The Signal, 1928-2-16, Page 4A
'February 16, 19418.
• •
What to Expect in Men's Suits
for .Spring 1928
Mews'* Colonial Twirtr nod Italanley Tw'.tetds
Beautiful in coloring... wonderful wearingelutlu'won't wear shabby.
and moderately priced
sty le -Two and three button ainglek bres•ted sacks
First Shipment Is In Call and See Them
"The Store \Pith tit Stock"
Men's and Boys' Wear
'Phone s7
agement fepsrted ! balance of $275 on
d atter partag all expenses. The
�ro baa bt?n installed in both
church mad manse. The latter has
also been equipped with au electric
range. The .Hydro Iwo been so in-
stalled in the shed that the public can
use It At will. $8.10 was forwarded to
the.ofile of 'the church treasurer in
Toronto for the work of the church at
nein.. and abroad. The W.M.S. relied'
ate lull allocation .if 8240 as well to
stooling away a little -valued It $4.
''The Mission Band raised the sum of
i.58 and forwarded it to the treasurer
' of the Duren Pretbyteerkll for mtsNon
work. The Sunday school has an en-
rslnwlit of over 10). Resides this*
; thew' are thirty-nine named on the
cradle roil. The ,•tool paid all its
nwu expense*, Rare a t'opy Of "On-
ward" to eever. family each Sunday,
and raised etre fur mtssiuns. The
SING8BRIDGE year has seen' large congregations, a
KIN!:SliltlDGE, Feb: 15, -Mr. Bilhr
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 20 TO 25 ingMyers la sgene to Detroit, t. hri upend-
ing the hast few months at• his hurts.
Monday and Tuesday
in a stirring story of American prairie
life centered around the Indian ravages
of the lost -war days. An entirely new idea
Our Gang ('.,reedy
Wednesday and Thurada;
in a turf II rnred.:..t.;.1 in the ;IMO -
«mire. of harmony and a quite evident
de',re to further the whole work of
the ehun•h. God feeling and en-
thusla'm have been manifested In
every department of the cbureh's life
here. and work.
All the neighbors in the burg are
glad to welcome Mr. Michael O'Reilly. '
who is taking up residence in John
Garte•y'a howl.
A dance is to be held in the Kings•
bridge hall Moudey, February 20th.
Good music. Good luuch. Everrlwedy
Wont was Metres" of the death of a
, former resident of !tuts parish and of
G.ierkh. In the person of Mrs. Agnea
McIntosh, of lh•trolt. Mich. She
leaves to mourn her loss nue sou and
three daughters. all of Detroit. Mrs.
Joseph Courtney, of Lanes, Is u niece of
" '"'""e't- einem of life. The 'wry of sheltered uta dt><rasea.
1604neGet&M 1 �.
love, Parisian disillusionment and battle-
Bekl n•,terleratl
Mai' ' ' d .1. ...ay
Friday and Saturday
takes pat Minnie) a ehnr.0 teriatic i'nnW'or
action picture. A n•fn'shtng enta•rtaln-
me•nt, thrills aplenty and the rugged
north wools as a background.
liiee,y Comedy
_Matinee satut 31 3 run
Electric Bulbs
4ttantt YAtiiatt
Special 5 for $1,00
t,u tranteed 1500 hours
LF:FIIi l' R N . Fel. 15.-- Miss Dell Oke,
from the Bayfield rod, Godertch
townehip, spent Sunday with Mint
Evelyn Horton.
Mr'. Ellen !Tritton, of Stratford, to
visiting her br,tber and sisters bare.
laving come up to attend the funeral
of Mr. H. If. Putt. she and Mrs. Cutt
:a•veral tat her c.•nsin#
In our burg attended the funeral.
The -supper and su till evenipg whteh
was intended to be held at the. shrub
on Tt1•'-dry evening was postponed to
11 future dot.. on a�'•-ouut of some of
the children being k. pt in with sirk-
being elwtsl nm. .
flnant'Ial see ry. Bro. Rd tea'
!women ; recta „ Ig Aes•retary, BIM. W.
