The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-10-27, Page 21321 1900, lcms fc;.tuso Sndicittc, Inc„. V,Vorkl ,righ4.
As the "Times" go by
La 4%
rublishad Each Thursday Morning At Stratford, Ont.
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept, Ottawa
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by W. W. Haysan
your telephone
You are looking at a new column for residents of this
area. As you know, there are Bell people living in your
community. Perhaps you know some of them personally.
They may live next door er sit in church beside you. They
are typical of the many people who work together as a team
to bring you the best possible telephone service. We figure
that the things that concern us at the Bell often concern
you, or are of interest to you. So 'I'm going to do my best
to bring you news items of general interest about your tele-
phone service and about the people who make that service
When anyone mentions the telephone company, a good
many people immediately think of that young lady at the
Bell office they spoke to the last time they called about
their telephone service,
She was a Service Repro-
sentative—a key, link !al.,-
tween you and our co-i-
pany. It occurred to 1.1
that you might like II
meet one of these charw-
ing young ladies. So VT,
would like to introdun
d y is v Judith Mason
f we
trained to enable her 19
deal with the 100 arl
one problems that come
up during her workm .;
day. Like the other re,--
resentatives in our "inn-
fleas office at Goderic'i,
Judy is there to loo'c
after your telephone nee-'s
'some thing wrong with your account,inatlt1' osdov rea, a ctplonveiersawhe a pnyse,vu5.Ta your
ra leyi ssbs[.:t mg in our telephone directory which you wish to discuss.
Whatever it is Judy or her associates will help you, So please feel free to call these young ladies whenever tele-phone problems arise. Our Business Office in Godericli
is open from 9 a.m, to 5 p.m., five days a week, Monday
to Friday, all day Wednesday, but closed Saturday, The
telephone number to call is 124.
Modern busy women,
housewives or business
girls, in Exeter, like their
sisters elsewhere, have
many outside interests
and ,still have to cope
wtih a heavy schedule of
work in the home, This
means that the telephone
comes in for a lot of use,
And that is why an ex.
tension telephone in she
kitchen, where she spends
much of her time, is so
important, Not only will
it save her many steps
each day, but It will else
save Many a boileci.ever
pet. Extension phones are not expensive, and
beauty of the home. tail our business office,
'come in `lovely colours that
for more Information about extensions' in your heLxhaectli.ecre 4 6 4'
Did you know We Canadians are "toP talkers". hi the iii *Ad. that's right, We average alt conversations Per PI" ' A, year, 'That's a lot of telt, xteli it tip, Let's keep net tile..
This newsoePer believes the right to expriSS an opinion in public
contributes to the progress of the nation and that it must be
exercised freely end without prejudice to preserve and 1MprsVe
democratic government,
* The II.M.S.,Ativocato, October 27, 1960
A bold move
ire Department took a bold move last 4 Veek when it recommended to town council that,
unless more efficient equipment is provided soon,
the fire protection agreements with area townships
should be cancelled at the end of the year.
The department advanced two principal argu-
ments supporting this action: One, that. the present
equipment is not adequate to handle farm fires; two,
the brigade feels it should not leave town properties
unprotected when it answers rural calls.
The "department has painted out these prob-
lems before but has secured little satisfaction in the
orm of a solution. Other attempts have been made,
by the fire marshall's office through its county rep-
resentative, to establish better fire protection in rural
areas but with little success.
Exeter is not the only municipality disturbed
ver providing fire protection to its rural neighbors.
Zurich is asking for higher fees. Clinton council
recently suggested the township retainers should be
doubled. The question is being discussed in many
other areas,.too.
Perhaps the crux of the situation lies in the
reluctance of rural areas to provide the funds re-
quired to establish adequate protection. Aware that
their present costs are low, township councils don't
wish to entertain discussion which may lead to heavy
expenditure for purchases of new equipment.
Rural officials, however, have just as much
obligation to see that proper fire protection is pro-
vided their property owners as they have to keep
costs down. Surely the farmer, with his heavy in-
vestment in buildings housing valuable livestock and
farm equipment, is entitled to at least the same pro-
'-,-.74ection as the homeowners in the urban centres re-
More and more townships are recognizing that
obligation. Biddulph recently joined with Lucan in
the purchase of a new truck; North and South East-
hope set up their own equipment several years ago.
