'T. -in (ludertch, on Sunday, 'Feb -
wary 12111. Robert 41all Cut t, aged
08 yeah.
ELLIOTr•-ln Goder'tch, on Tuesday.
February 14th, Ellen Vauderburgh,
cordwood, .alaie or bundled
00., LTD., 95 King street East, Tor-
onto. Phone Elgin 5754 or Elgin
" REN'S SH'ELTF,R, Ooderleb:
duties to begin March let ; married
woman preferred. .Apply a once.
petting qualifications and salary ex-
pected. and giving references, to A.
M. ROBERTSON, Secretary ('•A.S.,
widow of the late John Elliott. Goderich.
JEWELL.-In Goderlch township, on
Saturday', February 11th, James ENA'F:LOI'ER AND CIRCULARS
Jewell. addressed. Prompt service. BOX
ROSS. -In Goderlch township, on 28. SIGNAi. OFFICE. 41
Tuesday, , Fehrttary 14th._ Jalttees y. --
Roan. 1n his 88th year.
TRi'E'MNKR.--Iu loving memory of
Wm. 11. Truemner, who passed away
February 1S. 11Y27. A lowing hus-
band and father --gone but :not for-
got tee.
Iu our lonely hours of thinking,
Thoughts of you are always near;
Those who loved you sadly mid* you.
two. while the leader, that the
t This Is not to sag• least they will set the eesrrse••of the mention any '.layers h1 particular, but 1,1 1.
Then It mow' wpp; i1Ha.,a Or nt1 real Mr Cantelon wee well known lar --- Ao'_T11
g and file lackrA i InvPsflKutivn _•_ • . 7nT 4 `ARA? GOD MIXED MAPLE AND BEECH
est . But trite ;ash the binder ht4 1 u •k chasers \ea b.•Ik•y,. the writer Political eirelen In B (' being a fatst t 11
r 4 hockey 11 YRS R H CUT!' AND FAMILY ^w'ad for sear BAaTFR & Ti R
i farm. cloy loam. lot 2_1. comwn-
siutr 2. West Wawalosh, 31,e miles
from :Auburn. Goad brick• house
:131. x341F, ten rooms, good cellar.
(tank barn :13xRt. Al raw• shed' :M)x:10..
also garage. Never -(idling well;
gime! bearing orchard; 12 acres hard-
eotel bush. Appy to AIRS. M:Alt-
G.tItF:T 1 a Hal E..A,nniuist rator. Phone
Guderich Rural 11r9.
1 1 - -
puaic h. ut w u'n ' l,e Rut in the week's (cork we ought n" G..drrla! has -ens• might; tine president of the Vamvinver Onnserva-
p.rrsdtvl neer tare tical. thcrr muS irk 1 i t!x TON. It. R. 5. Goderic•h. Thune 174,
1 ranulae of ezprefig- Carlow.
rhh lett food left, Lut al the tm st its t1 f tea t 1 f I ►h 1h ho Benda
only ellicken feed. _Taw matter that ,.rrhis 'rhnulder. tanning I 1 Terminal City Club. He was
gathered tip after that depends .t great , i xitella-with :T night three ttK1u:. were l layin a gnat past
deal upon,.tau,,,,„ Som,. ant- but certainly not inclined to feel an I without the ,,,aches in sight -bad grar 1 exalted ruler of B. P. O. F.Ika
tors want Rraln, some wheat, and a noyeot if snme.,ne upwm th0 other (1444 I bueiutss). G ,r these toys a real fenn:tdal. and Piet exalted ruler Van-
w prefer rails. of the Tiou.e Inieginrrl he raw' n chip. ,chance and tl • writer is positive that mover Lange No. 1. B. P. 0. Elks.
The field for di •u*ai, a is ample :ih! • ITe! dotrmdPl t1,e. F;wcern W in regard a winning tea::. cttLttg_p_iticed-for_aert trustee of the Loral Order of Moos"
- For three years be w•ns supreme
1 nt tuber+ ws r, to the action taken on the Darvon re- whiter.
