The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-03, Page 10PAGE' TEN • • LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev, L. Van Staalduinen, Pastor • SUNDAY, MARCH 7 Servicop at 10 ,a.m. Suffering Redemptive 2:30 p.m. "To Bring Us To Glory" • Listen to the Back' to God Hour Message of Today - CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 aim. Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, • 1:30 p.m. Radio dial 560 KINLOUGH. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor° • Gilbert Vaningtenhorst , 10 a.m.' Sunday School • 11 •a.ni. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. •Evening Service - • Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday at 8 o'clock C.A. (Young People) Friday at 7:30p.m. ' • • 44 ' Ij DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Ore* Gingrich, Pastor SERVICES 10:00 a.rn. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Pastor MARCH 7th 10t.m. Sunday School 11, a.m. Morning Worship Nursery provided for ,pre-school children Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rey. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 • SUNDAY, MARCH' 7 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship NURSERY FOR • PRESCHOOL CHILDREN e40,14.4•444.44014.4.140,4011~,04.0,014,04,041.044,00%,0:,• meeting will be held this Sunday evening, February 22 at Barry Elliott's at 8.30. Grace' was sung and lunch was served. ••#w"*."^i^^""'"‘".""'w%"". Good banking for good livind—after sixty. If you're sixty years, old or better, you should look into Sixty-Plus, The Royal Bank's new bundle of special banking privileges. Free. Some of these privileges are: —No service charge for chequing, bill payment , services, or traveller's cheques. , —A specially designed cheque book that gives you a permanent copy. —A $5 annual discount on a Safebeposit Box or Safekeeping Service. • —A special Bonus Savings Deposit Service with interest linked to the Consumer Price Index. —Special term deposit that pays high interest monthly with flexible redemption privileges. So come on in and see one •of our Managers.today for all the dethils. Or, if you'd prefer, give them a call, .• Joe Hilverda Manager • Lucknow • ' 528-2826 Bill Verlaan Manager • Kincirdine. 396-3481. Jene Sellers Manager Ripley 395-2995 • ROYAL BAN K serving Ontario •AA • •••!1.1.1.`, THE Luclogriv SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, oNTAEH) WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 3, 1976 Teeswater CGIT Visit Lucknow On Monday evening, Teeswater Canadian Girls :In Training ,with their leader Eugenia Schneider, visited Lucknow C.G.1.T. Each Person-was given a puzzle piece to thatch up with three other people.- These girls then sat. together for a pot luck supper. President Joanne Ritchie wel- comed the visitors and led' in Grace,. After dinner Nancy Warren led in, a sing song. Both Lucknow Senior groups did parts in the World Day of Prayer service "Education for All of Life". Readings, prayers, scripture and songs, such as "Day by Day", were done with everyone particip- ating. Teeswater president Diane Mac- Donald led in two games and the evening closed with two favourite songs and Taps. For the February Women's. Missionary Societyi, meeting of. Ashfield Pre4byterian Church, the ladies visited the PinecrestNursing Home in Lucknow. Mrs. Warren Wylds opened the meeting by welcoming the residents. Mrs. ;Doug Martyn was pianist . and the , first verses of hymn What a Friend We Have Jesus, The Lord's My- Shepherd, The Church's One Foundation and Jesus Loves Me were sung by • everyone present. Mrs. Warren Wylds gave the devotional prepared by' Mrs. Earl Howes taken from 'Psalm 103 and followed with prayer. The roll call, "verse on love", 'was answered by nine ladies. Mrs. Doug Martyn favoured with piano selections, He Leadeth Me, Ivory Palaces and The Old Rugged Cross. A reading "A Smile" .was given by Mrs. Jim West. Mrs. Warren Wylds closed this portion of the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the ladies to the • residents , and- 'a social 'time followed-when everyone visited the residents' at their rooms. - • For the remaining part 'of the meeting the' ladies went to/ the home of Mrs. Wm. Ross in Lucknow. Business was discussed and Mrs. Jim West was named to the nominating -committee. Prof. Hay, Moderator of the General Assembly for the Presbyterian Church of Canada, is to be the guest speaker on Sunday, •'March 21st. The ladies are asked to bring lunch for the' morning service, with lunch being served at noon. ' There will be a cleaning bee, to be held on March 20th. World Day of Prayer Service is to be held,a'week later on March • 12th at 8 p.m. at the church.' Offertory prayer was given by Mrs. Warren Wylds which brought the meeting' to a close. Dungannon ti • C • W • •••• " Dungannon United, • Church :Women met at 2 p.m. on February 17• at the home of Helen Dawson. Bessie McNee of the Literature and Program committee opened the meeting