Milverton, Mornington and Ellice bought a $15,000
truck for joint use about five years ago. Tuckensmith
has its own truck, manned by Seaforth firemen. The
village of Mildmay and township of Carrick reached
;al agreement last March whereby, the latter pays a
--$650 annual standby fee:
Although it may appear to some to be a bold
Significant honor
Congratulations to Elmer D. Bell, QC, on his
recent election to the presidency of the Ontario Pro ,
gressive Conservative Assn. It is a significant
.achievement far a rural area citizen to be entrusted
with such an important provincial position and Mr.
Bell's acclamation to the post brings credit to him-
self and to this .community.
District citizens of all political faiths will join
with us in extending tribute to llim, along with best
wishes for successful execution of his duties.
Change at The T -A
and rather niggardly position, the Exeter brigade's
stand is neither. It's a realistic' recognition• of its
responsibility as the principal fire protection agency
for a fairly large area.
Let's hope its recommendation is accepted in
the spirit in which it was given and that it will result
in clear-thinking consideration of the pressing prob-
lems of protection facing the. community.
dispensed by Bill Smiley
"Say, boss, do I have to pay for an office visit every
time I read. Dr. Parker's meter ?"
From "The Legionary"
Next month it will be 39 years since the custom of
wearing a poppy replica for remembrance was inaugur-
ated in Canada. From,the modest beginning in 1921, the
custom has become general throughout the country, and
this year — with careful preparation and planning by
Legion branches everywhere — several million Canadians
will be wearing the familiar symbol.
Remembrance and the Poppy are Irrevocably hound
up with each other because the .memory of Canada's
Fallen can best be honoured by ensuring that none of
their surviving comrades shall be allowed to suffer want
and distress. So Poppy Day has become the one annual
appeal which the Canadian Legion makes to the public
in order to provide funds for the relief of necessitous
war veterans and their families.
There are three distinct phases to the observance
of remembrance through the poppy.
First, there is the Act of Remembrance itself, sym-
bolized by the wearing of a poppy—the emblem derived
from the blood-red poppies which. grew in such profusion
on the graves of Canada's fallen who lie in Flanders
Fields and which were made immortal by Colonel John
McCrae in his deathless poem of that name. The wearing
of the poppy is a tribute to those who paid the supreme
sacrifice in all the wars in which this country has been
engaged, and thus it has become the custom for , our
people to wear a poppy on Remembrance Day and to
order poppy Wreaths to be 'placed on war memorials or
in store windows in memory of those who did not come
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Individual members of the editorial staff of
any weekly newspaper become an integral part of
that journal's personality. This is true because of the
limited staff on a weekly and the intimacy it enjoys
with its readers,
It was certainly the case with Don Gravett, our
sports editor for the past five years, who wrote his
final column for The T-A last week, Popular both as
an athlete and a commentator, "Boom" has won'
many friends here since he moved to Exeter from
Kitchener to play hockey. The T-A regrets to lose.
him from the staff, We wish him the best of luck in
h2 future career.
Bill Batten, a native of Exeter who has been
actively interested in sports and who has been on
The T-A staff in another capacity for a number of
years, this week takes over "Boom's" duties on the
sport page and will also assist with general news
coverage. After a successful season as editor of the
Grand Bend Holiday, Bill has proven himself a cap-
able journalist with a flair for the unusual and the
humorous situation. We believe he will contribute
substantially to the development of a newspaper
personality our readers will enjoy.
ugar and Spice- s •
Second, there is the use to which the money raised
by the Poppy Campaign is put. Across the length and
breadth of Canada thousands of ex-service families not
entitled to Government assistance have been given a
helping hand through the Poppy Fund of their local
Legion branch. It is a firm rule that all of, the net pro-
ceeds derived from the Poppy Campaign must only be
spent on the relief of distress among ex-service men
and their dependents in the commtinities in which the
poppies are sold. Not one cent goes to any of the other
phases of Legion activity.
Third, there is the assistance given to a consider-
able, number of disabled veterans by the sere of poppies
they have made in ,D.V.A.'s 'tVetcraft" shops in which
light, sheltered employment is provided for them through
the sale of their poppies. Since the inception of the Poppy
Campaign on a national scale the Canadian Legion has
made a contract with the Department of Veterans' Af-
fairs for the distribution of these "Vetcraft" poppies
and wreaths, thus ensuring a' livelihood • for the men
employed in these shops.
