The Signal, 1928-1-26, Page 3T The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. it3ualt Printing First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job of printing well done. Telephone 35 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JANUARY 26, 1928 Specials IN House Furnishings Rugs Linoleums and Congoleums Curtain Material at Clearing Prices Our new spring stock of Rugs has arrived and these are being offered at attractive prices W. WALKER "OMs the chemist she heats the essr Furniture and Ilteuse Furnishings The Week at Ottawa By R. J. lleachu►an t �t�wa; Iii. 21. -These are the dog days et Ottawa --out climatically speaking, but from a political view - 'mint. Not much drifts to the surface, but there must be u tremendous amount of politico" thinking. Many people are under the Impressiontha t democratic government is government by Parliament. Nu doubt Parliament has some influence, but it is )mpwssible for the cynic to dodge the observation that we have several kinds of govern- meut-and the men at the head never lack advice. During the pest week, there was a rush of It. tieingattnsof all kinds and messages galoreswept fa - uponthe mot ote maalavtlemin 'eased e eome of them need it, too. Every town on the St. Lawrence wants to be the terminal when the Welland Canal is finislnd. It Is Ineky that I'ort Nelw)n had no municipal existence or the ter- minal of the Hudson ]fey Railway could never have been changed to Churchill. Manufacturers want more tariff; creamery men ask for a tariff on but- ter. but not on cream separators or pumps; and Mr. Bird of Manitoba wants the Tariff Board abolished. So, take it altogether, the Government has a busy life. See the Original Etchings By 'Lehi. le T,u,:l, M.1) A"I Smith's Art and hitt Store Fant /Street Phone 1918 Birthday or anniversary greetings -by telephone When • birthday or anniver- sary comes around, and you want to congratulate a dis- tant relative or friend, what that you could buy would mean so much to the recipi- ent as the cheerful soucd of your voice over the tele- phone? With the first words of your greeting by Long Distance, memories of days spent to- gether flash before the mind and the moments glow with these shared recollections of the past. One of the greatest blessings Long Distance confers is the opportunity for renewing and strengthening the ties of friendship and affection be- tween those who are separ- ated by distance. Try it. wliweey Ball Telephones fe s Lowe Distance Statfoa." APPOINTMENTS TO ASSESSMENT DEPT. SAME AS LAST YEAR The members of Parliament deserve sympathy. Leat year the Government advertised for a man to play the new carillon. There are very few carillon players In America. One day a West - i rn member told me he had a letter from a man in his constituency asijing for the Joh. "He 1s the one-armed Janitor and bell-ringer in our local chnrch," sold the M. 1'.. and he walked cway sorrowing! Deputation Presents Position Agricultural Society to Town Council The town night feat. present. Mayor MacEwan stated that he had a letter from the Women's Institute wftlt regard to the proposed rest room. Councillor Battle said the special com- mittee was looking into the matter. A notice of the convention of the Association of Plumbing and Drainage Inspectors of Ontario, to be held at Catharines, was referred to the public work committee. A request from Mr. Dudley Holmes for permission to prune tree& on the street at his residence on Colborne street, at his own expense. was refer- red to the public works and parks committees Jointly. A, communication from the Ontario Municipal Association Baking the coun- cil to remit the membership fee of $25 was referred to the finance committee. A letter from James Buck with re- ferenee to the condition of the town dump grounde was referred to the pub. lie works committee. A letter from the Provinclel Depart- ment of Health with regard to the fox ranch proposed to be established In town by Geo. E. Johnson of Varna stated that the matter was within the Jurisdiction of the local board of health, and was referred to that body. Appeals from the Canadian Social Hygiene Council and the Salvation Army for grants In ald of their work were sent to the finance committee. An application from Jas. Buchanan for a permit for the construction of a glass porch at the Colborne Apart- ments, oa Newgate street. was refer - ma -to -tie fire committee. - of council met on Friday with all the members t. lertcd that