The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-03-03, Page 9Challenge to be Free n A t • • •"o*•-.- • 1 HE BECAME A LEGEND YOU'LL IIEVE111:011GEt.. ANCIFC1010A1uNktRIERPROS,NRIL Mogul PARK theatre GODER1CH SUN. MAR. 14 2 p.m. and 7 & 9 p.m. MON, & TUES. ''MAR. 15 & 16 7 and 9 p.m. us to ice Capade Amberley Kitchener 0th Leaves Amberley at 5 p.m. Can pick up ehroute For reservations phone 3954305 OF WHAT A POWER OUTAGE COULD COST YOU! GLENN SCHWARTZENTRUBER R.R. 4 Wingham • 357.-2608 ORVILLE ELLIOTT.. Luchnow 528.3409: BOWLING I Men's 7 p.m. Ray Cranston was high man with a 236 single and also high triple with 624 score. Games over 225 -. Ray Cranston 236, John Hogan 234. Team points - Owls 2, Cardinali 5; Vultures 4, Hawks 3, Team standings: Hawks 80, Vultures 76, Cardinals 62, Owls 48. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1976. Lose First Of Ciiiarter Finals Ripley • Juvenile hockey team started their 0.M.11.A. quarter- final series with Honeywood, in Ripley on Saturday night, but couldn't quite keep on top. Honeywood won 8-5. Defenceman ken MacKay scored twice, once on a pass , and a. jump by Pete MacDonald, and 'the second' from Ken MacGillivray and Randy Strauss: Pete MacDonald scored from. Johnny "Elliott and Donald Hark- ness; Johnny Elliott from Peter MacDonald and Donald Harkness and Courtney Liddle from Pete MacDonald. The next, game is in Honeywood at 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, with 'a third game if necessary on the following Satur- day in Ripley. ,11 Optimism should revive with the arrival of new seed catalogs. Juveniles Lose First To Clinton Lucknow Juvenile hockey team dropped the first' game of the W.O.A.A. semi-finals to Clinton by a close score of 8-7. The game was , played Sunday in Ttucknow. It is a best-of-five series. Goal scorers were Ken Reid, Randy Alton, Dennis Thompson and Murray Irvin, one each, while Tom Peterson scored' the hat trick. Assists went to Doug Schiell 2, Ken Reid, 2, Dennis Thompson, Phil Chandler, John Hunter and Paul Simpson. The second game will be held in Clinton on Thursday, March 4th with the third game in Lucknow on Sunday afternoon, March 7th. House League Hockey Results On Saturday, February 28th, in the opener, the Red Wings blanked the Leafs 7 to 0: Doug Edisbury led the attack with a pair. Singles went to Mike McDonagh, Michael Hay- es, Tim Edisbury, John Husk, Mark Gunter. Jerry Searle Kinloss League High man was Mike Dalton with a single of 255 and a triple' of 605. Men 200 and over: Mike . Dalton 255, • Jack Henderson 247; Ivan Laidlaw 233, Gerald Rhody 230, 206, Jake Conley 231, Lloyd MaeDougall 229, Jelle de Jong 225, Ken Barger 225, Jim Lavis 221, Evan Keith 220, Fraser MacKinnon- 208, 200: • High lady was Merle Rhody with a single of 229 and a' triple of 637. When are you going on holidays, Merle? Other ladies 200 and over: Merle Rhody 229, 208, Cecelia Laidlaw 213, Wilda Campbell 207. Team points: Kings 5, Snows 5, VVealthys 2, Spys 3, Macs 