The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-10-27, Page 211:00 a.m.—Morning Worship p.m.—Evening Services Fast action from T-A Classi- Wed.,,8 p.m.—Prayer Service fieds! Phone 770. i..,,, .aa.a.auflaanummaflaa..,,,,,,e,a,,,,reeflaaanaa.a.n.:auaanannaammeoaeem. Pentecostal Church 441 Main Street 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School .11:00 A.M.—"THE CHURCH AND ITS PLACE IN THE WORLD" 7:30 P.M. GIDEON CAMP FOR THIS AREA SINGING AND PREACHING FRIDAY- 6:30 P.M.—SKY PILOTS 8:00 P.M,—YOU TH'MEETING WEDNESDAY— . 8:00 P.M.—PRAYER I was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house a the LORD . . . 1111.11flilliM11111,1011~.14111,40M011omr!lifilliMMIHMI~1111191111101111ftWilliiHTfilflunnlilt10 AHMMOMMUMMIIIIMIlimmumiltivi) iii!, nflItIMHIPflutlitill thilmilnipmm M. M illIIT1111/1111b Evangelistic Meetings DATE—NOVEMBER 2 - 6 TIME—EACH EVENING AT 8:00 P.M, PLACE—THAMES ROAD. MENNONITE CHURCH Group Singing ancl'Special Number* Each Night EVANGELIST 'REV. NEWTON GINGERICH, Markham, Ontario In times like these Seek ye the Lord While He may be found, Call ye upon Him While He is near; COME THE FIRST NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT ALL ARE WELCOME 1. .011111ifiriiilittiltililtwiltilliti mploommilliiiillititiiimilliviliiiimmiiiiiiiitilittelittotmlittullttlittirtitilitlitt Main St. United Church 65th Anniversary Sunday; October 30 Rev, John T. • Nichols Colborne St, *United Church, London, preaching at both services. SAFE RIVER Jake Reder, a department of national de- fence civilian driver with RCAF Station Clinton is at the wheel of his three=ton 'truck ready to ! take part in the army's annual central command safe and skill- ed driving competition at Fort York Armoury, Toronto. To en- ter the competition a driver, must have an accident free rec- ord during the past year. Mr. Reder lives in Bayfield. He is the son of- Mr. Jake Reder, Exeter. —ND photo Henry: "Did 'dad promise you something if you rake the. leaves?" Mike: "No, but he promised' me something if I didn't!" FREE TAXI SERVICE supplied by the ASPHALT ANGELS. Centralia United Church Friday, Oct. 28 3:00 p.m. Sponsored by Centralia WA HOT Turkey Supper Centralia UNITED CHURCH Wed., Nov. 9 Supper served from 5 p.m. (Numbering insures seating in order of arrival) Adults $1,50 Children under '12, 750 PHONE .437 or .drop in at the Library Basement Hensel! District TEEN TOWN Hallowe'en DANCE COMMUNITY CENTRE Hensall Sat.,- Oct. 29 Costumes Not Necessary Admission: Members 3,W. Non Members 500, DANCING Saturday Night EX E TER LEGION Dancing 9 to 12 Dress Optional SPOT DANCES FOR THOSE IN COSTUME Admission 750 per Person Jeans and. Jackets Not Allowed iiiii linf.41111111 111USIUMMIWIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIUMITIMIIIIIIIIinimit0111111HilliflI111111110,J MillflfltillnfliinnunnIIIIIMUMIUM1111111,11111.1111111111111111111111411/1111HilliflillinHillIAtinIMUMM1144; Poppy ay i Lucan personal iitems ing will be held. in the United Church. schoolroom Ifilursdan, October 27. I m munilation Clinic An immunization .clinic will be held in the. Lucan. Public School ,Monday, Oct. 31 at 9.15 .a.m. for protection against smell-pox. dressings. The first work meet. CEI,ABRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr...and: Mrs, Homer Russell, 11,13. 3,, Exeter, celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on Sunday. were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marlene, ,ChesleY, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Swain' and family, . London,. Air. and Mrs. Charles Marlene and Mr. .and Mrs. Ant thenY Marlene and families, Creditors, Mrs, Elizabeth Mar- tene and Mr. and Mrs. L'ben Weigand, Dashwood. Tho ThrokAcIvocatO, .0;1°h:or 27, 190 PEE. 17 4IAMES . STREET UNITED ,CHURCH R ev, S, E, Lewis, M,A., Minister Mr, .1.,ewrenee Wein, A,W.C.M, Organist end Choirmester 10 A.A1.-SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments. 11 A.M.