The Signal, 1927-4-21, Page 2•
't• ;I•
afro r -
2 --Thursday, April 21, 1U27.
Aimed I
'SPAl1Ll811111) 191,8
of Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association
1'ubliehed every Thursday morning.
Robsc•riptiun price 62.00 per 'tear
strictly In advance.
Telephone 35 . : Goderkb, Ont.
W. Il. Itola•rtsou, Editor and Manager
Thursday, April 21, 1927.
The new liquor permits are to cost
two dollars. But. as In the case of
the automobile. 1t Is not the Initial
outlay. but the maintenance, that
eouats op.
• • •
Charlie Chaplin will not be an
fnnuy for a few dayr. He has had to
pay approximately a million dollars to
the t'nited'Statea Government in set-
tlement of income tax arrears.
• • •
A. report from Chinn status that
01nat Looks In11
d for the men. p P little political party aid Y e4how•
i and 'thee for a moment the pace
slowed. fake for Instance the eeca-
pale of, a Magary mansion. We'
I have a rote 1 the estimates for *.o0,
1000 to provi house furnishings and
"fixings for Mr. YNasst-y. It has been
Ipart .t isle Tory' policy titin year to en--
eoura a extravagance. When. the
quest' of spending money la eon -
emits' they answer with n shout,
I -les. laid mere tau." 1%llen the grits-When.t say, -When. Wren[?MM hM
" the Tory tnra-
'yea away Tike Snuck Marl'ht•rsnn
1 (then he hears the tinkle of Scotch in
the glass. But in Ihfa it was differeht.
It wakes u good talking tient in the
' country+''Elie Government is speed-
ing enormously in Washington 011 a
r.-id.b.a. torr--ottr--ambassetter." And
soldiers Elite blown up the
gvrlf•gre•its at Nanking. Agnate Mae -
Omit will be hent put to it to defend
people who would do thing like that
• • •
Chicago elothfera after due delibera-
tion have decided that a man should
hake a suit of clothes for reach day In
the week. That's 'nay ; most of us
men have a suit for erer3 day in the
• • •
When all is said and done. says one
•f our "cot -ma." loyalty- to your own
The Week at Ottawa
By ft. J. llracgntan
Ottawa, Aprlr1e.-•'The tights tree'
out, and gone are all the guests."
The dullest of all sessions of Par-
liament has passed into hiatury. 1'1r -
gin weathers. full of high hopes and
lofty conceptions of their Own power
of startling the world, have gone to
their howea-odder but more•;u:l
llgbtenad • men. i'ump,us and purse -
proud duffers who sit and awoke uud
sometimes only sit have packed up
and departed. The cynic who views'
all things as wanted effort will uo
lunger repeat to the members of 11'27
the sad tale of "'twos ever thus and
1 told you stoat 'Bright stars. and
there were some who toured uiwu our
vision ter a brief day. are no more.
Their light dished. once or 111C13 be
"Tlwn like the ruoa-Sake in the ricer
A moment seen tidal gone forever.'•
butte la, life bt the Big House toil the
Hill. -
A khat Session
It was dull. One wrote of last
was before the eye the hell of battle.
Ow- con ._Ilalou. the ``upretue Cow -
wand. the Hoard' of Ntt ttegy. $iiputgj
went on continuously. You could PAP
the tufautry moving into pusitinu-
thesattle elf_ machine guns began'as
goon as Arthur took his seat -far lute
the night the tierce battle raged. while
flash answered dash and tawdry poli-
tical reputatuua were torn to shreds
anal tatters. Sometimes the Goteru-
nient war so close to defeat that hold -
hog tl a Ilne was more a dewonstratiun
of uushakcn valor than the uwinteb-
81141. of an Important Iosltiln.
This year .it was different. The
whoa( $erne made one think of crickets
chirping in a distant field, of tag'.
Impartial Experts 'Say
is the finest 'Orange Pekoe' sold.
light be Iardoutrl for preseuting'this
as a debit.) •
I' The umNnctmcnts to tit rules
of the House.
