The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-02-18, Page 10George Haldenby also gave a poem on, the theme "Friendship". Readings were given by.. Mrs. Delbert.Hedley, "A .Nate of Friendship"; Mrs. Jack Scott, "The Gift of • Love"; 'Miss May Boyle read "The Single Rose" from the Living Message; Mr's. Allan RhOdy • read "A Note of Love4; Miss Edna ,Boyle "I Know Something GOod About You"; Mrs. Gerald Rhody COnducted a "Friendship" contest, and a poem "The Keeping ,of Friends" closed the program. All joined in the closing prayer. Grace 'was sung and a delicious lunch was served' by the hostess. mary4018/1604140440:460. Luc .now Presbyterian Church Roy, GIsnn Noble, B.A. B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 10:00 am. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Warship NURSERY. FOR , PRESCHOOL CHILDREN MIRACLE WORKER The• man who makes ends meet this time of year proves to the world he has great ability. Two Girls Become CGIT Seniors At the Monday meeting, of Lucknow. Canadian Girls In Train, ing; Brenda Arnold and Lynn Elphick received lanyards to signify that they are now senior members. Leader. Elizabeth Ritchie and the two girls participated in the service with appropriate verses, scriptur- es, prayers and music. Kim Haldei‘by told what wearing , a . lanyard means and president• Joanne Ritchie presented each girl with her• white lanyard,. The service was concluded with the C.G.I.T. purpose, verse and hymn. During the business Meeting a letter from the group's foster child in Peru was read. Plans were •discussed 'for the Teeswater 'C.G.I.T. visit on March 1, for, the World. Day. Of Prayer Service and a pot luck supper. • The movie "Flipper" Will' be Shown for children on March * 20. Leader Nancy Ritchie led in a game of Bucket Ball using ping pong balls. Ping pong is the top sport in China. Each girl is to b ing in article made 'in China for it week. Leader Mary, Nelson gave the introduction of Chinese communes, and Patti-Lou Irwin read about communes as seen by a high school student. hi: their grodps, the girlS had further discussion and activit- ies about "China. The meeting, closed, with Taps. REPORTERSi Darlene • ,Colling, Mary Farrell. There isn't much happening around the school this week. Everyone is working a bit harder because of the sehOol days that we missed. dinner One evening at 'the farnous Captain's Tane. including a welcoming. refreshment • breakfast each-inorning . . •• free overnight parking from only each day) • ' $6990 subject to advance registration and you 'can stay an extra night for only VIM° double , . See your travel agent or AAP , reserve direct. • The Lord , §imeoe Hotel, 150 King St. West, Toronto • Tel (416) 362-1848 • , modern guest room for 2 nights •••••••••%;.w.o....","%;%.0%."6"-^oW".0%.0 tUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH _Ray..Doug Kaufman Pastor FEBRUARY 22nd 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. .Morning Worship Nursery provided for pre-school children THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY,, FEBRUARY 18,. 474 Donnybrook The February meeting of Donny- brook. United. Church Women was .held .at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hardy Thesday' afternoon with a small attendance. . • Mrs. Ray Hanna and Mrs. Wm. Hardy were in 'Charge of, the meeting: Mrs. Win.. Hardy gave the call t6.t orship and a prayer, Hymn 24P• 'Jesus shall reign" IA as sung. • Mrs. Wm. Hardy gave the scripture reading and 'a poem • This is, the pay IA as read by Mrs. Stuar. Chaltiney . Hymn 252 ' 'In - 'Christ . there is nr) East or Wes-t'* was sung. . lvirs. Ra•y Hamm gaNe a talk on „ IL:Lited Church. Missions 'in Angola. 7,,,She said rin-.!,..e.• our9 ,inissionaries 1, ,aeft Ar,gt.,; due IQ the fighting there. , • Mr's. JefferSt_n tOok aver the business the absence of 'the. 'president. Mrs. Wrn. Hardy read poems, Opportunit ,, .* and 'Past Mistakes -. Hymn „ 38,8 "0 Master let me walk With thee” was sung pill the meeting closed with' pr,ayet Mr,S. E. Robinson and' Mrs. 1. ; Hildebrand assisted the hostess serve a dainty lunch. • HOCKEY On Friday, February. 6, the -Ripley-Huron 'Central School girls ,played Brookside; Susan Dawson and Janice Elliott got the goals. The score 'was a 2-2 tie, and on Tuesday. Febrnary 10th, the girls played the .Atom B's., The girls beat them 7-3. Ann Courtney and Sandra' Stewart took turns playing goal. They •both 'did a great job. The girlshaven'tlost.a game yet. • Keep up the good work girls! THE SQUEEZE Today's high prices may go over the :hump;' but 'still leaves the consumer over the barrel. KINLOUGH NEWS • The Kinlough' Anglican Charch Women met on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jack Scott for their, February,meeting. • The . president Miss. ay Boyle presided and opened the meeting with prayer and the hymn "What a friend we hive in Jesus" was sung. The members prayer, the prayer partner's prayer; and the Lord's prayer were repeated in, unison.