—MORNING ,SERVICE Anthem by the Choir "Keeping interest and Vitality in Your Personal Faith" CHRISTIAN. REFORMED CHURCH .Rev, A, G, Van Eek, Minister' •9:45 a.m,—Worship in English 2:15 p.m.—Worship in Dutch i 6:15 p.m.—Back to God Hour— CHL.0 (680 kc,) ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M, Schlenker, Pastor Sunday; October 30 • lot a.m,—Morning Worship ii a.m.—Sunday School 7:3o p.m.—Council meeting with Mr, Harry Bruegman and Rev, B. Seebach to lead in the pre- sentation of venture in faith, THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ,CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, October 30, 1960 8:30 a.m.—Quiet Communion 11;00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School Guest Preacher; The Rev. Robert Meally BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham ':10:00 a —Bible School CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Samuel Kerr, a.p. Minister 0r9anist: Mrs. S. G,.Platt 9:00 .a.m.—Sunclay School 10:00 a.m.—Service of Worship LAYMEN'S SUNDAY Service will be conducted by three laymen, Tuesday, Nov. 1—Circle meeting at 8:00 p.m, NOTE:Service and Sunday School on Standard Time. TH AMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10;30 a.m.—Worship Service 11:15 ant—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS November 2 to November 6 All Are Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD 10;00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m,—Service THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH in the Christian Reformed Church. Call for tenders ure issue required by the. PUC to finance installation of its new well on Huron St. and erection of its filtration plant at River- view Park. Rate of interest on the bonds will be 53,4%, a reduction of 172% from the debentures which were issued earlier this year for high and public school additions, —Continued from page 16 Mrs..Coursey is making satisfac- tory recovery but will require weeks of treatment yet. Mrs. L. Derham who will soon be leaving to. spend the winter. with her daughter in London, en- tertained a number. of her neigh- bors last Thursday' Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Robb en- tertained Mr. and Mrs, James Bawtenhelmer and son Dale at belated. Thanksgiving family dinner last Moeday. Mr. and Mrs, ,lack Neil, for- merly of Lucan, and the latter's mother, Mrs. Pfaff of London, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Irving Gibson. The guest speaker at the next meeting of the Lions Club will be Brigadier Stan Jackson of the Salvation Army, London, who was a former Lion in Vancouver and Toronto and has worked with the Salvation Army in. Alaska. Another attraction will, be 90-year-old banjo player. Mrs. Will Paton, of Parkhill, was a recent guest of her friend; Mrs. Cecil Robb and Mr, Robb. Mr, Benny Saintlier is recover- ing from a severe attack of the flu, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hod- gins were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Alvin McLean and family, Mr. and Mrs, fl. A. Chown. and family of Alice St. have moved into their new home in the Langford. - O'Neil new sub- division. Lucanites got their first real taste of winter when they found several inches of snow on the ground [Monday morning, Mrs. Sheridan Revington has returnel home after spending a few days in London with her mother, Mrs. Harry McFalls who was on the sick list. Mrs. Bob Coleman on Friday, Saturday and Sunday visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Coates, at the South. Huron. Hospital, Exe- ter, On Friday she got a chance up with Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Hardy, On Saturday Rev, and Mrs. Harold Dickins of Roches- ter and Mrs. Lorne McFalls of in the Grand Bend United Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harlton visited during last week with Mr. and Mrs, Ekron Hodgins at Woodstock. The .social evening and bake sale, sponsored by the WA, in the school on Friday evening was very successful, Miss Ruth Fas- sold of London presented the colored pictures of her trip to Russia during the summer and also interesting