.' o r 16e 1wTTT pt New 8rnnww laers. eonaibhr tTTthe a,.erci ng S ttcp :Ase44c'1at10n. He was farmerTe n take Oil*
opN+u tt
la Mr. Ventre d ame into the combat• no ( .e -lead feted. Ly-the..wae.. the_ ether , m•twt- of the R11tary- t l k--atwt _ewe taw teeie -gwle o at 'a
wide. Taking tea• r• The writer
„in:, teed the game on ' and was a member of the Masonle Or -
whole they discuss the things which pert. Air Tlaneon r•nie hack -he ons
"fledrime tnar h,e pwr.tened ; F'rlda Fehr :ar' 114th. and felt like a der. He was n director of the snap ll
and neighbors for the many kindnesses
shown during the illness of Mr. Cutt UPRIGHT PIANO (BELL) FOR
and in their time of te•reaavement. SALE. -In first-class condition.
Apply to DONALD MacKAY, P. 0.
THE FAMILY OF TILE LATE Rox 457. Goderlch.
Jarrett Jewett Wish M express their - --
sincere appreelatlon to neighbors anal
fr1emais for the stmp►tby and acts of
rte el -serest to (heIr o%11 hearts. or. ort tail S kindness shown in their recent sad
a. the Irishalau put It --"they keep cut- for susnerdlnr. that he wntild be hard ? piker, there Icing Just a few nett' , Timber omit -tarty Ltd.. end of the
bereavement. They also ac ee4llt rage
rest their own t" satisfv. Incidentally. Mr. Ventot bora. He felt b,• tea. missing some more firm of harry Dasher Ltd. here appreciation the floral tributes
TM' dd4•ea•a41 1 brother.
Hyrtl by h1. wife,
a 1a•n, JOMk, a daughter, MfadClalne, hls ( from the Canadian Order of Forester*
rant tiny• were ,errr*r.l. P 1 Airing sport a I
parents. n hmther. Harold. and two I
Snit rat Fm mon hnitAa - ----- - Goderlch. tt
Caters, Mllpw Jdg C1. D. n wont Ain.
C. Manliest Judge .T. D. Swinson of LOST OR FOI'ND
Kamloops 1s an uncle.
Previnee of Ontario. 0Vitit au to
ate calculation he proceededtodemon- The bnsitet man around the House towns listed tiers.. One instance: Ids- 11 -ANI/ -11A1: FV)I'ND. AI.1'Lt AT
strafe to the Hauer that the Rallw-av these days is the Hun. Jame* A. itebb. t I,'r4 (emallrr than Godgrleb) was TRAVEL "'.ANCOCn'ER EXPRESS"
11 •ton 1 to his oMc • is packed with there in large .toter: telling the world
ting the gads nen . •
throats.'• 'Mr. E. .1. Garland. coming might be hard to p?eese also it emelt- lexclting sport 'Whatever this more ex -
trent a section which lute mora o tics Is a Rn- I a my le• 1. fail to see. as I
r to the flora from the have never se, Goderlch mentioned in
than any other port of the 1 i. any outside 11
pin.. just naturally wonted a scheme Mt^r{t1mP*. They nre Jna horn to :e'er unless someone
by whfih that coal could be sold in the tnke thcmael'es se iior ly. - died or
you e.- _ It sent to jail.
aiee tlB t look
and Sons of Englante
Tl' FOR SALF..-At corner of Bri-
tannia road and William street. Ten
' rooms besides bathroom. closets. etc.
Good furnace. All conveniences. For
terms and further particulars apply to
DONALD MacKAY, P. 0. Box 457.