With this three-fold significance, each item in itself
being extremely worthwhile, Poppy Day again makes its
appeal to the patriotic people of `Canada.
* By the time you read this the
Canadian landscape may be as
bleak as the inside of a public
'avatory, but I can't resist a
Paean to the finest autumn in
memory. The other day I was
Out for a last, long draught of
that most heady of brews — a
Perfect October day in the coun-
try — and, as usual, I grew quite
tipsy on it.
Standing at the ton of a high
Kill, I could see for miles in
every direction. The sight was
enough to make a poet weep at
the inadequacy of words, or a
Minter curse the scanty range
of his palette. It was one of
those blue and gold days, when
the world is still and waiting.
* * *
,,High, high, out of sight and
sound, a couple of jet aircraft
drew their careful chalk marks
eposs the sky. Far below was
that eternal showoff, the Bay,
bluer than ever a maiden's
eyes, broken only by the islands,
litre so many bonfires in their
climson and yellow flame. And
beck from the water rolled the
brilliant tapestry of the fall
foilage, the green fields, and sil-
ver,. winding river. •
* * * •
stood there with my chitiren.
Even they were momentarily
htished by the magnificence of
this Canadian fall day, I couldn't
help wishing that life would al-
ways be as sunny, as clean, and
aSI: exciting for them as it was
at, this moment.
Then I started in get hungry.
A typieal Canadian. On those
rare occasions when we are
touched to the quick by life,
beauty or truth, our gastric jui-
ces, ternporarily quelled, start
to bubble like a home-brew. mash
and sky, forest and lake are dis-
missed with a "sure is a swell
view!" * * *
And we hurry home, duck out
of the golden afternoon into our
caves, turn on the idiot box, and
sit there swilling beer, watching
the football game, and drooling
over the odors from the kitchen.
* * • *
The Japanese, they tell me,
can sit for a whole day and con-
template the beauty of a willow
leaf, or a tiny pool. You can
belabor the average Canadian
with the. most riotous color, the
most extravagant vistas in the
world, and within 'seven minutes
he's wondering what's for din-
Mind you, I believe the Cana-
dian has a deep, if mute: affec-
tion for his native land. But he
should be reminded at intervals
of how lucky he is to live in this
country of freedom, of bounty,
and of unexcelled loveliness.
There is no person on earth with
so much to be thankful for as a
Canadian, on a fine October
Think of all the poor» dev ils
who don't live in Canada hi the
fall. How would you like to be
The Reader
A hot potato
To the editor,
Re; your Editorial of Oct, 6
about the Flag. Wilk are, you
and the Huron County Council
trying to do? Confuse the two
or three million emigrants who
have come to Canada in the last
three or four years to live under
the Union Jack as free men in a
free country?
The flag has been. a hot pota-
to for the last two prime minis-
ters, and I believe it will still be
too hot a potato for the present
prime minister to touch, even
to please Quebec.
Did you notice that on all the
TV pictures of the U.N. that the
majority of the members did not
use the translation system when
English was spoken?
I-think that Quebec would like
to see the same MESS bete as
President de Gaulle (m o r e
power to him) is up against in
T. k Caldwell, Grand Bend
Past County Master of
South Huron 1,014.
an Australian, fdr example?
Down there it's spring right
about now, No anticipation of
cosy winter nights with the trees
snapping and the furnace rum-
bling, for him. No looking for•
ward to those brisk, blood-curd•
ling days of midwinter, for him.
Nothing ahead for him but
month after month of brilliant,
monotonous sunshine. It must be
depressing to be an Australian
in October.
How about the Englishman in
October? What he has to face is
six solid months of days spent
in the fog and drizzle, and nights
spent in the Dog and Whistle.
By spring, he is so wet, inside
and out, that he'd never notice
it if the entire island sank
quietly to the ocean floor.
Maybe you think the folks in
the Congo are better off in Oc-
tober than are Canadians.. Not a
hope, You've just, learned how
to pronounce the name of the
new president, Kisamafuto, when
he's replaced by a, chap called
Perhaps you'd rather spend
October in Cuba, where Tarzan
the Apeman was recently de-,
flounced as a tool of imperialist
interests. Or in the States,
where the voters have to face
that grim decision: whether Pat
or Jacquie should go to the
White House.
