The Signal, 1928-2-16, Page 1• .,•• '
Our Clothing Rate
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Th, is no cheaper advertising medium
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tiaement is. in THE ISIGNAL it pee
right into the homes of the people.
OF HENSALL IS Charter Presented at Large Gathering
.An intersothig cvelIMR,. the prettell-
Itatlett 011 'Morality evening. 2nd inst..
of the charter of the loyal torme.h 44
: ..:. Robert Higgins Unseated Because the Canadian legion, Britleh Empire
.'•-• of His Holding Office of eerriee League. which took place al
..• , at s sal • Hall as part a the pro.
County Auditor
The election of Robert. Higgins as
Reeve of Tlemcen has been declared
void by decision of reutity Judge The foes tort of the evening WPll
1A.V10‘, delivered 4 III Tuesday. A new tecupled with euchre, after whir:Wee-
election will be teeteeery to till the freabments were Nerved. Major A.. F.
office. 19i. judgment was in the foe Sturdy, president of the towel branch of
Ih grain of a Pock I gathering of war
veterans There was an attendance of
about one hundred returnel men, re
resenting many different unit.' of the
the Legion, thee celled the gathering
lowing terms: ' to order. Thmrales stood in
This Is au application by Owen .l..-4
ent* for one minute In tribute to the
Geiger of the •Illage of Hensel', an glorious dead. Beef addressee were
relator, to have the election of Robert Oven by Lt, -('n! . H. e. Dunlop and
. Higgins as Reeve for said village fur Arcluite ,at Jones Tiatemen. atter
the year lies set aside and to have the which Conirtole Alex. Shields a Tot -
1d Owen Geiger declared to he duly , onto, Provincial secretary ef the Le -
elected as such Reeve, on the ground I gion. was ealled upon
that the said Robert lliggins was audi- Shiehie spoke of the work for whish gathering in commuutty singing, Mr. ft reed w g
for of the county of 'Huron, and an such ; the Legion is organized and urged it:oughts D. Major being at tiw piano. will take piece on Friday ceetIng of ' Word has beeu received of the safe
deburred front being elected Reeve. that in the interests of the returned After the (griper Mr. c. C. Ise, prod. this week. The bort are Plering arrival of the steamer Webers di .ke
40, . • ' Ot (MIT in Oederich hut threttglis tient of the ChM,
presented thetrophies woe teat eatsou ' Cive their support To attending the ihougli the Great Lakes anti down the
spoke briefly. and i sneloPY hoekeY And ibe pult'e should pan, ofter ber trip froth eoderich
was won by Mrs. Het,. Downey, of , - ift. Lawsseoe to the Atlantic, theme
to the winners.. The ladies' rose bowl , games.
Stratford, the Lloye eup by Mr. 11. C. ' Third Marine Mk Social north to eeecouver and thence acrosio
via the PIRTIRMA Canal to the l'acitie.
Young, and the Garrow ited Ellis cups The third escial of the Marine Club
by Mr. D. D. Mooney The room was tidy winter was held at the Masonic The Belehers, which lay Idle for two
the PaettiM her destination in Japan.
then cleartel and dancing Wits enjoy -tat Hull on Friday night last:: With meni- 1 years in Ooderich 'harbor. left here
*Wile turntables the music. tared about 225. Proms/eve euchre 'teased by the Japanese Government.
hers and guests, tbe gathering Mini- lin Nevem:ter, 1926. • having been pur-
lor some time, the Goderieh Dance En-
C'hildneee Ald tleyilay I tahk's being' eeewPied• ritt,en same,' lucky boat. end be certa'lnly had a
I was played for two hours. twenty nine I abe had the reputation oflbel»e an Me
At the February ameeting of the were played ond nine won &Ali 1 number of serious mbilinpa after
Chirtiren.n Aid Seelig/4 Mr. -G. M. of the tine prizes. theglre prize go- . leaving Gotierlon her long trip. The
Ingti,lira ('has. '1b'.ml the gen- i stew ehgeepa apersuenel Dom time
i tlemeres to Mr. TaILI
iCastle and Mr. Amos 9
consolation prises. Tbe
donated by Mrs. Mellw
Mobilo'. After lunch
by Steward Bonny a
The News o
Flhollater-Campbell Skew Alarm
The marries* of eirs. 'Marjorie Ball ' A.n electric siren,
Compbell. Godt.rudi, to Hugh Alex- tower of the fire hall as
ander Findlater, of Loudon, was quiet- the tewit's fire alaillifeetetre was
ly solemnized at the manse -of Chat- tested on Friday eateries. efee peg
mere Presbyterian church, London, on at the court house fen lettlnelestattelle`
Wednesday evening, February 8th, time, and while some the rel.