comments on each picture. Mrs, Wray Sweitzer and Mrs. Ross Love attended the Times- Advocate Family Banquet, at Armstrong's in Exeter on Sat- urday evening. Mrs. Philip Fassold. who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Milton Rats is presently visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Walter Fassold, in London. COMING EVENTS — OYSTER SUPPER, Woodham Orange Hal], Friday, 'November 4. Admission, adults $1,50; child- ren 750. Supper served from 5:30 p.m. ' 27c RUMMAGE SALE — The Wo- men's Auxiliary, RCAF Station Centralia, will sponsor a rum- mage sale in Exeter Legion Hall on Saturday, October 29, at 10:00 a.m. 27c ANNUAL MASQUERADE a n d Fancy Dress Ball at Russelldale Hall, Friday, October 28. Usual prizes; lunch counter; admis- sion 75c. 20:27c Blanshard By MRS, GLADWYN HOOPER City Boy; "These eggs aro. Grocer: "They game fresh from the country." City soy: "Well, I guess thy were picked too soon. HENSALL KINETTE CLUB Rummage Sale TOWN HALL Henson Sat., Oct. 29 2:00 p.m. HEAR THE GOSPEL HOUR EVERY i THURSDAY EVENING, 9 over CHLO-680 Rev. R, Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m.—Worship and Sermon (English) P.M. 3:730 p.m.—Sunday School November 1, 8 p.m.—Reforma- tion Day Rally for the public 111.00 a.ni. Mr. Lorne Amacher, Zttrich, Mold 7:80 Thomas Central United Church Choir, 25 voices, directed by Mr, Allan 14arring. ton, London, and her sister, Miss Rose Revington, of Lucan spent last weekend in Detroit, the guests of Mx, and Mrs, William Walker. Mrs. Louis Kilmer has return- ed home from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Kilmer of Kitchener. Miss Nellie Foreman, of Lon- don, and. her sister, Mrs. Frank Kennety of Vancouver called. on. Lucan friends twice last 'week. Mr, and. Mrs. William Brown- lee were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Laverty and fam- ily of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. James McIntosh were weekend guests of .Bramp- ton and Richmond Hill. friends. Mr, and Mrs. George Paul I and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Langs of Markdale. Mrs. Erie Young of Lucan and Mrs. Reward Cranston spent last Thursday with 'Mrs. Ed' Dun- seith of St. Marys. Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Miss Beverley Butler last Saturday attended the Camp Counsellor's Evaluation dinner meeting at the home of Mrs. D. A. Lizinore of London. Mr. and Mrs, P. Charsley and Mrs. 0. Smith accompa- nied Mx. Smith on Sunday as far as Waterloo where they were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Les Franey. Mr. Smith went at, as far as 'Musonee where he will be erecting another radar tower. Mrs. Murray Hodgins last Sat- urday evening entertained 12 boys and girls in honor of her son Ward's birthday party. Fol- lownig bowling at the Lucan Lanes the young people returned to the house for refreshments,, and dancing. Mr. and !Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins and family were Sunday guests • t • . Report on Shipka Grandmother honored Mrs. .1)..bilip Fassold, formerly of Dashwood, who celebrated her eightieth birthday on October 19, was one of the grandmothers chosen on CFPL's, "Grandmo- ther of the week," contest, Airs. Fassold received a do-, zen red roses, courtesy of Teme° pleton's and Sandy's Flower Shop, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Slieit- zer, Mrs. Milton Rats, Mrs. Ja- cob Ratz acompanied by Mrs. McCallum of London were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and. Mrs.' Ray Collet and family in Tor- onto, Mr, and Mrs. Karl Guenther and John attended the funeral' of Karl's sister, Mrs. W, Bund- scho, in Kitchener on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morons vis-, lied on Sunday with Ray's unclei Mr. Ed Morons in Marine City„ Mich., and called at the home , of Mr, and Mrs. Wakeham in, Port Huron on the way homed Mrs. Wakeham is Mrs, Morons' aunt. Mr. and. Mrs. Clyde Nicholson, Kenneth and Leona, of Bridg- den, Mr. and. Mrs, Kenneth. Westman, Barry and Cheryl and Miss Dorothy