The Signal, 1926-12-9, Page 2ESTABLISHED 1848
Member et Canadian Weekly News-
paper Assoelatlea
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per year. To
Gut. Jd States and Foreign Countries,
$:'.50 per year, strictly In advance.
Telephone 33 Goderich, Out.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thursday. 1) ecwber 9, 1tr26.
Why tYd Huron county Iasi week
elect two "dry" eandidat. a with rt•eord
majoritlee. while other counties that
bad voted strongly for the 1).T.A. ou
the plebiscites elected Government con-
trol candidates or gave scout majors -
ilea fur O.T.A. men" This is a question
that Is being asked by many.
Was it because Huron bad a more,'
efficient temperature organisation than
other counties? For year' before the
O.T.A. went tufo effect there was a
strong organization that bad been
built up its this eounty in suceeswtve
campaigrw fur aut1-llquor legislation,
local option bylaws and the Canada
Temperate* Act. Then. too. the fact
that the O.T.A. was more firmly and
thoroughly enforced in this county
must have had w,mettttng to deo with
the result. Respect for the law was
Surely there eon be very few of The REPORTS PORTS SHOW le"
Star's readers who waist to file a $c. i�isa Vag
ture of that Dort
• • •
Mr. Intuit's, suggestion for the re-
turn of the present town council by
acclamation for eco
1 tl f the, a leaa
st l year
has much to commend it, even if .ebe Brous Ooutribtttion Received,
townspeople have to forgive such. as i from Kr. George R. Gordon,
exhtbltkin to that in connection with ! Vancouver, B.O.
the pavement bylaw.
• • I The annual meeting of the Algyan-
8ume day.rhe tbe weather, hilus dra Hospital Association was• held in
m'wthe council chamber at the town hall
so many other things. may be stand -1 ou F'tJday evening, November 26th,
ardlzetl. so that lake shippers may with an attendance of about twenty -
know Jo a day when to lay up their , ave. The president, Mr ft. M'
boats for the sas
eon. As It la at gaw, was In the chair. s'
Yr. Megaw io his•+.'eniug retuarks
present, the effort to prolong the sea- spoke of the otttstau tri bonds Issued
son of navigation tmpertlerhe lives of is connection with the establishing of
hundreds of peeamen, and taking It
the new hospital, amounting to SS,:
000, and stated that after ,•ousuhatlou
year by year ons wonders 1f the De- with the town conned it was under-
eemter traffic Is worth while from the stud that a bylaw would to plaeed
before the electors In January which
If catrted would relieve the huapltal
board of this obligation and place it
upon the general body of ratepayers.
• • • He hoped this bylaw would receive the
.t despatch to The Toronto Star assent of the voters, and he asked the
---member of the Asaehtath,Q to give It
from Ottawa forecasts Important re- their active support.
dnetions of taiution In the budget -to Financial Statement
be presented at the session of Parlta. The financial statement presented by
ment now opening. It Is rumored that -rhe rrr. Mr. E. V. Lc...lie, was
us folllowslows:
the reductions will consist largely of
the wiping out of so-called "nuisance•'
taxes, further exemptions from the
sales tax and an equalization of the
Canadian income tax with that of the
['rifted States. A'good program, ex-,
eept that, in tbe opinion of The Signal,
the sales tax should be wiped out be -
monetary standpoint. The the -up at
the St. Mary's River this week must
be costing many thousands of dollars.
lislanes from 30th Septem-
ber, 1996 $ 490.86
/'ash received from paying
pa tleots 5.742.35
Cash received from Women's
Auxiliary 906.00
Grants -Town of Qoderlch500.00
County of Huron' 750.00
dealt ods io large and frequent doses fore any further reduction is made la Province of Ontario 4+10.40
at the magistrates olllee. while In the income tax. -Donations = Auburn Cporal
other sountiex. apparently. there was
Society .i.90
a great deal of .Deli} In enforcement. Robins, Y. 10.00
WORKED FOR FATHER OF ltefunel •from X-ray' stl 00
Perhaps the fact that those ol,ps,ld MILT BER_ELECT LONG AGO *1,4.1414114N812receipts 142.12
to 1h.• 1).T..%. ksuw ttutt even should
it he defeated the Canada Temperance Sema Bees dseenees Rrou,ht l p sty $12.100t$4
Mud= C. A.Robertson
Art would still n•mnln In this county •Fresh or canoed meat. fish.