No sir, for food and friends
and all God sends, there's no
place on earth that's quite as
fine as this Canada of ours, in
October. And stick to that,
even though my daughter picked
for her leaf collection the other
day some brilliant sumach
leaves that turned out to be
poison ivy,
Average per capita income for
the seven leading. countries, ac-
cording to Untted Nations
sources, was for the period 1955-
1957; 'United States $2,075; Can-
ada $1,405; 'United. Kingdom
$875; West Germany $700; •
France $700; Italy $700; Russia
Rev. W. C. Parrott of Grand
,Valley will assume duties as pas-
tor of Crediton, Brinsley and
•Shipka churches on November
19. •
Exeter Wolf Cubs netted over
$75 from the sale of apples on
P r i v -a t e s Bob Nicol, Carl
Schwalm and Lorne Lamont of
Canada's special UN brigade
are home for a week's leave.
They will return to the camp at
Wainwright, just outside Cal-
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis
left on Tuesday for Mount Dora,
Florida where they will spend
the , whiter months,
Mr, Alvin Wainer has pur.
chased the dwelling of the late
Clara Restemayer in the village
of Dashwood,
Dr. G. H. Jose, manager of
the Kirkton baseball team, en-
tertained them at the King Ed-
ward Hotel, St. Marys to a tur-
key dinner.
Mrs. M. F. Oiadrnan, 'Doh,
Elizabeth,and Diane left. Satin'.
day for antilton to join, Mr.
Gladnian who wet recently ap-
pointed petitions comtnissioner
for the Canadian army.
Or. H. 14, CO/en is north on a
hunting trip with Zurich friendt.
Thieves broke into five htisi-
Post'. places -- Graham Arthur
service station, Lindenfield'a
Hardware, A. Hawkins'
hardware, C, Zurbrigg opti-
cal parlors and Bill 1-laskett's
tire shop -- and the amount
stolen Was $100,
xeter council Were hosts to
five More returned rneli Lam-
port's Coffee Shop, the iron were
sgt. Wells, TO, Charles
L. Cpl. Reg Taylor, Pie,
MAX Barnestr arid Dvr, trio len.,
Satk Melte, who is with the
Canadian army In trigand, Is
lakitig a course in art at Exeter,
The official t oatcl of laoleg
St, United Chtirell have scented
the service of Mr. Lawrence
Wein as 'organist and their
On Friday of last week around
a ton of onions in crates that
had been stolen from the farm
of Fred. Ellerington in Usborrie
and the property of Charles
Monteith were found piled be-
side the road several miles west
of Exeter.
Rev. 'William Henrick, pastor
of Dashwood Evangelical church
died Friday morning at the par-
sonage. He was well known as
a band leader and musician,
Village Clerk James A., Pat-
terson of Hensall has announced
that there were no marriages,
no births' and no deaths reported
in the month of October.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cook
have this week moved into the
residence on Huron Street re-
cently vacated by Dr. Browning.
As evidence of the wonderful
weather enjoyed the past: weeks
Mrs. W. K. Dearing picked a
bouquet of 35 well-developed
sweet peas.
Miss Marion Pooley of Win-
chelsea won the silver medal
for the best essay written by a
secondary school student in this
district sponsored by the Cana-
dian, Legion.
Mr. Peter Cowan, formerly
teacher in Utborne, was recent,
iy appointed town clerk of Wing-
Mr. Norman thekey, barber,
shag purchased the business pro-
perty of C, T. Brooks, express
Mr. t en Makins on Tuesday
disposed of his butchering husi-
has to Alfred Paul of Xirktoe,
Mr. C. F. Cooper was paying
$1 a dozen for new-laid eggs on
Mr, Will Maiisoti of the Phar.
inadY School, Toronto, visited at
his hente here over Sunday.
Messrs. Hernian DayMan and
Albert Kernick are On, a trip
through Northern Ontario hunt,
ing deer,
A fellow wouldn't tint!' loan. Jog his larva itibWer if the her.
rawer wouldn't, take it tut of
the yard,
Xije Cuter Minte5ablaotate
Times Established 1473 Advocate Established 1481
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Aki/iAkOS -- Frank HAW* Beattie Shield, host front Oase
190; A. V, Nolan Trophy,, geneeal 4XeilIttite for
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4360 1958, 100, 19S6,1 flatiwoo Johnston trootiy, ow/011140 eXterlitriet (Ontario), 1967 E. T, staphansari
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