Cohlmiseion was little lett; than stupid 1e r
when It 'suggested a tate of $7.22 per the seeker* niter favors. During the that "I.latowc'r wine r fromllY 4w
Until the opening of the meet tourist
tna1.- At -warding to lir. Garland. core of year the Tariff Board acted as a more Sound." Lo, '
the most fluent members of the House or less perfect buff wins chs Now this can be
of . in)m e there were slips and er-which
feel teat somethingt eltock of tbe bringow they and the I1 accomplished ;f the town will support
tors is the calvlrt tee !drivehrougb which g I (be games note .•n s••he,tuIe. The boys
nn}- railway Avert tops! !rice a hole 'treat[ of the m111iunairecrying for his need eve• quarter raslble to.
big enough -to TT In a battle -whin. 4 pe,011d minim can not 1* eemforteM1 I to had and Q 4111 er of e44f1 toe afraid he
h Mit -
er nbsarMnlg tbon "nioderieh w ata:: - 1 Joe, and aeasen, the "Vancouver Express' will
have the distinction of being the most
direct link between Toronto and Van-
couver. Until Mal% of 1928, when the
Superb. "Trans -Caned.'" resumes ser -
Vier, the ever -popular 'Number Three.
Somehow it "rem. t0 be the .news ata- withut a friendly chat with t e L, nor tp,in h. this money w worth.) as she is more familiarly known.
tore of fltrueelr that they will Pxagr0t later of Finance. "FIR paid that Mr. R -It will -be tiri-dog from the next- ear she on slant.
ate. That is'the Lift hf figures. Mr. Robb has only one word in has co-
Garland told u% that we expended for • c•abiktry and that wont Is "no." He vine? If yen can't come. send your I The comfort and serrke found 4n
1 farrinu fuel, and on freight endeds 011 will need 1t.• it will have to be fee =' rents. 'lavas• y,itt would lake the this excellent transcontlnehtal trsjn
that fuel, to tran%parting It to Canada. quentic used during the next few ttame•brnadca'ted. have earned for it an enviable repute-
We will In :he iatper nest weep Rice tion with experienced travellers; in
$1111.09.000 In the year 1026 The of- weeks. • • • • • t''rit41 for webs!. play for pity.- who face nnany of her patrons use her ser President. Rccretery.
nein' flgtfeee. page :gig, Annuel Report, 1 wor(41, who fought. who a vices the year mond, saws occupying
TridP of Canada. for that yeir, glue ; Wit -and limner (s rare i the Iloilo* who won and who the players are. riy, the same accommodations uasu they
tension 1 high DI
Tlt)- CLUB.
Thr annual meeting of the share-
holder% of -taw nese Water Golf and
Country Club will to held at the room%
nt Huron inveetmente Tdmited. North
street, Godcrleb. on Wedtre%dat. -I Feb-
ruary 29th. at 8 /i,•lnrk p.m.. for the
n•eelring of reports. the eleetion of of-
lMPre. end other fetidness.
• wet Id in a favorite hotel. The come i TENDERS WANTED
fetal "OT'1t/C1. 'f90r-Where the 44?- 4-thia-cear: The s not y
1 from the hot But who can he satisfied with read -
feting ' mtllinn% ramp from. nutorlc enough. Sparks tly only to knpR the walters and porters and
k_ ows jtt%t %lipped to like the iron The 1 me from tug almirt. a game? ' Why not come and
clod t f I pia by play
extra neare"t appnoacl r'n look for them when they go aboard.
cost In moving etre coal• sdnug sYe 1 or more than a hundred tae(
I who exon who fought. etc The r period period,
d rn i d. us ,
} Station every evening it 9.