Hariton, RN, of London and Mr, and Mrs. Karl Guenther, John and Janet were Sunday visitors at the home of Garrett of the London PS staff, Miss Joanne Masse of Grand c eon the States, Following the din.; prior nor the party attended a show in. London and then spent 'diet dele- eveMng with Brenda Caverhillt high of Ilderton. Judy Haskett of Lu-ts will can was among the Medwapart of guests. lie in- Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Hiektonid will of Margaret St. had as theirtw the Sunday guest Mr. Boy Hicksongfieial of London who arrived.by Many Lucanites seeing him land in a - field. nearby thought it was a. plane in trouble. rte ap- Cancer dressing s f the The Liman WI are again spoil- soring the making of canterriginai eoommaelleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamemellaaauseh 00I 1 1 ; f k einaMOninaillnaagIaliWilaMeaMMOMIffiMWeeMieMO. Ma10001MORMIftiV~noWa00410WininiftleeeMieMOOMeimMftMinanaolialoraelaitS Reformation Rally Tues., Nov. 1 — 8 p.m. EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main Street North "WIT GOD'S WORD IN Govs WORLD" Rev, A. G. Vali talc "SO YOU Alt); A PROTP1STANT" Rey, fL Van rarOWe This is 'a public meeting, Y011 are urged f0 CO1116. ay Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dann of Hyde Park entertained at their home on Saturday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin,- son's tenth wedding anniversary, I " • '' Mrs. George Dann of London, Mr. and. Mrs. Garry Lang and family of St. Marys were gileSts also. their parents Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harlton, on the occa- ion of Mr, d Mrs. H lt n' Mrs. Lottie Jones of London, Mrs. Arn. Jones.' Airs. Alvada Ilepkin of Mitchell spent the weekend with Mr; and, Mr. and Mrs. ROSS Jones of, London were Sunday guests of'. Mr, and Mrs. W.n. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Stephens of Anderson were Tuesday eve-, ning visitors of Mr, and Mrs.• Cecil hlossey, Mr. and Mrs. Cie.' rence Martin of Exeter were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac- ker and family were Sunday vi-; sitors with Mrs. T. Waugh, Dr. and Mrs, John Beattie of Lon. don. Mr. and Mrs, Claire Sisson and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred; Petch of Strathroy were Sun-j day guests of Mr. and Mrs.: Floyd Dale and family of Mar- lette, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper • attended the Exeter Times.Advo-; cate banquet at Armstrong's Restaurant at Exeter on Satur- day evening. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Very! and Jeanette attended the miscelleanious shower for the latter's niece, Miss Beth Facey, bride-elect of this week. at Well- burn on Saturday evening. Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson enter- tained on Friday afternoon for Ann in honor of her ninth birth- day. She had as her guests Don- na. Strahan, Ruth Mills, Sandra Dunnell, Marie Langford, Veryl and Jeanette Hooper, Cathy and Joy Thacker, Sharon Thomson and Brenda Parkinson. Sat., Nov. 5 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. "I've got him eating out of the palm 'of my hand now." Anyone wishing to have log I guess!" "Oh? Saves a lot of dishwash. artieies picked up or 262J1 Hensall. call 155 Legion Fowl Bingo is Every Wednesday Night From Nov. 2 to Dec. 21 Exeter Legion Hall STARTING AT 9:00 P.M. * 15 ROUNDS OF CHICKENS 3 10 ROUNDS OF TURKEYS * TURKEY DOOR PRIZE Admission 500 Extra Cards Available 41,011)1.11,1fIlliimillillilliii1111.1111,111111111111,111,1111 1M1 1111111,1M1111111111111111411,1311;1111111101111Uml[111111ill,gA olimallitilliiiiillillilliiillini1111.111,411111111111111,11111111 WM 11111,111111JIMIIIIIIII011111111,111111t11.1111111111111111110i E i MASQUERADE DANCE SPEAKS TO TEACHERS Ronald Bogart, mAis agri; culture teacher; was one of five speakers on the program at the, eleventh annual conference of agriculture 'teachers of the north- west zone of Southern Ontario, who met at St. Marys Saturday. He described the garden plot program at the Exeter school, Reception 