The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-28, Page 20At ASKON &,„„LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR • Jim cmcf•Syke Sutheiland • .P orte 5284126 PAWS. 1r1 NTY siste,teiv laticKNOW..OSTAR119 • ••• ;1+41 • Or, JETHRO'S GOING BACK TO. THE OLD. COUNTRY - Lochlo Jethro. EMC 1628 recently joined \ the elite of jet-setting Ontario cattle.. 'He is leaving Lochlo. Charolais Farm near on the week end 'for France, with the distinction . of being the first Charolais bred and raised in North America to be exported to the country where the Charoiais breed otiginated:- . Ontatio—Minister of Agriculture and Food William Neiman (left) and, John Devins, who . owns and operates the' farm in. conjunction with his wife Alberta, send their best wishes with Ontario's latest envoy. The arrival in Paris of, the two-year-old bull'will reintroduce a virtually extinct bloodline into the French breeding prograin. Of particular interest in this community is the fact that Leroy Rintoul Of Whitechurch is employ-' ed 'as a herdsman at the Devins farm. . Leroy and Mts. Rintoul transported 'the,' animal to Harris- burg, Pennsylvania for the flight to France. " • -photo by the Ontario. Ministry '.of Agriculture and Food. IDEAL SETUP Inflation would be wonderful if it covered incomes only, and other priCes stayed put. By The 'Sentinel •••••••••....4- THAT The new Warden of Bruce County, Alex Lamont of Saugeen Township follows in his father's, footsteps. His father, the late •Dan Lamont, was Warden 20 years ago. It is only the second time in Bruce that a father-son 'combination has served. in the Warden's chair. Lucknow''s Reeve George Joynt Was Warden in 1959, • twelve years after his father .1. Wesley Joynt of Lucknow served in the top, municip- al post in -Bruce County. THAT • • This part of Western Ontario has been . "tied, up" . completely this past few weeks with wintry weather that has given an extremely heavy fall of snow, high winds that have produced zero visibility, record low temperatures, freezing rain that . made the week end driving hazardous and then Monday's thaw that had water running, every- where. School cancellations have been numerous. 'Much of the weather problem ws very localized with improved conditions .further• inland from Lake Huron, For those southerri Sentinel readers who. might be finding the Florida temperature slightly cooler than average, enjoy it, it could be much worse. a farm house to calla wrecker. By, the time he and the wrecker got back to fhe sce the ne, several Vehicles had joined pile up and about $1600 damage had been done to the Peterson vehicle, Visibility at the time on Highway 21 was very podr. • THAT • Lucknow District Lions Club is planning a meeting to determine interest in the formation of a Leo Club .for.young' people '13 .to 18 inclusive in the community. 'The date has been: changed because of conflicting activity that night. The new- date is Wednesday, February 4 at 8 p.m. at the Banquet Room 'of the Mayfair Restaurant. - THAT Jim • Sutherland . of Lucknow broke his foot recently while snowmobiling on the 2nd of Kinloss. Another snowmobile injury was Ross Irwin of Lucknow who injured his,knee, also snowmo- Ming in Kinloss. , - - Alex Lamont Is New Bruce Warden Saugeen Township Reeve Alex Lamont;. 45, is Bruce County's. warden for 1976: THAT 'ed He received 21 votes• and his sole' opponent, Arran -Township Reeve Roy Hammel! received 10 votes at the inaugural meeting 'of Bruce County Connell Monday night, of last week. • Also nominated , was Southamp- . ton Reeve .Sid Dunning, who declined. The new warden succeeds Ward- en Albert Worrall, Reeve of Teeswater, who invested • his suc- , cesser with the chain of office. The oath of office was administ- ered by Bruce County Judge P. S. MacKenzie. Warden Lamont said: Pit was 20 years ago that my father, ReeVe Dan Lamont was elected warden." The warden urged 'heads of all county departments, and the com- mittee chairmen to avoid high increases in their budgets. He said he feelS„ however, that Bruce County can lead the way in this issue. , -He was referring to guidelines recently outlined to all elected municipal officials regaiding infla- tion. , • Warden Lamont, a beef farmer, served two years as a councillor and is now entering his sixth year. as Saug.een ,Township Reeve. • Present at the inaugural were his wife Wilda, sons Wayne, Robert and Gary, his daughter Doris,-Mrs, frank Eagles and her husband, January 28 toiFebruary 3 Continues ALL LADIES' JACKETS AND FULL LENGTH COATS Sizes 7/ 8 - 15/ 16 10 18i 18% - 22% NOW . CLEARING OUT 'AT THE ABOVE SPECIAL IS GOOD FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. SPECIAL RACK OF LADIES' JACKETS IIND FULL LENGTH. COATS Jim Peterson of Lucknow receiv- extensive damage to his car in the mid week storm last week. Jim went the road on Highway 21, near the of Huron, and went to