The Vancouver Express is
! le% accent and dinetness of speechr fairs is of Just as h ghunlesel :et game• nd-l'Paciflc, and she leaves Toronto Union
Before he had finished with eta forty ' diplomatic skill of Great Briudn er of . y ser
minutes, the House was quite cos- Jany other port of the British Empire,"
Remember rcMy 2; cents will help I Reeereations, tickets and all travel
said Mfr. King "Where a gentleman 1 tn..lmtld tt:nf winntne '
h n people from 1921 to 1920 asm, g
Hp made a r his diplomat le skill." retnrtc4l r. norther •rut nt,
be punting one of lir. Robb'( last tell my honorable lows: Gr.:.•rich once
year's a ., King. -he will have ng centre n y reach
recognized throughout ann, n a ,friend."
he leaders. lir. King was ++u There ore
• • • • • our new ambassadorial a Nen res. who ee this, and a %pe,aka well fir tie
ones skill of 1 a -r. ter eann, t get the benefit of a
e Duby (Anna! that the d1Pl 1 gamy by ree,:mg or hearingabout ii . "M'anconcer F'zp.re4..."
harems/hire. Scotland, and proves It by Canada finetaeeephi to order
aft t elntrro•-a he cannot me%Ibl gethere]
i an or,IPr as the potently
11 1
vineesl that Mr.
Glen sun r red ace the -
ditties on cottons and sundry other nr has been able to remain 1n power I winter and place Goderlch on the map
v right hon. as t town.
Passenger Agent.
a the undersigned for the purchase
the south quarter of Lot Number Six
(b) in the fourth eoneeneion. E. D., of
the township of Attrfield. until the
eighteenth day ifPe'bruary, 19211: Tale-.
highest or any other tender not ntees-
parity accepted.
Executor -
Telephone No. 119.
Sated attesded to anywhere and even
effort made to give aatldactios
Farmers' dale notes discounted
1 The Auctioneer,
will conduct and arrange any sale ca.
-the-latest methods to get the beet re
mita. See hint or drop a card and he
will give 1t immediate attendee.
Farm sales a specialty. Eldon St..
Holes needed by the common AUCTION SAIJTB
d deft elate to h1* remarks -friend has, I have a high Asgard for The writer is now viewing this from DID YOU EVER
M !poi which is as fol-
peG'ew • This Government is Bennett I can • known as a sport -
Equipped with electr-inagnetls
baths. Electronic electric treatments
and cblropraotic. Chronic organic and
nervous diseases. Lady In attendants
Office bourn 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m,
excepting Monday and Thursday af-
ternoons and evenings. and • by ap
Residence and ofElee--Corner et
South street and Britannia road.
h Canada n 1 we friend s.u., 'Mr.
ore proud of 1t-ae-a-l+w tariff party n higher retatrs If he ntinnes whim - of eon* rsoler who hats been search- ITHAT ouoperatlon m. ans success MR. W. G. llrllli.l,AN j CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT
--tr fro anataer fiait4[t vt'ttrw" Ing for i e•,od li.rly in..,, to eetab
a It wilt nen #-w1+11aatu'tlnn at lot 4. eon-
• • •• • •
Dr. Gershnw. of Ml lieine Hat. com-
bine% the medienl profession with a
medical name for his constituency and
,mite naturally gave the House ti moll -
eat al dtngnnsfs of the situation and even
pre.crIbtel a remedy. Some members
mem the other .eiole including the
lender of the _OpIs'sitl0n, were quite
eonvillced that thrc had a remPdF
whleh would e,lre any Isis from which
the eo ¢try tuRPred--alwncs pro-
vidtng the reentry wag mite -rine Mr.
Gershnw painted nit that these tome -
(lite hod been pre.rri ed for etc de-
,•ndee. nee nerds. that imaginary line
known as the 49th pnrnll••1. Tleii
quoted noires 1f nnpnlntlmr tnerenee
. to show that_ the pn•es'riptlnn had not
Some Bargains in Second-hand Machinery and
Buggies and 'Cutters at the Massey -Harris Shop
One 7 -ft. Binder; two weed drills; two sleighs; three cutters; three top
baggies; two pallors; one 1 -horse dray wagon; tee manure spreaders;'two
riding plows; one.hay loader; one mower; two ii-horiels•wer gas engine;
One secondhand car. ('4IME ANO SEE.
he r of
A piece of wholly un.un%clnns humor, li%h a dnstry and a new Indus ,j trpsinn 9 Mrurit toRneh p oa IR, .\K I G1BB3 CIE LRTERED
full of llmitles* pessihilitl.•a, eame from try
Air. Alnrrny MineTaaren. member for wn
c y.
new 1n HAT all cities should look theP.
