The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1960-09-15, Page 16corrovonciont; '1444..$ !isinot Abbott Phona. 84 7.42$1
and district. news
0;;,o 14 $,,pfembir IS, 1940
More Lucan News
On Page 17
ectioata 70.44 eaAti
Exeter Branch; CHARLES SMITH, 'Manage! Centralia (Sub-Agency)
(Open Tuesday, Thursday and on Friday 4,30 • 6 p,m.) Crediton (Subekgeety):
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Be Sure YOU Take In The Show
Harvey's Taxi
"The insurance Man"
For Canada
For You
• I •
We Salute
Ladies win
on TV quiz
A large group of the United
Church. Evening Auxiliary and
friends spent an enjoyable and
Profitable: evening at the CFPI.L.
TV program "Take Your .Choice"
last 'Saturday.
Though five members were
lined up to take part on the
Program Mrs. Dave Park and
Mrs, Sam 'Sereatna did net ap-
cinei.iaerst.iaotn:all and Mrs. Ivan Hearn
had only time to answer .one.
Mrs. Ross MeReberts Appear,.
ed first .winning $15 for the
branch. Mrs, Charlie Sovereign
added $50 and Mrs, Hearn $5
The branch felt that never be-
fore did they raise $70 in such a
short time and with as little
effort—and also had a pleasant
for 500,000
New Savings
on Car Insurance
with. State Farm
Here's the best Insurance buy ever offered
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C. E. Robb
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Automatic transmission.
14$ Door Park Cletta, London, Gnt,, robot,* GE 44502
!IMMO gator,.
8rind agtailla
CANADA, stetted
The Lucan Public School open-
ed last Tuesday with an attend-
once of 211, which is a slight in-
crease over last year.
Next Friday, September 16 is
the day set for Lucan children
to attend the Western Fair.
Children attending any other
day decreases the government
grant so Principal jenkens will
thank all parents who co-oper-
ate by taking or sending their
children to the fair on Friday.
The staff now comprises Prin-
cipal Robert Jenkins grade 8,
Mr. John Beer, grades 6 and 7,
Mr. Douglas Corsaut, grades
and 6; Mrs. Martin Arenthals,
grades 3 and 4; Mrs. Ross Mc-
Roberts, grades 2 and 3; Mrs.
Harold Cobleigh, grades 1 and
2 and Mrs. Don Hearn,. nursery.
Mrs. Clarence Hardy will
teach music Tuesday and Thurs-
day afternoon and Mrs. Ray
Simpson will teach grade 8 Man-
Busy wife
drives bus
Few communities can boast of
a more successful lady bus driv-
er than can the village of Lu-
can. On Tuesday, September 6
Mrs. Robert Drennan began her
13th year as one of the Med-
way school bus drivers,
In 1947 she and her father, the
late Mr. John Walls began each
driving one of the Wall's buses,
operated by her brother, Wil-
liam. Mr. Walls continued driv-
ing until his sudden death, Aug-
ust 1959.
For the past three years, Mrs.
Drennan has been driving one
of the East Middlesex buses
operated by the Murphy Bros.
Besides being a bus driver,
Mrs, Drennan is a busy house-
wife with a husband and four
children; Jim 16, Bonnie 15,
John 5 and Jo Anne 4. The older ;
children accompanied their
mother twice a day to Medway
until they were old enough to
VETERAN BUS DRIVER—One of-Ontario's few lady school
bus drivers, Mrs. Robert Drennan of Lucan has begun her
13th year of transporting students to Medway high school.
She's also a busy housewife, with a husband and four
children. —Culbert photo
Thirty golfers
Wednesday evening.
it was announced there would be, will only, be the 9 o'clock family
a second work shop for United communion service and. Sunday elect were present, from London, . slot, of fall activities, one of west, pause, turn north, then
Church women in the Robinson. School at Holy Trinity on that Ilderton, Denfield and Lucan. which will be another rummage dart at tremendous speed to the
Memorial Church, London, Sep.' date. Holy Trinity will celebrate Sharon Hodgins and Edna sale. south. He is still intrigued as to
tember 29. I its Thanksgiving service Oct. 2. Parkinson presented the decor sale. Wednesday night a number what they were.
The worship service was taken United Church
ated baskets of gifts to Miss the members metatthe as-
by the group leaders assisted by Bannister and her sister, Mrs. kett Furniture Store to make the
Mrs. J. B. Ready. The Rev." K. N. Hick of Ailsa W. Bowman, and Mrs. Lawr- draw on the radio, child's play- Craig was the guest speaker at ence Hodgins assisted in the ground swing set and the steel the 11 o'clock service while the opening and reading of cards. whichthe mem- The opening fall meeting of Pastor, the Rev. G. W. Sach, The winners of three contests, picnic table for bers have been selling tickets the Legion Auxiliary was held was taking anniversary services i held during the evening, were for some time. They drew tickets In the. Legion Hall last Tuesday for Mr. Hick. I Mrs. Bob Hodgins of Ilderton, of three outsiders: Mr. William night with the vice-president, The Sunday School which has Mrs. W. Bowman of Prince Ed- McDowell of Denficld won the
Mrs. R. T. Rummell, presiding. had open session all summer, ward Island and Sharon Hod- radio, Mr. Lawrence Burns of
The meeting was given over to began the regular schedule. The gins of Lucan. London the swing set and Mr. the receiving of reports and to Explorers will begin their fall. R. Westwood of London the the discussion of fall activities. activities with a weiner roast WA prepares for bazaar
The lunch committee compris- at 5 o'clock Monday evening, The September meeting of table•
Proceeds will go towards wel- ed Mrs. Harold. Butler, Mrs. Sept. 19 at the home of Mrs. Holy Trinity Church Woman's
Richard. Davis and Mrs. Robert Murray Hodgins. Auxiliary was held at, the home fare work.
of i Abbottlast d On the same date the leaders ,,,,,,,,,,,,, llllllllll ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lllll , llllll 11,111,m111111.1 llllll I lllll 1,111111111111111111111/0
of the Lucan CGIT are calling nesday afternoon with Mrs. Har-
their first meeting to be held old Corbett, Mrs. Mitchell Has-
in the church schoolroom to line kett and Mrs. Will Haskett as
up their fall activities. lunch conveners.
The president Mrs. T. C. Mc-
Bowling news
presided and led in the
Owing to the non-arrival of
the pin-setting machines the Lu- Mrs. Harold Hodgins read an
can Lanes did not open last article on the crosses worn by
week as expected. Though they Anglican bishops and passed a-
still have not arrived, Mr. Arn. round pictures of the various
old is hoping f or bowli n g this styles. These crosses, present-
ed by the people, vary in value
from $500 to $1,500.
Mrs. Harold Corbett continued
the study of Africa by reading
an article entitled "Bright Spots
ton were weekend guests of Mr. P. J. Laverty of Hamilton , on the Dark Continent"
and Mrs. Tom Hepbourn of Bur- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb and It was suggested members
lington and while there all at- family, of Mitchell, were Sun- make 3" x 10 yd. bandages from
tended the CNE, day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes old cotton to be used as leprosy
Dr, and Mrs. Robert Myers Hodgins. bandages. OVIIIII*111111Mt11111111,IIIIIIIIImiliflit211!1$111flitipEitI11111161111M11111211111,111111.111111111f1111PIRIMilifillitntilit
find children of Houston, Texas Miss Martha Rummell has re- The president offered her home ,.,...11,eleme,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,outeme,..,,,,,,,,,,,,elemeemeleteeteeemn%
and Dr. Lois Myers of London turned from a holiday trip to for the October meeting.
were recent visitors with Mr. Kincardine, Detroit and Port Material was distributed to be
and Mrs. Wes Revington. Burwell. made up for the annual bazaar.
You can deduct from your taxable income payments made
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Combined Payment Plans—A selection of plans which cant-
hint shares of either mutual fund with Investors Retirement
up at school
Struck by board
nearly loses eye
Ken Hardy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Hardy, narrowly
missed losing the sight of his
right eye recently.
He was pulling a nail out of
a board when it flew up, hitting
him in the eye. He was rushed
to Dr. Patterson who sent him
to Dr. Thompson who in turn
sent him to St, Joseph's Hos-
The doctors now feel they have
saved the sight but Ken is still
unable to go to school.
The Lucan branch of the
Errington Academy of Ballet
and Tap dancing at the Lucan
Arena, was a busy spot last
Monday from 4 to 8 p.m. so
much so, that those in charge
had no time to tally the exact
number of those who registered
for the coming season.
office work, Mrs. Ivan Hearn as
supply teacher began early this
year by taking Mrs. Cobleigh's
room the first week as she had
a bad case of laryngitis,
Jack-pot up to $160
With no winner Thursday eve-
ning at the Legion Auxiliary
bingo, it was decided to boost
the jack-pot to $160 in 54 calls.
Exeter was right back in the
winning again with Mr. Roy
Pepper winning the $5 consola-
tion, Mrs. Lloyd Ford, the sec-
ond part of the consecutive
bingo, Mr. Joe Campbell win-
ning a bingo and Mrs. Jim Copp
sharing one with Mrs. Omar
Cunningham of Clandeboye who
also won the 11th bingo. Mrs.
Art Harlton of Granton won the
first and third part of the con-
secutive and Mrs. William
Mathers was winner of "Share
the Wealth",
Other winners included Mrs.
Lawrence Hirtzel and 'Mrs. H.
Windsor of Centralia, Mrs. Cecil
Hodgins, Miss Mary Young, Mrs.
Richard Davis and Mrs. John
Smibert, all of Lucan.
Cancer doctor
speaks to WA
day and Wednesday afternoon vie for prizes start public school. Now the
to permit the principal to do two younger children accompany
At the September' Meeting.' ..,0f- Rev. W. J. H. Morton, professor-
at Huron College, was the guest the Woman's Association of Lii-. speaker and administered. Holy can United Church last Wednes- day evening Dr. Lois Myers Communion. Flowers on the al_ (the former Olive Hodgms, for- Lions Club news many Lucanites have beheld the from the cancer clinic, London, tar were in memory of the late merly of Lucan) was guest of '
was the guest speaker, taking Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith (par_ honour at a miscellaneous show- The opening fall dinner meet-, American satellite several times.
er held at the home of Mrs. ing of the Lucan Lions Club was( Just before its appearance at. , ents of Mr. M, 0. Smith). cancer as her subject. • Austin Hudgins of Lucan last held in the Anglican church base- 9.30 p.m. last Wednesday Joey
meat last Monday evening. Hodgins, Lucan's young astron-
The new president, Mr. Clare ' artier, saw three strange objects
Stanley, presided for a discus- in V formation come from the .
It was voted to have a bazaar,
shower at the next meeting and.
Thirty enthusiastic golf fans
met at the Grand Bend golf
course last Wednesday for their
annual golf tournament.
Harry Wraith won low grose
with runner-up, Cecil Van Horne;
low net, Howard McDonald;
runners-up, Fred Revington and
Steve Storey,
The winners will have their
name placed on the Labatt pla-
que and will also receive an in-
dividual trophy each, donated by
the club.
Oldest golfer was J. H. Can-
telon; youngest golfer, Vic Neil;
winners of the hidden holes, Jack
Elson and Mert Culbert; most
honest golfer, Don Erbshot; best
guest golfer, Doug Scott of Lon-
With. the re-opening of Sunday
School, junior choir, junior con- before wedding
gregation and League of Loyalty,
Holy Trinity Church was at -least Prior to her marriage to Ron-
partially back to normal. The aid Wright of Toronto on Sep- tember...1J, Mias, Marlene Ban-
nister of -Miss. eitglitef• "-bn
Mr. and Mrs. William Bannister,
With St. James ChurchThanks-
giving service on Sept. 25 there •
her and Jim and Bonnie go as
Medway students,
Mrs. Drennan was off duty
four months before the birth of
John, but other than that period
she has only missed one day
since she began driving and that
was last February when the ;
roads were impassable. A few'
times a flat tire or engine trou-
ble has necessitated the secur-
ing of another bus but she al
ways managed to get her chil-
dren to school safely,
Other than the swerving on
the ice she has had no accidents
during the 12 years, Nor has
she had any serious discipline
problems with her over 50 chil-
dren, during her years of serv-
ice. Bert at Selkirk. Then- only car
Leaving home each day at trouble was a blow-out at Port
7.30 a.m. and not arriving back Huron.
from her second trip till about After a 10-clay vacation at her
4.30 p.m. makes each day a home on Alice St., Miss Flo
busy one for Lucan's charming Chown has returned to her
housewife — mother — and bus
Bride honored
TwentyI tiv of the bride-
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cornfoot, After working for two years
, of Toronto, were Sunday guests with Dominion Automobile As-
i of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross, sociation Miss Marilyn Reving-
Messrs. Don and Jackie Park ton entered the London Teach-
, are holidaying at Long Island, ers' College on Tuesday.
N.Y, I Miss Anne Marie Murdy, who
1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnold and was the bride's attendant at the
family attended the 50th anni- : Treend-Bond wedding in Calgary
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd arrived home by plane at 6
Napper, of Detroit, last Satur- a.m, Monday instead' of 10.30
day, p.m. Sunday, Engine trouble
caused missing connections at
Toronto and having to be driven
by car to London,
Mrs, .1, B. Ready and family
have returned from a two-month
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown- vacation at the Hylands, Grand lee have returned from a two- Bend where three other Lucan
week motor trip to the west go- families, Messrs. George Paul, ing as far as Regina and visiting Clarence Haskett and H. A.
with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Col- Chown have cotta es near b
duties at the St. Thomas-Elgin
Hospital, in St. Thomas.
After doing extensive repair
work on the home of the late
Mr. Ernest Guest Mr. and Mrs.
Earle Grose of Toronto and son
Mr. Lawrence Grose have re-
turned.home. The home has
been rented until next spring to
Mr. Gordon Gignac.
da 't no in space Mr. and,Mes. Pat Grudge alai.
fainilk"'VV'e Fetitriied With the daily publishing of week's camping at .Ipperwash. • the times Echo can be seen,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins
of Lucan and Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Carroll of Saintsbury were Sun-
day guests of Mrs. Ada Walker
of London.
Lucan and district personal items • •
Mr. and. Mrs. A. M. Hedden
spent the holiday weekend in
Toronto, guests of Mrs, Red-
den's sister, Mrs, Lillie Hill, and
other relatives. They took in the
Mrs. John Casey has returned
from a week's vacation at De-
troit where she was the guest
of her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hunter.
Sites odd objects
Legion Auxiliary meeting Snipp & Style
Individual Hair Styling
Phone BA 7.4467
BOW1.1AN, Prop.
The mystery prize was won by
Mrs, Dwight Ball.
Personal items
Mrs. Sheridan Revington at-
tended the Presbytery executive
meeting at First St, Andrew's
Church in London, last Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McFalls
were weekend guests of Mr. •and
Mrs. Chester Sprowl of Kitchen-
Mr, Cap Howard took a weak
spell last Sunday and is now a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital.
Misses Rose and Anne Reving-
Personal Items
Miss Marilyn Brownlee was a
weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs.
WINSST )000 DRAVV—Iith. Reitibutk, left, SL Marys, wori the. $1,000 draw apeesered
ib tAtari. fiterri#ft tte.dfitiy. itd'S shnwrl here with Alex Yourigi Ludati's fire thiefyl
bit* w Ind bort ntattio Seiler Of the mdkirtirig ticket, Culbert photo lll ll ,
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