There wen• many other things of
some importance, these are the major
The debits may be listed as folluwr:
t 11 Failure to provide for 1103111(e%Inking fund to take care of tItt ea-
tional debt.
(11 a►Nel -ra-peaditureaa etvprelrlle
Il thehirgtr items, There Ls alu„t7-ti.
1111. effort made- to rctNloml,t• In
the purchase of taper towels. tamp
.11 1111 drinking curie but million. of
weepy slip away with great Celerity..
i •. la,a prlvater w• wla•r?" and the
uua%cer win. ' (;lid n •as." The third
diluted In with II, rt-tuark that hr
was not coming tea next year --he
would send his pawn , t attorney -and
the answer was. les. they might
, emit us our indent!w ithout asking
its to tome tk,wn. A. we have re-
marked un a Itrry occrsluu, the
march of rhe IIUIIIUt..uiud Is slow and
n revue comes only 1 l r lung agitation.
Tic-�rirair mew►Lri-iltttst e
bar -,pore
' jutl�ncuow 171st fa •L • taerialZ,• of tier
larliameat of the sixtieth year of
"VNtg k a Private Member?
The Government has been criticised
fur failure to lower the tariff, but the
judgment ought to be: "Out en sus -
la noted sentence_" That wtu tome
neat year or mortltk•ation will Get la.
\\'e eon do nothing but await events.
Then there is on the part of the Gov -
* raiment too much of a tendency to at-
to:racy. Governments will have to
broaden down or demoeracles will flat-
ten lint. The Overage member wants
In be something more than a rubber
(aandlao .lpple
--ultrantt:rl ‘ian-itnrr .- -
The mur'ement l:n' 1iu 111 to the coal-
, ration of the *pp:. .'rap throughout
the -Dominion des.?Ali to be eneour-
aged. Apples may lie grown over a
t great part of laanadt so great iu tact
lit it were all planner the crop would
he suttk•leut to supe' the markets of
the world:
In point of flavor. high euloring. and
Ieaggke•rpiug qualinrs. the Ilominion
prodak.« the drat grades and the de.
mend from other wineries for l.'an-
eotnmunit in buying is loyalty to krotwl cows ,Hrwulg tqe uwtnsome
y end. of the sedean hum of bees add ail stamp. Three Western members were Galan apples 1s steadily growing as
yourself. The dollar yule +pend at that careless *Mud. to life which ;Haan: ing this 0114' day. One said.' the? become better At:ow•n.
buwe hgs the beet cnative of rolling* for momenta of mental languor.'
your waJ.agaln. and flowery beth of dallianee and of
• • • • ease.
A story written by hiss Maxo de Ir Parliament in a Rosh
Roche. of Toronto, has won a prize of Thr treat week was u debauch. The
weathers had made up their winds'
$10,0110 given by the Atlantic Monthly, they were going hong-and they
in competition with buudrtels of cone
petitors of many natlotalitiee. Some
clever people stray into Toronto.
• • • pauey that would be scorned in Par -
Under the new law allowing women I titynent by boys. Thoughtful mem:
ln' treat Britain to vote at twenty- hers were disgusted; but 'twos the
one Scare of age (instead of thirty sphor. Parliament us In
3 -verso. there will (1e 13900000wo\rareirit of mendthe tliruuousense; the waonly
'.rung That checked tit• pairing race
men on the voters' done and only ll:1111.11I
1a1wet� au opportunity now and then,(0
were going --nothing would stop them.
Estimates acre jammed through. Sub-
jects worthy of careful cousideration
were chased along the Iluc with a dip-
. AN a
dta•,I I it?
• • •
Ailcertking impres9•es-,your name
and business on the' pnhlie mind. su
- that when people thiuk-of anything to
-your line they een11,s•t your mime w•itli
it. The businesa taut is advertised
keeps in edntaet w ith hundreds. of
bomes every week.