Is vomMhing Goderich citizens S.ATi'Tii)Al'. FF.8R1'ARY 18th, Accountant. 102 Ontario etrry
future with courage.
old be gl:,d to sept TIiAT they must hese faith -filth commenting at Loclok: Stratford. Phone 15/30. Res. 1.130J.
in themselves, . their nelghberJ and
The three fire -alarm boxes are located as follows:
1. In front of Town Hall on East street.
2. On West side of Court House building
in the Square.
3,- Inside of Waterworks building at harbor
in case telephone ie titled, call the Down Holl firm . wn11 if
no answer, then call the 'Waterworks plant to give th. alarm
Be Atte to give the definite Location of the fire
Citizens art requested to iwcome acquainted with the
syst ern
liv order of the Council.
L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk
St John-Hamm:-\ifieToiren tincts --_---'-yresr hockey teem then; the
opening remarks be Paid: in which a winning team can bring THAT if they don't have faith. the•S homer. purebred shorthorn bull and
A full line of farm stack. ample -
fault with ,our geogriphtes In hla rest will cense There are tinny wase theireity.meats end groin. Ineli,ltu¢ g• od hear,'
"1 draw the attention of the Bone. fame to th••ir hometown. will be out of tune and the home city arnde rattle. DR. F. J. R. FOR`9TER,
to the inenrrs•t orientation of CenadAgain -wore summer tonAiw
riste by will puffer. T. (11'NT)RA c a01 EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT
pree•nted by 1hm
c-rloAriiphle%_ref-_t;uderlcll .,,ndstantly appearing in the 'PRAT the futur,• is before your tl04400
(110 Governtn nt or the zeorrnphieel ;,aper%, I'••r instance. a Toronto nun . cite. -'went ate V4►t' itn m do site". E t4 1e Surgeon New York Opb-
a rea.liug a r Gewlerich whining the FARING ArCTiONt`-Ptah -4 1ibsTmtc and Aurae Hospital. assistant
mnlra.ltinn of one Pnitntrr'va shown et it! WIiI yeti unit for rtotnebowly to STOCK. IMPLEMENTS
I FARM* at Moorefield Eye • ik'sI`Ital and
on the mops. . . . The map show* junior a Ii A. w111 look up Goderieh tering prosperity to you. or go out with .AND HOFRFII(Td) F1'RNITT'ItF.
the lower part of the hltitndinnl line find s11 R''iy, it is on Lake Hum
Huron. reel -operntlnu and create your own-
npinslle the centre of the lower 11-,r. ,and hoe -•,,,ran It appears in the paper prosperity? MR. EiliNEST GIRVIX'
der and the terminale of paeh latitude and ise chit 6s of Its location. Ile will THAT with easy--g,,Llg methods yogi will'selt by wattle auction et Wle lot
*1101111 to an e.ptla1 dtston•e from the tinnily - ', • , iris good wife, '1 am IN'- ,. Itc w t get far.con
lower corners. Thr -belted.. of , int: to d;:'41'- ie'a for a few weeks this 11, EI)INEST) 2.A 'l')IIR..%
TH you herr your future ioPfon' AVF7D ;E'trr.AV. FF?RRI'ARY 22nd.