4, Pippins 2: Team standings: VVealthys • 77, Macs 66, Spys 66, Snows 65, Pippins 64, Kings 61,. ViNWCWOCIMIXIWCIO recorded the shut out. In the second game; the, Canad- iens edged the Rangers -4 to "3. Kevin Lindsay, with a pair, Jim Foran and Hugh' Burgsrna dented the twine for the •Canadiens. Pete . Van Dyke with a pair and Steven Howard replied for the Rangers. In ,the final game, -the Bruins ' edged the. Black 'Hawks in a real thrillei 2 to 1.. Richard Jurjens and Steven . Frayne potted, goals for :the Bruins while -Brian Arnold was the lone marksm'ari for the Black Hawks. , March 6th there- will be no hockey becauge of the Tyke TOurn- ament. , • March 13th will be the first games of the playoffs.: 10:00, • Cainadiens vs Red Wings; 1E00; Leafs vs Rangers; 12.00, Bruins vs Black Hawks. Wednesday, March 31 Will be House League Hockey Night.. Town and Country `Bowling , Margaret McDonald had high single of 230. High doable went to Anna Johnstone, with° 416. High for 'the men were Walter Dater, single 204; Jini McNaugh- ton, double 356. • Games over. 200, Margaret McDonaldD 230, , Anna 'Johnstone 215, 201, Walter Dexter 204., Teani scores, Reds 5, Oranges 0, Yellows 2, Greens. 5, Blues 3," Violets 0. - Team standings: ' Yellows 72, Bides 66, Reds 62, Oranges 50, Greens 48, Violets 32. Men's 9 p.m. Keri Ohm had high single_ score of 305 also high triple- of 633. Games over 225: Ken Ohm 305, Bill Bolt 259, Ron Stanley 253, Ron Durnin 252, George 'Stanley. 247,' Rick Jardine 241, Clarence Greer 238, Allan Stanley 237. Team points: Oldsniobiles 2, Fords 7, Mustangs 0, Dodges 0, Pontiacs 7, Buicks 5. , Team standings: Fords 864/2 . Buicks 85, Pontiacs 81, Dodges 74, Oldsmobiles 69'/2, Mustangs 66. • High single, Merle Rhody 307; high triple, Merle Rhody 689, Congratulations. Games over 200: Merle. Rhody 307, Anne Wisser 248, Anna Johnstone 210. Team points:, Merle Rhody's Grapes 7, Grace. Hopf's Pears 0; .Lorna' Guay's Strawberries 7', Dianne Carter's Apples 0; . Anne Anderson's Peaches 0, Kay Craw- ford's Bananas 7. , Team standings: Pears .101, Strawberries 101, Bananas 77, Grapes 76, Peaches 62, Apples 67. • that man,0/ • "1R(17 GM(" • i• but k unglimil • • who's april him • • • • • ‘COGISURN , (...attst the Lady) " I 4 a " ADULT ENTERTAINMENT - 906/180000000000. • Sun. 7, Mon. 8, Tues. 9th' • • A GREAT DOUBLE BILL! • ▪ FRAMED at 7:30-LONGEST YARD 9;00 P.M. I: 40 1b • • ,Af ' '14.• •b*It, • PAGE two Lucknow • , Dungannon Gwen Caesar was the top lady this week with a high single of 223 and a high triple of 563. Ron, Stanley was high man' with • super scores 'of 337, 306 and 299 totally 942!! • Other men over 25Q • were Gerry Ross :315, -Bill Stewart 308, Gerald_Rhody 288 and 'Rick Jardine 285. Team' points were, as follows: Kangaroos 7, Coons 5; Wolverines 5,-Chipmunks 5, Foxes 5, Tigers 5, Lions 2, Polecats 2, Squirrels 2 t • Gophers 2', Cubs 2, -Zebras Q. Team standings are as,. follows: CUbs 92, Squirrels 86, Wolverines 82, Tigers 79, Coons 74, Kangaroos " .71, Zebras 70, Lions 69, Gophers 57 Polecats. 51, Foxes 50, Chipmunks 45. Ladies 6:30 p.m.. FEBRUARY n. Pat Livingston was the high boyder with a single of 309 and a triple of 735. • Games of 200 and over: Pat Livingston 309, 244, Belle Herbert 216, Donna Stauble 246, Jessie Joynt '201, Grace Elliott 222, Catherine Andrew 210, Nancy Brooks 206, Lois McIntosh 209, Marion MacKinnon 268, Jean Phillips 219, 202. Team 'points: Bernice Kemp's Caramels 7, Catherine Andrew's Gumdrops 0; Mary Cleland's Humbugs 2, Jean Phillips' Pepper- mints 5, Thelma Brown's Jelly Beans 5, Joan Livingston's Life Savers Team standings: Jelly Beans , Caramels 80, Life Savers 73, Peppermints 72, ,Humbugs. 67, Gumdrops 62. MARCH 1 Trudy Foran was the high bowler with a single of 234 and a triple of 590. Games .of 200 and over: Trudy Fora?) 234, Ferne MaCDonald 204, Jean Phillips, 213, Bernice Kemp 209, Grace Elliott 200. • Teain points: Bernice Kemp's Caramels 5, Joan LiyingSton's Life Savers 2; Jean Phillips' Pepper. mints 5, Thelma Brown's Jelly peans 2, Mary Cleland's Humbugs 5, Catherine AndretY's Gumdrops'. Team' standings: Jelly Beans 89, Caramels 85 .,, Peppermints -7 -, Life Savers 75,.HUmbugs 72, Gumdrops 64. 30 TNE SQUARE • PARK PHONE 5244111 GODIRICII AIR CONDITIONED NOW PLAYING fill SATURDAY • Thurs Bp m Fri end Sat 7308%1'39 . "HUSTLE" ,037,ciFaBm2-- • ********.** * ** * * **.* * * *1,i, • . SUN MARCH 7 tp TUES MARCH 9 .. 8 6 m NITELY RESTRICTED DOUBLE FEATURE' ' PeTER 88LL8R& "UnDeRcoven CI HOMY 41::1; :: .41 gOPS . **********441.44# 4:444 .44 STARTING.' WED' MARCH IOU, Wrcl A Thurs Bp rn. Fro &Sat F '308 o 30 • irammo iv. ..,„ /,' . ' --"" ********************** .SUN MARCH 14..2 p m MATINEE . MON . and 7 and 9p m'SHOININGS . MAR . The greatest wildlife and chase sipry in the history ( k N ' lik lobe 3, S.":„.„If, 7 b .'7'. . / ' \ ' 2)ts ,i0.4i Mil 11100111t1 r lip, 01111010 MANI, OrochihRicAher A PICA 1101.11.4.1 MOPedS 4444*****444440.4 40444'444 DOUBLE FEATURE MARCH IT Challenge , Free. re, Now Pleasure Aoftrit wwYrtr EATilIARI' 'HEIPSUlti4 COGRM7111144 (......sh•Lmay) 'and TUE S 15 B16 7 and ' of the North! . r lit MN A LINO Yt1?(11CHA MIT.- . '..s... 8.1,. .6.,....JtirCP. It COSI can Doi A 18 8 p m .w. DOE . Op 97 ' 1 .o' Heaven help us all when THE DEVIL'S RAIN! AND VA- \ 'l, 01kV 1 I i "g,' !--) \ . l ASK' , • • 1".^ • • • • • JOHT4 • WAYNE • HEIPBURPT • • ROOSTER • • Wed. 3, ThursA, Fri. 5, Sat. 6 • • 2 SHOWINGS DAILY at 7:00 and 9:00 P.M.• 1 1111 Y, 71 1 1, 1, . • • • •t kt ,,,,00 44 * o • t....-2......- • * • v ...._ • Thal 'Walking Tal ...;.;:, l' •• , • man is heal • :: CO:illiVAlellYiKt ' FRAMED • ' • • * GAME KO MN MARRY - 44:1* •,,,' • ITS,, "THE LONGEST • ,,,, ill w SURVIVAL YARD" is cappvie that 1r W ' • OF THE cracks a IcifIllokes. o FAINERAEHSET. Ands lot of moos, • • • • FUNNIEST. •poipewarrocrisis mints • 188101111381115811110880108 •A utirr knows. Aw,"THE LOWEST YARD" • • TANt.8 • , • • • • noroVIV0, •• _1114. •••••••••••••••••