there would he a large at- tendance of out-of-town people. The townspeople themselves did not take as great an interest In the fair us they might. Councillor Bailie expressed himself as in sympathy with the Society. it would not tie in the interests of the town, be thought, to attnw tete fair to be discontinued. Reeve Turner also spoke in favor of maintaining the exhibition. lie thought the demand of the tlmea was for spe- cial attractions at the fair, even if the admission charge were Increased. The Mayor also expo -sled sympathy with the representations of ttie daepit- tation. On motion of Councillors itailie and McLean the matter was referred to the finance committee. A striking statement was made last week by Hon. P. J. Venlot. He stated tbat he expected. if be remained on the job of PostmasterGeneral, to see mails moved from Montreal to Van- couver in one day. The suggestion brings up a noteworthy fact and yet nee generally overlooked. The post - office in Canada, now and in the pest has been well administered. Handling mall over • tremendously widely scat- tered territory is done with a maxi- mum of efficiency. Complaints are rare. When they are made they are looked atter with • themeless that is a splendid tribute to the men on the Job. Only a short time ago there was a cut of one-third In the postage rate. But the Postortke Department seems to have bridged over the resulting Ions. Postage on a letter cost you two cents in 1914 -it'. the same in 1928. Nance a few other things which have not ad- vanced in price since 1914. Onyx Archgrip Shoes FOR WOMEN Onyx Shoes are wonderful Shoes for fit, eomfdrt and wear. We carry them in stock from A to D width. W. HERN Sole Agent for Onyx Shoes The Square Phone 43w :lir .Iona Aird. of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, suggested a few days ago that the Minister of Immi- gration shnold call a conference on the question of securing more settlers for Canada. Everyone 1s delighted with the friendly interest taken by the bankers in public affairs. though the value of such conference may be doubted. Some years ago, Lloyd George said: "There are conferences of all kinds. for peace and war. for churches earl for encouragement of aviation. for this and for that; but nothing 1s rover done at them. They generate a friendly feeling -they 811 certain people with the Idea of their own importene. hut aside from that they are useless." There Is a measure of truth in this strietnre. Busy men have little time to think of the nation's troubles; there is more chance of hopeful siiggestlms from a live clerk in the Department than from a man who in the midst of a t ou m w r. maker up at the in- vitation of a Minister and exclaims, "Yes. i must give thea matter a few momenta' thought for my country's sake!" 11idalett_nn Campbell _Appointment The finance cnmmtttee reported. re- commending that the town take up the Dhominlnn Road Machinery Co. bond; that a grant of $50 be made to the Children's Aid Society and $15 to the, Sisk Children's hospital. Toronto; that the 1927 eonnty rates, amounting to $11,353.50. he paid na sroon as financial arrangements are made, and that the Reece secure from the county n state- ment of the amount spent by the county on Mads in the town of Goderich (hir- ing the year 1927, wltb details of all such expenditures; that 11. T. Edwards he re-engaged as assessor and tax col- lector for 1928 at $1100, the same as tart year. add that Wm. Campbell be re-engaged as advisory assessor at $400 for the year, the same as last year. The committee reported that the Bank of Montreal had agreed to ad- vance necessary funds at live and one- half per cent. interest. (This is one- half per dant lower than last year.1 Objection was taken to the clause referring to the reappointment of Mr. Campbell. hut the report was upheld on the following vote: Yea-Miinnings. Bailie. Got d. ('ral- gte. Mat•F1wan-6. Nay Turner, Curt, Sproul. Mclean -4. __ }:Id:11'I'V YEAR Ne) 4. The Weekly Farm Bulletin Federal 'butter and cheese grading figures for 1927. now complete, show that butter upon the whole improred in quality, while cheese_ ,fell (muy_ a trifle. In pasteurize) butter there were fewer "specials." but more "firsts." anti the eonrblutd spas pals and erste fur 1927 total 70 per cent., against 70.5 tier cent. in 11rlft. In unpasteur- ized butter, the snake of which is ,the other years mentioned had shlppped dropping year by year. the percentage of firsts rose from 70.3 to 73.5. only 90,000 to 100,000. There was little change in the qua*- 4' litry.Alr- 111y of cheese made. In 1920 the per- I Dryness and fresh air are more im- centage of firsts and specials totalled I pourtaut in the stable aud hetibouse 883: 'til 19'27..87A In Ontario. which t tban is warmth. The temperature 414446 -et -1.1be.