45 degr4es nn the r4ist .Irl,. 4' i(w1 mile. uum.•r." you. The only way yntl can sueeeerl f' eommenelna nt 1 a'ddwk:
from the botinm _while nn the we wt (Bain, _support that team that 1t go-
to work unselfishly and earnestly
to Horse One good dramght •horse.
sI le 1t le only 1:441 .Tien nine t* in* to bran, home the O.I A. honors pit ymir.tty.on the map as,a rITT OF
*skew. The ,net is "dewed up towards and pat tkslerid 1 on the map es a good COMMF•T1C1 AT. AND iND!'1ITRTAT, mate;
5 seers: 1 driving morn: 1 aged
the north ami the Province of Ontario 1 Ilam- ,epor - town. mere; 1 yehr g P wing n re;
mw. 4 Pan old, dile to
welletty Ap1n
eH1d the Western Prncincd•s are torte*- 7 thank you. Cowl -1 o y
pendingly etepreee,d." A SPECTATOR. SHAT" '^mon 411: 1 mw. 6 cyan old. due
hand In hand. March • 1 cow, 6 years old, supposed to
Tiere w;, hove n sad 414nn'ina' lirr
sent• We hAve worried nhnnt Mtiritlme
- - I THAT all //tumid help to teeter and M In eat?; 1 co year nM. fresh
develop n %pitta of err0perntInn. 1 mw. 9 years old, dne In April ; 1 row.
rlehts. We stole their roevray..
e0 -OPERATION. RIOTITFi"T,T,V 9 year% old due to July; 1 heifer.
brnnRht their banking tnstthtrons to 11' A. OANTELON DIRECTED, iS THE ONT.Y WAY TO 3 years. dna 1n June 2 entree
i Toronto and Montreal. rnlnwl their In- Van- MAKE .1 (NTT GROW. rising
From The Dally Pmvintw of ,rising 1 year; 1 young cosi.
distries by tnml:•rltlnn And refn A t0 pourer. 11 d'.• we take the following (Copyright 1928) pigs-•-d)no sow and litter; 12 .honks.
eat their flab. Rnt not until 1gnerer with reference to the late William A. --- Poultry -Two grrse: 1 gander: 1
Mlnci nren pnndo the dila-oven did se Cnntpl0n whose death was chronicl
BRIEFSwhit, ''Phan duct and drake; 10f1 Bar -
1 T' 1 That 'Wil last week : red Reek pullet!' 30 1 rear
In ltwetf twnnt to Anti. Met areOrllnr ,pec paid w tribute to the memory of Reserve Wednesday evening, euchFeb-re
Rexk hen%.
t,. Mf M T T roto hap iwonCantelon. • wary 29th, for the Rebekah euchre implements - One MameyhlarrIN
Tal htrrtster, who died t
I eq,rntor. Ts -Air. Church tenon/01e ,lay
(Fe miry 5th) of the General ' The annual meeting of the Ahmeek moy.Harrts mower, 1 Magner -He A
I for that? ,Vho inn tell how well of horpidtal. , Chapter, T.O.D.E., will be held in the mfrs; 1 Msse,hAlnrrls !lee: 1 Chat-'
pulite. iihrnry on Monday afternoon, ' Team mill and Imager: 1 M eCormeek
i lonrn that we hod shover) them tip 1:,0 in ,, Si
!Oleg too eine, to .t 1e NorthPole. a •old Barred
Bench and bar at the courthouse 10-
r. ae .n ren William .\rtlmr nncotrver
11x1 Arvin 110 mites ton Moto to the A 9.3(1 14.m. San- and dance. hinder, 4 -ft. ant, to gond shape;
Golden Square IntroitHoepllal, London, Eng.
53 Waterloo St. S, Stratford. Tel
ephone 267.
At Ilotel Bedford. Goderlch. on the
evening of third Monday of eseb
month t111 the following day. Tuesday.
at l p.m., -
I iiti 1 t roti ted upon Mt Tho 'd poli
oar polities as been p ,si At r. Jnwti.P D. A. r nn. % 4 F`ebruar 20th, at 4 o'clock. tth1. disastet° Terhnptt the' Tlndwnn's on hehnlf of the bench. end Mr. J. H. S Arial; 1 Freed & Wood cnittvetnr: 1 tet.