Rev. E. S. Olell officiating. A wed- more clearly °tilers Cgalti
ding supper was served after the cere- a more effective alarm, &gooses epee
stony. Tulips and daffodila were ef- has been ordered and idle be plated
Toe slt;NAI. PilliPTING1-4X).. LIMITED, l'ublishers.
A Greet Miniatr) Performed tbe
"r -
Lady Etangeliats
scAppeepriedien ter Gasterieb Harbor
eat .on- the r-fietimateo tabled the Rouse of •
street United church closed o
The three weeks' special service* at
addition to Cons at Ottawa last week in -
etude $75.000 fer teeterlch harbor int- riet•ris
Sunday night Imre weal the slurs
protements. While definite inforuka
was crowded to hear the farewell ines-
Lion Is not at bend, It Is underefeed
of the evangelists, Mks Helen
feetively- arranged, and the supper eourewbere on .
table, done in pink and White. WAS cell- two, along with tbe beleare 4.rperted appropriatioha for Mho pert of n ar o
teed. with the bride's cake. Mr. and , to make enough mane to (erre the ' are: Collingwood, dredging, Se -1.000;
Mrs. Piudiater will reside on Malt- ; purpose. Gated Bend, repairs to pier, $2,490;
heel street. Londota. . -- -- Kincardine.; harbor repairs and Me
1 Junior Hockey Len Results ' provements, $43,000; Lions Head.
Maitland Golf Cluieu Dinner Danes 1 Last Friday. evening eo seheduled dredging, $17,800, Mee . • e bird in a wonderful %VAT in
ver additional 1.1 and Was
dredging of the channel between the at, ggi" c't mkh. TIIO
that this amount to co
4.reee Bonin's 01
ouUstde breakwaters and the piers and
interest . tuanifeeted througbour the Chk4 Interest in the sitting of the
also, possibly, some further concrete
services and the large eoneregatious
Supreme Court in Goderich this week
reconst defier] work on the piers. Other
McMichael Sues for $5,000
for Injuries Sustained
in Accident
• Hist attended from night to night. even !eetitred In the action brought by Mrs.
in spite ue inclement weather, lade i Louise I. Mellichael and lwr husbend.
Garfield McMiehael. of the {lune' road
4.11041 CIVRIT"'thit the day of re% i% Al* IR
Lot a thing of the past The Milne/ I
. Just outside the town limits, stelae
U town and the owners of the old
iitiggS UM Hotline are toneerattst .
who Wee been used King Edward hotel property on King -
10 . Bible Chriatians
by th sem street The trial judge was Mr.
Out. of the meet delightful events of ' genets in the Lions 41.910 Motor hockey easstruction of reVetspent wall, $ , •
gets of songand die Ministre J„..201,,,,,t
like 800188011 was -the third annual din- league took place at tile Watt ntreta 000; Midland, harbor linproVeintm
tier dance of the Maitland Golf Club, rink. The first game was betweeu St. I $48,000. 4)a.4.11 Bound, harbor itn- lis Word. They are talented singers , .4
ele.'inftlinglittl.tMatlehonaeltattesuneldgla foofr‘l$51lett:
held at Hotel Beeford IRA eriday I George's ward and St. David's ward, , provenwi,te See,000; . Seugeen River. 'Ind eza:titionally fine speakers mil
ler l'ird last, about 1.1.30 o'clock, Mrs.
epee and the 041.00lua wag much pie R.4.11)41 game St. And we ward de- Soutivitileou, repaira to brealseater, with thee. messages. given in o en,(1
eveulag. There wan a large attend- the former winning by 3 to 2. 111 the repatrs to harbor Worts, $1(.000;
kindly and winsome way, they were while Walking along King-
joyed by ae thole present. Leming the fatted St. Petrick's; wa It2. Sir. K. $6,600. able to reach tunny whole heteti have sli):)1M1 tio,":4e.1`1,. feu into au open amtway
' in front, of tile old hotel property and
bir'e:rennileg*HYdirmit::::::;:lia31:11:1:inawiirtotar:41kie.111:.1vtiateitafsitliwiesextentin [1 utr..i...ittat. Ito;
The rest ter muses' The •steniner tielehfors'NLong Trip 141;11vit1"81: In I sustained severe injerite Which have
dinner hour Mr. C. K. Saundera led the J. Pridliam and Mr. W. towflouald re- .
their preaching. sane in their rnettiocie I been 'be tinny. of olut.h wail and die-
I:end:jaw.% exirshattee.
Counsel for Itobert 1,10
"Ord urged that the appointment of his , out the Dominion all the war veteran's
client asteut3tor was informal and 11- In this eonernunity abonld join the ors
levelly carried out; that the eounty modzation, finmrade ithieldis then
council had no authority to make said formally preareted the charter of the
appointment in the way they did that basil branch. Poet 100. whieh wax ne-
they had already by bylaw No. 1, 1927, (*fittrwl by Mejor Sturdy as preablent.