Just before ' .c c •Insiutt •of the
seealou the ile:lse of Conlmnur at Ot-
tawa gassed a resolution recurring its
appreciationof t -he achievement* of
the fathers of Confederation. It is
customary to send a copy of such repo -
lutlei,s to the persons concerturl. but.
we believe this WAS ow i1 led 00 ibis
• • •
L;o31 C,ecage re•fttae'a to be clirsed
a._�..tallure._ju<t_.yet- Lor.l Iteav,t•
brook It One of his pap, r- has h„
puha-ting a series of articles on
••splen:did failures," and of .one of
r Thee -artirlee Mr. I:hryd Georgi' --i• thr
atlj,,t. The writer. allege* that Mr.
L1ly.1 George threw away a anbpie
opportnuit) of cnttte,}idating his pill-
thal petition in 19'22. when he ill -
the project • :it that time ne
ceptahletto the '1'..1-i.- of 'using the
two wings of the emilltion inn centre
party under his leadership. • Mr Lloyd
George's reply contain,' the folloe 1 tg
Confederation Tales
screams go up from every page of
Hansard. Politicos takes more pages
than inkiness.
Mare Words than Sense
! plow" a page of good type' can be
wasted even .when Parliament is in it
hurry can la• shown -hg the fell•twtog
for tire-nnaterasatlorlal 17aeuesibu. \1r.
Caution had made the abservatietrtb,at
at the outbreak of the war American
.itize'us in minty countries lad gone 10
, the 11rli-It embassies; tleu fuauwetl -
this colloquy:
Gtr. Ile lute;lt : "ee•
It Ws ro no• absurd
1 for ulnyone• to 'ny that people flea to
,Ire British embassy in any c,iuttry
ngaged in the 'war. -
Cannot' : "1 never said that."
Mr. .Bennett: -The hon, gentleman
they fled 10 the embassy "
• Mr. Cannon :'"My hon.'friend knows
1 never edit tint. 'ile las changed
eo11ad1.1%1 . NO 1141111.1 lie Is getting
(amide, Slat)' bear. .%go v.ithalt a
Name or a Nationality, Is Tale) •
One of the Important %%orkl Powers
in the Leaeute of Nations.
Sixty years ago•Canada %v%401,sighing
for a Hanle awl a uittiuuahty. eau
ttdlane holly rerouted the tact that
they had no political or diplomatic 1
significance in Europe or in Asia.1
Nota Semis, New Itruntwiek. l'rintc
Edward ieland and Upper and Lower
Cauada had about as much meaning
London as Kenya Colon'. the Falk-
tand Island% or the Strait, Settlements
have today in t_'auada.
To41ny Cauada is tone of the i11gort-
ant world totters in the league of
Natteinr. Wilding of her best bruin
power to the solution of international •
oftairs. Ththc_ia 001 a eta lir te2ti11 91
1- In any of Ito. principal!
countries of the world without an of -1
fire or len grail i air hoe great l.uuadlau
snow %%ere even gr. ..'• r harriers than
Meantime the vlr„rious and idle
-oi4iers of the Nort u United States
wsting Aleap:.r glances 11100
the lightly protect-: hurlers of the
British ttt•rritory. 'here had already
lawn three previous ,:tempts at armed
force. The armies f the Fenian* In
the Crated Stals .unatltuled the
fourth menace.
Trade . depression: political unrest.
fear for bedew! -key- these were
that demons that gnatrd at the soul of
the British culunjek Weaker people
might have; anccusd, but the 'Brit-
ish Ap icrk ons taw. of sturdy stuck
and were , urturet in the tunic air of
the ntirthe_Tltey tore people who had
survived tau ant ii -half et mottle.; of
l ionei•r , s t rletw- t 1n the new• world.
The three Haat memorable years of
Canada's tight fa Confederation le-
I•:•n with 1 . ae atk,R George Brown
and Johtt .t. Ma:tlotutld, bitter and
traditiouat coral,., joined bands.
Farmer Well -knows Residents of Col- ,
home Have Happy Celebratien
A happy tweaaton was the celebra-
tion of the gulden wedding of Mr. and
troy. Nathan Johne avlttelt took tepee
at their home at Watrous. Susi. on
Monday. March 21st. Mr. anti Mrs.
Johns were bora in Colborne township
anti were married In Bethel church, in
that township, on March .t h, 1.77, the
officiating clergyman being Rev. Mr.
Mason. Mr. Johns .la seventy -gine
yearn of age and Mrs. Joann i., seven-
ty. They went to the West in 1910.
renting alt %whoa. bask. delve years
sago ,they moved 10' Watrous. There
were six children in the family, three
eons .and three daughters; one sou.
John Wesley, has passed away.
'Pharr of the family present at the
celebration were: Mr. and Mrs. 'rhos.
Johns and Mr. turd Mrs. \Plus Johns,
of '/.Plan : at r, and Mrs. Chas.
Of Poplar Park: Mr. turd Mrs. Jasper
Fisher. of Plymouth. The other
daughter is Mrs. Attlee .11Itu, of Col-
borne township. who 411* not able to
be pn•w•n1. There 11rt- eighteen grand-
children and three great-grand-
On a little wagon decorated iu gold
rotor Rea a basket tkiriMBITIft it --Tat
1 eliinf and sttverware: ruts was drawn
by two of otic grendehildreu. Luella.
Johns and Cecil Fisher. An address
MFRS presented and was read by the,
Oldest son. Thomas Johns. After the
presenta?liin the getherine.sat dow1t t
a well -laden table centred with' a wed-
ding cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Johns are members of
the United church at IN -Wrens. anti Mr.
Johns it a member of lung standing In
Ibe Masonic order. Before going
West lie was Reeve Of Colborne town-
ship for seveu 'oars and for ea many
more years he served as assessor and
tax collector__
Should Publish Regulations
(Kincardine Revie c Reporterl
If the Inrlous governments are go-
ing to 'lass all kinds of regulations re-
garding the grading and labeling ,d
products they should see that ,•te•ry
producer knows of such re•gu l:1 tuns.
How many farmers know twit if
they are going to sell potatoes
ander the Head 111111 Vegetable .ket
the spuds must tw grader) and
tags attached to the bags? Two pro-
duet•rs near iweedou were a week ago
ebet•ked up on this and fined In police
I epurt for fulling 10 comply with the 1
regulations. They loth Mewled that
they knew nothing of ant such regale-
lione. but. of (nurse, the eourts do not
countenance ignorance of the law. The
governments do not hesitate to tet
every individual know in tame manner
when they 'alt user nn Aet that will
give them political prestige. and the
lowly regulations should be broad -
-en•t Iwo 1 %% I1.
Keep Him Well With the Aid of
Baby's Own 'Ants
No matter how -strong And roti
tour child len'' tlr 1 ' requires a laxa-
tive sometime, to Mat the atolmleli
may ie- kelt sweet and the systetu
ply the- lataih melietnea
to eltldren were diragrc'ble
---eiletur oil. semi,' toe. piwd er*
an(rso nn. But now Ikihy's then 'fake
Ws. easily administered and pleasant
to take. have superseded th.-.'. The
eItildri•u like, Baby '4 Own 1'alrlets.
Net 4111} as it laxative Int in many
other wept these Tablets are an ideal
remedy for' hotly twee They gnit•kly
reelw•e .feverishness:_reUere indigos- 9
Bon. 'once and vomiting. prevent con- I
',filiation: check diarrhoea, 011ay teeth -
l.1.1 1111 quit t.roatote h,.tlteful.
natural ',%lee's.
Vin loth -g tl irony'* .Totters AT
ally dealer In mediate', er at _:, cents
a tax from The tors %Vll1.iams' Medi -
rim. 1'a.. Brockville. Out. •
Waved by a Serial •
Sir F:ms1e3 Carr. the editor and
part proprietor of "The N,•w's 4f the
\\'oriel." has revealed that a clergyman
Once eellel lipaulhim all put the sur- I
prising questima "Sir. 110ell the heroine
of your te•rial dict' lienuhb•d: "My
danght.•r is very 111. She is reading
the serial In your pipe►,- and she be-
lieves her complaint is the same ex
thou from which your heroine suffers.
it fits ell -waited nmoon i,r nand that 1
em cenvincwl if your heroine dies the
effect upon my (laughter w111 be fatal."
Regretfully the editor 11nd to con-
fess that according to the mannat•ript
the heroine should die. -For He•arertr
site let .her live:' cried the distracted
t-Tliroin eticAticeir his right of fret
transportation eowpnies. Canadian ratio.rh alai la- iqt ase perttm,tl anti p -
wheat and meat are feeding waxy of Utleal.ataine013 aeon the altar of his
colour'. 111:1,1' a •nerifi-ee as great as
Itfe itse•11.'utd :..,lpa more bitter. by
4tItt,ing 11,e sane cabinet as his rival
toy -raiser(' the itititgate eon fit tlera tion
tents. contriving liner . and !letter for '\ilticb, Ile 4101- so long moven.
incites iifllviltg for people 1.f every • 1tr. oil. had al says opposed the union
color and everp 1)0111ical faith. At „f roper at I+,mr Canada. demand -
tonne Canada has emotive,' to develop tett in'te a fed. a:,1 union of two goy.
such marked Haab( al se s4 1 t
u p r n, Ili, . , run � +. This icor had been in
baud oI tdulutien and sound govern-, I.rnr'ti,ta rift t r years+pest. Tlt-
uatut. that even proximity to a neigh-.fl(i11, mini ;ri,. f Lafontaine -Bald -
Nor uverwhrhnitigly greater in nu win. iIWek• \1 ell. Taehe-Matllunahl.
hers Las .failed to rub her of it. Brown -Marion. \p::, li%nald-Sieotte. all
Perhaps the struggle fought let the s;aike eloquent13 of the prnctital dna-
young colonies 'had somethjifk to da t'lile cnrernmen' stiokb bad been at
with the strength they .11. 41ayed metro �w`„rtes
union 41111 achieved. The young tree.; I1 tae maritime the Maritime Pro:
buffeted by northern .•torwir, s11rt•i't•3 tine's had discussed a tibial, carmen
Duly because it has its riots firmly en- themselves. Th. -y planned to meet in
twined upon the rugged land which Charlottetown in 1564. Canada saw
h,.ars.B. A shrub lightly rooted would hi the conference RA opportlmity to
blow alcaf and lee gone. peens' for the; target inion find feiarert,
The ,.lender yelmg tree of Canadian moreover. that a union of the Mari-
nspdratlons eithst.o,l storm* „f poli fifes might -nt her off from winter
ties and years of Indecision. and the parts. ion Cennda asked p•rmitsiou to
its-itg of the'atorm left it unbroken
and unbowed. •
it is always blackeet before the
dawn: and arareety one mire cloud
toted have been decimal for the storm)
shy in the decade before Confeder-
There had bum a ret-imenrtty treaty
bttw•P'p Canada and the United States,
lin the strength of which Canada had
spent ndtllnte. in improving waterways
anti the building of canals. Then
came the Civil War in the Uiitet
States, Forty thOusagd Canadians
e•nrd on the side of the Northern
States to 411p• out slavery ill the
South. lint 'a few Southern nth'
rn syn
thizer* voiced their theoretlosit aid 1ti
.{aee,•hs and editorials arta th L • 'song
Union of the Settee orrrlix,king the
practice! tido, and viii touch% on Its
tuttleal at dignities. became resentful of
Caur.,:a. At. a result the re•iproclty
oven ?; was rescinded. Th.' privilege
..f ;r,tn.% porling goal. thrmtgh the
United Matta to Canasta wail slab
Nle nations of the w, rid. Canadian
f14•tnry products go e111 14 al 4..1114;1• of
:sorts of cuuutrie%, and Canadian en-
gineers are scattered over the ...tiff -
thud. -
passages: Mr. Bennett: "1 assure my hon.
-Politically, taiticall', ' trout - the friend 1 ball 11411 be tired wench) the
standpoint of the tuaclltne and the ridiculous rebserrinions I Stare heard
rmifItiee noon and a venter. tate plan tonight."
was meet attractiv,--oh, J quite admit Some honorable members: 1flu
that. 'lout 1 simply enutd not do it. oh 1..
'rite slower I gave to Mr. Bonar Iso .--Mr, ltenevii : "It is_aerfeetty rkliett-
was. -1 annul never be Mother Cham- lour for II ny,nne 10 say that American
in.' Chamberlain wars :Is genuine ,•ttia'u* Ileal to the British in any field
of hnatll. operations."
'Mr. (iantwti: "i never said 111a1."
riven Mr. Mantel: "'Phot is what the hon
that 11 trait political tragedy- ti man i,rable member mild."
of his inmates. enpxittter working all Some honorable metubere: "No.'.
those year. against the grain of 1.15 Mr. lkeun4'U : "What did he 'It)
real instincts and nature. and only to 3p r. Cnon4n: "Io view of ibe Iwto.
Std in the end that it had 'leen n g,'ntleman's Goat• of mird 1 would
union of lncompatihillties. There If rather not ditc•nss Mie matter with
yon like was 'a eptendid- fallnre.' him now. Perhaps wee eau consider it
“No. 1 e*nil.l not do H . . 1 40 inter."
not in the legato ,m h'rvaltte than- sir. Benne„ : '•1 ren only say tbat
� d actbs th e
oeuvres and t Are 1 •I r • r la perfect n y such a t mx k I natural to
a- 1 r
e t i .1111n(t ice 4aytd
the Oil a, all I 1 my lion, friend at all tiers. That Is
w'Ithent them. But there Is such a til 1 ran Gay."
to r
a Ra teal a• 1 am. tool he was newer
tasty I hie Merger with the ('outcrta-
. 1 have always thought
tttlug ns being tote to oneself, and
there is pitch a thing ns self-rr.tpert,
and 1 shnnld hare been calm, tov
whole olhleal being If 1 had tri
to tired softly aA a u*endnConeerra-
tt a Instead of nlua¢ing along under
But there ores n solemn rile to the
my own eolnr• session anti. n fa Ir mrnsnre Of ae.omp
/ am at home swlrh ilndi,•,lls. noel I lishment. pmt us site up the credits
aowhrre '1e.:.01 while. In my forty -
honorable member: 'via on and
tin fah."
11 time i% money. that talk 1s worse
waste than the Massey uou.lun.
('redita and Debits
Aar* of P°1111". 1 eon find mart tlrst.
ve ye
teletekP% to regret. 11122 was not one 111 The amendment b the Sol -
of OCT." tilers' Settlement Art providing for
revaluation of Land sold to soldiers.
Thi. deelaratlal. any, The Nation, (2) Intal coedits.
•ring% true. Mr. Lloyd (tetrge't mato (rel Old or, pen*Ion.
gra i one of the most t.anstnehag ,and (41 _Amendment% In the (:rain Act.
agreeable pier's of ,.,tf;revelatlon we giving the farmer the right to dPslg-
bare had from a leading lad 'elan In nate the terminal to with his grain
is in go.
active life," til Forward movement towards
completion of Itu.bnn. Hey hallway.
it'e the man who can't do thlwge (g) Merited,. if tardy, platter to
that Is alwaest tell,ng others how tw the civil *street,.
tip thew---Chk*go Ne41a. CO Maritime Jaettkmrut. (A man
nttend_ along with Newfoundland,
Prince Edward 1slnnd, New Bruns-
tiek and Nova Scotia.
This w•aa followed a few months
later by the Quebec Conference. at
which the seventy-two provisions of
Confederation were drawn up. Itri-
fain sensed the ilnmor of the tt'hem'
and indicated her approval when
Mtorl•nald explained:
"The 4olnrtths are now in n trait d
lion Mate. They are gradually ernly-
ina a. different ••,d�.nial sa, ten end it
will become year M year image ease of
deiaendence nn our part anti of over-
ruling protection on the part of the
mother cmmty and more a east
hearty and violin' alllanee. lnstea4
n ne
f hooking reran n% ns merely a dae1d-
p 1
``mf tallowy. 1 rglrnd will have in Its a
1M010' nation. at tnbnrdinate but still
a powerfel people to stand by her in
North .\menta in pence or war."
The rnnsummntiee of the union arcs
not easy end political animosity did
tint die without a struggle. Priner P11-
denied and the Stater collected duty wont ieena withdrew -tor some years.
on grade in transit from Europe to We are *lilt waning Newfnnndlanel.
Canadn• On I/ee'mfr'r 4. lsgp, fh' Canadien
('aneda was dismayed, as Washing- d41'gatet met in inn don hr fram4' the
ton Intended she should be. for the al -
the colonies to the violet of annexation. algnatnre of Vtetnrla. and from 1114'
Then came the abolition of certain ancient castle at Wtndenr the R).min•
"corn lawn" in England ender witch Ion of Canada watt proclaimed and the
Canada had enjoyed trade privileges date .iuly 1 *et for Its birthday.
and a large measure or prn*pt'rtty•' The llndann Rar territories were
Any nattnn could now enjoy the e.ime pnrhas'd and freta tear* Inter British
privileges in England, while Canada ('nlnmble entered the nninn and the
was being closely hemmed In by fresh Dominion of Canada was 11141ce1
tariff walls. Even among the Britlsh stretehing from ea to *4'a " The
North colon!** were tart! 1)nminlnn was an mint giant. jest
wall. which mnd. Interprovincial begenning to feel the lifeblood eonrsing
trade didlcalt. In winter acs gad 'wanly tbroegta s trp�s/t
et a
et sg
L �,
d start!
fast tots of
Make no breaorn kfast
lots f
he sweet malt.� -0 •
Tia and :nailing star
That's to old
to KaIO=i� d
Jot taste
people on'
A al l rte' P�UoY l W OY t
ulhy tinily. �� arta � and
Olen daily.
crispness oY crena` s or
She ,�t.thor c feat
lid freshin or
honey. Kenos=
Madeaen-fre`h in en package.
Yns cannot equal dice
limitan°ns ca• nnot
genuine! At YcafeIn restaurants.
i rs'
dinint grocers.�Idbyau
father. 'Rahe is all 1 hair" So the' A lot of pwople would hare lived to
concluding chapters were rewash the a ripe nid age If they haunt had the
heroine mel. permitted to live. and + right of way.-- Oshawa Reformer.
later air Swale•y received a letter to
say the clergyman** daughter had -re- .j._ Stockingr were invented in the
covered. and attMinting- [het happy l eleventh century, hot weren't dile
result solely to the influence of the revered octal the twentiatb.-E1 Paso
star'. I Timor
m rill
ail I
/ -Say Tib• Movie Stars
Se say all whose work is
lard after they try the deli-
cious. inrigerating
tneat of W rigl•y'a Doable
Aron 6.o tart
-a/ Aft* ar•15
Correct shaving soothes
and protects the skin
I F,ve other *tyle,
Also Model "C • Ou,ht.*1.00
YOU have no use for an extra
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SHAVE which helps to keep the
faceo n
Y g
The same blade is used over and
over without assembling or re-
assembling of parts for sharpen-
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A stropped blade keeps the face young
V&lIeIt AtoMirtp
-Sharpens itself
Ne are anatouc that every .,w, of • Valet Autoatrop Riser be eonetantly •nthe.irei•,
gawk! •avehin, happen to your Runs affection ft• perfitct ••rohv. 1 ..,wag it to to •ad
eve will rests, it to • new like condition without Tharp
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