with .a short reading and hymn 259 , was -sung. The scripture lesson was taken from Matthew '9. Bessie McNee gave _a meditation reading entitled "One in a Multitude" and closed with a' poem.. Emma Rivett gave a very' informative talk 'on the missionary work in Zambia and a native church worker named Harriet Mubanga. Hymn 252 followed and Bessie McNee closed the program with prayer. • Tina Logtenberg chaired the. business portion of . the. meeting, and thanked the ladies for coming out and the program committee • for their efforts. Our annual meeting.' will be ThursdaY, February 26 at 12.30, beginning with a pot luck dinner. Dungannon U.C.W. is invited to the World Day of Prayer on March 5 at the Christian Fellowship Church.. Anyone wish- ing to order coffee spoons please let Helen Dawson or Donna Alton know before the April meeting. Tina Logtenberg •`thanked the hostess for the use of her home, and closed the meeting with a sincere prayer 'for the many people left homeless in Guatemala follow- ing an earthquake. Helen Dawson and Olive Blake served a delicious lunch and a social time followed. • Olivet OLIVET NEWS The Olivet Unit of St. Andrew's United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Robert . Osborne on Thursday. Afternoon, February 19th. Mrs, Ray Hainilton opoped the meeting with .a poem "Road to Loire". The scripture and comments were taken from John , 1, verses 35,42. Mrs. Gerald Coiling led in prayer. A reading.; about St.. Valentine was givetiLby Mrs. Wes Smith. Mrs. Raymond • Hamilton conducted a very interesting Bible quiz. , Mrs. Robert Osborne gave the topic which, was "Medical 'work in Canada". It concerned doctors that were working • in Mission Hospitals.' The roll call was "A change in Missionary work". Mrs. Gerald Colling read the minutes of•thelast • Meeting. Mrs. Oscar White read a letter , from Burma about ,the used Christmas cards that were sent. The U.C 1.W. ,benediction was 'repeated and lunch served by the group in_charge. Y.P.S. Meeting WHITECHURCH NEWS On Sunday evening the Young Peoples Society held their meeting at, Langside Elliott Church.. Barry Ellio opened the meeting with a hyrim sing followed by prayer by /Barry Elliott. Luke 7 was read by Billie Gibson. The society 'then divided, into. groups for discussion on topic, Sin.. All then gathered as one and gave their findings.. The offering was received and dedicated by John. de Boer. The minutes were read by secretary, 'Wendy Kay. It was decided that the Y.P.S. would take the Sunday service at Whitechurch and. Langside church- es on April • 11. The executive Chalmers W.M.S. WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmers Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society held their February, meeting • at the home • of Mrs. Wesley Tiffin on Wednesday, . February 18. Mrs.WalOce Conn, leader, opened the meeting with a warm welcome to all, and a poem on Love. All sang the hymn, Come let us sing, with Mrs. Don Ross. organist.. - The 'scripture was read tly Mrs. - Bill Purdon. The° meditation on Love was given by Mrs. Earl Caslick. She followed with prayer. Mrs. Dawson'Craig gave a reading, Missions. •All sang hymn,' Love. Divine. . • MrS. Gordon Rintoul gave a • reading. Cancelled Prayer was read by Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mrs. Wallace . Milligan gave a reading, Pay Your Way. The topic was given by Mrs. .Wallace Conn. Mrs. Don Ross, 1st vice presid- ent, presided for., the business in the absence of president, Mrs. Jan de Boer. The roll call was called by the. secretary,' Mrs. Gordon Rintoul, and answered by • nine: giving an interesting item from • the Record. ArrangementS were made for the VVorld Day of Prayer to be held March 5. in Chalmer's Presbyterian Church. The welcome committee are Mrs. Wallace Conn and '.Mrs. pill Purdon. Mrs. Dawson Craig is to assist in receiving the offering: A letter was received and red • from Mrs. Arbuckle, Wingham inviting the society to. attend a meeting where Rev. L: G. Stairs, area secretary. for' South Western Ontario, will be present to tell of the Leprosy- Mission and the use that can be made of used stamps. Leave 'A inch Paper around stamp. Steamed stamps, are -to be , kept separate as they are ' inferior in value, and U.S. stamps are of less value. Mrs. Milligan; treasurer, received the' offering dedicated by ,Mrs..Robt. Mowbray. Mrs. Earl Caslick conducted an interesting contest. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wallace Milligan. ' The Ladies Aid meeting was held. The collection was received. As the plaster ceiling in the living and dining rooms at the manse are ready to fall. off, the managers asked the Ladies Aid if they would provide the money to ,bity tile so that they could put.: it on before seeding. The ladies agreed to give. them $275.00. The hymn,. More love to Thee, was sung. Mrs. Don Ross gave the closing prayer. Grace was sung and the hostess served lunch. Mrs. • Wallace Milligan gave the courtesy re- marks.