• appointed two auditors for the county ; Addreesee were given by ReT. R. C.
that one; baying been appointed treas. Melermld. Dr. W. Martin. T1r. Messina
urer for the wild cminty, had resigned and othere and. toperch and sone and
Ms office as auditor; that under tee- teerF-telling tilled several hour' before
lions 240. 241, 242 of chapter 233, Inc tethering dialassed with the sting.
1(.5.0. 1927, it was the duty of the ing of the Natimml Anthem.
Warden to lows appointed an auditor On ARntwthe morning litet the 7
to replace him. However, as the mid paradtal to At. Georgeao church. where
late Field Marshal Marl leak. The
1:tolrert iliirgius accepted the appOint• a service WI held in metnory of the
went made informally by tie. county
couneil and took the oath and carried
amt the duties of the said auditor, I
find that fact debnrs him from being to
member of the 'mid council. I accord-
ingly declare the election of the said
Robert IIIKrilltt Reeve 44 the said
village of Denote. and as such a mem-
ber of the scanty council of Huron, to
be void.
The relator hereto. Owen Geiger.
having attended the nomination meet-
ing st which the Kidd Robert Iliggine
'i -t nominated for the ri.eye.411p of the
village of Hero...ill. and being then, as
he himself *atm. /mitre of the ap-
peintment of the paid Robert Rimini;
act etelttor. and having, RR member of
the aid ...minty council, supported the
moiesemoinzppeor;i.wistztosi.Cort Iliggina to be
, teeing tnite102-
14deretion She etetptovy law on the sub -
jeer and the ease- of Coleman Va.
O'llnre, which has heinecited by oonn-
eol for both portico. that he should
bore settee openly for the information
of the electors nett the appointment
which .he had urged and knew of wored
dierienlify the 11,111 Robert Higgins as
11 enntlitinte Ilnd he done so, that
won I A • et1:11.1e4 the eh-et:me boa
they .14-sire'l. to nominate another
1 aseerditeri% direct that the erre
of Reel, ef the vilely. of bp
members of the town genteel elfin at -
ferreted the eerviee, The tweeeher woe
Rev. rept. K. E. IfeKegney. Lenclon,
who delivered a aersnon apprirpriate
the weasion.
Tomorrow (Pride yl' everting the
Legion continuing its he
bolding a weds] event in the Othi-
teletwe HAL
Blue Bird Electric Washers. Let as
demonstrate. Alf 'Pet:butt & eon.
vaennt an41 (bat a new election be
called for the purpoos of Biting _Old
offiee. - _ -----
1 might beeelas elligest to the county
"semen of .fluron. as I have before Ong-
04mted ea theln1 that in cutters. the mat-
ter ot delelliag h,s1wara and all ipat -
tent isertaining thereto be done under
the superehdon of the county 1:elicitor.
Alr in my opinion eonellientble trmible
rine espalier: wowed' be eitwel thereby.
Crider all the elreurnetenese think
T will le doing justice between the
partite by allowing verb party hereto
to ply hie men COPIA, Mid I go order
ntel dime.
Mire et the teem fledeleeh in the
county of Tinron. this 14th ay of Feb-
ntary. A.D. 102e.
Judge. Tinton
Shall the Fall Fair flip)
Elliott'.. magnetism as asperintend-
rut was eunsidered. Mr. Elliott's
health has nut been gold and Ids doc-
tor has ordered him to take a complete
rest. The Society, however, were tot -
willing to lose Mr. Elliott's servieett
and, instead of accepting itis resigna-
tion, granted him leave of aloseutse to
recuperate. Magee rat e A. Reid
offered his services fur carrying on the
work during Mr. Elliott a absence and
his genennis offer was gratefully ac-
cepted. Miss Framer, matron of the
Children's Shelter, also tendered her
resignation, to take effect March 1st.
This was accepted and it Was decided
to advertise 111 the county papers for a
new matron. The Society expressed
appreciation of Ina, Frasees Chris-
tian character, her conacientems per-
formative a tier duties and her kindly
care of the children under her dower.
Caput& Vpieelepals, et the. Proviogial
office In latrointo, was present At the
meeting and took part in Ha.
stone giving advice and encourage-
Jimmie doesn't care
ON THE BOWL/NG ALLEYS , tinge. and be itin't
' Soule. -I'M net engaged
Ou Thuralay won uvu__."nnti not in ler. and
itra- /1'1 to time as the voyage progressed, find
rt took the ; is beileved that of those who Alp-
zes were I ppd. with from eollerich only une
and Mr. M. stayed wier her right through th Ja1 - lived. AM thetimpresaive meaage by
pan. Thin roan, Pat Rutherford. a Tor- \Its, Riggs on "The Lost Sheep, Lost
beim eerved
onto man ha. since returnee to can- rein and Lot• -t Boy" will long he
that the patent' coma:eV Walk -They 1, fering.
tree the best we 'have ever _heard: 1, Wilfrid -T. McLean and Wesley M.
IMAM: their ministry Imre- -over ltst ; McLean were made defendanta to the
people sought 'and found Jesits Male. t
It was a moot heartening sight to pee , howl property belonging to them or to
uetion along with the eorponition, the
people at the altar weeping teer their the estate of their father, the late
sins, and members of the ' mown meheun.
acknewledging they tail never been
The elm. which was tried without.
converted. and longing for something
; a .jury, oa•up ed the court alt day
really M.finite In their 4.xperience, Men
, tt.taineadnv. a large number of wit -
who have known Victoria :street church nestros being heard. L. E. Istineey was
for fifty years say that never have ;eounsei for phtintiffx;
11141 then more cmeees'rul revival ; for the town, and J. C.IiMaEk.inits,*)1Knie..0
and the truth more visidly demon-
stetted. ,
The church on Pientley-lilebt w
tilled.- every available 'space being Me
Ms corps of
waiters the floor was cleared for
dancing. which <entitled until 11
o'clock in ,he morning„tie noode being
furnished by Mre Walls and Sleeve.
Thos Innen and Al*. McNevin. It
was a good, orderly d and the
event was much enjo
"Servo Cheeses," a
acts, Is to be given by
St. C.enree'm parish
and '1'neoday, Feb
'Is a weii,Snowasto
read mem" by Tie
vrthe iiiisiagetija-
o left by
is married by the tang
thirtieth birthday. He
of the old man's death
bet° the end of the fit
and it is through him that tieWS reflanIlltered,
Was received of the soar arrival of the I The subjects taken up se ably_durine
Bekbers at her destination. the three winter were RR follows" -
A redone Mood& Composition
In, Knox church on Sunday evening,
after the reeuler nerves.. Mr. Doug-
. lea Major gave the first part of a
unique mitsica1 composition -"The P11-
dy three grim's PrAiress.- narrative tone-
A.Ifle-je-irreenern for toren written by Breese
n Monday Austin, a Ivell known English com-
nd 21. Thla 1 Pew. 'Hurt ntt ing music Runyan's
with-etheat Allegory. Those who arc fatale
ago. JIM" lar tett& Bunyan's work will reetitze
.hut egaggliargoras gwiebeeZialioktrpe or
human emotions from the written word
front tialtford. M. Sanderson, 713, und a girl In the world well en
Mob eitoset, eits had tee eigeeet, scores hook her up the back -an
on Weir teams. 'Ilie Legion wou an is' neeried he
three !rum M.C.C. Nu. 3. J. Wood, But Jimmie has n chanee
778, and H. Young, 517made the beet has ReVell. and it is with
scores. The Bauxere Luk two from chances that the play
the Lions Club. N. natio", and AdMiStdon :Ale and C. S.15.
tha Monday Huron !ureters/alto won
machete hia
Ives news Into musket expreasion. tind this Is
‘I0114 tlaY what the composer 1104 sought to do.
term! And 'The composition is in twelve parts,
filtoUL Mar- part dealing with a stage In Pe-
larly hand- grimes experience. These porta are
• he says. title.' thus: 1 -Pilgrim's Enhapplitee11.
don't know 12, -Pilgrim and Ilia reties. 3 All-
gh to even gran. Wandering in the Fields. Shets
I've got to , Evangelle told Oontinnes Ilia Journey.
Mitrrha et_the_tiouar of the Inter -
1. The Value of a Soul.
2. Ti.• Prayer Perfect.
3_ Faith.
4. The Emir Sells
5. Peter Following Afar Off.
0. Lure Opportunity.
T. Glorying in the Crow;
ers TS. Hearers.
9. Ranettfication (entire -whet It in
.1 what It ist not).
10. The Rieh Fool. _
11. Spiritual Blinchwati.
Stratford I and It. C. Days. Jr.. for
the Mcleittle.
• pinietiffie. reams were 411Asputid.- _
at many points. Miss Irene Johnston.
who was a few Tanta 1041hIlt MTS. MC -
1110104'1 W hell t he tleciticitt o‘curre41
and who went to her atotistanets swore
that Mrs. McMichael did not fall in
the areaway at all, but on the side-
walk. Mrs. McMichael's evidence on
thee point watt corroborated by her
young mat who was with her. liedieal-
-evIdenee wile produced in Wri effort to
show that only minor tnjuriew were the
result of the fall and that other
troubles. from which Mrs. McMichael
has lwebeenident___Nuffering were present before
There was conflict, too, between the
corporation and the McLean* as to re."
sponsibility in conneetion with the 77*• -•--
areaway. Mclean* claimed that It
was maAgt bythtpi. j:1.1.01:4wir_witIntbrag
duced witneenes to show Wet cote had
on various' oceasions been 41elivered
thentith the areaway to tenants of the
property. The areaway is three feet
long tied thirteen inches wide. with a
twelve -filch plank for eovering. It is
on -the street, hut off the line of the
sidewalk. It was amight to be shown
tfint it was not open the day of the
tweident, an41 If it was open at night
ft wan Po hy ambient find ' without
toelledee of • he 41111-114.11r10.
