The Signal, 1926-12-9, Page 6•
We invite you to call and
see our complete stock of
Gifts which we have care-
fully chosen and collected
here for your benefit.
We &+ave for EVERY-
BODY at very reasonable
Nicely fie red,, ote Paper with
dainty line d�envelopes from
lilt' to 115.00 per box. Bee
the new Parker Fountain Pen
and Pencil Sets for ladies in
the pretty pastel shades, also
Parker gets for gentlemen.
Have you secured your Christ -
mu Cards ? We have a
beautiful stock with the lined
envelopes to match. Priced
at 2 for 5c to 35c each.
Cole's Book Store
Suecessor to Porter's
Take No Chances
With Your Battery
When You are not using
your ear, your battery is grad-
ually losing its -charge. A di. -
charged battery freezes when
the mercury drops to 32 (freez-
ing point). Then the battery
is junk. PIar-safe and let us
store it this - winter, and it
n'i'l be kept charged all win-
ter. Our price for wintertator-
age is reasonable, and we will
come and get your battery.
it sure pays to beam tis sage elk i
Barker Bros.'
Service Station
t1 ».,•' 417rr li, uli•f ill
Empire Anthracite
Stove size. A oar lust in.
Pocohontas 4 -inch Lump
Briquettes - -
A fust -class heel fie .totes
Lot ys supply vow wants in Fuel
Prompt service and reasonable
Telephone 178 j
Smart Chic Styles'
Guderich, Out.
It came Upon the widinglit clear
That glorious song of old.
From aagela bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold:
'Peace on the earth. goodwill to Well.
Frew heaven's all-gractuus King;'
The world In solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing.
Fur, 1o; the days are bastening on.
By prophet bards torJ•tokL
When with the ever-eittling years
Conte* round the age of gold,
When peace shall oven all the earth
It* aucient splendors fling.
And the whole world give back the
Which now the Angela sing.
—E. H. Sears.
('reale In u*e 0 God. a clean heart
and renew in us a right spirit that we
may with gladnesa go forth to des our
part in telling the old. old story of
Jesus and Hes love. in Iiia nam a and
for His sake we ask it. Amen.
S. S. Irl•S$ON FOR DEC. illi 11120
Lesson Thie—Chriatams Ig.s—
The Saviour's Birth
Lewron Passage --Luke 2:S-20.
Golden Teat ---Luke 2:10.
Caesar Augustus issued an edict
that a general census of hie kingdom
should be taken. Judea had become
a province of the Roman Empire and
therefore its people bad to go to their
tribal town, to register. The Roman
Emperor, in thus serving his own pur-
poses. was the instrument used for the
fulfllmeut of prophecy. By bringing
Joseph and Mary from Nazareth to
Bethlehem at that tartiCular time that
which waa foretold by Mesh cards[ to_
(a.,+. "But thou, Bethlehem Epbra-
tah, thottgh thou be little among the
thousands of Judah, yet out of thee
shall He come forth that is to be ruler
in Israel; whose goings forth have
been from of old, from everlasting.'"
Itrovidenee orders all things for tail
carrying out of His purposes and the
fulfilling of Scripture. The Messiah
was to be of the seed of 1)arid and It
was because the Virgin .Mary was of
Ute stock and lineage• of David that t
Bathe in Waterers and
warm water, rubbing
the solution into the
aching parts with the
rte' tips. t
Minard's L also *Andid for sprains, bruises
and strained ligaments'
she had to tette Der home in Nazareth
and go to Bethlehem. where. in the
humblest sarroundings, the Prince of
Glory entered this world. some say, In
time to be enrolled along with Joseph
and Mary that it might appear !tow
"He made Himself of no reputation
and took upon Himself the fortes of a
His being horn 1n a *table. laid in a
manger and cared for by Ilia own
father and mother indicate their poo- 1
erty, for had they been rich. room •
would have been made for them and a
the service of common humanity given I p
the mother. There was. however, a t
glorious reception being prepared for 1
rho newborns babe. All heaven was p
interested in the event. even though no r
one In Bethlehem cared. f
t Writers tell us that shepherd* in
the Fast drove. their flocks about rasa- h
over time out to the f1 kis, and re- t
rosined out with them all summer a
under cover of huts or tents, return-
ing with them late in the autumn. but a
thosen to have the first news of the
birth of: the Messiah. The angel was
twit rent to the eblef priests to pro-
claim to them the good news of the ar-
rival of * Deliverer. for they were not
ready to receive him. It was to hum-
ble. men dlligtgtly watching over their
8uekr to protect theta from thieves or
beasts of prey: and to such the heav-
enly rkdtor spoke a.ed, so that they
might not mak, any mistake about 1t*
hetmg an angelic messenger. the glory
of the Lord shone round about them.
The sight was such as to nil them
with fear and at mire the angel re -ns -
:wired Ih•w. raying there sus no need
for them to fear Ire had &sone to bring
evil tidings;' Ilia mesaage was to 1*
to thew a matter for joy. "111to you
Is born this day, in the city of Datk1,
h Saviour which 1s Christ the Lard."
It was a pier of good new's that was
iuteud.rt for all pis,ple. so the abets
herds were meant to spread it ahroat
and were told how to find the Saviour
Bethlehem was at that time full of the
descendant. of David.. but this par
ticular one would be easily located.
for Ile wauld Iw found where nu new-
born infant had ever been laic! before.
As the angel ceased speaking a
multitude of the heavenly host ap-
peerrd xnd._hund _into swig.- proclaim-
in.g that the coming of the Messiah
was for the highest glory of God and
the greatest gond to men. Bin had
raised enmity between God and tuaa
but now Gal's goodwill in standing the
Messiah, the Mediator, brought peace
on earth, and such was proclaimed by
a heavenly choir singing, "Glory to
God In the highest. and on earth
peace. good will toward men."
The shepherds had no doubt in their
minds of the truth of the message
they had received and that had been
s, gloriously corroborated. for they,
wing again alone. said ono to another,
'Let us now gr eves unto Itethlehem,
nd see this thing which is come to
miss. which the Lord bath made known
o us." The wend
sakes Ile become poor, that ye through
His poverty might be rich."
Jesus Christ, the same yeatcrday,
today and forever, •a God's Christ
was gift to all manklud, to you soul
to me.
Tolstoi tells a lovely little story of
two pilgrims who aet out for Jeru-
salem. YeIe;ei *topped 10 help a
starving family. He bought food.
fetched water, spilt woodstarted the
groat oveu tire, cursed and fed the
sick. redeemed the mortgage on the
home, and bought hack the row, horse
and scythe with which the living was
earned. His money was all guue. and
hr could nut hope to overtake his com-
panion on the road, so he returned
lame and derotei himself again to
daily duty. Yeflm would not pause
to help 'moms. Ilea reached Jerwsa-
I lent. visited the sacred pieces. obtained!
• earth from Calvary, water from the
Jordan, and blessed amulets of every
kind, but because of the throng he
could toot reach the Hely Sepulchre.
let, "under the lamps themselve*
where the blessed tire burns Wore
a11." he saw a vision of Yeltsei, wear -
Ing a halo of 'Dining glory *Mout his
head. Far jefim had brought Ms
body to the Hai' —Lanai, bid -Christ
Himself bad come to the soul of Yele-
sei. "And he learned that in this
world God hid* every one do his duty
till death. --in love and good deeds."
ear eyes
tad seen and their tars had beard were
ut aside and they were all eagerness
u ace the Babe of Bethlehem. They
ound what they .sought and they
'naiad not but speak the things they
ad sewn sad heard. and these hearing
Item tell of their heavenly messenger
nit attendant host of singers, wonder-
ed; but Mary hid them In her heart
not pondered over the future of her
ondrour Babe. The shepherds re -
limed to their night watching, but
th niers-and hearts -lineal n•Itb the
that after the reins, towarde the end
of' December, the flocks were again
driven' forth.`il" * illEen"at this tamer
time that shepherds were abiding in
the geld keeping watch over their flak
by night and being, no doubt, such as
Simeon who. we are told, waited for
he (owed/Ginn of Israel. they were
glorious theme of grace and peace to
whosoever, Jew or Gentile, would open
hla heart to receive It. ''Te know the
rrace of our Lord Jeans (shrlst, that
though Ile was rich, yet foe your
Excites' husband (hurrying Into
wife's room t : "Oh. Laura! intelli-
gence has last reached me'—"
Wife feabrecing him): "Olt, my
dear' At last! At taatr-
Conductor: How old are you, little
Professor's Daughter: 1f you don't
ohjeet. !'ll pay my full fare and keep
my own atatfstkss.
Now is the time to renew your sab-
seriptton and get one et The Signal's
calendars fur 1927.