-Canadlas.4-wer-emen- To as as output, the percentage was exactly 0* an serious results if the plate is same In both years -922.(1. quires no otter explanation than the I lingering effects of the great strike and the heavy shipments of "aeon from the Baltic countries. During We last six months of 1927, for instance, arrivals of bacon totalled 220,000 tons, ugulnst 192,000 tone in the same eh months of 1920 and 177.000 tons in the t - sante half of 192... Of this. 1=000 tons came from Denmark, wbleb 1n Getting Anxious. A letter from Messrs. Heys k Hays. on behalf of the Robert McLean Ea - tate and Robert Winter. claiming ex- emption from taxation for sewer con - stray -thin on the Huron road, was re- ferred to the court of revision. A communication from the clerk of the Legislative Assembly stated that a charge of 25c each will now be made for copies of btl}C, or $12 far all bills and the Votes and Proceedings for the erosion. Tide services *Ms formerly rendered without charge. A communication from the Brays' Training School at Bowmanrille, en- closing an account of $85.50 for the maintenance of a bey to that instltu- tlon, was referred to the special com- mittee. Deputation from Fall Fair Beard A deputation from the Agricultural Society was beard at this juncture. and made a statement of the circum- stances In which the Society finds It- self after two years of deficits In the operations of the fall fair board. Those who addressed the council were Thos. Gundry, E. R. Wigle, Jia. Connolly. Dr. W..7'. Clark and W. H. Robertson. it was pointed out that the Society had slew years ago banded over to the town sums amounting to $6550 from Its surpluses. The Society could not borrow money ; the assets all belonged to the town. The fair last year was a success In point of exbiblte, but as it was only a few weeks after the Cen- tennial celebration it was not to be ex- White coni-ehetrieal energy -will supersede all other Canadian questions before long. Canada In fortunate In the pnssewuion of enormous water - powers. Of theme, the richest are on the St. i.awrenre in the national sec- tion ertion of the river below Cornwall. There is 220,000 horsepower In the in- ternational section. which would 1* shared by Ontario and 'New York Stat.', If the St. Lawrence (lima! were deepened. but In the Quebec see - tion, It is estimated. the pntential de- velopment is 2,901.(1(*) horsepower. The Soulanges section alone. embracing eighteen miles of rapid and sham water frim Lake St. Francis to lake St. TAW'S. Is capable of developing 1.979.- 700 horsepower. while the i.achlne Pee - tion. embracing T.nk.' S(. Louls and the rapids and shoals from that T.nk.' to Montreal harbor. n length of twenty- three miles, will prolute f0)(*1)0 horse- power. it is not surprking thnt private In - termite would like to secure the oppor- tunity to go ahead with this work. Quiet. Homelike Comfortable Man yy travelers stop at our HOTELS because they find quiet surroundings, home7/ke atmasphese and comfortable a tnxiitvmodations at moderate prices. $2 0_! ie 4iote[s MADISON • LENOX mwaaa► NW OMAN* UMW swPN Osmose Committee Reports dry, but if 1t is damp the animals are uncomfortable and in the beuhuuse "Dere it is late January, and alt ores an!combs ere freezing long before that temperature is reached. southern. Ontario, where moat of the Dryness and fresh air are both se - wheat and fruit of the Province Is Deo' c,ured by ventilation; but veutilutluu dorsi, the fields are absolutely bare does not mean drafts. of snow, and have been so for several I - Too Muth? weeks. Farmers see getting anxious Caste about this condition. as a sharp drop '1 Some people try to economise en in temperature to below zero would feet" for the pullets; others save a few be hard on uuprotrw•ted ileitis gild or- ( cents per blvd by buying cheap chicks shards. Even without extremely se- or au Inferior cockerel. Both courses. vere cold. thawing In the daytime and are far from economical. , freezing at night is not good for wheat Od an experimental farm down in 5041 clover. A foot of snow would heI Nova Scotia "t-vot,owy" in feeding generally welcomed. gave this result: Tweet) -four birds Three Falters. I were fed a light winter ratlou ; they I laid 1'21 eggs; the feed cost $19 for A ""setter need campaign" is under . the period of the test ; eggs teat 41.88 way In Ontario this winter, with em- ler dozen Twenty-four birds were pp1111 t.: upon clean and prated Beed fed brevity for the same time; they grnin; but tw+o other factors must not plaid 1101 eggs; feed cunt E21; eggs cost 20.3 cents per dozen. This Is only one test, but 1t shows how such econo- my works out. Nests. A common fault In farm henhouses a lack of ne's1s. To put only two or three hues in a curuer of the house which contains perhaps 100 hens 1s an Insult; no wonder they don't lay! Another common weakness is dirty material. 'fine mill shavinga make perhaps the best nest filler. but if they are not available straw is cheep and plentiful. Dirty eggs are cheap eggs -- and the farmer is on the wrong end of the tranastction to -appreciate the hemline's._ T___ New Compulsory. The public works committee recom- mended that Mrs. Tremblay be notified that the council cannot legally take any notion on her request for reeng- Feed Fewer Cattle. nitlnn of her claim. and that the fee of $15 for membership in the Goal Roads Association he paid. "In the matter of the claim of Mrs. Loutae Mc- Michael for damages eaused'hy falling into a grate opening oa Kingston ctr'.t In front of the old King Edward property, the - town T itis sen w'rved with a writ for $5.000. Messrs. W. M. McLean and W. T. T. McLean have been ridded its parties to the suit. \Vee have handled the matter to the town solicitor to defend the town. In the matter of the termmnntcation. from -_T G. ('nnnon stating that the nrtni•itle of the present system of toxin, property owners for --road oil -la -entirely wrong. we find thnt nn alternative or engges- tlon 1s offered and we recommend that the communication he filed." The special ccmimittee roe/mitten/led that a room for the band be made off the town hall auditorium. Progress in the matter of additional )#piling strbli- ii-i,nuc t -as reporter". The fire committee reported that Mce.ra. Ritchie and 'Bishop of the Pro- vincial Fire Marshal's (nee were snh- mlt!ing a written report to the council and added: In the meantime we recom- mend that the reslgnntlon of Wm. Tali RP fire e'htef and warder, copied at onee and that George Bee- eom he appointedi aeting tire chief end warden of the town of Goderich from this (Into with full power. We also re- commend that n room for the firemen be constructed off the town hull audi- torium. These reports were all adopted. The New Grandstand be lost sight of it results are to 1* oh- tained from even the beat of seed ,grain, points out W. H. Wright of the I►ominion Seed Branch. "Getting clean tested seed is an essential step In cleaning up the farm and incr•astng the size of the crops, but with this must go clean cultivation and just as much care in selecting the clover or alfalfa seed." Ton often, says Mr. Wright, people go to some trouble and expense in securing plump, clean seed grain. and then put It Into a dirty field or drill in some untested grass or clover seer" which knocks out all Ole advantage of using clean grain. A few extra cultivations At Intervals, to sprout and kill weed seeds in thevott and care In selecting the small ' to go In with grain, ensures fall value from the investment in the latter. ('ompared with this, the greet Chlppa- we development of the Hydro of On- tario with 50(1,000 horsepower 11 only a baby. Around this Inoue of electric power will centre great. politlesl (1(11c1 - ties for a decade or two. The conflict arises out of two divergent viewpoints. Ontario wants Government develop- ment with power sold at ('test. Quebec sticks to the ides trf private ownership. There are arguments on both sides and ample ground for pnlitleel log -rolling n11d awgnifitent forensic effort. Last week. I wrote of trade develop- ment with ,iapan. This week n news despatch tells of forty heed of }eve stork shipped from Alberta io t1cat country. Trade finds new Antinelsi every day. The world games smeller with changing eontllttons. Soon the hug show will open again. The srenees w111 he much the w1114 as In other year Sir Galahad still stanch% near the entrnnte to the 1'nr- llamentary grnnnds-w nw'mory of brave endeavor to all those who come that way. The statues of the departed great still gaze wistfully olein the seems, of former effort A new ono tins baht addled thea year 141r \CII frau Laurier. 