14. Dar of Reekoning.
15. Bite of the Serpent,
16. Tsook I n 1111(41 .141.01110.
17. nevetting Sin.
13. Call to Sepnration. ,
19. Tragedy of Nearness.
29. Second Coming.
21. Clesed Doors.
22. Lost Sheep. Lost
lierb-essitiect we' hand'ea le et. In,
in fact he preter 1111.1 by the Crete. 5 -Nicene., _te.Ingent and perfectly_ satiefaetory
wny and even 11w. subjects themeelvet4
were sugerative to pinyon.- siesintits
of finding n- larger and more perfect
revelation el, nod
hew' `wren ..bsurnev to l'alitee Ileat'alftiT. 8--Thii-
eeneereadet Vrilley it ituntiliation and Combat be -
'urine' at !tweet' Pilgrim and Apoltynti. 7 -The
Vallee of the SlindoW of 1h-*th. S---
(411r".^.!_+Itterd utter the opening of-----
. Literary N;Init'nlltY4,411.nietien.49:1-11.111 Tel(Pee44:141.11:ns I.:1;g: "f TPahrte lyntal it'Inen,:rinyre511'.n.1;:dery moraine fc'r ,L11,1_,Er,,,ntii'fi:.:ai7y1,11nt,t1,1,,e(l.r.,r r*o2InIt7,4,eunno,,it anan zt:
mbly rtsom Chred. 11 -The Land of Beulah MA
ighe-- Tire the _Riser A Death. _12 The CeleN.111.,..nn „meet, .......1,,,,,.;
-rellit°°741eh" wilf" "1'1 ;win (liffr T wzrn penumt. tu. def4,11di,,Tr. utre'Tieffiretir---"-e"14°'9'11!"1"""l,rll;
., . . 4
tiller the City.
Benkers continued ;heir wiesting br of the. 6-arliCor4.1. :":111infri"1117
two genies from M.C.C. No. 2. A.
Murdock, tett, and T. Pritchard, rat, A meeting of the C.
were tee highest on their teams. 'The Society was bele in tbe a
Wile all three from. id.G.C. No 8. evening's prognim eas
- -The- fate- of -tbe- tiotterieh Agr-leilVi-preoented1WIreseept
laordehip curve re tartled 'stone
ming tip of the case nfter henring the
argument of vomited. butt retterved
Olefin Lepar4 we4 the-arat-eamt.- ,
y• _ , MS. _
tn. 14-"I" 1""Pnt T" thP the young women in . 1929._ Tuesder after:gem -
Mieere Ricer and Ranine ore mein- of Wingligni. to lourelmse an nittoorno-
ItaPf" 4.alnP`ddthIn l'u3t -11"vPr he' tiers a mi. NtrttaattFttrpf•rorat-,f`littrfil, kik-from plain in-- tending 1 Ilk
01,18 n000mebite at $I-oon and glrinr,
elieutte for $.100 rind the promissory
not.: Defendant Maimed he W118 in-
toaleated when le, mode the deal tine
the t he hnfl Attlee repudinted the bar-
lle cmtinued, however, trrerive
11,1;17 iteit.ntffr (hat had 1.4.11 ver141 by_ _
Ills Lordship tlismiosel the jury and
Rare indement for plaintiff' for the
ammint of Ids Oahe silkiest 14,1-
jupttnent ne +n- ewe -yew rentr ge tu ....sta•s.,44...t,0-4.70,,p0;
eontrnet end eoste.
N'nrtgrorto flt141 r.
Ibineey for plaintiff ; .1. (' Alakins,
nail J. W. itiknhtielil Winglin III I
for ilefeteleet.
O'Connor v. 01`..nnor. netIon to
have conveyance of Intel.: and trnn4.
fer of metiers vatettel, taut V
Knnekle et nl., nn neti.M for revon
Hon of prolonte n molten of a will
alleging heir of terstnmentnry mire -
elle, were eillnenteeseeteessepellotettet
Bleck. 427, and IL limber, SOL had tbe 'aillYery31111°
tuntl Society, and of the annual falltown council; and in the absence of eft lugu,t. woreg. The Bankers are now - I*Ilgbt Muteh, anI Itt taklltg part 411.1 fore been iirodueed n Ana' n tit . .
In the I need States and tee gradontes
fair which Is its chief COneern, is ill receive assistance from that body the in a tie fur fourth place, having won eat'ePtionellS weA. Maw Mutter made Major's undertaking therefore gives _
et the Cheter) Evnngeliatie Instillers
the balance. , Society must go out of existerwe. ten of their last twelve games. Do- a brief opening address, welcoming the - Ille people 44 elocierleh an unusual ep- Thev).kuvi. been worthy 4.4„prwevy rpennt.
