The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-28, Page 34 INSTANT, ENVELOPES 10 x 1 OZ. PKG. NESTLE HOT ;CHOCOLATE WITH PORK IN •TOMATO SAUCE CLARKS BEANS 19 OZ. TIN V .‘„ THE LUCKNOW smiTtlist. oxicuow,, otiTARfo Alex (Sandy) MacLeod of Wing- ham, formerly of Lucknow,, will observe ,his 90th birthday on 'Sunday, 'February 1st Mr. and Mrs. George Ncwbold of Lucknow have returned from a holiday in the Barbados. Mrs. Mari MacIntyre of Ashfield • and Mrs. Cliff Crawford of Lucknow spent two weeks in 'North Vancouver, B. C, visiting with Mrs. Crawford's daughter Joan and, . granddaughters Michele and Lori. Mrs. Joan Robinson, 2nd conces- sion, Kinloss, received word, last week that her step-mother, Mrs. A. Lobb had passed away in England. Mr, and. Mr's. David Hird of Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland Were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greer, Lucknow. While serving overseas with the air force during the war, Harold played hockey and was billeted at the Hird home. They have kept up a correspondence since that time. Harold and Eileen visited with the Hirds in ,1971 while on a holiday • trip to Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Hird had been visiting with their son and '" family at -Ridgeway, 'Pennsylvania and were on their way to Malton enroute home. Jack Webb of Calgary, 'Alberta is visiting with his sister Mrs. Allister HUghes and Mr. Hughes of Wingham, forMerly of Kinloss Township. Mr: Webb was a former resident of the 12th ' of West • Wawanosh and it. is over thirty years since he has.been back to this area. Mr. and Mrs. Farrish 'Moffat, Wingham, entertained a nuniber of relatives and friends at their home on ,Saturday evening in honour of their-father, Mr. Alex MacKenzie, Lucknow, on the occasion of his 91st birthday. Honoured On 25th Anniversary STRAWBERRY AND RASPBERRY (WITH' PECtIN) wilvicgspAy,. JANUARY 21s • „ WHITECHURCH NEWS On Friday evening relatives, Mr. and. Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw, , Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr gathered 'at the home of . Mr. sand Mrs, Kenneth Laidlaw, Lucknow to celebrate the 25th Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs'. Elroy Laidlaw. Games were played during 'the evening. The, relatiVes presented them with an electric coffee pot, electric iron and a 25th cup and saucer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw of Windsor spent the week end with their parents ,Mr. and' Mrs. Elroy .Laidlaw and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Elliott. CommuniOn services were held at‘the United Church on Sunday in, charge of Rev. W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore and family of Riversdale Wefe Sunday visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Walter Moore and family. Brian and Paul Falconer of Sarnia were week end visitors.with Mr. and . Mrs. Robt. Mowbray. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw,, Janet and Kiniberley were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr of ,Blueval.e. • Congratulations to Mks, Ella" Johnston on being one of three" , winners :for the r$1000 on the radio bingo. . Saturday visitors with Mrs. Ella Johnston • were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence-Ritchie, 2nd coticession of •Kinloss, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Johnston, Carol Anti and„Ruth Ann of Listowel. .1%.4r. and Mrs. Carman Farrier arid Brian of Toronto are spending a few • days with Mrs. Gartiet Farrier. ' Wednesdaylast, My. Walter Elliott and . Mrs. Archie Purdon attended 4-H Training— School it bue to weather., conditions the second day of the training school, is 'scheduled for February 3rd. Any girl 12' years Of age who 'would like- to stady• the project, a cooking one, are asked to telephone either Mrs. Elliott or Mrs: Purdon. The Ontario March of Dimes is in its 2Sth year of service to the province's estimated' 750,000 phys- ically disabled adults, Please give generously when your canvasser calls.