There are many enquiries regarding 'talo jlarrnwt 1 muffler: 1
itny Rallw•ny 1+ to Is• flnlwh'4 1.••art"" Verity
T 11w.on wn: trpeoite+sman for the tartly qtr. ('. A. Natrn'a progress since his ph w ; 1 light wagon; 1 stork Melt : 1
we have inbred It nn far teeth that the gnthering '' lawyers. operation In Tomtit° General tel.
extra Modelle" it lies to he hnilt to "hilt. Reg •rrtr, as jnninr ttretnb0 of I 11osp1 gravel boli : 1 wagon; 1 Nitrite : 1 cut-
Chnr•hill maracas of Velem ha. , this benth. 1 record the feet that one Mr. Nairn 1. %till In the hospital. 144' l• and ter: 1 ale•tah : 1 sM ,Mahle home« : 1
only 'battened the line if Tor/into of the me -outstanding members of hl% e"nditfnn Is reported to 1e fa1Ny wet single harm,..: 1 hoc-Mrk and
To v l r sP enrnr: 1
Barrister and Solicitor
10 King street east. Toronto 2.
Telephones Elgin 8418-8417.
8arrlster, Etc.
Office -Hamilton street, Goderieb
Phone 27. •
Successor to J. I. KIlloran.
Phone 97.
Office -The Square, Goderlch.
*taps & Mars
Rnaan.raw', F:r-.
- R•C.IIAYS-1((1.IIAYS ta.. i.A
IHamilton St., /lslericn
eels Ura Merl- hoeparaw aF •• . A t I . rat t ry rope; 1 DeT.a a ream p
Ing of Alexandra hospital will be oar Mese; 1 portable colony }mum: quem
--'-1.0raH1R R.•to. _nit'. .}Moist le:t '-haw - - T11e Tetra atnittTOl"*1r, ref the ellen- - iN13tjRANCE• LOANB. RTC.
times? Get no map 1w' :tekew. We told Mr. Jn•tice D. A. M'Tkmald. "W a Mese;
et '2.itOpinr. Tit wetter nen-
ht MrAl T I 1 labeled thatby one
rP mi the nr mPs n the Inns s
¢Afar p1nee. We wnnhl n1•ei like in 111.. aldr nc the long train of gra.
sm the t41rs11o4 harr0'n Thiele 444 the glide. away between the hone. of 2:10 and t y
North printed 1n hrlrht red on All nor "Rill Canh•lon ons one of those rare Weirw,k in the afternoon end 7 and 9 nnmrrnns to mention.
mare. The filled yellow of our school- «itis who mild and alwnre did tread tp'11NinMfR--All .amt of 410 And tinder.
11nt mnT•w air/et ns rooms flesh. the narrow path and vet multi 11lweya I grtu to the rcPniill le eine . of mob; over that nmonnt. 9 month.' ere-
11 84(11. In nnc ie(orena• to hamar In epnre the tines to help another on the R1fM will he grIfrfnlly received. of 0-. en be warp¢ on fnrniihing apt
Mr. 'ilu•mn. A( ytnnwrlrn, of gran- prove joint noise'. A Ate.onnt of 4
Aho ;Toilets If womhl be 'miner to Unite mol. Wit 41?.. both in hit private ley townehip, WAR 1n town on Monday
per rnnt. %tralghf allowed for earth on
eredrr amenntt.
taco►. safA Mr. Pouliot. 11am ng R. 17. ATRV1'N. T. OTT 4T)RY' & 444) ,
ntvotertm•nr Mfnnfrinl l lly, "ta the, arse jets example la one that r0s,w41 h Pthrp)r otn1. Antkkmevhs.
iilnitnr of the fnlsc4irwwl fn"tnry of One- we mutt et' well follow. hoPe the tremble.. In eonneetI0n R. R. 1. AbiPplpnrdf44n.