11 in hard to any whe- ther or not the statue does the gent man Justice it is a striking like nese. end yet there were time. when the face of Tenrler shone with a mea mace no brans, mold c'teh. Such things are beyond the power of an artlet. Prospects cnntlnme bright for the beef rattle man. A report from the t . S. Department of Agriculture states that in the United States fewer tattle are being fed this winter than Inst. and In fact than in any of the five previous winters. --- The fall "pig crop." however, was' larger than usual, which is not par - Ocularly cheerful mac just now� Dir the other hand, expectations are for a minced storing amp of pigs. letmbs nn winter feeding also are mon• numerous than Inst year. A Telma* Pool. Videos nomelhing entirely uues- pected upsets the probabilities, the to- bacco growers of Southwestern On- ta- a will have a 1Ainl ire definite Mo- res* of formation within the month. The recent meeting at Chatham brought out fully 3.000 growers, a fact which IRdkates the degree of interest which is being taken. if. as someone has observed, "co-operation is t11e child of necessity." the growers should find It Patty to co-opernte. As matters stand now. they are entirely at the dis- cretion of thetmyer, it condition whlcb Is good for neither buyer nor seller. Meat Enesuraging. "The cattle market far 1027 was one INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Established 1a69. Ileal Office, Won loo, Ontario. D. D. MOONEY, Agent. East Street. Phone 250 Goderich, Ontario. i POWELL'S Assurance Real Estate Stocks and Bonds Farms and Property a Plenty With :he proclamation_ -by the Pro- vinctal Government of the new Domin- ion grading, regulations, it is the pro- ducers"'own fault 1f they do not get the premium for selects. sunt as It is. The regulations now state definitely that- the hogs must ire graded locally or at the yards. and that the drover or shipper must fill out n manifeet and mark, the bogs for identliMatlon as b owner where the grailing is not done at the point of shipment. J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance Geo. Williams Dealer in DOMI:NiON. PROVINCIAL. MUNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire, Llfe, Accident, Automo- bile, and General lnsurance Agent Office, next to Bank of Commerce Phone 53 Goderich s Car ey & Soo, LIMITED Insurance and Bond Brokers Phone 230 West Street, Goderich, Ont. HURON TOBACCO GROWERS JOIN POOL The Armstrong Real Estate Exeter. Jail. -Huron county to - and Insurance Agency day joined hands with other Western Life, :freldent. sickness, Loss of Time, Ontario counties in the campaign ror Burglar), Automobile, Glass the formation of a tobacco parol in the Insurance Province _Akt .int-'elliig to which many growers of the district thronged, the Huron County Tobacco Growers were organized. and will tomorrow be represented at the 1Vimdsor conference. with representatives from Essex, El- gin, l.ambtnn, Norfolk /Intl Middlesex. W. 1t. Elliott. ex -warden of 'Huron, w•1/4 elected president of the Huron or- ganization; Oscar Klopp, of Zurich, was named secretary, and the directu- rate was drifted with the following personnel: William Smith, of flay township: Edward Groff ; Mr. Simons. of Exeter; William Bu'M inen, of FOR SALE • A number of good holism and Iota for sale in almost any (fart of the town re- $wind. Prices ranging fmm $M0 to $800, i000, $1200, $1500, $11100, $2000. Many easyterms for payment if required. A few !mores to rent. tPECIAI.-large Apartment house for sale or rent. Fortnerly known as the Goderich Marine Nominal, situated on the corner of South knot and Britannia road. This tine building has been re- decorated and divided into three apart- ments for dwelling hotline. Each apart - men m -heated, electric-lighted/1M¢ plied with water, toilet and bathroom.• Any one of them apartments adapted for a fine dwelling -house, or for rooners, or boarders. One or more of these apart- ments, including everything, rented to any reliable party at a reasonable rent. FARMS FOR SALE A large number listed. Many at very iow prices. No better place ei locate a faro to buy. 141EC1AL.