At no time within recent years ha, The directors felt that they had minion Road Machinery Co. won two parents and revels of the wateumlenfitit! 1 rtinswritu,An.nituy.wiv:,-;010anlrfzilnlyi:ytnetetlt...ititillice Ittiir40tt tuvr74.telsitton whIrlt ea me to kind nnil
front M.C.C. No. 1. F. Towneend, 835, who %%ere present and who themselves heron,' any twee-
- the succeasful maintenance of We fall ' some right to look to the town couneil
and C. Hendrick, 759, bad the best billeted in the literary activities' of and it is Mr. Major", Intention to play
tinning well fitted for the grent work 1
fair been an easy matter; but In the; for the necemanhe ry help to tide orer the sew". tKlima. Sheth
also anked the NM- '11(14' 01 two parts each Sunday evening in whieh tiler Ar,- e- (mma
last two years peculiar Refortune hail -erten in the affairs of tbe Scieletv-_ It The Slearding dents for. electing her president and letter the church aervIce, until the work
been its lot. In 1928 the Dominion1 ia eertainly In the interests of the ' Made Mt ittiOil of lite Bee extent NI till- rompleted. •
general elections were on, and on the 1 town that the fall fair should be nettle
Dom. 'toad Mech. Co, -.14 I
Bankers 11 10
11 10
11 10
10 11
9 12
Lost aeleeted 10 work refit her and the
splendid :Oaf of teachers who were er
"blyrday"-Of the fair It happened that tainee. It riflemen n link tel town
! 5 always willing to ats-ist at any time At the meeting of the watt.r 81111
Mr. ifeigben was at Myth and Mr. and country which Gederich, more light cionmission 4.n Thitrelay night The regular meeting of the W.M.R.
King was at Seatorth. These meet- than any other town In the (-minty. and offer helpfulitozgritesed youonngs., pinytmc jag_isteruivianmuuivationn from 111e
of Knox churl% will be behl In the
trigs by the two party leaders drew the needs. This has been rreornised by a pleasing inetrumental solo. and a town council bearing on tire depart- !Petite. room on ties
Tho pianist,
crowd thst otherwise would have been town ceunells of the past that went to Monologue. "Aunt Nais Visit to the . meat matters were rtavivimi and ailed 2let. at 3.30 p.m.
was 1 apett. One of these, enclostng a cope At the evening PervI44, in the NIP
at the fair, and the result wage deficit conaiderable expense in providing Doctor," by Miss El5le Ninnter.
Ithhael la'tmtelnit174?: it oritri7eNtiadinrstsi:1:nrtseiThime'rort•-• 1 ti.worrmot chnureenth+n.t.;st %!4.1111ituilsit.y. 12,‘e (iitaiostric:Tu':
in the Society's finances of about $000. vowels rind building.. for the holding very funny and wll; well received by
of the fnir. Tor meny year'. too. WP 10 the andienee.
"Resolved, that the world is getting in "it the town water system. This 1 Time Coming for Theo World."
I was referred to the engineer to Inok -Services In Victoria sdreet. United
15 better," was the ettleect of an Inter-
chereh next Sundny will be as foe
16 esldng delete. E. C Roes and Helen 'Info and report. Another ...immunise -
Demean, representing the seniorcom- 11 eon naked the conanletion to instruct lows: Fellowship Maas. le a.m.; wor-
ths.- elnployees at the waterworks Went' ship, 11 a.m.; 4.1itirch ch
sool. 3 p.m.;
menial (-1111111, upheld the affirmative.
anti were opposed ie Um iiiitherleiedtswto theawnpeteenvo of-tim-fire Iter.,.' irt'raidit, 2 prin.+ awns- service .. at AL
and Gordon SfeMelea, representing •S•tem. TIlk was referred to the en- P.m.
form 11. The havii,,44 d,),,,,ed„n, Omer to arrange. Another asked the The Interne t i ono I interdettomina-
.1 If in , eommission to here all hydrants tested tionnl women'', day Of prayer will be
Huron Investments
Mona Club
W. C. F.
M. C. C. No. 1
M. C. C. No. 2
O. Y. Carey Bon
C. No. 3 0
Beltways 2
- •
In 1927 the North Huron byeeleettort
campaign was at its height at fair
time, detracting somewhat from tbe in.
terest taken In the exhibition. More
nerious, hoaeyer, was the feet that
only fire weeks before there bad been
the sureessful t'entennial celebration,
drawing the 'settle of the county
peatedet Goderich anti giving them
all they wanted of lior0c raeing and of
the attroettons of the town 'Nothing tnrilv bonded firer to the town berautte
much was attempted In the way of it wag felt that the town was In port
"tees 111 attractions- for Ow fair, tis it nership with the Soelety In romincting
was felt that tinder' the eircitmetancen the fair.