Ilaa -kr ; tree ,•r, Pro. Wm, Straw
ghan ; 8.W., : A. 11. littrsughan; J.
W., Btu. C. A,• \';outran.; S.B.. Are.
C. Fuller; J.BQ lie.. W. Tureen); train,
tars. Ern. lloltebuwtu, A. Kercbsaskl.
11. 'lodges; audit rs. C. A. Vonateae.
.1. M. Straughan.
SH t.11t1)TON
Mk. N. B. Flarlty *pent the, week -cud
at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Elliott are visit-
ing at Toronto this week.
Mr. R. T. Orr, of Stratford, was a
visitor in town the past week.
MM. L. L. Knox has returned from •
a visit, to her former home at King- '
Mrs. W. J. Stevens. At Pllnton. spent •
the weekend at the hese of -ler. ae>a
tellEM'ARIIttI 11. Feb. l5 - -Quite a Mrs. T. H. Wallis,
number fronq�esetun,t here attended the Mlasees F:. mud B. Mat`arthy. of Po.
Alt re at t`hlfllshn'r .'u Monday night. turkey, Mich., are visiting at the hose
All relnd a tiva•.d. of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phelan.
Mr anti Mra T e'e 1• home
of his
MI Edna Fell has returned home
land, are risking tat the home of his after visiting friends In Varna, HI11•
ialreuts, Mr, aad )ir+. Iterht. Bulpb • of lucre Seu,forth and McKillop.
8hrp{art ae Mrs. J. P. Brow left the past week
ails!! Mae Meaney left dna mark 10
fur Toronto, when. she will spend a
attend a cease aedr \\•anon, month with Mrs. E. Actaeon.
The social cocking at ':'hos. lktu Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mitchell Irl! to-
gbrr . a last wa•k w ,; mel: attended.auItg day fur et. Petersburg. Florida. 'They
Mr. and for Wil Fu*ter ore leaving eelmet to b' away for several creeks.
Tbnrrdaj fora trip to Montreal to to -
Mos. C. C. ('omlw, of Turuntu. who
visit Mr. FbtRer's lndher. spent the last month visiting at the
home of her tan, Mr. L. K. !write,
ST. AUt;USTINE I Nebton street• ret11nN4I t1 her hott)e,tu
Tuesday of this week.
L . I . F Itolster nue Yrs. Bolster.
The Isle lalrtiit 6eraraey.- ie ..f Paris, Ont., left last weelr on a trip
:ruga d tl a fly land *tail -!F' free
drul) tau ta.uday a They will return I
eeb, and carried to hie ...cruel reward oilcan R'ewt In the t• ....•
spiritie r.
■ •
TI r •
l tat ewth cmlue s e t to New Orleans tint Ian fluor
ttvrsuo. u, t'tbruar)• , • war of the ('au -
the elf Patri.k Kearney. a highly Robert le. Hunter. wJto for see.
rrspeeted .Miura tat st. tits.Aug►!fuck entl years was i tt the Leal staff or the
til was -iu -Jul. Tvllt3-yrevoet itnyal Bank )las t►eee trauaferred to
yeur nhod out hen i uiJ ylug good ' Tills,ulburg and left for that place on 1 •
none asthma H. was s.s I,el and other a in,, , ,e s of the town.
to be a.ound and had Just returned
[rum -iiia dotty wall h, the barn when V1'11. 111.te.a- ..n Tttetlany to attend the
be was ,n rickey' %kith a heart attack
funeral of the tale R. H. Cott: Me.
and normae away iu a few whittles. Hi• Parks and Mr. Cutt were fellow -dl -
wee ti ice married. 1:i, first sire being rwye
l,rs for many ars on taw board
health fur some tine
ASH'FIELD, Feb. 11 -The 1'rtion naso.
guttering greatly Monday. Mr. limiter will Irmissed� •
c g ably however,
Mr. W..1 fork., of East Wawanosti •
•� alurgaret Doene.:y. "Lo diad tau of the G(slericb Rual Telephone Co.. a
years later, leaving an Intact sou. Wil.