Mr. John Hlltutt. B.A.. of London._
had sort» 4101 effect in the recent wrltee to the editor -fowl. stutter, eggs $ 1,oBt.?.3
campaign. Further. Huron has no election:rrganllag the re -
large centre of population and all "Thr triumphant election for North
thru gh the I'rovine 1t was the eltler Guntn ut (hex, A. Ruh rtxun. k pro -
duet of my native tnwnshlp of 1'ul-
that voted strongly for "wet" card.- iorne. please.l me spry mueh. I have
dates. while the rural districts were not met Mr. Robertson. but 1 know the
'dry." Geoierirh. the large..t town in stock from which he comer. More
the county. was the onlymunicipality
than fifty years ago 1 hand sheaves
for his father, t(.n.Iy' Robert
DEAL promptly with the
first sign of hoarseness.
soreness or inflammation -
it might be the forerunner of
laryngitis. influenzaorserious
bronchial trouble.
The quickest, safest and
most soothing remedy is
Peps. As a Peps tablet dis-
s1lves in the mouth it gives
off medicinal fumes that are
breathed into the innermost
recesses of throat and chest.
In their speedy direct way Pepe
thoroughly disinfect the throat and
air -tubes. destroy mischievous germs,
relieve say soseae•s. Iofhmtpatioa
or irritation.
in North Huron to give a majority for helping to folio* Andrew Young of
the Conservative ,•apdtdate. Iu South the next farm with his old-fashloned
Huron Hay township gave a majority reaper which dropped the grain at the
of thirteen for the Government cos -
rear of the machine. 1 remember
with Some pride that though a young
trol eandktate. stmt hayfield gave the fellow. In my teens 1 received from
relatively large majority of 73. but the present member's grandfather.
this was Ilse more. perhaps. to Ray- Peter Robertson. a man's 11•1Y fur my
field's pronounced political slant than work, a dollar a day. it seemerl a
pity that Mr. Robertson'+ sun•exs
111 Its "wet" proclivities. should mean the defeat of my esteemed
It might he claimed that all the friend John Joynt. The last time i
votes In North Huron were cast
met. Mr. Jnynt we recalls ei the days
when I was getting experience by
agnlnst Government ermtrol. since the tiaching the school at Belfast and he.
Conservative candidate pronounced with headquarters at St. Helens. was
against that policy: but the claim can laying the foundation for future Sue -
1 ,„ .als.tantlated. The vote in l'e'as by collecting ashes In the district. $12,106.8:3Another native of Colborne town -
the north r. "rryr asiu fltl-smith. was shrp Interestedin Mr. Rulsttspn's HOLDING FUNDS ACCOUNT
practical!, rote her or agptinat the election It the ablest sum -trine eiangh_ Reeelpts
ter of Robert Kerr, of the 5th curlew• Balance 0th September.
policy put forward by Premier Fer• 1925 $ 111.22
slur: Mrs. John Mc•(:rattan. of Mid- Received from treasurer
land, Ont.. a girl friend In the early
Another factor in the situation 1n days of Mr. Robe►rtson's mother. Orae maintenance fund 1.000.00
thts ruunty was the withdrawal of the. was bride/mind at the other** Wedding Rank interest 2.24
Bequest 1'. Girvhl estate 500.00
Huron Mr. Trewartha dropped out he- North Huron."Expenditures
('nun ek Sup i11MM).151
eRUPP he had given certain promises (:nderlch Planing )tills Co1(4.514
to his temperance supporters; but he �_ HT ''R SHORT COURSE McDonald Win (10.00
campaigned for the lloterument_con- ._ - TO BE GIVEN AT BLYTH ltalanee 30th __ September.