The Baby's Cold
Cassta.sI "'•'.i•
with Iat.ra.t medicine
•.s.t. 4M1.a.attt.
e comwe t.. Tr..t egad.
. rt.ea.IIy pith vies•
Y. I..t nib n ea.
Do Your Christmas Shopping
at Sparr's Grocery
where you will find a complete and wholesome
stock of fresh
Christmas Groceries, Mita, Olives
A delightful assortment of
Candies and Chocolates, Oranges and Other Fruits
Candy boxes supplied Finite, for Chocolates and Crearus
Sparr's Grocery
"The Store of Satisfaction"
Hamilton Street Goderich, Ontario
Telephone 146 We deliver in town.
We Are Authorized Agents in this District for
A. C. Dayton Radios
A Set would make an ideal Christmas Gift for
anyone of the family
We will demonstrate this Radio Set at your home or
at our store at any time
Phone 5 r 3. Dungannon Central
A General Line of Hardware The Service Store
Rubbers Rubbers
Our new stock of MINER
BRAND Rubbers has
Miser Ashlers are Gaaraateed
Tliey, kre pressure cured
. They are the beet
Our Stock is complete in new
Fall Footwear
\1'e aitn to please you, in fit.
quality and price
�. gene's Shoe Store
Phone {3w The Square•
See the Beautiful--Line-of-1
- Gifts
for Christmas
made by inembera
of our {S'oulen'a Exchange
Miss S. Noble
British Exchange Block God. -rich
114 -invite -you -to
Universal Millinery
North Side of Square
We Specialize
in Cream Goods
4)F Al.t, Kist)»
Cream Sponges,
Cream Puffs, Etc.
E. U. Cleveland
Phone 114 West Street
When Parliament was des. 1 . 1' sndrenly last July, , Dirge volume of business,
laelinling conslderntpon of the .•s11mats". wars lett untlnlyped. .t short. pre-Chrlstata.-
sesslnn Is to he held in the hope that the voting of supply may he pot thriolgh thn Henilte
of ('ommmnv In time to permit of an adjournment by a (late that will enable the members
to ranch their homes for the Yuletide.
It Is enn.sldercrl likely that lion. Rodolphe Lemletts will again bn cho rn as Speaker
of the House when Parliament meets on )tremor 9. and the arymeh from the Throne will
he delivered the ns•et day by ills Eccellc•ney Viscount W1111ngdmn. the new t;ot•ernor.Gen.
cast. The same pressing there is 111 be held nt (iovernmeut Item• a state thinner and re-
eeptlin, but owing to the earl% (tart of the vewlon ieIng of such abort duration the cus-
tomary drawing room of Their Facellerr•les will lee postponed till early In January.
An interesting .cent tinting the session which will doubtless he made the occasion
of cnnslderable eere•mony w 111 1w• 110• dedication of the carillon now being Installed to the
Victory Tower. The largest of the fifty-three belle weighs ten tons, and when all are In
Mare there will Ia•ehore than 100 tons of Ie•11 metal In the tower.
centre. fa V lwsetn t W lilingdrkrn, (hooveG ieneral ; right. Rt. I on �VntL. hMat kn'nste King.
Prime Minister: left. lion, Hugh (iutbH••. ('onserrntive Honer. leader. Below Is a group
pastnre of the Pahtnet :
Front mw—Hen. J. A. Root). Silrtlster of Finants'; Hon. Senator Ramal flandnrand.
withont portfolio; Rt. Hon. 1V. i.. Mackenzie King. Prime Minister and Minister of Eater-
'rrat Affairs: Hem; Ernes? Lapointe. Justice; tion. Charles lltewnrt. Interior
Standing. hark row—Hon. Fernand) Rinfret. Secretary of State; lion. Robert Forke.
Immigration: Hon. ,1. t• titilntt. Public !Works; Hon. W. D. Enter. Customs and Excites:
Hon. Chas. A. Thinning Railways and Canals: lion. W. H. Motherwell, Agriculture; Hon
P. J. A. (`*Mtn. Marine and Fisheries; Hen. James Maleolm. Tends and (inmmerce; [fon.
Dr. J. R. King, Health and D.S.('.R.: Hon. Lnck'n Cannon, Solicitor—General; Hon. P. J.
enlot, 1'oatmaater-General ; Hon. Peter Heenan, Labor.
We carry a good stock of
Electrical Appliances
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in Wiring
of All Kinds
Estimates given on
All Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
Telephone 82 West Street