Limited, and \Ir. Ihtrk' expmAsett
am A. who now reg,ta'* at u t hkh re!rord for his late coll/aRtte.
■/••/•I///••r ■1•S11 ■•••1••1
`Here is what you have
been waiting for.
M. Robins has, some
wonderful news for you.
Watch this double page
in next issue.
Jrz` ttlbtLt.t:#S:
11 Montreal. ••••
Later he married Ia-w Redwood, Na -
•t to be 'resent oral Mondor getunuu, who Arun
t'.F'.t). l'htb held a ss4ar evening last -t h•.tR'Tndily evening.(+it_the-ttati . t d cif Dun•
i I [ . he,- nn atoned evening. i verolre f• ter of Mr. Jame ' 1JtIRA
SPORTS township, 111gh
F'rlduy. 791. program sou+Pt c, 0 1,
-••1♦)L)•I1•)rXXXX■••••••■ ■
,k.- him with a raw TIIE STRONGHOLD AF %%INTER. 1 ,op„ndlnR to a call from Goderich
ad t Constable Gundry yes-
terday arrested Albert Janllue of (.041-.
E.eltn, at home 1'he funeralwas Toronto In>urnuee man who with his , ce r
livid from the fa t:,, hoar to lracred wife went to tjuel,se.• for the winter with indeerut assault -it p a yonug
Heart church, St. Augustine. tau Tura•
sports neither of theta"Ruin¢ outside I girl mud wili..a'we nip far preliminary;
I nest. between . the th gr u p end the ex{sr i.y of three chile.rn . Sister Jerome
I_th concession. Fatah group rendered eventing at the "hard time* dance" with Olive), a moria .0 Lcr in St. Ju-
an hour's progrnw. The derision was a dress suitable -1 the ucca�lon. widen content.nil , • 'fh.. , and • 1 f well-known - .rich who was front in Ilaechler.a
given to the 12th concession. Their
{ n gram was varied and .mite Inter- is
s ' Afterwards lunch was sero We
d t' k Is fee 'Ing somewhat tetter
\t t VerneJ wHI f back again number gathered pay their friends find a great Beat of !
' Miss Lizzie Stewart, of Lo halsh. few weekA with a sure eye. cul ^ y play ,nut tribuia t.. the Chateau
torment w in !fir 7uuliy plat in St.
r al r. harry Freeman nus had a siege re'!' The stun is
tau u a kbush st Ravflrld He is charged
,( pi w,r Ivy to his fuer this week.
.s ung. -► 1 ed kant glad to report. that Mrs. J.
then n number .rayed for the dance ••'' - and
Baty morning. Febr;:::ry Tth. A Larg
tater.. The night being dor. there was i not sutfrrlug M Much calla: titer to tl;elc last're-
n splendid erow'd, and all Hyatt[ tl gaud Ma.ter e s elects to the aleixtr:e t Requiem duos*
time. at school, haring' lawn at haute fora humor in the turf, they uncnn*eioualy
w:a1 r• b Iter. father' Paquette lu- Fnut-
. the•'hotel once until they left. While h'utruug.
visited Miss Flora MacDonald on The \\'.Mks. are holding their meet as allirar111 _ tette. Then is .0 mush t
1 Sunday. • - - --, fag titin Wedue dee at the home of .1u:;ustlne ismer r'. the L diel do' Inside this hospitable hoe
hag Jna. Cfltlg ci ;. Renfro tau W -m 1
We are ad to report that Mr, Frill Mr. mud Mrs. A Clete'. Writ -
Donnelly, Jas. r lard. Bernard tiro- relay that there are nu dull Moments
MThea or is keeping letter. ` i - pityand Jou. Redmond fur any guest who .houses to remain
The children suffering from mumps GODERICH TOWNSHIP , - _ within its turreted walls, but for those -
are Mr. Kenneth
who would rather participate In the
Kenneth Thain Is working for
Mr J t-owea -er -dela- c• XYLLI-'_ EN.h. 15. '
. g¢. DUNI;•YN`ON a( outdoor mita merit. every facility Is
,r te, a at-
,•, the any
o r n l
provided in , j I
Ly tl,•.usends, now Mi.. -ybilla
:valtr's Tonsilitis for heel colds,
catarrh. bronchial asthma, bmn•
chili.. cough. croup, gnivay. war
throat nod t.,nail •manes. Try it.