jet'." Who tiny. that nor fellow-eitiern4 , Whir beer, go nut in deepest sem- w•Ith the flnnner.r of the exhibition
-r--• - -- -- -- -
0f FtPn.,, extrnetMn me not ship to (oaths to M. widow Arnl children. A1ny would be straightened out ne that he TO RINT
stand firmly behind ne ,acro n are non n of 0410 .erred 0y Sntmeley of this week. The
his do+l toput Mi ill I their h mel 11111 4* gathered to tlty bay and strew; l welt: bowie
people of K;«lerleh 111111 district are in -
}11ts11Mrn , whtfieteset . nP.k
5 -1141 to visit the hospital on that dor i*.. ebetns, and other artlele. ton
vias Mr. J >:. Pnntfnt (T,misro+1atn). eapu'ity and hla pr,feielonel .aparlty.
1et'Ite ent•RsPnn/ent of thla ts,hl1re w•e. one whose he .hawed that he Wali
1 1 A nhlp fearkin. diligent honest /MA
ani called to renew hia .nhwriptIon to
The Slgnnl Alr. Snowden ha. for
Tewin Mitt nn exhibitor At the God-
erlch M14 fele -end he exp the
asp the King's Fngllsh? eiwak of biro In the words
ehlpf jnut . of Manitoba nw41 d Mr.
ATnTp1RM !1 11AIX IIIPM 'TPR Jiwt-Ie ('as,eron when he pawed
W 4aec4.y. rehrttery 22. --Clearing I Nulty: '1t will br n sad T>MnftHTMto
anetIon rale of farm .tn,k. implement% bear him 1t, toying memory
and hoe.eli,ld fnrnitnro. prnperty ret 1 Not e.r•. oa -rine. for Poch of nt and
RrePo Cirt•in W16 lot 11. e0neeeeio 1 I the edjnurma ret 1. final ' ••
2. Arhfkld internship. "Rpsaltlnron behalf of the Mir. poor
- _ l ereafiip," V. L e Tawara¢ said. "1
f 81111.11 Colnm-
Knox ehnreh will be he4A In the iee Ma and Var.-never more pwrtlenlarlc TAE siGNLL
The nnmiel bleb tom he the late. of I can 4ely lwy file heir n
milli come bar* again next fall.
Departments `For Women
Filled• with good things
Id MacLean's Magazin
$5.00 for three year.
Send your orders (h:
enrP room en Thur.dac, FMhrniry 28rd. I conenr in eery .WeY pne.ih,e a Ith the
ORO "PPM. illellemow
wo in prirate home 4111 East
1 , near C:N.R. station. Apply
. it
grneery or 446400. Also *pert-
inent. flee rooms with bath. Immedi-
ate pMmeeN(n given. Apply to At.EX.
SA1?f4DEIt8, Godevkh.
SURANCE CO, -Farm and las
laced town property Insured.
Officers -Jas. Connolly, Pres., God.
erieh P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vice -Pro...
Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor.
$a`.-Treas.. Seaforth P. 0.
Directors -A. Rroadfnot, R. S
No. 8, Seaforth; John 0. Grieve, No.
4, Walton; William RInn, R. R. Na
2, Seaforth; John Bennewle., Brod-
hagen ; Geo. 'McCartney, R. R. No. 1.
Seatorth ; Robert Ferris, Harlot*:
Murray Gibson, Arneefleld ; James
Evan%, Beecbwood; Jame. Connolly.
Agents -J. W. Teo. Goderlch :
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clfntoa ;
John Murray, Seaforth; H. H{nehlsy,
Seaforth. Policy -holders can mak. all
payments and get their cards receipt -
ed at R. J. kiorrtah'a Clothing Stora,
Mutes; R. H. Cntt's Grocery, Map;
seen street. Goderlch, or .1. iI. Hall's
General Ikota, Barbel&