6g, Dance ..iattArtt IVE-IN Brownie s at Brodht It t these conditions," rap During the meeting, the board I "I equipment which had been re- quested from members of the, teacking staff, A requisition for $500 worth of equipment for the library was: granted. The equipment included; a filing cabinet, magazine rack, (ling: —Please turn to page 31 & TEA EVERY Saturday Night at the Lucan Arena to the music of. the CANADIAN PLAYBOYS Orchestra. Admission 75 peep, ]age the 1 stead appli Peopl LIMITED FREE ADMISSION 1 School Children Especially Welcome on - Ontario I ,—.. the LLarges Wide t 1 .1m,r,flrflm.,,rimrum,mmmwm.rmirfilluilum,lounimilflounliflimmiummitalimunrA in Humn county 1,s111111h4linHIMMIMUIIIIIIII0M,MIMUlinitlIMIIMMOMilliallifififilllinUMIIIHMIBMInntinillillnOlniq fitly , Rain Or Clear Show at Dusk PLAN TO ATTEND THE lission 650 er 12 in Cars Free and SATURDAY r 28 and 29 B FEATURE — rs of the useumt ItertaiTinveni,) el Gough, unningNirn oadloss 0 Liliane Sottane arteeii) Last Dance Of The Season a at Blue titer Danceland 1 Friday, October 28 - Saturday, November 5 WEAR A POPPY IN REMEMBRANCE Remembrance Day Film 'THE LONG SILENCE" Fri., Nov. 4 8:30 0.m, EXETER LEGION HALL Also Colored Slides of Remembrance Day Scenes in Exeter Check This Excitinv Prize List Carefully Hallowe'en Masquerade MONDAY, TU "Fjk,4 HAS FIVE SETS OF GRA Xathryn Co.oper, daughter sta"I'v „hiper, cali boast of Bt children, She's surrounded h Starring Da THU -udvitig timiting 10 pmi. 'to 2 e,11 6 Music by Dol. rdine Orchestra Door ,'rite A Turkey No Millet .ell Pritliy, -.October 21 BEST DRESSED COUPLE ..... $10,00 BEST COMIC COUPLE ................. $10,00 BEST DRESSED LADY . ........ $ 5.O0 BEST bilesseo GENTLEMAN $ S.00 BEST COMIC LADY „,„.. $ $.00 BEST MEN'S COMIC $ 5,00 BEST HALLOWE'IN COSTUME. $ mlahufmnimammummlounommunummanoviolvorommoitmolmomflommolinfil' • London called for her and on wedding anniversary and also BAZAAR Sunday she accompanied her Mr. Harltan's birthday. on debentures daughter, Mrs. W. W. Garrett 'Miss Kathryn Love was and organ- CoUncil has called tenders fox granddaughter Miss Doreen i st an d •acompanied the soloist, purchase of the $83,000 debent- Mrs. Harry McNaughton, of Bend, at the Bell-Shaw wedding Greenwa.y United. Church, on Saturday, October 29, at 2:30 p.m., in the church basement, BAZAAR — Centralia United family gathering held at the p.m„ in the church basement., 0". heitie of the former last Sunday.) , a JAI vie spot and On :Friday, Oct. 20 Mrs. Har-.:s on` do an area from six to eight feet old Cobleigh of the Public School, on either side of him. It is staff, entertained at a dihner. Ro-1 expected the new machine will party for her daughter Ileneighton, I cut down. on the amount of time Thanaldson's lath birthday andnayors also for a. farewell party forties in Caroline Lam. who is moving ton h of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Morley. MissReta Chown last Friday tripped over a box m her living- and his orchestra; refreshments; $ . percouple. 20:27:3:10c right shoulder. She is a patient BAZAAR, Bake Sale and Tea, Wed., Nov, 1 Church bazaar, October 28, at 3 in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. Sheridan Revington and his 14-year-old. granddaughter, Carlo Revington, daughter of Air. and Mrs. Lyle Revington, celebrated joint birthdays at a „ mg- sanctioned several purchases oL Mag ie 5 00 Proceeds for room and broke a' bone in her chari ty. i ANNUAL BALL, Beta S g a ,Phi Sorority, Legion Hall, •Ex- eter, Friday, November 18. MR, & MRS. BOB CHAFFE 9-12 Dancing 1.0 to 1, Johnny Downs (nee Connie Corbett) needed to scrub and polish the floors at the school. er sc oo on,condition Principal H. ' L. Sturgis was given permission by SHIMS board Tuesday night to invite the district, teachers to hold their annual conference at SH- DHS next year, providing they do not discuss any federation business during the time they would normally be conducting school. The board decided to extend the invitation on these terms jinn the 'fag riot ,ins' oause, ging