1 t' • _ �,arant.1st. G, alerieh 1)rltggists
air. Meleiu'urr •dented at the horn. The sympathy of the community is OCNI;AMNION. Feb. 1:i.- Mre Geo. tlnflee, -rel-tememt. and cum,_-_
Mr. r. M. C. MacKenzie est wm--,•n,, o rams are arranged Ivy
extended to the relatives and eats McIntyre. returned L••w*• as etre the sports director to take advantage
the home of the latters parents. Mr. .iealt, a .coned "n 1411rarviny. Feb- visiting her trod re-ttmere. teen. sed
\nv (*enndlan 1'aeitie agent will he
•.f I week -end. fel t I t k pr henei a programs
Mr. anal airs. Tum 11 to rtaitc,I tat „f the late Mr. Jas. Jewell, whose fr,w 51. Helens .lora• she had been
: 110g
le the (+,atitlnp r and exigencies of the
Would You Be Prosperous
And Mrs. Nell Maels,n01d. Kiutull, tauChis grandson, day.
Wm,la , antler, 11, at the honer w Ed. SI••Ku!►erta.
7 If 1 \\ Tt fum•ru! took M McB t n+ f " Ilelrns
Mc Alfred nrner. u• r. hen.. u
'plc11awl 10 supply all travel tnforma-
WV/ 1, Wave on Monday afternoon to Malt 15 vt.ithtg :et th•• inn!.• •f ' Niro 1;100. Linn and arrange bath train and hotel
land aa-metery. Melutyre. Of ,nurse we' all a'isL to be. by
D f I' 1 1' [t 1 1 eec,h reslrrattnn- te•iupenny wise and pound buttttby
Ruhr [' T f Auburn. 1e g
The W. M. S. u 'Mon n ti i' leech
)piss la y xrtrr, u • p .
are holding their meeting this 1W i visiting friends sere. ' ' vera many do out climl the hill of
• \1'BI'ItV. Fen L3. -Misses Dorothy tlevhly 1 nftenmen at the home of )tri --- ,•rea't:.ry „f the \\'•men'- lnsU- iNgHIP COLTNCiI. prosperity.
form tee _l __-_ __ in my daily huslnt as lite 4 have
In -t week on account of the Wel ,i •, I partite:hi that M.s. Eisen.•. T I3ndte.
75 -watt Nitrogen Bulb.
100 -watt Nitrogen Bulbs 50e
East�i,l, tiluam Phone 501
were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Weir
over the weekend.
Miss Josephine Weer and Mrs. A.
M. Klee are in Toronto Dine week. Mies
Weir 1s trying her vocal examinations. -
Mr. D. W. -Hamilton lost a valuable'
horse on Monday. lie had It tied in
I front of .1. Tailor's store when It be-
came frightened anal came down on ton
of a tle post. It had to be shot.
Mrs. W. J. Metlrlen is the guest of
Sills Annie Sturdy at present. •
The many friend./ id Mrs. R. ROSS.
rip .•` c N
taassal away earls Tnlsdny of $14,11111111,rr
, O. iv9i'Le sent about WF.4T WAWANOSII
fonnost .1 that the mprosperous people
mer: thee..wttn bought goods of-gttal-
rhea nr is the rad.
Oar comfort In oar dally life an
work demands agave all, geed and
well tilting r,wdwear, well kept in re-
Your feet are your !test friends.
Treat them rightly. and they%rill do
morning Mr. .las. Rome. In II; eighty- the Ian of Saar.', to gate a tet -rays -The vveese Wnwaoe'.h municipal lack atm ire
council held its regular meeting Feb-
6th with all the members
prevent. The minutes of last meeting
end of a special meeting. at which :t
Thos. 1t. Taylor w:ie pisdntesi auditor
to flu the is,titlon mode rne'atit by the
'sixth year. The Niteroi !alta- pto,•v f demonstrating tsar*. on food values
Thurlaluy afternoon from his 11111 re- and cuokiug. ' •-
ddenm, 1r.1 eonceeefon, to Maitland A very luteolttng tante was vas diad in
eenxeten•: The Aym[tathy of the ens- tl:e 1131.1.11110111 f the United (bun h lust
muuity it ,ateudeal to Mrs, Musa and Momiay rvee•+eg. when 0-
rile "'onus 1*
flintily in tlfeir sod Iweren-ernent. t,1. Lead a vt:er tine rex dal. The even-
The iLlrt nuidvvrtnn' of the o{,enln¢ it,_ was spilt !n games and Ficial
of .Uexandra hospital. tialerleh. will amusements awl ended with .refresh•
hr olwerit1 on Saturday. relritary me•nrs,
lith, when visitors will be res- TyeceiveTye pt„) ••P,,or }rather.' given Fri -
of hound lake, will be sorry to bear the hope:. of 2.30 and 5 e.elho'k . dm ...Nettling b, the'011111;{maple of
i.„f hr. bar loos sire gra. hesit 1 fternuom , i i and !) ei rkm•k in -oe_ 'i'Cti t . ' ....
knurl number of the people 411 (1,.I.rieh huge been .. .-tad. Nevertheless a member of the ietard of health. and
. X1 true tett diphtheria.
Geo. Straughnn entertained nbtltt
• lute of Beral work. etc., !dude thirty -11.P of his y.ning friends_ to n
pricestit.irh-aniline; tarty Inst enturdny after-
- --- €"" ..'9i norm
resignation id 'sane M1:Ie•r, were rend
and aeetptesl.
The following oflh t rx were ap-
Isli,ted t'Icrk. 1►. Phll'Ilw: 1tx•aeearer.
W. \\'elorer: nsw•sw,r. It. Slurray; col
t -t the lou is
tlt.• evening. 1t fs to awe hoped that a was' not as laritely ,attended los might Pon‘ n fi► 1' warty ons apptintett
.howushtp will visit the• 111140111'nn t111A ghee who hid •he pleasure "f Lear:net •John \\ehster:n,d John RP/1111011d m.ntl-
o,,+r+lank Ten w1J1 l,e wave.. ' the ploy had a good night's enjoyment. tart' Inepeeter, L. ♦;rant. ,\. Ander-
earn in honor of his eighth blrthdny. son, R. Thum s...1i and J. me+ eon.
�' "'•'• as it was a•r% well acted t i
Her: T. W. Goeslw•ill has accrue' n ui.Wrri 33EN= }canto is.undka+•ts•ry ant
• re In ale• rival engineering, I:as !rneeriew•era Was reA,f them tl
--ty.;3Mft:L4?H--•}Wc I:a. The roe- -reen' /pee
I'at•ntrre ;ltelerttloB:- Irho-eeent-tn t'bi- re the. theep_valu d 'rs
finite Street Florist Ph►ne 10:1 .111 thrift Charlrth•rhw'h l'riflti F'rt= " .aao wean. tu..e a),o to compkte n appointing
---- .rare storm. t*tllti'1:• 1•I••'s rhtlr,'L
In connection with the colonial branch
of the EetilHsheet ('hnr•h of S,'t,ttabel.
the weber assembly of I'rr.hy Teri-
�1 pries. The roll Is hearty anti ,:ani -
YOU CAN SAVE mens wltti n mti{w•nd of lt:NMl mud
mange. Mr. Goodwill's father
In the _same -elturch . for thirty nye
Blackstone's Furniture
West Street
_ecru•-.. .o a.
Everything in New and
Used Furniture
This is your store. Use it.
1/555.90/1 gl®i�tf��t115f
The hone. of Mr. rout Mr.. Fred
1'latzer was brightened Ivy the• nrriral
of a young'sot on Fehrunry 9th.
Mr Cr M Beadle 1. patting in his
supply of 1., for summer use. -
Slims Hogg, teneher in 5.5. No 3.
red 1.0_111.C.- _seat the guest orf _lie and
Mrs. Law•amr neer niIIny- - __.__
The International day of prover will
be obeervtal In the Baptist ' et:nreb
-February 14th, 1n the afftrnt+em. Mei.
F7. ietw.won. president of the W.M.S. of
Knox Pre.hyte'rfnn church. will line..
Benmiller Sunday School
um,•t- c%,•rr runt lit
at to •.',•1.,(.1:
bsr*N* C.rdielll Invited to Alien/
'our bidding.
When In nerd of Footwear for roar
ee If and famliy give me 11 Chance to
al:mt you that I. can cite you
lttrgalus all the year ttronrrel he w•Ilh,t
n:1 the year around.
die the er:ehmt/a1 Panndlan
Rnhtwerm, which are w•itLout
for Zarr4 i .-llte toughest --awl lightas.t Ituhber cm
the market t•wiay. - - -
time. and A trial will prole it to yens. in my
Ue;a:tir Shop I can tare you money ae
neer!-tar digs tnolnf•t--ctrl,
Sh.wes and Rubber., before it its tax.
Into. and doutrle their usefulness,.
Delugin your :Selasars_to be.
1 !co Good -
es* \ - Pekt41ril__The-__1111.11tcr�_� 17rrt was
art and s,-inI Prlday evcuibg last airs..\nit-'w W. Kirk, of fienforth. is pregenttd and accepted and order(e
cinder the nu*ptex•+ of the Imdit's' Aid visititlg Ilii: e, ek with her daughter. printed. The bylaw app inning pntrnl-
f It coque,. church was a sea lied )1 VA t'' i_ t'r,'gbtit of Detroit, and own villa repea:ed.-
.t. .i..4 nna woo well uttetwled. while therein n'tending the c.tmmc•nae----'rbn Ree... and road +nprrtnta•ni4enl
('emmunlun .e•n' ec w'I ! lig he
1 '1 1 ld .at nriie,l I,o apply for the erre
R•nndlllr ('Hilal rinan•h sundry, Feb „t the t twit o ell ge of La std ell •ndi1itt' The clerk
tm nt exa•rcl-,•a •'t the graduating class ,-ere atUh
w. Her ally on re
miry 19th at 11 a m shu Mr. -1.i1%. -• R Kirk Is in /hi* war. )Ietro "tw _to_notlty D. !eddy that
SIrs• Ruth Thempenn, et 4,sI,11 h• elites. The c,,nmel„ememf oti.rit-" any einem for (-omit:nint which he
•gjwent the {wet week. with her d•t ltd -. are to lx• held ;•n Wrdnrs,Iny,.venire. mac herr tri os,Hner•titn *•1111 tLe itelti
ter Mrs. Garvey Fisher. February 15. h� the ('onslstor$ Cathed- Iroln x•111 i,1 1.s.k.'d Into In the tq ring
Sir. noel Mrs. Janie, Jewell',id P.` n" rel of the new .ltattonii Te nple In 11e•- The ,,ittui`•tt ,liljotirhist ler-`titter
stiller, were called away last week Hank c'.1 frleuds herr will be Starlit 5th at 1 pm
owing to the midden .lavath e4 the rind to b it o' 011,01'.'.ta'eets, . .