It V01,, well to avoid any unnecessotry The Whole matter 1* one whet the
extenee The exhibition wan, Mien enTinctl ean hardly Afford to d114
one of the heat In many yeerS hilt the Wet without a MOre merlon. effete on
crowd did not COM1, anti a further tiefl- Its part to once the eltnation
cif of isemit $475 resulted The deficit Coderieh needs the fnll fnir
of 1920 hnd been carried by pereneel To Allow the prise money to rernnin
note of officers of the Societv The linprild will be a mark against ;
th t w thet It will t k en Nears'
are informal. the town gnve an annual
grant to the Society which of recent
years line been rut off. (The neigh-
boring town of Clinton ere. an onnoni
grant_ of $100 to its onceeny spring
fair.) On the other hand. the town
tree enty received from enrphiee. of the
!Societe, In the years 1921 nril 1921.
!limy arnotinting to $(150 -snees %ohne
Gnat! next week: . ,s
Feb. 211--Itails‘ass vs. M. C.C. (1).
Feb. 2.3- -LIons Char vs. Legion.
Sanford vs. M.C.C. (2).
Iluron intestrownts VIL Y .
axnedrk "e that °NU.
Itankers. favor a the negative. are in tirst-clase oloserved In Goll,orich on Friday, Fel,-
his condition. Wiest n.g0 ni f „ runry 24. when 11 service will be held
,) 1,.. cure,. vs. 1) R. m. c.o. . Kix girls, trained br Vim Burwash, .
- ARTP a pretty wand exercise. The
G. C 1. Journal wns read lo Bert MC- et10119 ItilWatt deride,' to make an inspea- 1 In North street l'Ulteri ehnrch retor-
tion of the hydn'ints. Finally, the lectletng at 3 o'clock.
'ftp services In Ryas chttreh next
Inter- testing. Throe popte,ir notelet, wert• er"et smile prottelien ever 'the stand, Sabbath will he eott4ImetNI hy the min.
1 ff rom o n nem r
great part of flea was pie o
the reeeipta of 1927; And the prevent to 014100
deficit, anwountIng. with intereat, to The Melding" at Aerienleirol Park.
over 111100, it represented by prise If not need for the armee eehibitIon.
money and meeminta unpaid and a will be nn o more "'lead how" In 11
town that bee trio many already
Trele In the PtleeeP, ef the eplendid
Centennial celebration of 1027 will he
marred if. so a dime reline of that
smeeeest. an old nne naefnl ineltutten
of the teens sees not re tersdnessi
The town eminell se the enerdinn 01
the Intereets or the rminlettialltv 1. PT -
IMO note in the Bank. 1t RIIR not
to be corseted that the Offteera of the
Rocietv who had carried the 1920 died -
Mt would oblignte themselves permit:
ally to the ertent of over $1100, anti MS
the Agrieultnral enelety haft no borrow-
ing powers (the fair ground" and
Ihnildinpe are the property of the
town) the oneetton before the direct- peetat to give laiderwhip In matters
Ora it the annnal meeting wan %ow fel melt a* these, snot try action to be ef-
emery on. Ikle way out of the diffienity feetIve mn*t he prompt.
Ladies' league
The ladiea are taking a keen
e91 in the boating tournaments
standing of the teams in the
lengue is na follows:
•4, t 4,4 . 4,1,44 • ,14- 444,
Ka tzenjnmmer Kids 7
Blue Streaks7
La fetter Glee a
ca,kipirrriew 3
IntnrhelIR 3
Mann. and WON Wangling and inter- line reweave that the emitmlaalon
. The then lived h a troop of students pipe shutoff valve end put a light In leter. Subjeete fd sermons: 11 a.m..
Inale,,, , with elan,. ukeleles ;,ad, ohm); tinder memo. It wao (Welded by the eommtie- "The. Key", nf the Kingdom:" 7 11.1n., ,.
the leadership of Howard Youlle. *km to ereee 01 proper rotermseci ,,,,,e..1"Vicarloits Saeriflee." P011.1111t11 9e11001
lima The play. "No Mn wontm,.. wmit criote shed over the siontoff Valve and I and 1111114' claims at 3 o'clock,
2 I is,. 0 biiehmoi, to pinee an 01111 ('le light therein. and The regular monthly meeting of the
Lecky !strikes 9 ;mall the nlot im
On Wedneedny of last week Bine !her all scrap to he
Streaks won two ont of three tome.'
term INighthewks. For Blue Streaks
MIs'. Reta Plant, 473, WA the high
ewer Nrrn 1, 1,14)y.i. 433, was
best for Nighthawka.
On Tueedny of Theo Wel* TAVell0er
feria won two out of three gnmett
from VR1001400. The high aeorerot
were Mfg% lk ot y WP•thro•lk, 435.
and Met K 402.
Niehthowks won three atreiget
games from Temerells nn Wednommelny
morning For allebthnwea Ntre 1..
1,fr.t.d. woo, high with a score 4RS for
three OMAN NM fee ismnbens Mn Pareialeed for the 'd
mr,naoy. 026, seta best. future.
f e . .
plo)oeS are to make a daily visit to the
In the meintime the waterworks em- .1rtlitir Circle of Knox 'elitirch will be
gnu a colored maid, living In an apart-
ment. agree to have ne men "follear-
vele to tee thnt tin heIk In the leeture room on Rowley
ire ("neer R. The 'ermine. Februnry 20th, at f4 o'clork.
en" for 0 yettr, hitt egeh saintly de-
eelr,os the ethers/and Revere) cemical engineer Is to gather 'Tata ex to the In- Migs Wain"' and Mrs. Ital. .1ohnstirm
tangles mu, the real . ei, ntallotion of tin insmirinlit nt the 0111 fillre charge of the meeting.
peinilitio tothho.witul.tieniniite,n *oft
(Imre)] next finnsiay, as follow*: 10
Services at \ere' street rnIted
the unexpettef milting iet 01..1T:1,1,n:rill Orinvilll'ill.;:11;inthocat
1 im,.1,4,40,,, so water in the standpipe at all times'. tem., Men's (7,1111). felInvoship chosen
longer and the enlore4 veld 14 111100v0q11 Mr J. W Creech. fomented before
Iln (*In -mirage her .T111 1211TII'll'o," The the commission with reference to fite
charecter. were: rio la .%Itercro,, nee of fire hydnints and naked for bit-
-1 formation so an 10 reply to an enquiry
hie. the MOW, Mt. -4 Dolor. 41 !Attie
wnite1.3isebeth II. T. girl *barb.- 1 from his Ingurstwe company regard -
lot. Miss tetherine ," : Isohel Gain ; !nor dittleulty with a hydrnnt at the Mat
ger. girl haehelor. Mi Margaret Red ' fire The engineer wns liettrieted to
give Mr. ("merle st written report on
"(kat Save the KI brought the the matter. A Ilfrt of arreers of setter
rnte0 ma. prevented and 8118 referred
peoeram to a etas.
- The new One of 1, a Weer col- to the collector to fake the neeeemnry
id and the gine for collection of same.
faction 'moved very •.1
extlientive luirmnitinst '
ternot, no Olaf mow
kind' at Campbell's Drug Store
Phoebe 90.
t'ough remedial. All the popular
-- -
ott. 440064;('
bit -
*1814' 'AT be
in the neer
4, 4 1 y.
and Mission Rand "The Influenee of
Opinion on Onr Dally Life" 1st
the enbjeet to be discussed in the Metes
rho). nr. Messina will Introdure the
allitteCt. Public worship at 11 a.m. and
7 pm. ibinciny 0rhool t 3 p nt'
New tienlyning Series
The Wenn) commence" this week the
puhilentlen of n ton, of 0R rolo.ii-
Ing articles These tIrtlelPe Rep 8111,
ten by en expert, and will he of inter -
eat et this spnuon of the year when
gitclenera are thinking of spring. The
introdnefory artlete will he found on
page 2 this week.
liArpre Shortage Alleged
Miso Kate Kerr, of Seafer114 wan
'treated by Pr.:vim:he officer White -
4410 Treaeley toe brought la.fore
Mit gist rate on the charge of teen!,
Ing irtione.ya front the Ihtminien Bank
branch at eleaforth. where she waw
emple.‘,..a i-* tt•L 11.r Mi... Kerr, eh.)
wit'( 44 treeted_employee of the Brink,
has been limier suspicion, for inane
weeks, and ‚.1111 stopeteled pending the
result of an investientIon by the Bank
auditors which 10 raii.1 to have rt.,-
eenled a law phortatte. nmounting to
a pproxlmntely 11.000. The a 'legal
peen la film, tore believed to bare
covered it period of sly y -ears 1111.1 were
clererly ceneented. the abeolute eon -
&knee pineal In the 'wined by the
mamma- of the Bonk assilstIng Iti this
{;VerValid t. MI00 Kerr is lid to be thit-
.four year! of age. /Ter parents.
.who formerly lived In fleaforth, both
dled within the poet tear,
Ball of 1111.000 wag furnished by
spa forth people. the 'reclined tel appenr
eeforo Magistrate Reid at Reafortb
neat Tneaday. John Beet. of RAP frvrth.
appeared IR couneel for Wet Kerr
Mir. W. 11Terri announce5 his annnal
Folmar, Mee m010 In the mide,erthrins
enhtenor itt this tomes The sae corn
111(0110P0 Reelect:ay. Febnery leth, en4
will mutinies to eatnelay. March ard.