- Mrs. Art Hildenby read the scripture froth Romans 6. Mrs, Delbert. Hedley acted as secretary. Mrs.' George Graham gave a lovely meditation on the theme "Friend- ship" and "LoVe" and ended it up with a. Poem "My, Valentine", The roll call was "A love quote". A letter was read from Mrs. Irene Clark of goderic4,, secretary- treasurer of South Saugeen Dean- ery and it was announced that the spring Deanery meeting Will be held at Wingham. Plans were made 'for the Women's World ,Day. of Prayer • which will be held this year in' the. Anglican• Church , on . Friday, March 5th'. The March Meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. David HaldenbY. This will be the Lenten. Quiet Day. , Mrs. Gerald. Rhody, prOgram convener,-'presided and read two poems on "Friendship". do-rdwroevivowiroft-;,••••1+04.0Wrwrftrrr.:0ffir St. Peters A.C.W. The, February meeting of St. Peter's Anglican' Church Women was held 'in the. Parish Hall with the president, Mrs. Harold Cooper in charge. Mrs. Les Hazelden read 'the scripture and the roll call, was answered With a Bible verse "Faith!-!. Mrs. Ernest 'Gaunt read an article "Faith for Living": Mrs: John 'Warren' reported on the planning meeting for the' Werld Day of Prayer and Mrs. George Garratt volunteered to assist her in our part of that service. Plans for . •the Pancake Supper were discussed. This will be on March • 2nd this Jear. • • Mr. Garratt approached the ladies asking if they would purchase Server's Crosses for the four young people who assist in the services: He also asked for', a "Laud Deo" for the lay reader. He plans to dedicate and present these at the service •on Fehruary 24. Discussion followed re paying .for caretaking for banquets. . • Mr5. Warren gave a' reading "What Christ Did" followed by a reading "Hazards" by Mrs. Cliff Rourgtop. This was from a book by Greg Clarke. Mrs: Gaunt, stumped all with a contest. Trinity •!Trinity• United Church .WOmen held . their February. meeting ‘. on Thursday 'afternoon; February. l2,...• at , .the - home of Mrs: Donald Hackett with an attendance . of 24. • members.. • •- The,, president, .. 'Mrs.:, 'Chester Hackett, opened the meeting With a .feW Words of welcome. Hymn 216 followed and then all repeated the - 'Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Hackett then read i'poern-: A hymn .,• was- sung. -and Mrs. Jim Hunter read ,the scripture, Psalm 121.' • Mrs. Frank Ritchie the .• Meditation ..."Thy Will Be Done". Mrs. Blake Alton read :an 'article,' "This, Titne To-Morrow' and dien • led in prayer. 'The devotions,'eloSed, with the ,singing of Hymn '243.. \The ladies are reminded that the World's •Day Prayer would be' held in Lucknov.,.United 'Church oil March 5. Mrs., Cook gave: the Study Book with 'the topic beHig Zarribia: Mrs. Blake Alton, played a piano sOki, "The Lord's Prayer". . The different committees reported' and .a bale is. t6 be: packed the middleof March. Thank yOu notes were read and a report was -given on ,.the progress. of 'the 11.istory BoOk. Hymn "There's a vorld .otit there", was sung and the president .closed the meeting with_ prayer. A. dainty lunch was then served by the committee :in charge. • • KINLoUGH PENTECOSTAL. CHURCH • Pastor Gilbert Van Sligtonhorst 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.rn. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service, Midweek Prayer Service' Wednesday at• 8 o'clock C.A. (Young People) Friday at,7:30 p.m. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH . Rev. L. Van Staalduinen Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Services at 1 a.m. "Self Examination" 2:30 p.m. "Suffering Is Remedial" Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today "Books That Mock Deaths" CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m. Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m Radio dial 560 SCHOOL Take advantage of the 1975 pride. The Lord- ,. Simcoe is maintaining the price on the 2 nice speciar in the face of rising costs: imcoe inToronto DUNGANNON . CHRISTIAN, FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE.)` Ord* Gingrich, Pastor SERVICES 10:60 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME .• Mr. Garratt closed the meeting with ,_the Grace, and the hostess; Mrs. Gaunt, served a delicious lunch. MONUMENTS. For sound counsel and a fair •price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKiLTON MEMORIALS r• Pat O'Hagari, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS • WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO