The Signal, 1927-4-21, Page 11 Clubbing Rates THE SIGNAL can nave you money on almost any newspaper or period- ical. Rates on request. Classi Pied Advertisements ionat Read thein tin Page 8. - -An advertise- rYlgnt in THE SIGNAL reaches the right pe Sole the people who hay.; I:lufl'I'II:TII YEAR NO. 16 • * ATHLETIC FIELD DAY OBITUARY FOR CENTENNIAL WEEK Toronto and London Girls May Again Ply Ball Hero Mr. 11. 11. MOCreatb, ut Turouto, ovate in town thio week and on Monday night conferred with the, centennial velebrrttun committee with reference to putting un an athletic field day as a feature of the centeunlal week pro- gram. last year. 1t will be remem- bered, Mr. McCreath had a notable gathering of athletes herr In eunoec•- tlon with his camp at Meureetuug Park and the field day which he put on at Agricultural Park was, in trpite of beery, rain, a great success. it a proposed to have, a similar event on Saturday August Sib. the doting 427 of the ceateanial celebration, and Mr. McCreath has accepted the, commis- eion, ou behalf of the centennial com- mittee. of securing the attendance of matt of the tureen t atbletes u Pror(nee. _ The two ladies' baseball teems. one from Toronto and tbe other from Lan- d. whichplayed here last year may again be gaged for the tame day. It is reported that they are mallow. to ,� meet rtn. and as there was great in- terest' tbe battle between the two teams here last year a renewal of the duel would be a highly popular event. Mr. Meru, rib has several other in- teresting featdres fur the athieti, ury under cooaidieration. and under his energetic leadership the closing day orf the celebration w111 doubtless be a fit- ting rima% to a week of notable events. Mr. M'4' ,rrath reports that the 1;ode erich old boys of Toronto are looking forward to centennial week with great eagernean. The committee Is punning to have one morning or afternoon of the week set uaide for a Hee series of s and other sports ex- clusively for the old boys, and the 'Huron ted Boys' Association of Tor- onto to expected to enter its cham- pion athlete•s in these events. CARLOW SLI.0 t4:tF:T ANN 01.1) Mrs. Margaret Ann Old. widow of , the lute George 11. Old. died on Sun- day, April 10th. at her home. 3111 Arms. ury Place. Sault Ste. Mark; Mkt. at the age of eightyvne years. Mrs. Old will be remembered by the older red- den*of Godericb. Ser husband con- ducted • . grocery store hero y 4O. years ago, moving to the Sault in 1i Mrs. Old was born .In Boston, Mass. Four daughters aid two sons survive: Mn. l'. E. Healy. of Minneapolis: R. T. Marriott, Mrs. E.■ Tay- lor and A. Gertrude Old. o1 the Sault; George k. old. of .Elan Fran- cisco. and John P. OW, of tbe Sault. Tbere are also several grandchildren and great;grandchlldren.Il OOMGGE A. TILT Mr. sod Mrs. A. L Maxwell were called to Preetou last week by the 111- f the nein of Mem. Maxwelj'a tatter, Mr, tieorge A. Tilt. whose death occurred on Saturday. In his seventieth year. Mr. Tilt was one of Preston's proud - tent dtlzeos. lie was born at Blair, Ont.. and was for thirty -eve years em- ployed by the A. O. Wiemer Company. of lirautford. later the Massey -Harris Company. During that time he was also engaged in the cattle business, %blob he continued after severing con- nections with this company about 1tttP.. Mr. Tilt was for thirtydve years clerk of Waterloo townehip. end after moving to Preston be became a member of the local parks commis- sion and the taotbeni allowance board. Politically he was a Liberal. 1)e - et aee•d was a prominent- washer Ai Cambria Lodge. No. 3, IA.0JF., and of the Masonic Lodge. 'He was a brother of the tate Thomas Tilt. who for some perwu of Thomas Baird. sr.. aged seventy years and tire months. Mr. (laird bad been subject for sortie Tittle time to hemorrhages from the nese and on.Friday he lame a particularly severe. one, which when checked con- tinued inwardly and caused Itis death. Mr. Baird thew born in Stanley town- ship on November 1st. LBO. and he hail spent lila whole life lu the town- ship. 'ae was one of a tinnily of eleren. only one of whom now remains. Mrs. Jeau Campbell of Moose Jaw. The late I:.. rte •ltalyd. "The Master, rt well knees n :11101 well -loved resident for mane' year's was an older brother. The subject of this sketch was mar- ried on May 2lat. 11171), to Agnew J. (Dunbar. eldest daughter . of the late Mr and Mrs. Joseph 'i) nter of Ash- field town.hI .. who survives. with ode wit, Mr. Thumar B. Baird. who re - tildes on the homestead. Mr llnlrtl was a ldbernl in volitive( and a enmity terlan In religion. He was active in church work and for many years was. %eeretary of the Bible ei ielety., He was also for twenty )ram or more sec- retary of Baird'', cemetery board. The funeral took place from the family residence on the tad of Stanley on Monday afternoon. the services at house and graveside being conducted by the Rev. .4. Macfarlane. aselsted by the Rev. W. A. Bremner of 11ruerte1d Tjat, tallbear.rs were Meteors. Jame Thompson. George T. Bnird, Thomas Campbell.. John A. Moffat. John T. laird and Hugh Gilmour. Many very beautiful floret offering. were sent by symlwth.-tl. friends. The relatives land friends from n distance who came to attend the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. John T. Baird. Detroit; Mrs. Wm. Board and Nr. Wm. Sage, Toronto: Mrs. If. Pentland. Miss Mary titrrdon, Mr. and Mrs... 4Laydeu. Mr. J. WII- son, Mr. Harry Lednor. Mr. and Mrs. Angum Gordon. Mr. Theis. Dougherty. -Her Jobo Quaid -mad, --James and John McKenzie. Goierk'h: Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Alkenhe•d and Mr. John .Aiken - bead, London. CARLOW. April 20. -Mr. and Sirs. 1'. A. Robertson and Mrs. A. John- stone attendee) the funeral of the late Mn. Emile Mclennan of Lochalsh. whose tragic death oeeurreri on Mon- day. April lltb. ,as the result of an automobile accident. Mrs. Thos. Mcl'be motored up from Hamilton on Gond •Friday to spend the weeheand at her old home, 'KN. Dr. M Dr. and Mra Baruby, wltb4 w nshe me. went' on to Lothian to visit at the Doctor's former home. They returned to HIamilton on Mon- day. Miss Mary Itolwrts,on, principal 0f Glenview public aehool, Niagara Palle. 1s spending the Easter vacation' with her sister, Mrs. E. Fisher. The service in the church on Sunday was well attended. 'rev. E. loulter gave au excellent Easter eermon and the ehnir gave a fitting selection fors - the day. Mr. C. A. Robertson and Mb.. Doro- thy are spending a few days at Tor- uItn this week. A number from Carlow attended the funeral of the late Miss C. Augustine at Dungannon on Sunday, including the M'Bride tastily, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. R. Varcoe, Bert and Chat Varcoe, Mr. and Mrs. C. Trethewey. Mr. and Mrs. Errington, Mra. Clark and the Gallagher family. Miss Augustine was formerly the teacher In S. S. No. 1 and was very highly regarded. - Mr. and Mrs. Robitet. or -['Flacon. visited at the Maedela' on Good Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ilan Schwalm and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pani Maedel on Friday. Mlss Julia Young was up from Tor- onto and spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Young. Miss 1s-. h I Young la spending the holiday% with friends at Monkton- Mise llauswell, of Co-hrane, is vlaitiag with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson.. The Saltford Auxiliary of tbe Gads erlch hospital served lunch at McGaw etatton the day of the Huron bacon hog fair. They were well patronized and addei considernhly to their fundb. The young people of the church are busy preparing n play, "An Marty Bled," whlrh will lie given on the 27th. It Is a• good, piny nnd the young people are potting a lot of time on It. Mr. and Mrs. 'itobert %'ikon and two children, of Cochrane, are visiting the former'* parents at -ItldPn-wee," and oleo with his brothers, Messrs. Tom met Frank Wilson. The W. M. S. met in the townehip ball on God Friday with a Inrge at- tendance and the president, Stir* 11. Clark. in the chair. The Roster leaf- let wns followed throngh nt. Mrs. (Rev.) E. Poniter rend nart of n chap- ter from the Meade brook and will finish the same at the next meeting. lira. john Toting nnd Sire. Poniter gave very Interesting Raster meessagew, which were enjoyed by all prevent. A pleasing feature of the meeting was the pnestntatlon of a i1te 1M•mher5bip eertifente to Men. George (:len, 5hn has been a member of the Rowlett for thirty-nine ,care, ever ahem it was ors Ranlac.l in 1S5R. Although completely _taken by surprise, Mrs. filen thanked the members in n fete well-elemen worda for their thonghtfnlntn.•e. Prat- er from the leaflet was read, in unl.nn. atter which a dainty lunch eras nerved And a plea:not half-hour repent talk Ing over tl* work her the mummer. Mise Doris Fleher, of Detroit. spent !•.fetter at the home o1 her parent.. Mr. and Mrs. 41. 1. Miter. years conducted the British Exchange hotel In 4:oderlch. He la survived by tits wife. two sons and two daughters. The funeral took place on Tuesday Jo the Blair cemetery. THOMAS IBAIRD Clinton News•Setnrd (March, SI): A member of a well-known Stanley townahlp family peeved away very suddenly on Friday create( last in the GODER!CH, ONTARIO, THDDA`.. APRIL 21,--49/7 I lit: eiltiN AL l'K1N7'14:41 Cel -.}-MITER, I•nbtiahp s. ---- I LAST WEEKS SAD - ar The News f ,the Town Harbor Notes Two steam -re arrived at this port this week. The ellenelg came in nu Sunday from Toledo with a Fargo of 23(1) tons of coal for the Western ratt- ails Flour Mills plant. The first steamer to arrive this lowing, with a cargo of grain fur the 4:o,krleh 'ele- vator was. te Br.oktou. which dis- tarked 110.1 bushel/. 'of wheat .0 iwe•dneada y. The steamers Satdtatihewau and Torktun are expected with enrgoes of grain for the Godericb elevator. and the steamer Batton is ebur at the \Cistern Canada Flour Mills etevater. Three more freighters of the eiater fleet left port the past week, Thr. steaaaer David Troxell cleared- iight, for Lorain. the Kamloops for Sorel.. said -the 1). 4t: --Manna---4.e--Feet--W444-- Ram. The three remaining steamers of the winter fleet, Hurlbut %V. Smith. B. Lyman Smith and -Wilbert 1!I. lt>atth.- are now fitting out and will likely elrar uu Saturday next. --- Canaille Cala it a Worsen's League That the Cathullc Women's League leas completed) a year of su.•essiut *ei?vitr wes Ahow11 at its sixth an- imal meeting, held Wedneedav even- ing. April 13th, and attended by a goodly number of members. The treasurer, Mise C. M. O'Neil, reported a substantial sum had,en raised during the past year. ,This be This re- port was followed icy- a very compre- Iwnelve review of the ieagues activi- ties for each month during Ole year. 'Phis report wes prepared by Mra. F. 1.. Dein. rewording secretary, and tevtlfleeti In no small measure to the Inferrer and zeal shown by the mem- ber. in the various efforts which re- sulted In such a creditable showing *ud flue enabled them to give a noels- and eadyand generous respnnee to the mnny demand,. mode 11'1.111 them. Mrs. W. ,1. Lannon presided luring the first part of the meeting abet before netting she commended In it few words the. past efforts and urged a enntinuanee or if an Increase of the same, keep- ing ever In mind the motto of the League. -For God and Country." Mn... .1. B. Whitely landed the work which had been aecomplislie.I by the Society, After a hearty vote of thanks to the retiring Officer.. Mrs. F. Rnbintu,n was appointed chairman for the election of °fibres *wd the toII wing wen• e•le•.•teel for the coming year: Spiritual adviser. Rer. Father (`nmp•au: past preaid.nt. Mts. W. J. Lennon; presi- dent. Mrs. J. 71. Whitely: lot vicr- president. Mrs. R..1. Phelan ; 3r1 vlee- preeIdent, Mra. P. J. itnp.•hler; 3rd dee-president. Mrs. L. 1.. Dean: cor- responding secretary', Mrs. E. J. itncehter: treneurer. _ Mrs. 1). M. O'Brien: councillors, Mrs. R.hin,on, Mrs. Barrow. Mrs..1. Phi•len anti Miss 'Vaughan. To %tart the year's work till'. Lague has planned a .-.ries of terns and a --l*wtt-wirisl-at -s-brow .fate. ' TO THE BUSINESS MEN The Centennial Committee has pni- rldh'd an attractive engraving fin two Sizes) for the nae• of me'rchduts nnd other business men .on their stationery, with the ohjes•t ut a tvertistig the centennial celebration. This- can ire nerd without any .xtrn Bout when you are having u stock ed rtathllery [whited: or can Iw printed at small cost at any of the heal 'whiting offices 011 shy stationery you already hare. Al it Is now getting well on towanls the date etthe celebration. It Is urgent that all should co-operate in adver- tising the event pled it Is hoped the bnslness people will give their asAlst- un,e •r once to the manner indicated. Deet everyone help to the extent of hie opportunity in putting over this dellum:11nt ,elebtatlas.-- 14-is.onte by united effort we can make It the stow cuss it eholld le. ('F.NTPINNI.11, /Y►MMiTTF`F. THE CAPTAIN AND THE HAT reeord,.l in Ti,,• 51511111 hast week. Cnptnin .lag,.ow of the freighter A. M Kovno wns presented on Monday. 11th hot., sith the hat elven each spring to the captain bringing the flrst hent Int,' port The Byers arrived from Milwaukee ,'n SAturdny. the !)the with n t-nre. of 430.(ns) bis, of eat" and ,oats. Thr pt'ture show" Capt. Jagenoa topped with a *Ilk hat of ah- ei,•ni vintugp which somebody prafuerd for the mese-ion. while' In his hand I. the new fedora presentee) to him by Mayor MaeFwan In behalf of the town atinding h•shle the captain i" the Meyer. while to the extreme left are Comiellior Ceti nnd Town Clerk Knot In the rear is the berme which is to be prevented by the town to the sienmer (Inlet -14h of the Cas- ette Steamship i.rnes. tloderieeh wean the first harbor on the upper bikes In receive a .ar(n fhta season. msintsining Iry rementlen as ''The first I1Arhnr to open and the I*s1 10 cisme.'. w .brother ( 10 See It -The \\'i,n,g Wrh!,'. h.• comedy given Feces*, ruder :a au4 plces ut'the Arthur Clre•:r. w : to re ia•uted on Friday eveahtg. ,V til :Mild. In the lecture reom-rt Knox ,'htlr'•tr. Aeluilsslon :tic. 44 Greyhound Featuring Monday, Juno 1 The steamer (irsyJuutut a:,i "mike its annual excursion trip from Introit to Godcrlck nu Moseley. Juno- 11th, this year. The regnlrt- ai o dight ex- curalon will be run. t of 4;,eineo.h .p_ the evening d Junk t11. and the fol- lowing morning. ,boat! 7ththe trip to Detroit will 1,e et d,, Witt: return to (ks►er[eh rn, Tet•elay. ,Mule 1Ak and the that trip t*Au'•truit wilt tike elece F'rWsf "obi • June lin h. Hobby Fair at theorist Sehsel The dale of the Ohio fair of Vik- toria school ander Oa dtrorolotCwt-tbe home and S,hol Cleo Imes twee set for Thursday. AprI - rhe •All Judging will be completed o 1►rdne•sday even - tug after which the mimes of the pu- pols•wlll 'tar placed ea their res peel ive work anti the schtill still be open to the public on Tutu y afternoon from 4.1.E to 3.:10 oc d nt. 'rburtuyt evening from 7 to neletek. ' A witch larger prize list ttat)been arrunReel for this year and the potent,. :tad friends ore asked to show,hr appreciation end eneottrage the ?opll' by their af- t endan ee. A - .1 Iy,nllPttb*. 111_4*-- taken to help dal,the -expense of the prizes. :a -_ -- Now-__ of of I.oderitb Mr. and Mrs. 31 .: 1'►ick, lite of the Hunte road, .rich towv*hip: near Holme -ovule. r.- eon. to God- erfch to reside. fere their de- parture from their me in the towu- ship they .were wit' inert ley n num- ber of neighbors a frirudw and were presented with a n.l.nwe reading lamp aee..utianied the following address: ' To Mr. and Mrs. Mlthaei Flick: Thar Frit -netts- 4 vine learue.l that you have di>slrow"L cunt farm and prola•rty std Ino to remove from. 'our midst ill the n future. we. your trienetx and neigh teed church a-- tune,. \cion 10 ss to YOU in mom.• muwu-r out e,tlmat(on of what, your 11 ,slgant to our ' (ommwniey. in which you have• ed amongst us. 'this community has 1 1 greatly Iwn.- fitted ley your keen ut.rest In end your loyal support . alt that 'p•r- talned to the I.Ighe•st welfare of its residents. We know• hat you have gladly and with a evil! g spirit ,glren of yuttr vey tt-yt tt1urtig to help talons • every cause .h,tv'lut fdr its • aim the betterment Of the community. We shall' miss your pretence from our ehurell sercttt'= met modal gatherings. ' at which we have always- found you faithful attendant- we " %!tall miss cj W 1teighh>r:y 11-.1' and your open hospitality, mall f,.,ted in your own home to all your friends. Wt. trust that in your pew ;race of residence you will host he r. r:g roared to enjoy well-wurited_res_pI '- from the stren- uo114 labra -ef ►"t« pant. We greatly regret your dept-, ere from our cont munity, bort we k,.ow that you will readily' form -new- friendships - ane! 11-evt• yeurset cos w •rthr Oilseeds of the teen of Galerieh Aber* we learn you purpose residing We bad ono end- all purposed as-, subbing on this 1O4.4 01411011 at your ,e -Ale, to•eujoy a flirt, will ww•inl gain, r. a together with you and to present to eft Mane slight ioketi of onr kind regard. hut owing to Mrs. Fliek'r 11ln.ss. wbi•-h we hope is Intl temporary, we thm•tght It wise to da. Rate the niatter farewell to n tett' frleuds among your many friends, who noir ask you to ,1eoept-this ,1 --isle lamp as a token cf our regard. trust• tnTMATIVs11r of Imes noon II format asso•latiot,s and ; .assort tnsmorleie of the bygone flay- •!out among your friends In Holm, - 'Ice rk•inity. Again let us wry we ate situ to hid you fare- well. but sine. y„•i bur. det•fded to re- mote. w,• wish y, Gars rielieel',h•ss- ing of hertlth at. happiness and en- joyment in Tool • W homy for many Years to colo.. Rlgutwl on N 1 f 411 your friend.. J. 1' - •e •Iha and WiI!iaut Glenn,. Mr. -'lick re.e, . fittingly, expres.- in; regret at t1,, :liongl►t of 41c,•rin_ the ties formed ''y eighteen *curs' r,esidroce lit 7; enmmunity-. and thanking tltt fri,i,ls, on'whnif of him- self and wife f,r the kind words reed to them At: f•or the gift. which would Im' fongd ,,'rt n*efnl in their new home. Byerkrtion in June lafurmatlou at hand 1171, week is to the effect that the N rth ilurou bye eltetluu will he held. in June. The camel drip, it is understood, hat not iweu.tk•cltl rl-asci. and .%r tar 'there has ial *mu•intemenl To Organize for Baseball A public ee,ting will he held In the town halt on Wednesday evening. , April 27111. at s p.m.. for the purport. of organizing :e baseball team for the coming sea-ou The towns of Mit- eltrll. Seaf..rth and WIngleam bare in- timated their intention of Mining Teams fu the 11.14 this -mason. Ail baseball player. aid fans art invited to be present at thi. me•etiug. CHURCH NOTES The. services ;r Knox church nest finnday wilt be n- followe: Public w•or ship *i 11 nem. n e -1 7 pm. 4'ondncted hr tote minieter. Sabhnth ".hoop •end Bible daase, at :1 p.m. The Arthur cit.* ' of Knox etittr.h Will hold their ;hank -offering mese? Ing nn Monday pyrnkag. April 2'nle. nr It o'clock, In the 'rehire room. .l ape - esti program has been arrawred All members are s"k,41 to he present s , • of .• dei si v • Mout to made friends readily and had the u many 'hell x nppy act r n r. dining rte• ai er n e • IP ceoi.:Ir with the short service opening mother. iug [t ince 1111$44.1•441,01,1,:141.`1.0 glutei over the the W. A. members' prayer. Af- ' entire; neighnlu 'her enrlr - ter this prayer he called Mrs. Hardy' slain of Detroit. spent the weekend .111ya s e. was member o the rew y- diei,•e.an tltt member. 3urs. Slick. a Spuliu. -- inter belongtwi toss the To,halsh Pres- el.srter member of live W..t., and onebyteri 111 e•hiereh, She was always 11 r. and Sic. 1., L. I►T,x ,,,,L,11,a nun, t._I with the a. tfritl.a of the ,' t a• .,ides! tne•6uers of 15r--t.edrge'a Enso-r in- Toronto. ST+. hnux 14 re - 1 .7:gregati•,l., presented Mrs. Itonly tuaining in the city for the rest of the church life and will be greetly missed. n[t1: the eel -titivate and* pill. 31Ies •lv,,,,k. 'Mr. and Sirs. Fraser and family Biotin then read the following ad- Mr. bud Mrs. M .I. SeheNmhxis nnd' ween• netiflrd at th«it. bone. In Detroit dr. family and Mrs It H. Johnston, of And with their stns, i1,nt John. Lorne ' The Guit'L lio". (;Muton. visited rriaiises-in tow's the nod .laughter. Miser Vitale -Ili. arrived _.-.-. r_ Tho T9fh. 1W27.post tltei•l. • - from that place on Tut -sties. They Dear Mr-. Manly.- On the eve .0f Mrs. I)onald T. Mornay.. and child- were also a,vromp tiled by Mr. and fru. of llsvtb ld s,a•nt Geed Friday Thos. Jean.. of the 4121. city. erfOl 1b F -FT(Bt; el -the i'o:h-,rne-T'o' Ito-tuwruwin(t hn,iuind and yonng apwnttwnts'. - e n and other relnrive•'. of 11.101•114441. S(r. 11. Trnmbl.r and Mr. J. Bowler. of hesartfelr sympathy of the eeem- of i etroit. spent the weekend at the munity is ext.nskrl. The funeral rook wishes go with you to your new' home..hume of the latter's parents, Sir. and , pIse. to Klnesr.Rate� cetaetery on Wed As a token ot'rrmcmbrsnae they ask Sirs. M..1. Bowler. modify aftern.wn, !tri.- Mr. eantphell Cott to kindly ne•ee�t this di.teeaan Miss Ethel Whitely'. of Dyer'. Bay. Ofkiating. Kincardine Rerlrw.IG- life•iuemh.rehip In the W. A.. and the is spending the holidays at the tuotry Sooner. naronpn71ti11g Sorter and flowers.of her parents, Mr. nnd Sirs. J. E. - -. - - 25411(.10 %I. Alia ltnrrie .i,.i-tint Whitely. 'Huron road. PERSONAL rJNTION Srsrctary of St. i:mrge's itestaelt---44----Mr • Fred T. ri-a!Ki•, nftr•r !wing the W. A., Goeterieh' IAIII up for se•rernl weeks w• Mr.... T. (i. ('onset and Mims /;ere The purse and flowers were then hirted h•R. Ix now aloe 10 ith M•x alsfracrut Mrd ,,noun nturbrei ia, t week ,from their presented by Mrs. Smith, with the uw' nt crutrhem• I wi1,h•r visit to Fiorewit Mrs. !lardy received the ,gifts most p ondan Fete Prem,+.: Nr. xn•l Slrs. Mr nnd Mrs. Graham Robinson and 3!'1eJ}srlal Ftasttylilk_.__. The E1118141: season of 12.27 will like- ly be remembered for wally sears as an exeeptionally pirasatit nuc. The wwlther was_,nmmetliks iu It. warmth, and there were many visitor. In, coon. the roads bring la eieellent eon dittoo for motor travel. The wea- ttwr eiontiuued war" until Tursdmy night. when a 'beary rain and electrl- 1•11 storm marked v change to cooler weather. Servicee apleroprlale to the Eyster festival were held ein the various with spesciei 071111.x1 pro- grams. gatand war. attended by targe eoogrebua. Dredging at Harbor Eloinuar e Engineer Buughner, :of the Federal IMlwrlment ..pt Public _Works. war herr last week taking sounding+ prepuvt.re to the catling of tenders for dre.tging to t.e Moue at the harbor this year. The- entrance eltennel is to ler dredged to • depth of 951f4 tett and width of 400 feet from deep water out- side the breakwaters to the piers. thus providing aleunelance of leeway fur the jargeed vessels on rutering the harbor. .1s already stated it these columns. .'.IA) feet of concrete construction work 1. to be deur this sensnn On the north pier. and :(10 feet on the swath pier. Tenders for dredging and fur the work on the nortle'pier Ar. to be. ealletil at an early date. It is understood PERSONAL MENTION TRAGEDY AT LOCHALSH Miss Jessie Foster wee ho Dt• tram TL,routo for Easter. Mother and \velment Hale Die as Mr. J. Eagau spent the week -end nt Result of Accidenthis home at London. Meld her a e.lwmnuit) Iwru stlr- Mr. t.. sichaefftr, of Poole, war a Teti as la that of Ashfield and Huron visitor town this week. townahipr by the double tragedy which Miss Sore Hurley. of Sarnia. ie took place on Monday morning. April spe•hdiug We week in town. 11th, when Mrs. Emile Melw•nnau war Mr. and Mee. tiny Sperling. of Dur- so eeriouely Injured about 10 o'clock Ili. *Peat o . *rot !:Water Ia town. that abc passed awn ut noon and the Mr. Stanley l'orter, of Stratford. infant sun. born shortly before' her $Peat the week end ke town ,Leath. died also Mean bothe route lime Miss Myra McNevin. of Toronto. •, uh *wet the weekend ill 10571. Mr. aa! Mrs. McLeunaa and their Mr. Macdonald White mutorrd up 'bre..-year-old soe. Itodnvy, had bee% from Oshawa •1 the weekend. over to the home of her grandmother. Mr. Arthur Bates. of Termite. is Mra George Humphrey. Returning speeding few days in town. pont. they were accompanied by Ifni.Misr V, WI*. of Clinton, visited Humphrey. When going up the hill friend* la town daring the holidays.into their Dome, but 11, e•iinterrivtr 14, Mr. Ernest Pritchard. of (."don. ArbIIPkl. the car stalled on the hill. spent taoud i'rteley with frkuds in which to Somewhat steep, Mr. M.- town. lemma blocked the ,car and all gnu -_. Miss _..Maud.-...1.rxtonr_ y,L.-.Ittet'ruk.-1 Jur-tip rim went to the barn a*Tw.• spent Easter a her home. Kays I cured u horse end cupid. 'l'vmiug back ,britt. ss .4e rtteched the rope to the stalled ear Misr Eteahor Ihugb.rty, of TrRod- and Mrs.'Mclamau then *tipped in mock, is spending the. Easter p erlloo, to the dor to In town. gull i -imp-the hill, The Mss. Alice White'''. of.fldssltoroii. Is ear had just rrh'ely started wbea the *pendia( a week with her piece, Mrs. rope. broke end en !t began to haco J. H. Pipe.. down the hill. MYr. McLennan ran t, ]firs [tetalrh•e Fleury is IpWtdlgg the the car and yrs. Mei.nnan in endear "ring to get out he ams entangled and Emcee holidays with Mr. C. V.'leery. was usable to clear herreelfrlt at unto. .' of Kisatdlne. When she suces•ededvin getting out she Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Prier, of Guelph, fell cinder the whorls and 'was rotted spent Faster with their mint, Mr. W. clown the embankment. She was tun PrIee. Elgin are. cunseloua when plektd up and taken Miss Beatrice Lauder. B.A.. to the house. M, Heal aid was sum ('otharine5- 1. spending the Lenst.r holiday* la town. mooed and It was (bund that she was Internally at. injured Miss Mayo IltlridarL 15 1 ) ed Soo hope was held out for her recover)-. In the spending the Easter vacation with her meantime a little twiby boy was born. retet"ves la town. but ft too passed sway. The reality Mer. W. Feagau and son Marahail, of the tragedy come* home more who have been on the secs lilt. are am- ♦iodly when one looks into the entfin proving the past week. and teem the little one lying on the Mrs. Ii. Elliott aid son Alex, of mother's arm. Wlndaor, spent the Faster week -end This Isnot the first time the ear boa with Mr. anti Mrs. J. Hussey. 'tailed nn the hill and Mr. McLennan Miss Olive Whitely. of Toronto, Ia bad before used the same rope to draw holidaying at the home of her pari•nte, the tar cep. His wife had also steered 31r and M-...1. E. Wbil.ly; the ear And that morning mho coun- t • Miss Mildred Dougherty. of Tor- dently stepped into the car to again onto, spent Easter at 11e hointent.her wnthrr. Mra. N. Dou/berty. • `7 guide it. The car went over the etn- Mr Wallace McLaren. of Toronto. n bankmentand rolled down on its four wheels, not turning over. if the un - was in towu for the week -end and fortunate woman had remained in the pace The Signal a plectwlnt cell. ear she would have come through. per - Miss [Avila H.rn, of Toronto, is hope. without any serious mishap. the Life MembershipPresented MPS. Mr. and Mra. W. Hers. holldaying at the home of her par- V car not being demented In the lea,t. On Tuesday afternoon the ladies of Mrs. Thomas E. (iaul.y and lough-' Uee`ared w"" formerly Miss Viola St. George's congregation met in the ter. Hasel,'••'k►►uw••t a Esater dunday with Fraser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. perish house, where a -presentation Mrs. 1k.naltT, Murray at Baptield I Fraser. Monet. formerly 0f the 4th of was wady tui Mrs. Hardy, president of Me. and Mra. Peter Weir, of Strat- ; llurun. She was totes twenty-five •MIs►--) F Mown-' •14 461" W.-.4-• of O1-lre're-etsitwnr Aye ram wee* etclaps ago sad has tears �a hai. Atrn s. a diocesan life membership in the Wu- ,211, (tome of Sir. nnd! Mrs. Fred Weir. i lean. lean. h haabfft4- ilii$ man's Auxiliary with its accomennc- The Misses Marion and Aviv,, line. leaves 4.111P eon, Rodney. oteout three Ing pin, and also a purse-snd-hnmiuet- Renee. or Gait. are a�pcsidIhj the:1-yam old. lira tcleemen wen we - „f beautiful rows. Easter hotldopx with their aunt. Now !.man !.man by ail who knew her. Of in a few• uleuiug words the re.•trr lglrer ('lark l a bright and ctxerfrl dislxositlon. she to k. th pleasing ng a int A Mtrs !(eta linraetl, principal of the take lla.e, tor whfdh a ma ! myth utntinlwtldru yah.ol f. AioPthlinR h faculty- f t them. iir. we -re. gttthrrwf togs -torr tires Tmo tl F' T 1-i lidai•d h r with her � alawtlt.aud the flrrum,lauu•a ■urruund- with t P ) Nis Mnru l �p•uu +end iir. .los t. 1 r n t. tliLprETurOL'_WtJ(-(ming bcr as a -will, Ntte4r lwrrurt- Mr suet Mrs i'rlar' ferias rhnn4t at 4Ht .rf Hxron but your 111.10.11'tu'e front St. I:eserge'.s leat- her -the ner-wb-tlte--rear einem-Me -de- sire to exert•,► -1u you their sincere re- gret at .•gretat having to hid y. u good-bye: erne" til' .i4 0re yon their baric good pfraelonm(t. -mt 111P nstor hu o in. %'alter itatt.-Te•n. iefTaieleriell. anChildren, of 'h,ronto, wen. iurTLLIy ,.s,•wrd+ .zpn•ssrd Nr. Inniy'" lir. and Mrs. Carl Larson, of Walker- visl!Jry with their r,iady.-. here•. ' aiprvriatioh of the kind thought of tin. were retie-nt guests with Mr. nn't lieu Shia Wdolkmtr•, of Toronto, tk. W• '‘• uipmlwr In .•harming a R[ft Sirs. W. E. Kelly. Itidenti*tiet *truth. ; spent Ensue et the bonne of her iter• which would, be se) m11ch valued as the Alrs. S. Frelhurg.r. of Kitchener, ' .nus. S1r and Mrs. F. W.w,lte nates Iii•-metelw•rship. aid new of the Sonars•` wits visiting friends nt 1,ttngunnon. Slims Vicki Stonehouse, of a'hatluem. and flowers., floarrs.-- o Nile slid Crewe the last two week% i4 the guest this week of her .i -ter. Tea nes then served and a - Iasi and also visite,! Mrs Jam. 3114'ra.kin. hunt spent. Mr* Rohe Wilson, Cameron alrw•t. HRiEFM -- 51-e our display and priers eof enamels and sI ngeu Campbell's Drug store. Th. next Inthtic holiday is the 24111 of May, which falls this yanr on a Tuesday, Dr. W. F. Clark. secretary lot Moo Goderich Treetthig- nnil facing .1''a' 'Ilie,n, reports ,I good number of -tel- lies for the sti►ks trees ,, fn' 1fett sr the IIS m,et on .4ggusl 1st. Buaki it, to lutee nn i;u 'rnstil.K cot emits!' nnnir.rsnry prevent en Sntulrday next. SI. (icerge•'A 1)tty. In ,,1/1,•11 air. John Grit. of iheler4e•h. I. to have 11 prominent pert as the grand- son of the remoter of the 11otnl Pity. Sirs, W. F. Wut,I, I •r' and. Mr I1.•rt ('nit will assist aith emelt polos ie the program nt Slnl-K,. Hall on Thnrobry and Frl.le.v"of next week; when the 'any --Mettler Mine" will he glen by the ytinunR 114411164 of ''il•tmrlu Street ehnreh. Rev. S. R. Hnnty will nfMint. next The C. N. R. has pinup," tato alb Sunday for the MO time as rector of steel coaches( on Its paseenger*train. Rt. Georyr''e church. The Arehhlih0p leaving bore 111 6 a.m. and Arriving at hes appointed Rev. Mr. Tan,o k. of 10::10 p.m. These aro heavy. easy - riding toachev of the uteet eleslge and iwatMn. to eon,ncr tn. n-rved� following linnets,• nnill the spiwdnt. area notibk' Addition to the vont:* went of pie tioderie•h•Tnrnnto merrier. meat of a flee, i• , nmlent. I;od,rtch, over Goal F'rltIy'• 1 bits. Ina W1111*tts, of Chatham. Is Mr. and Sir. \i' It. finder had ns guests for t`o-144 t.l Ur. 1 H'. For rb•r noel Mrs. Ferrier, of 4)stiawit )Ills Madge \Wither. It.\ , and Mis More Pinder. R.N.. of Cleveland, 0111o. alai bir. Wm. Henry. of Toronto. Mr. Wm. 4 ,Illuw. of ih•troit. visited friends in town ever the holiday. Miss J1.rle iMrLltnsh; mf 1)reeden, is ho,lelay 1115 at the home of her parents. • Mr. Fred blrblilhtn. of fort hover. m1w•111 the 1'eek4,111 •i1 1ly Erin. of Mr,. :)114 \Its iC. G M'Mllitur. Mr. 4, T. Goldthorpe. of t;nitlitviorpc. Ont.. risen' n few day% In /min thin ' week. Like other t:nrl.rlch old hers! nhrond. he Is looking forward to ern•I t,•nninl week And 14 planning special nrrnneem.nts tm !ning down a party from Kirkland Lake. A family rennlon 5714 held nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wootton. Flu - ren nerd. over the 1,:nster holiday. Those present Included Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wo.dton, Mr. and Mem. O. Miller. mien Sound: Mr. oval Mrs, F. (3ar& tree. Rtratferd: Mrs. R. Kenney. Kuhryvllle, bile Mr. and Mrs. W Price. (Ioderleh ; aiio Mr. loot Mrs: T. Wont ton'. Rrsadcgildrea Dorothy. Mnrlel and Lloyd Wootton and Met- jnrle and Verna Miller. Owes wound. $het Iron and Florence Prier t;o,lcrlh. ,ponding the Ea411 r t-aea21n hire• Skil her mother, Mrs:A. A. Willlams. Mr. and Sirs. Peril I:a1.10y. of Lot - exon. ween• helidn)' vis1tnrx with Mrs. Corley''s. parents Nr' and Mrs. W. Gritdriel Morar.. E. 4' Ru bell, Thos. Solite. ii. 'II Promote and Ileracr Cunnlcu- 1 :ane made up a quartette from Walk - ,•r,i'J.• win vidt,d 11.ede•rkh for the meek tel. making the trip by automo- bile. air. and Sirs. Ernest Porter nnd etitdren, Wee Gertrude Porter and Mr. Sid tioeey r,tnrned by motor on Sntnrday from St 1'eter.bnrg, Florida. where they repent the winter mouth%. They had an enjoyable visit In the Smith. but they report hominess condi- tion!' there to be very finitt. We. George Johnston, who lett ln4t week with other members of the Vim - 1!y *attend the funeral of her meth -r. Mrs. H. it. Mooney, at 1nvernees. Que. was taken aPrinualy ill on ar- rival at Toronto and was taken to the hraraltalthere. her sister. Mira eFlor- P11.P Mooney. 'remaining with her. An operation was Lound necessary for the remota' of en interne' ulcer. and this, was %uecesafully performed std Noe. 1 iohnatm la now rxtrt d. to le pee - eRtu lig favotnbly. .4441. 4 Y 4