-An excellent opportunity to 'secure a srna11 farm near Goderich, con- venient to R. R. station. eehorl, More, church, 4 1-2 miles from Gtderich, on good road, at about the price of a house and lot in Goderich. Would be very pre- titable as a chicken farm en amount of location end teed supply. At the carne time it fine home for any family where meet of the Goat supply for fancily and - stock could be produced. This place con - Mitts of 45 metres/eel clay loam MII, good water supply, orchard, house (brick) and barn, nice ganlen plot. A real home -like `,lace. Price for entire property $23110. Terms: If $1200 saes is paid at once easy terms could be arranged for balance. Reere Turner brought up the matter of the profs -sea new grandstand. He thought it should be d.'nit with In the nest. future. The Mayor stated Ihot the next move v -as rap to the Riving Assnifnttnn The eounell had p•isced n recnlntlon netept- Inc the offer of the Assnciatinn. Councillor ('nit wnc nnxMm to have the new stand hmllW. 11' thonght one rensnn there was not n larger attend- nncerat the fall fair was the old grand. stnnrl. 11s.' mutter was left In the handl+ of the finance committee. The the collector w'na instrneted to prepnre n 11st of nil tax nrrenrs fool present it at the next meeting of the ennncll. Mr. H. T Edwards. ercretary of the Tlnrtleltltnrnl Society, Addressed the amental and proffered the nercires of that Rnr1Ot} to the town in mn(teis of ,lcie henntritretlon. - Mnyor Meerwan eepreend aporerfi- lion of the offer an4 also of the fact flint one of the members of the t•nnnell (Mr Goold r 1. gree lent of the fiortl- oilhlrnl Society thio Par. Ile asked ?lint Ihe'pnrks committee get In hutch on), the Society ('ottnuillor Cott •nccostrd that the o1(1 market site he concerted into a small perk. Tlylnws No. appointing Wm. ('n-rcnhell adcl•ory amessor; No. 7 atmnlnting 11 T F:dwoMa Aseemor and collector of mere. and No. *1,•Anthem Moo the borrowing of menet- for cur- rent urrent elp.nses. were pat through and the cnnneIl 'Monti/mi. of the Industry," the Dominion D.Ive Stock Branch summary states. .90x - retain( the war years, 11(27 showed the highest prices yet reeorded to relation to production costs. All i.1.11 sses of eattle shared in the strong prim situa- (Ion. The year closed with evidence of strong continued) demand, both domes - (ice and foreign, and the situation is made more reasuring by n short sup- ply in the United States." All of which makes cheerful reading. Changing Direction. Some noteworthy ehnngec oe iirrd In the expert trade In live stock and live stork products during the year. Cattle export(' to the U. S., for in- stance. jumped from 93.010 to aver 204.000 head, while those to (trent Britain fell away from 80.000 to little over *1,000. Hng exports nitro leaped upward. from approximately S0.000 to over 197.100and Ole inerense went far tnwnr,d siring (hp Canadian hog raisers' baron. as the expnrtn of actual. net figurntive, bacon dropped from over M1,000.0000 pounds to a little over 5.1/4,000010. Exports of drealPd beef prucidecT one of the features of trade for 102T. jumping from somewhat over 47:061, - min pounds to well shove 50.000.000, 1111 Increase of over 100 per cent ____ What Next? What Is going to happen next in the hog situation? Parker/in month or an ego predicted 1 recovery In the market during the lase alt ter, with fair thengh not high prisms for next summer Anil toll. This opinion 14 eerrolspratPd by a ('11nnd1An Pres. eahle from Liverpool. //feting Chet prnduee Importer. there Informed 0. S. Arkelt. Dominion live steak enmm sooner. aha is necompnny ing the fertrl,rte mnrketine party. that they expect a 0ecrP150 in imports from the TMI(ie conntrtes from March nn, and that the BrltIsh market would then begin to romp batt. The slnmp in the Rrltish market re- Seeretary Klapp will represent the Hu- ron growers at the Windsor meeting. • J. L. Robson. president of the Mid- dlesex Growers' Associntlen, assisted In the organization meeting here. It is hoped that rat the conference of growers from various counties in Windsor tomorrow the projected pool may be forme", and pnt an end to the alleged governing of prices. Put an Ad. In The Napa! - Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada offers many nttrnetive forms of policies. Consult mi regarding these. H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 1.15 J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Aornt P. 0. Dox 89. Goderich. Dat • Stocks Bonds Grain Market quotations supplied for any listed stock. Orders promptly executed nn Toronto, Montreal and New York Stock Exchanges and Chicago and Winnipeg Grain Exchanges. Huron Investments Limited Royal Bank Bldg., Goderich, Opt. Phones: 430 and 44S Private v ire ee nnectiens with all leading stork and grain exchanges.