trot candidate nevertheless. In North 19211 18.68
Huron Mr. Mete did not explain bin ,� and flow Beonomles to
Be Sublrgts •r tln.ettartlon $2.018.46
withdrawal, hut It was generally Arrangements have feeo tirade by I ASSETS AND LI.1ltiLITIES
taken to mean that he felt he could the Ontario Department - of Agrleul- Assets
not be elected on the Government roti- titre. threug8 the local agricultural Yash on ham. and 1st IGtnkx 182.(0
trop platform. Thos in both ridings representat,ve, for the holding of a Aernaut+ receivable 731.00
four .weeks' course in Blyth. The Inventory of supplies on hand 1,509.000
the men who were ehoaen to represent young men's course in sericulture and Plant and permanent equip -
the Coneervative party in the cam- the s-onng ladles' ranee in home e•e,t- I ment 9.010.00
palgn were defeated before they mimics will beheld during January. New hospital 45.00(1.0(1
started. 1,1%1. 1401.k. field cropsand other nen-1)11 hospital building 2.:00.00
cultural subjects will 1e d1acuaanl in Sinking fund payments -1.647.00
The verdict of .the ballot -boxes is the boys' claw -room, while honaehold 1
the 'vault of a multiplicity of motives science. sewing and home nursing and I t $00,589.00
still causes; but perhaps some et the first old will he the subject' of the kc- I i.iabilities
main cancels which operated in the tures given the girls. There will he Bank loans $ 400.00
special lectures In mem- subjects. such Accounts payable 409.00
aa -int Hs pun(ry- alar neekeep h1lL ttwirle and
lsuarl� 7ssu! - 809900
have been here suggested. sheep marketing and others. Interest on bond issue to
' These ,hurtss have been eoniturttsl'1September 13th. 19286471)0
throughout the Province for several (hrang contractors re now
years and the filet that they are hospital 2,109.00
shifted about In each county or dist- Reserve for had debt, 2811
loo it early and often. ' net annually gives a wide scope to the Surplus 47,722.00
• • • I numbers' Ihnt only attend. The iM
December had 11 chance to Improve portnnce of agricultural information I $00,569.00
and education is readily realised and I'itOGitESS Ill THE HOSPITAL
the weather record of the year, but Is nil who ern should without question-_ Number of 'sinews treated in 1926,
not making very gran. rase of 11s oppor- arrange to attend. x19; fi 1925. 240; In 1921, 219. Re
Floor, bread, etc. 210.67
11111 and cream 366.110
Fruit and vegetables 120.40
Groceries 1.198.03
Alcohol 74.00
Drngs. medicines, surgieal
appliances, Instruments.
Furniture, furnishings, bed-
ding. etc.
Laundry. brooms, brushes.
soaps. etc.
Water and ice
Taxes and Insurance
Printing. postage and sta-
tionery 99.51
Miscellaneous. telephone. ete. 271.36
Salaries nod wages 4,!417.43
.Advances to building fund
(since repaid) 1.000.00
Advances to X-ray account140.95
.'ash on hand and 1n bank
Sorb September, 1926163.23
two men who but for the Ferguson and naturally Mrs. Mel:rattan 1s glad Bank to
proposals would no doubt have been
to know that the wart of leer old ,
friends. ,Alexander Robertson nntl Mary
the Conservative candidates. Ifs South A. Long. la now the member -elect fur
• • •
Of course Santa Claus reset.. the ad-
vertisements. flow else would he
knew where to stook up with things
for his big sleigh?
• • •
The Federal Parliament opens today
for the first session since the election.
After urgent matters are disposed of,
there will he rece•1 over the holiday
• • •
Christmas shoppers shpnld peruse
carefully the nnnennc•ornenta in The
Signe I'• adterlianc columns these
days. They nuc• full of valuable sng-
• • •
The Toronto Stnr Is n great news-
paper, bot In our opinion Its editors
'Mow very poor judgment In publlah-
Ing a picture of two eonviM,, band.
tufted. leavtW$ the inion station at
Toronto for Kingston penitentiary.
'Puke Peps whenever you suspect
you seed them A Peps In the
mouth filters the sir you breathe,
and fortifies against sudden colds and
chills and the infection dangers en-
countered in trains, street can and
crowded assemblies.
Peps are equally good for obstinate
coughs and colds, bronchitis, broo
chtal asthma, and other chest weak-
ne•ses of old and young
Ga • rte, a.. d tb.,, b.. *..i . Pep. t•tla,
Ode,' • Of /nr x...4 Mo.*. mr.,aam. Do•n
from Pape C•.. Lrr.o. , •..a, fmonk%
/AffCT/OA'i/11/4'4 T4BlfTS
celpta'from patients in 1926, *8742; in
1925. $7749; in 1924,4 24649. The pro-
portion of upkeep paid by patients for
1926 was 79 per cent.; for 1925. 71 per
cent.; for 1924, 59 per cent. The coat
of patients per day In 1926 was: for
adults. $4.19; for adults and infants.
$3.84: for 1925. adulte, $4.73.
Miss McArthur, superintendent of
the hospital, read a report of the
year's work done under ber super-
Election .f Governors
The retiring members of the board
of governors. Mrs. Felker. Mr. G. L.
Parsons and Mr. R.'.1. Megaw, were
all re-elected fur another term of three
years. no other names being proposed.
The auditora also were re-elected:
Mr. Wm. Irene, honorary auditor,
Shesars. A. M. R. berttwu and G. W.
A vote of thanks to the otheera and
to the ladies for their assistance fa
maintaining the. hospital was passed.
Mr. Megaw announced the receipt
oT i eque for $275 from Mr. Geo. R.
Gordon. of Vaneouver, for the furnish-
ing of a cart In the hospital. Me -Gor-
don Is a former Goderieh boy, a sum
I of the late James Gordon. for many
years assessor of the town.
Edson R. Waite, Secretary
Shawnee, Okla., Board of
THAT a � directory la laws],
TIIAT tbe advertising columns of
newspapers are a real, true buyers/
THAT they tell you where you can
buy what you want at the right
pr e.
THAT up-to;date merchandisers
carry advertised lines
THAT newspaper ads. are of the
net het to the busy shopper.
THAT money -saving opportualties
are to be found in. the advertising
columns. •
THAT in newspaper ads. can be
found truthful facts of Interest to you,
told by modern business concerns.
TIiAT every dollar spent in your
1101111 town makes better Mildness to
help your town grow.
THAT you should not kid yourself;
your town le not so good that it can't
I* made better.
(Copyright 1928)
Gay Christmas Scarfs
DOZENS of those handsome Scarfs of Silk Crepe de
Chine. We have every color and color combinations.
They are 2 yards long and about 17 inches
wide. Beautifully hemstitched ends. Each. ..
Women's Silk Bloomers, heavy all -
silk. with elastic at waist and knee.
Splendidly made. Colors -peach,
pink, rose, canary, greens, grey and
black. Small, medium and large
sizes, Boxed singly, per
garment $2.25
Silk Slips
Opera top style and shadowproof.
of ors, $2, $2.50, $330
Men's Scotch Knit Camel Hair
Gloves with Dome fastener. Splen-
didly made and very warm. Small,
medium and large sizes. $ (ia
Boxed, per pair ..... .w
Rugs: -
11 x 3 yards .... $5.95
2x3yards $725
3 x 4 yards . *13.75
quality Gold Seal
Wilton Rugs
2 1/4 x 3 yards .-•• .....$29.00
3 x 4 yards $45.00
Men's heavy. finest quality Irish
linen, hemstitched with embroidered
initial in corner. We have every
initial, 2 or 3 or 6 in Lox, 50c
each J
Plain Irish linen, hemstitched. for
men, at each ....25c„ 35c and 50c
Women's linen Handkerchiefs, arse=
broidered in exquisite colorings, also
white. Never before such a large
choice or such value. All boxed,
each 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c
Silk Hose
Hokproof make, perfect quality, in
black, nude, grey, sand, $1nn
83/2 to 10. Per pair • • • . . V V nn
Women's extra heavy fleeced Pen-
man's make Bloomers in pink,
peach and white. 10 dozen on sale.
Sizes 36 to 44. Regular 75c
$1.25, per pair
Men's Night Gowns
Men's Night Gowns of finest Eng-
lish flannelette in neat patterns, full
size, well made. Sizes 14 $ � 75
to 17. Boxed, each special . 1
"I Had Bilious Attacks
and Stomach Weakness"
%irs. Wm. laMwsse. Yen -
ker. Saps.. writes: 1
"I suffered from stomach and
liver trouble. and used to have
bilious attacks so bad that I could
do nothing for weeks at a time.
My stomach would be so weak
that not even a drink of water
would stay on it. On my siater'a
advice. I began to use Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and
must say that they have made me
feel like a new woman."
O•• Pill • Dna*. 15 res. • a.,, all Dealers. et
flap Dr. A. W Mar M./Wn• ('n., Ltd., Torquato. O•etsd•
Beat It
The young bride had come out
second hest In her first encounter with
the cookbook and gas ranee. She ran
b thy• telephone and ealled up her mo-
"Mather aha *fibbed "1 can't un-
derstand It. The recipe saris cicsriy.
')firing to boil on brink fire 'stirring
for two minutes; then heat It for ten
minutes' And 'when i came )eek
again It was burned to a crisp."
"HABIT, kept me from a Real Shave."
THAT'S what many men confess, • once they've learned the
advantages of the stropping feature of the Valet AutoStrop
a'I formerly used an ordinary safety razor," many say "but
only the first few shaves with a new blade were good. After
that it was a choice between a poor shave or a new blade.
Now I give my Valet AutoStrop Razor blade a few strokes on
the4trcp without removing it from the holder, and thus enjoy
many perfect shaves from the same blade."
Changing Habits
If you're in a habit rut, why not break loose and
find out how superior shaving is so easily attain-
able? If you'll just switch to a Valet AutoStrop
Razor you will never return to old ways, for it
is the only razor that automatically sharpens its
own blades without removing them.
Leather strop for
sharpening blades
is supplied as part
of every set.
Sold the world over
Millions of satisfied users
Primer -
Complete Outfits. =1.00
D• Lusa Models. $5.00 up.