l.rr4noes father who was an alit roil. Ilbllsltl Miiftity injpresd-A !!.nous
dent ofidle+_ - an.l painful_ ace idttrl nrcnrred Sunday
We are ttInd to kpow flint ails+ afternoon on ,be orb c•onar,tiion of
Norma Ft leer Ie able to Ito nron'ol West \\'*wanes!, at Mr. ionnld Miler"II
•,Sitar 'after her rweut Ulnas. . an(t his- Ron 11"11were returning from ,
• Tlk. Fanners' Club. -Thr eolts�rne -.hush A .!nitbounding out on the
miller is t'Inh held n marling at Igen- r,,,,l frightened _their horse. which 1
teller hist T1tuFtiday aflrrhi f fY} Irao :Ind 11 re the ncenpants out of
The Fast Street Footwear
and Repair Shop
WM. AHL, Proprietor
I)I RNIN I''S, Clerk. ' Opposite Knox Church Goderieh
Clubbing List
Tho Signal sod The Toront `6 50
Ti. Signal and The Toront• 6.50
' Daily Star
The Signal and The London 6 50
The Signal and The London
Free Press 6.50
The *goal and The Toronto
Mail and Empire 6.50
The Signal and The Farmers 3 25
Thr Signal and The Fessily
Herald and Weekly Star 3.0.1
The Signal and Saturday,
Night __.....:. 5.50
The Signal and Saturday
Evening Post .. 3 94i
The Signal and The New•
Outlook ... 3.9'1
T . Sigaal and Canadian
Homes and Garda. . 4 65
The Signal and The Catholic
Record 3,75
The Signal and Muteaa'a
Magazine 3 75
The Signal and Meetreal Wit-
nes. renewal 3.85
new 3.5,•
The Signal a e d World
Wide renewal 4.25
new 3.a'
The Signal •nd Youth's
Companion _. 3 75
The Signal and The Toronto
Star Weekly . 6 75
Tie Signal awl Red and
Gun 3.85
The Signal and The Canadian
Cosntrymnn 2 95
Rates With Otter Peri-
odicals May Be 1•lad on
A pplicetioa
Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner
Seam Laundry in Connection
West Street Telephone 339
■•■••••••H•awan •Illlllll• -•••catch••••• ■•■ ■/■hist$
le ,barna of the meeting. ett,ch--the .regular bu lae!a ton? ;rani the rooter, Mr. tlonakl ifurray'' ghoul- il
' Aminal Pl Moline,.
g of Rem ('of Knox netted and a report of the 1'.F.t► ton-
The nnnnnl hudnre-s marring of Knox or utas dlAlere•ntM and his arm fens- 1
United church WAX held 1n the hate- "'lithe, in T.rrnnt. w•as giw•n 1,v the !ural. Ills son was more fortunate •
sent of the ehureh on Monday after- delegM,, Mr. A. S. Kerni¢hen. Mr. and w'ns not A.•ripnAlr hurt. thonglt Aft.- •
noon Inst. with the mintrter. Ree. W. John tgartvetlry, o[ l;alerich township. talniag-route,-?lght bruises. Dr. Con-
n. -Alp. octupuytn¢ the chair. Repnrt, was present and shake n few words art{ „f l tto4tno�' !rave first std anrt nn -
were remixed for the -year ending i» about the convention al.o. Some tis- Mondry ll nt 11r. ix,nal,l Mnrray to
91 1927 Owls- t ,.... rnaPiou trork place regarding the ire London for tn•atma'nt. ht, 111 aeeetm-
mmttier o n,
meet. made n,t'les ry by nntnn the i posedlire stock pool and come elide -pewter him. WO hots• that ha will
year war' only for nhtt1 month.. Prom ; notion w•as Riven by Mr. lrthnr (MVP n study r•rnvery from the efTvcr.
now in the telling' yenr will eorrea- Fisher, who was prrteet at a trheting of his in.lnries. Mr. Nfurray it one of
in l pond with the calendar pemr. Therei trna�'eaii h county,delegates
Isutw appointed Wr : ana4Rluls'the ,R d plaThm of ne t tn1' i it.,at s,t
nm re•ente d at the rennet! meeting 1
I re p 1 slk•h n tmive and iron' *111 Iw• heard frit n,l..
tealthyt conthe itIon•churctin ou very
healthy ennditMn. There are some I tater Al ranvnsslag N going nn In other Telephone Co. Fleeting. -The anima
p f Ill and moiety two ' farts of tarI'rnvinee. The followj_ng meeting of the• tar•holders of the Gal
010(y -fire nm lea rich Rural Telephone Co., Limited
nlTrea-itae�irtert• The ^f1* tt'sulutlon. a tlon+ornl_._by. Mr. W.
I Young. was adopted: was
Startling Bargains in
Ladies' Dresses and Coats
Big Reductions in Ladies' and Men's 1.‘ inter Underwear
Visit 0111 'tor" :111.1 4,1, the big vnlitee we are ofTerillw
Smolders' Ready -to -Wear and Dry Goods Store
East Side of Square Goderich, Ont.
held at the otlhe ort�te tiMHetger.
1 That the p'.,,, te.1 old sire pen- Mr Thomas stothcn. on Someday
Pion net is etas,. legislation and not 1n afternoon. \ :ood representation •'f
the. lntrremts of the people of this 110- . the thar•hnklert was present. The an -
minion or Province As a whole, in that nnnl reports were presented and
it providee pensions for residents of , aowe.i the ('„rn tiny to he in a hesithy
urban h
an municipalities at the expxen.e of ciwditiou. Th.• election of otfl„•r. re
the nttal population of the 'Dominion stilted ns foll•,-01: 1'14•••1111.111. 11'. .1
nmol Province. Perk!, Aubuni oke-preAlrlent, )toht
. 2. That the DmrimrserFrh- ale pew- Me'AU-at.r, iltagannon; mnnnger,
slon wnttltl tend to draw to ('nttada a Thomas Iltnthrrs, ihuugnnnnn ; forme -
e111114 of tmdetlrahle immigrant*. and tan•-tressnmr. \. F. R-hvnrl. foment,
If other Pmelm'e, in the Dominion re- non ; director, 11'm. Italie. (ioderlch ; ; 1
fused to enaet 'huller tegielatton It Itotwrt Medd. .1 tbmni ; W. T. Riddell,
would tend to miner ngM pa►pte in Althorn; R. 41..11rtt. (imlerieh ; NV. F. 1
!nerve to fintario to fake advantage of Tints,. snsRnvo, and John i)nttow,
the prrlwlotrt. tireler!ch; and -''es, 1\'m. Mille. tkki- •
5. That a eapy of this tranlntlon M• ,'etch. And (Veil Pr.lenvrn. Dungannon.
nteeeesot1 to the tion. noon"! Fera„- .1n exrrlitive i•annsittie one formed.
OM with it request that hit Cabinet do i'omeosed of Dioetnrs Parke Me•AII1s-
not�entnrtatn the protwth-'i la•gMlatkm. ter. Balite And itwtn", to Attend to
t1tst'era ao Cath 1letootatllf.-('oatt , matters not melting a Meeting of the
!ti-nmll'1r, Igo. 5111. ('.OA'.. al Its saga• bell 1"`.5191.
1-- ne ting January Sinn! Installed the --_ - __.. .
carers for the roming yogi., pa fol- .111 men are viral. hat t1 e tn' •ata
tows: T.C,R., atm G. (clan: C.R.. Rm. women exhthlt 'or getting their own
A. Artie; V.C.R . Bro. 1.'Rerirlis 1rld : way are varied $alt Retorter.
Saturday of This Week Is the Last Day of Our Big
Annual Mid -winter Stock Reducing Sale
If you have not taken advantage of the many bargains being offered in our lines
of ladies' and men's wear, it will pay you jo do so now. There are great price re-
ductions on all lines of merchandise.
Ladies' Coats
nrr offering the hnlance of this tk'a-
lton's Indies' Coats at clearing pricer, as we do
trot -want fit -ear y-then!
broadcloth, pencildeira, needlepoint, suedine
and duvetyne. They are of various shades and
styles and with colinrs and cuffs of thibetine,
opossum, fox and sable. Various
t�7�r.00 1]p
sizes. gale prices map from
Ladies' Dresses
Satin -faced Canton, flat crepe, or ge•orr--
getie, light and dark shade.'. iteg- $1.95
alar $16 50 to $19 50, for
Ladies' Hats
UM ICS' Velvet fiat,. Rcanlar
15. $5.50, for
Boys' Overcoats - -
All this-.tison's g(xxdt. All sizes. Regular
priers up to $l i 10. Marked at clearing prices.
Men's and Young Men's Overcoats
I are offering the balance of our nien's
and young men's Winter Overeoats at eicaring
pritcs. TbiTiire This mason's latest area and
minutes. This is your chance, men, to get a
tutor's price. P.rices range
nfreowm.u..p-to-date Coat at less than manlike -
Ladies' ant Men's Wear West Si& of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont.