The Lucknow Sentinel, 1976-01-14, Page 12THE -LUCKNOW. .SENTINEL offers a complete selection o wedding announcemonts styled for the discrim- inating, ask for . . . Feed at 51b. per head per clay 'for 28 days, mewl THE LUCKNOW SEN1INEL, LIICKNOW; ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1976. 0',RPLE GROVE NEWS WMOBILE MISHAP 29 year. old Huron. Township.' was . injured late Saturday. night when his snowmobile struck a• 43arked, wire fence near his home. The injured man, Don Thompson Of R. R. 3 Ripley, was able to the machine, home, where an arnbu- lance removed him to the Kincard- ine Hospital foi treatment and: Stitches to his face. The accident occurred in a heavy snow storm and poor visability near the corner of the Kincardine Huron Township boundary and the Huron- Kinloss boundary on Morley Scott's farm. urol...AtteaMort . CAR ACCIDENT • - Two other area residents were also injured in 'an accident on Fri- day evening, when their care went out of control,, left the toad and struck 'a tree on the 6th concession, ,,ettst of the fifteenth. Morford Mackay and his son. Bill, 27, both of R. R. 2, Ripley were removed by ambulance to Kincardine Hospital. Bill was treated for cuts and bruites andieleaSed. • Morford was -transferred to LondOn's Unixersity Hospital with a broken leg. Mrs. Julie Storgard, of Indian Saskatchewan, returned home last week after` spending the holiday Season with her daughter and .scin-in-law 1VIr., and Mrs. Bob - Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. °George Enierion and' Bob entertained Dr. and Mrs. Jim Emerson, Frankie and Susie, Mrs: Lillian ChUrch of Leamington, Frank and Joe EmerSon and Miss, Ger$Idine Emerson on Christmas Dr. and Mrs. Jim Emerson and family returned Mrs. Church to the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Church, in Leamington and enjoy- . ed New Year's celebrations with them. . Mr. and Mrs. George • Einerson and Bob spent New Year's Day with Frank ,;land Joe and 'Miss Geraldine ErnerSon: Mr. and Mrs. , Bob Thompson, Robbie.and Todd: visited on. Chrisunas Day with• Mr. and; Mrs. Dan ?filler and family in Kincard- ine. Miss Kathy Dore. who has been in Regina, c.;skatchewan since last fall, flew home Christmas Eve to airpzise her family and friends for the holiday season. Cathy returned to Regina, on January 4. Wray Thoinpson returned home from his travels on December 27. -He will re-enter school in January to complete his Grade 13 subjects. Mr. and Mrs.•'Hartie' Thompson. Don -and Wray entertained Mrs. Randy MaeDonald. Tamn4.-, and Kim. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Thompson. Robbie and Todd and Mrs. Julie Storgard on December. 28th for their family Chrittmas supper. Visit' lig on Boxing Day With Mt: and Mrs.. Victor Gawley were Mr. and Mrs. Don Chadbourne . and Tracy of-Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Deviayne Greg and girls of Elmira. Mr. and. Mrs. 'Barry Johnston and Lyndon and Ada. Lettie and Ethel Gawley of Ripley. . Mr. and Mrs. Gawley spent New Year's Day with Mrs. Olive Needham in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Den Robertson celebrated Christmas Day with Mrs." Cameron MacDonald. Luck- now and Mrs. Goldie Flaoston in' Ripley and spent New Year's Day with' Mrs. J. B. Breckenridge in Ripl r. • • Mt. and Mrs., Don Dore and family spent 134.1xing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins. The, Dore 's entertained MrS. Claude Dore Sr. of &pie and Miss Merle Stewart of Walkerton on Christmas Eve and celebrated Christmas •Day with Mr. and Mrs. William Wood and David in Durham. Constable Jim Dore of the Wingham O.P.P. spent the New. Year's week end at. his home. Other visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Dore 'and family over the holidays were Jamie Farrell, Margie Col lins; Dave Lockheed, Joan Render: . son and 'Lynn Hodgins, Mr. • and Mrs. 'Earl Oiled enjoyed Christmas 'with their family, Mr. and Mrs., Paul. Green- wood, John and Paul, Mr. and Mrs, John Farrell and Mr. and Mrs. Stepehn Elliott of Upsala and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. of Kincard- ine. Mr.• and Mrs. Cecil Sutton and, family spent . Christmas Day, with Mr..and Mrs. Wib Hodgins in Wingham and Boxing Day with Mr.. and Mrs. • Lyman Sutton in Tees- water. Mr: and Mrs. Don McCosh, Mrs. Glady Arnold and Mrs. George King enjoyed New Year's Day with' the Cecil. Suttops and on Sunday of this week Mi. and Mrs. Sutton entertained Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle and family and Miss.. Janet Lackner of Ottawa. I think, Mr. and. Mrs. -Francis Boyle, topped our, list with guests , over the holiday. • On Christmas Day they were hosts to the Farrell branch of their 'family, which numbered thirty-three Wand includ- ed Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hawes of Point 'Clark, Mrs. Bessie Farrell and boys of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Alexander and family 'of Pinkerton, Mr.. and Mrs. Wray Farrell and family of St. 'Thomas, Mrs. Alberta Farrell and Mrs. Myrtle McCormick of Kincardine.' On the week end between Christmas and New Years Mr. and Mrs.. Hans Spring,,. John, Susan and Megan from London visited the Boyles, Mr, Spring was especially interested in the Swedish Hockey team which played in Ripley over, that week end as he was. born in • Sweden. Three day guests with, Boyles over New.Yeth were Mr. and Mrs, Chris Benoy, Kenny and Jennifer of Ajax. Mrs. Blue front paisley visited / with her daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs: Norval Stanley for Christmas week... Visiting with the Stanleys on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Doupe of Millarton, Mr, • and Mrs. Morley Scott of Purple" Grove, • Mr. and Mrs. Art Helm and family of Tiverton, Fred Douple and Miss Susan Brooks. They all celebrated New Year's pay with Mr. and Mr1k. Art Helm in Tiverton. John Collins returned to. Water- loo on Sunday `evening after spending his Christmas vacation in Florida. .Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins, Margie Collins, Dave Lockheed, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McGillivray and Kelly of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Young, Vickie and David of Kinloss celebrated the Collins family Chriltritas ,,with" Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Schmidt and family in Mildmay on January 3. • „ Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins and Margie and Dave Lockheed spent New Year's Pay with Mr. and Mrs. Ed McGillivray and •Kelly in Goderich. 111111111, lere's the' answer for starting feeders safely and smoothly onto:-full feed with a minimum of problems. Shur- tarn cFeedlot Starter (140)8virt.GAureo 8-100 This is the program to start cattle onto full• feed silage, hay; or grain finishing ration. Available in bulk or bags. Extra high molasses level :assures excellent palatability.. tontains 'good bal,ance .of 'essentii;hmine-rats,vitamins and. ,energy levels:— All natural protein Sources for easy digestibility... Economical to ,us.e. This pelleted starter- will move cattle onto, full -feed. without the expensive set-backs of 'shipping feller” and stress-induced health problems." Fortified with ideal levels of Aureomycin and Sulphamethazine to treat respiratory diseases and minimize effects of stress.